The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 220: Philippine Island

Wei Zhanmei said to himself, "Such a big battle, it's weird, how can so many people sneak in silently? But if you want to encircle and suppress, the number is not enough?"

Ji Yu cut out, "You Nanzhen Fusi is responsible for local security. You don’t understand military affairs. You can enter in casual clothes with military supplies in batches, and then change to camp, and only bury the pot before dawn and after dark. When cooking, try to hide your tracks as much as possible. This requires a long time in advance to set up the game."

"As for the number of people, this should be only a part. The martial arts tycoons who want to annihilate two to three thousand people, even though it is a mob, don't talk about four or five thousand soldiers and horses, and cooperate with the martial arts masters of the three major battalions."

"But there are so many peaks and dense forests here, it's hard to catch them all in one fell swoop when you drill into the mountains?"

"Not necessarily, depending on the location, as long as the terrain is suitable, a pocket array is placed, and the main road is occupied, and then the archers and shield arrays of the army are used, they can be solved without four or five thousand people. Besides, Ordinary soldiers will seal the mountain and hunt, and the military masters will sit in and team up to kill them.

Wei Zhan eyebrows sucked in a cold breath.

In the Eighteenth Route Fengyan Rebel Army, there are many masters of the world to help out, and the heroes use martial arts to violate the ban.

The Jianghu sects are scattered in various places, and they have attacked each and every one. It is neither necessary nor able to take care of them. This time, if they can encircle and wipe out some of the intermediaries, it will be considered to be a detriment to the various factions. Then we will see everyone’s reaction. This is called Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey.

If Yan Qi died and made a tortoise with his head, and stopped participating in and making troubles, then let it go for the time being, and it is not a concern; if the pole rises openly against it, then send a large force to clear and frighten the Quartet, and Qingchuan has a good abacus.

As a traveler, Wei Zhanmei does not have any deep prejudice against Qingchuan and Zhaohua. Different dynasties have fought back and forth since ancient times. I will appear on the stage after you sing it. If you stretch it out, it will be a success or failure. , It’s just a glimpse of nothing more than a glimpse, take one step and count one step, you can keep yourself and your friends safe best, otherwise you will follow the trend and get out as soon as possible.

The hard part is that everyone has different positions and multiple identities.

Not thinking about it for the time being, the two continued on their way, meditating for two hours in the middle, and after the day was bright, they entered the West Haidi boundary of Jicui Valley.

Xihai is more expansive than Wei's eyebrows imagined, a lake with clear water, nestled in the mountains, and willow trees hanging along the coast, Ping Tian is a bit charming.

However, at this moment, there was more solemnity on the shore of Xihai Lake.

Many rivers and lakes gangs who came in advance have set up camps on the shore, waiting for the emergence of Feilengcui Island.

The water surface where the Feilengcui Island is located is quite far away from the shore. The water used to be not bad, but it is very physically demanding, so ships have become the target of everyone's contention.

These days, local fishing boats, large and small, have been robbed and divided up, and the crowded ones own one boat. Some boats were occupied by several families after the fight. The bloodstains of fighting can still be seen in some places.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu strolled along the lakeshore. Although there was less competition for ships, as long as they got a little closer, the man guarding the ship would watch vigilantly.

The two found a quiet and shaded place to rest. As time approached, twos and threes came from Pafeng City. Everyone looked for a place to rest after waiting for a while. Some were alone or in cliques, but they were all stealing. Whispering, no one made a loud noise, and the atmosphere was slightly depressed.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu stayed in place for the next few days to concentrate on the exercises. For three meals, mountain fishermen peddled and sold food to solve everyone's food and clothing. They were always calm before the storm.

In the past few days, Wei Zhanmei's progress in cultivating the Greater Nerve Heart Method has been advancing by leaps and bounds. He has studied several methods of the Free Vientiane Gate and their comparative studies, and figured out some ways to reduce damage and backlash, and his internal strength cultivation is increasing day by day.

During this period, it was not always calm. Most of the people in the rivers and lakes could not stay free. Thousands of people gathered on the bank of a few miles. If you look at the stranger, the other party often has seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied. The martial arts people get together. In this place, quarrels are inevitable, and the result is swords and swords. There are really many people who die in vain and corpses Xihai.

