The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 204: Lead the wolf into the room

Wei Zhan sat on the horse with his eyebrows down and his left hand raised. This time, a handful of heavy spring rain nails were emitted, and the broken stone tiles fell.

Then he made a mistake with his hands, and the clasped white swords separated, holding the knife in his left hand and moving straight forward, slamming into the heart of the woman in front of him.

This is a fight for life, if both sides don't stop, the woman's double swords can penetrate his chest, shoulders, and shoulders, but his height and arms are long, and the white sword with the left hand can pierce his chest first.

That’s not to say, Wei Zhanmei’s right hand was not idle, he didn’t even bother to hit the chain hammer forward and back when he didn’t move. His right hand shook, and the handle of the white knife in his right hand was connected by an iron chain. It was a chain knife. !

The chain knife flew up like a white line, and the center did not penetrate into the opponent's throat. The old man melon farmer changed his color in amazement.

However, Wei Zhanmei still miscalculated.

He thought that the left and right sides and the front had responded to it, but the thin man rolled behind him while throwing out the stone hidden weapon.

When he concentrated on facing the front and killed the old man on the right, the thin man stood up and pierced his left thigh and right shoulder with one hand and one dagger.

Fortunately, the thin man was frightened by the death of the old melon farmer, thinking that Wei Zhanmei was aware of it. He did not choose the heart to start. Anyway, he knew that his dagger was poisonous, and that the woman in front of him had other magical powers, as long as he hurt him. Wei Zhanmei is not worried that this kid can live till dawn.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows ache in his thighs and shoulders, and then numb, yelling bad!

After being stabbed, the thin man shook his body and backed away without any muddle.

However, Wei Zhan's eyebrow reaction was faster than his movements. He turned his right hand back into a circle, wrapped the neck of the thin man behind him with the chain on the handle, and strangled the thin man behind him.

But in this way, the strength of the left hand inevitably weakened, and the obese woman in the front struck with two swords, and his left hand fell to the ground in vain.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows were in danger. After the fat girl knocked down his knife, there was a momentary pause. Wei Zhan's free left hand pointed like a knife, a hand knife, across the opponent's hands, and pointed at his throat.

The fat girl didn't have time to fight back, and she saw that the counterattack was about to succeed. She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were dark and illusory, and there seemed to be an extremely familiar figure standing there.

After Wei Zhanmei saw the image, he was inexplicably surprised, and then his head was dizzy.

Oops, contemplation!

This dizziness is terrible. Although Wei Zhan's eyebrows are powerful, he wakes up again in less than half a breath, but the hand knife stagnates, and the fat woman's double short blade can be handed to the front. The skin of his throat has already felt the cold on the tip of the knife. Coolness.

That's it!

As soon as this idea was born, Wei Zhanmei saw the fat woman scream, his face was confused and struggling, and the double-edged blade did not move forward and plunged into his throat.

Opportunity is not to be lost. In the time of life and death, Wei Zhanmei has no time to explore the cause, and the elbows are gathered again, and the knife is cut straight to the woman's throat, and he must treat her body in her own way.

The tip of the **** has touched the soft and weak pharynx of the other party, but Wei Zhan's brows suddenly flashed the figure standing deep in the woman's eyes just now. For some reason, there seemed to be a voice in his heart to stop him from hurting the other party.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows were cut into pats instead of a ghostly messenger, and he put a palm on the side of the fat woman's neck, knocking the opponent out.

When the crisis was lifted, Wei Zhan's eyebrows were soaked and weak, and the two wounds were painful and itchy. He sat down slowly, and must first control the spread of his injuries and virulence.

The virulence of the knife wound did not seem to be very severe. After sealing the pulse to stop the bleeding and taking anti-poisoning drugs, Wei Zhanmei felt that his actions had not been greatly affected.

The fighting time just now wasn't long, and the noise was not very loud. Even if the people around heard it, they didn't dare to come out to check during the martial law. The alley was very deep and did not disturb the officers and soldiers.