Wei Zhanmei met once, and if you don't cause trouble, you can't hold back someone taking the initiative to provoke.

This time it was the trouble caused by Ji Yu's beauty. Five scums actually took advantage of her to spy on her when she was in the woods at the foot of the mountain. How could Princess Ji be able to bear, lift up the sword in a desperate manner, and destroy them with a single sword. One pair of tricks for one person.

The other four people were frightened and ran out. Wei Zhan rushed forward as soon as he heard the sound.

The two of them were still far away, and it happened that two Mai Yi men passed by, and the four scum that had escaped happened to ran by their side.

Hearing the sound of Ji Yu chasing and screaming, the Maid man understood the reason. The two of them didn't say anything, one showed a mourning stick and puffed four times. All four of them fell through their hearts and fell to the ground, stubborn as a brace. The cry of the funeral rod was collected as soon as it was out, and disappeared from the waist.

Wei Zhanmei was taken aback. The four men were not guilty of death. He didn't expect that these two men in sackcloth were both high in martial arts and cruel. They didn't ask for a single move to kill them. They didn't drag their eyes.

He looked carefully and found that the two were as thin and long as a stick, their faces were sallow, and their faces were like inverted date pits, wide at the top and at the bottom, triangular eyes, hanging silkworm eyebrows, a little bit of cherry mouth, and their lips were red as blood.

If this happened at night, accompanied by a sackcloth dangling, I really thought it was the two ghosts who came to the world from the hall of Yan Luo.

There are not a few people in the arena who kill people without the king's law. People are helping, and Wei Zhanmei is not easy to criticize. After Ji Yu came here, he naturally liked it, smiling and thanking.

Wei Zhanmei also lied and said, "Thank you for the two heroes who drew their swords for help."

"Haha, you are polite, it's a matter of hand, my brothers hate this kind of lewd protégé the most. Regardless of our ugly appearance, I like to see you such a beautiful and pleasing quack couple." One of them replied, voice Like a knife sharpened glass, hoarse and harsh.

The voice was unpleasant, but Ji Yu smiled like a flower when he heard the words.

Another person bared a withered yellow tooth and said, "Haha, heroes don't dare to be, kill those who don't like them, and help those who like them. We Yao people, Dazhushan Twin Imps, have always been like this."

Wei Zhanmei "The two are righteous! Dare to ask Xian Kun Zhonggao's name?"

The man on the left clasped his fists, "Mo Yao asked."

The man on the right gave his hand "Mo Yao's question."

Wei Zhan eyebrows startled, did a good thing without leaving a name? It is common to think that people in the arena do not want to reveal their names. Right now they say "Okay, then I will neither ask nor mention it."

The two sides talked for a while, made friends, and the Mo brothers left.

On this day, on the 15th afternoon of that month, the surface of the West Sea Lake will fall, and Feilengcui Island will emerge.

In the past few days, all the ships in the West China Sea have belonged, and about 40% of the people failed to grab a spot on the ready-made ships, but it was not difficult for everyone. Among them, there are skilled craftsmen and warriors who are cutting down the mountains. The trees are used to make simple boat sampans for people to use. Everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high. At this time, almost everyone has a boat to use.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu also bought a small boat and hired a local boatman to operate the oars, but Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu agreed. He just took a look and didn't want to take this muddy water trip, so Ji Yu didn't insist.

At this moment, a hundred boats were sent out, all rowing on the lake to wait.

Wei Ji's boat was parked in the back position, watching the cruising ships, Wei Zhanmei also sighed in his heart.

People die for money, and birds die for food. Maybe these people will soon become the target of the Qingchuan army's slaughter. I don't know how many can escape. As long as you get on the island, you are surrounded by boundless waters, like catching turtles in an urn, you don’t even have to attack, and you’re trapped to death.

As for verbal warnings, Wei Zhan's eyebrows only flashed away in his mind. Not to mention whether it was necessary or not, even if it was said, a considerable number of people might not be willing to retreat. Besides, the Qingchuan army had already been arranged in advance, a few days ago. If you say it, it means escaping more people.

After more than half an hour, people can already feel the falling of the water.

Under the setting sun, a beautiful and charming island slowly emerged from the lake with the breathless gaze of everyone around it.