Wei Zhanmei rested for a while, then stood up and thought about it. The fat woman just didn't know why she was merciful, and she didn't put a heavy hand on it for some reason. He was cautious, and if he didn't figure out strange things, he would always feel uneasy.

After calculating for a while, he decided to take the woman back home first, and wait until tomorrow's knife wound and residual poison are dealt with, and after interrogating the other party's identity and intentions, he will decide whether to transfer to Nanzhen Fusi or do another treatment.

I clicked on the woman's acupuncture point to make her fall asleep temporarily, and searched her body again, but found no valuable clues. Wei Zhan raised his eyebrows and went to the small courtyard where he lived.

It's getting late, only the west wing still has lights.

There are two grandparents living in the western room. The grandfather is a watchman. He is a watchman outside at night. The granddaughter is named Yin Mingzi. She usually takes some needlework at home to subsidize the family. It is estimated that she is still rushing to work.

There was no one in the hospital, and Wei Zhanmei quickly returned to the room. He put the woman on the bed, treated the wound with one hand, and barely applied the gold wound medicine, and sat on the ground to force the poison to heal the wound.

This movement was troublesome, the wound was so painful as a knife, the virulence that had been confined spread out again, and it was very difficult to control this time.

Wei Zhanmei didn't know that the poison fed on the thin man's knife was called "Three Heavens."

The thin man had the idea of ​​asking for information first if he could get alive, so he didn't use the virulent poison of the blood seal throat.

Wei Zhanmei’s physique is incomparable to Hualanting’s body. Now he can stand it up mentally, but he can’t stand the physical pain. He can’t help but hum, and as the second attack of virulence intensifies, his voice gradually gets worse. The more you come, the more dizzy and the slower your movements.

After Hua Lanting arrived here, he couldn't sense the existence of the sky and blue smoke jade in his chest. When he was thinking about countermeasures, a timid voice came from outside the house:

"Brother Wei, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Can I come in?"

This is the voice of Yin Zi, a girl from Westinghouse. She didn't sleep while doing needlework. The night was silent. When she heard the suppressed painful grunts, she began to feel that the girl's house was not good. Constantly, still worried, I boldly came over to inquire.

Wei Zhanmei got along well with the tenants in the yard, and this Yinzi even took over the job of washing his clothes and cleaning the house.

Wei Zhanmei's action was already difficult and impossible at this time, and he said: "Come in, Zizi, the door is unlocked."

After Yin Zi came in, she brought the door to her. She was startled when she saw Wei Zhanmei. She also caught a glimpse of a woman in black lying on the bed. She hurriedly asked, "Brother Wei, what's the matter?"

Wei Zhanmei had no choice but to say: "To capture the rebels, I was wounded and poisoned during the mission. Me, my companion was also seriously injured and unconscious."

Yin Zi knew that there was a martial law curfew in the city tonight, and there was no way to think about it, so she asked anxiously, "What should I do? Why don't you go back to the yamen? Can I help?"

Wei Zhanmei replied: "It was too late at the time. I really need your help. Please go outside and get two basins of water, and then bring some scissors, so don't disturb others."

Yin Zi quickly fetched water from the well in the yard and took a pair of scissors.

Wei Zhanmei strenuously took the short blade of the black-clothed woman, usually grilled by candlelight, and said, panting.

"Zi Zi, I have a poisonous hair that is difficult to move. The wound is behind my back, and I can't reach it. I will ask you to cut my clothes and use a knife to cut two wounds in a cross shape. I should be able to carry the poisonous blood." After speaking, he leaned forward.

Yin Zi hurriedly helped him lie down, looking at the black blood on his right shoulder and left thigh, gritted his teeth, and carefully cut the clothes that adhered to the skin, exposing the wound.

After waiting for a long time, before seeing Yin Zi, Wei Zhanmei asked, "Come on, I can bear the pain."