The mountains and rocks on the island have a strange jade color, and they are hidden underwater for a long time, and there are many moss water plants attached to them, which adds to the green.

The light slanted on it, the illusion of colorful, dazzling brilliance, like a large piece of shining emerald in a thousand rippling blue waves.

Near the top of the mountain near the highest point of the island, a man-made circular white pagoda stands. It is said that there is the burial place of the "Great Nerve" and the Lancet.

People's eyes were eager, and they began to commotion. Before the full picture of Feilengcui Island was revealed, ships of all sizes started to pull out and set off on the island.

Wei Zhanmei only wanted to take the United States to swim the lake and watch the tiger fight by boat. He told the boatman that he would stay where he was. However, people are not as good as the sky. As he looked around, Ji Yu suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Brother Nineteen, you Look, who is that?"

Looking in the direction of the finger, in a big boat in the distance, a group of men stood with a woman, her hair fluttering in the wind, she could tell by looking at her figure, Ye Zizhi!

Is she here too?

And Ye Zize was waving at this time, not saying hello to Wei Zhanmei, and then looking forward, a thin man on the other side of the big boat waved his hand to Ye Zize, it was the Ji makeup makeup of a woman pretending to be a man!

Coincidentally. As the saying goes, where in life do not meet, Mo Chou has no confidant, Wei Zhanmei is sluggish for a while, these two girls also come to join in the fun.

Ji Yu was happy on the side, "It's nothing to do with me, hang up high. Nineteen, now I have to meet my deceased, a beautiful girl who looks forward to a beautiful leaf, and a sister with a beautiful smile, Qianxi Ji, now the moths are flying into the fire, and she is self-inflicted. , The fragrance is about to disappear, what do you say?"

The two sides are far away, and it is impossible for the boat to catch up immediately. Before Wei Zhanmei said, Ji Yu said, "What are you hesitating? I don't care about the surname Ye, but I can't let Senior Sister Ji get involved and come to the island to help."

Wei Zhanmei did not answer, but urged the boatman to sail to the island, but the two of them were still unable to stay out of the matter.

After half a stick of incense, I saw that the first and fastest ships were about to dock and land on the island. Suddenly the sky was gloomy and the wind was blowing on the lake. The wind was blowing on the face, and there were waves and waves on the water. Raindrops.

I don’t know if the emergence of Feilengcui Island as a whole caused the anomaly of the lake. Soon the waves were high and windy and The hull was big, but it looked like a small sampan under the feet of two people. Want to turn.

The boatman shouted, "Master, it's no good, the boat can't resist, I'm going back."

Knowing that he was telling the truth, Wei Zhanmei looked around and saw a medium-sized ship driving in the wind and waves in the front left.

He looked at the distance, leaned over and picked up a wooden board in the cabin, and broke it into two, signalling Ji Yu. Ji Yu also picked up a wooden board and disconnected it. Wei Zhan eyebrow shouted "Go!"

When the two flew up, they were about to perform light work and lift up to grab onto the boat.

The two jumped up one after another, like a bird throwing Lin Yue into the lake, and they were all in one breath. They fell to the surface of the water. They dropped the wooden plank in their hands and floated on the water. Treading Xue Wuhen's work, he got up again, and then repeated the old tricks, and after two ups, he reached the stern of the boat.

Someone saw it at the stern and didn't want the two to get on the boat. Four or five people came over to the side of the boat and threw weapons to stop it.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu attacked with eagles, and there was no room for loss at this time.

Wei Zhanmei shook his right wrist slightly, and used the side of the Lancet Nerve Knife buckled on the inside of the white knife. The short knife slashed across, and the weapons of the other three were broken.

Ji Yu was more fierce than him, and You Xin Taixuan sword was swung out, and the other two not only broke their weapons, but also had color on their arms.

The two fell to the stern, occupying a corner, relying on each other, and their swords all out.

The people on this boat are made up of five or six sects, and they don’t belong to each other. Seeing that the young men and women stepped on the water and came to light work, the swords and swords were sharp and bloody. It was obvious that the masters of art were still audacious and difficult to provoke. At this time, before he went to the island, he gave up the idea of ​​driving away.

After a short while, the ship shook and arrived at the shore. Everyone rushed to disembark, and Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu then boarded the Feilengcui Island.

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