On the one hand, Yin Zi saw the thighs and buttocks of a young man bare in front of her for the first time. She was a little shy and uncomfortable. She was more afraid of not daring to do it. She hadn't even slaughtered a chicken, so she cut the meat for a while.

Wei Zhanmei also reacted: "It's hard for you to do things urgently, but you are saving my life and doing it."

Yin Zi no longer hesitated when she heard the words.

At the beginning, I had a good grasp of the degree of lightness, and he grinned Wei Zhan's eyebrows painfully, and the bed was stained with blood. It took a lot of effort to squeeze the blood.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows and small face were pale, this round of virulence has passed, and he has suffered a lot, and said: "Okay, clean it. Although you are used to needlework, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you to sew wounds again. Put the side wound medicine on it, I'll just take a rest."

Yin Zi was also panting again and again, and said guiltily: "Brother Wei, I'm sorry, I blamed me for being clumsy."

Wei Zhan's eyebrows smiled, touching the wound, but did not say any words of comfort.

Yin Zi turned around to get the wound medicine. Suddenly, a cold voice said: "It's useless, there is no antidote. He can't survive the third potion."

Wei Zhanmei was taken aback, and he was about to get up suddenly, but he fell down again with a cry of pain.

It was the fat woman in black lying next to him who could only speak.

The sweat on Wei Zhan's brow and forehead came out again. Didn't he tap the other side's acupoint? It stands to reason that before she can untie it on her own, how can this woman speak so quickly?

He first thought of Yin Zi's safety, and whispered: "Zi Zi, you go out first!"

Yin Zi was stunned, not knowing why.

The fat girl in black flashed down to the ground, took the bedside scissors smoothly, deceived herself to come behind Yin Zi, and put the scissors on her neck: "Let her go out and call for someone? Don't move, I will kill this girl. "

Wei Zhanmei struggled to sit up and said, "What are you going to do? Let go of her, this matter has nothing to do with her."

Woman in black: "She has been involved, you two will die in my mind."

Before she finished speaking, Yin Zi just realized that this woman and Wei Zhanmei were not in the same group, and she couldn't help but open her mouth in exclamation.

The woman in black covered her mouth: "Don't say anything, you will kill your brother Wei if you call me again."

Wei Zhan's eyebrows solemnly said, "Let her go, if you have any conditions, I promise you, otherwise everyone will die and the net will be broken. I still have the strength to resist a few times and shout a few times. There are embroidered guards everywhere, and it will be difficult for you to get out. ."

The black-clothed woman smiled and touched Yin Zi’s cheek: "Zongqi Wei is sentimental and righteous, pity and pity Yuyu, haha. Unfortunately, I am still stubborn with my life. I talk about terms."

Yin Zi was so anxious that she struggled. Regardless of the sharp blade, she hugged the woman in black: "Brother Wei, you go, leave me alone, go to the yamen for help!"

The woman in black overturned Yin Zi with a palm: "Xiao Nizi has a bad Don't want your lover's life? Even if I don't do it, he has been hit by the triple heavenly poison, next year, today will be his Death day."

Yin Zi softened suddenly and knelt down and hugged the black-clothed woman's thighs: "Please, Brother Wei is a good man, don't kill him."

"A good guy? A running dog who betrays the country and seeks glory."

Wei Zhanmei said, "Girl, which one of the eighteen road beacon smokers are you? If you have any conditions, you might as well speak out and listen. Aren't your volunteers not going to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

The black-clothed woman replied: "Don't try to beat me with a slice of soup, it's useless, grandma won't eat this set."

"Who am I, if Wei Zongqi is obedient, I will naturally tell you."

"I was going to take your dog's life today, but this girl changed her mind. If you are willing to take this pill, I will detoxify you and let you return to Nanzhen Fusi, but you will have to take orders from me in the future. Otherwise. , If you don’t get my antidote on time, you will still die."

"You, and this girl, are you alive or dying, just give me a word."

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