The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 229: The curtain opened

Dawn is about to break, someone comes in and tells the story. After Hu Shiwei waited for the person to go out, he rose up, bowed his head, and greeted Wei Zhan's eyebrows and said: "Young Master, the plan to rejuvenate the country, facing south and back, begins at this time. Let's go. !"

Wei Zhanmei was in a daze, wondering what drama this is, he almost blurted out with a false help: Aiqing, without ceremony and flat body.

Hu Shiwei issued an order to convene the people and horses. Not long after, the two went out of Nanzhen Fusi, took part in their horses, and led the brigade of embroidered clothing guards to gallop outside the city.

Soon after, they came to a depression surrounded by mountains on the outskirts of the city. This is a place where more than two thousand martial arts people are confined together. There are dozens of tent camps set up temporarily.

Looking down from the middle of the mountain, the hills are brightly lit, and the sound of killing is blasted into the sky. The guard soldiers are fighting with the martial arts heroes who are running away.

Hu Shiwei did not care about the lives and deaths of these people and whether they really took the opportunity to escape. He pretended to give orders to quell the chaos, and hurriedly mobilized and protected the hundreds of embroidered garments belonging to Wang Jikun of Jianjun on the grounds of lack of manpower. The guard came to assist.

When the reinforcements arrived, it was the darkest part of the pre-dawn period. Seeing that the riots had basically subsided, Hu Shiwei arranged for someone to clean up the mess, and said to Wei Zhanmei: "It's almost there, the oriole can set off." The embroidered guards of a hundred people rushed to a peak with Wei Zhanmei, Zhang Hulei, Tong Xiang and others.

The father-in-law Tu Haitu of the Qingchuan inner court attached great importance to the safety of the Jianjun Wang Jikun who had gone deep into the imperial court. Although Ji Kun went out of the city to take a seat in order to recruit and surrender the Hua Wulin sect, his whereabouts and residence were uncertain. He changed a place a day. Today’s The camp was camped on a flat ground leeward behind the North Peak.

After Hu Shiwei and his entourage came down from the top of the mountain, in the night, they could also vaguely see many people moving in the distant mountains, and the sound of knives and guns collided.

It was finished. After Xiuyiwei left, it seemed that Zuo Qiuming and Kuai Xue Shiqing Tang had already entered the camp, and the two sides were fighting fiercely.

Indeed, as Hu Shiwei expected, Zuo Qiuming personally led Kuai Xue Shiqingtang's masters to attack Ji Kun's camp at night, and the two sides have been fighting for a long time.

Zuo Qiuming brought all the elite soldiers from Kuai Xue Shi Qing Tang, but Tu Hai was not weak. There were a lot of eight King Kong pros and eighteen bronze men from the Imperial Palace of Jian County, and dozens of others. The accompanying samurai, even though he was caught off guard by Zuo Qiuming after learning of a riot after Xiuyiwei was transferred, he still managed to stabilize his position and wait for help.

At this moment, Tu Haizheng, the number one master of Ji Kun’s side, fought against Zuo Qiuming, the master of Kuai Xue Shiqing Hall. Both of them were masters of clubs. A long sword and an old man with a gun are killing inextricably.

Not far away, Jianjun Wang Jikun, a sparse martial artist, was surrounded by the Eight King Kong and Eighteen Bronze Figures. By his side was Princess Ji Yu.

Wei Zhanmei originally thought that Ji Yu would go to the depths of Baihua to find him after dawn, so he would not appear here, but the real person Luanfeng was restless a few days ago. After taking a divination, he felt that tonight would not be too peaceful, so Ji Kun called all The guard was by his side and ordered Ji Yu not to go out with him.

At this time, Ji Kun's side saw that the reinforcements were delayed, and the manpower of both sides had suffered a lot of damage, and they had already begun to fight and retreat down the mountain.

It was twilight, and Hu Shiwei observed for a while, and saw that although there were casualties on both sides, the balance of strength was not very different, and Tu Hai and the others had the intention to retreat and flee. He calculated for a moment, made up his mind to help Tu Hai eliminate Zuo Qiuming and Kuai Xue Shi Qingtang, and led everyone to rescue.

Just halfway through, a sentry from the diagonal stab suddenly stopped the way.

It turned out that Zuo Qiuming, the main hall master, ventured into the hinterland of Zhaohua to assassinate Ji Kun. He also made a thorough plan after careful consideration.

On the one hand, Zuo Qiuming invited strong support. The old man who was against the real enemy of Luanfeng was Yan Geqi, the master of Yanjiazhai Shenlong. The two sides have been cooperating on the issue of military expenses, and Yan Geqi. They also informed their allies, the Fu Guo Chuan League and the King of Nanping, the two groups of rebels sent Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zizhe who happened to be active nearby to participate in this matter.

On the other hand, Zuo Qiuming specially left the young hall master Wei Putian, together with Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zizhe, and a group of people outside to respond, so that both the retreat after success or the escape after defeat are more certain. , Even in the worst case, with Wei Putian, there will be others in Qingtang when the snow falls.

Wei Putian has been lying in ambush in the dark. Originally, he saw that the two sides were evenly matched but the other side had the intention to retreat. He was about to lead the reserve team to show up, and after a good fight, he gave the opponent a heavy blow. , The enemy’s reinforcements also arrived, so they came out to block.

Hu Shiwei recognized that the leader was Wei Putian, who was wanted by the court. He thought about it, his face unchanged, and preached: "Zhang Hulei and Tong Xiang, you two will bring the embroidered clothing guard to meet the enemy, and I will lead someone to rescue Tu Father-in-law."

Then he turned to Wei Zhanmei, and said with an ear: "Zhanmei, this young hallmaster Wei Putian will leave it to you. Remember what I said before, this person must be killed on the spot to prevent future troubles. In this way, Zuo Qiuming and his descendants will die. , The dragons and dragons in the fast snow and the Qingtang are bound to my hands. Great things can be done, understand?"

Wei Zhanmei and Wei Putian had dealt with each other and had already become enemies. They didn't have any good feelings about them, so they naturally accepted them.

Hu Shiwei led some people away, and Wei Zhanmei and others greeted him.

The sky was brighter, Wei Zhanmei and Wei Putian's Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zizhe both saw each other, but did not meet each other tacitly. Wei Zhanmei went directly to Wei Putian.

Wei Putian also recognized Wei Zhanmei. The enemies of the treasure in the ancient tomb were solved together. Not much to say, the two shot directly, and the others fought together.

Wei Zhanmei's internal strength rose sharply at this time, and he played only three or five rounds. He was not the opponent the last time, and he immediately gained the upper hand.

Wei Pu Tian was shocked. Wei Zhanmei's short-term skill growth made him extremely frustrated. At this moment, time is running out. Staying outside the city of Yingdu will increase the risk, so he made up his mind to release his unique skills to control the enemy.

Turning back and leaving, Wei Putian put away the double hooks, raised his hands continuously, and the silver needle shot at Wei's eyebrows.

From the ancient tomb, Wei Zhanmei knew that Wei Putian was also a hidden weapon expert, so he naturally took precautions and retaliated with steel nails.

After a round of confrontation, both of them were unscathed, but Wei Zhanmei's heart moved and became suspicious.

At that time in the ancient tomb, he felt that Wei Putian’s hook technique was very similar to his white knife technique, and his stitching technique was also familiar to him. It was similar to his family’s nine apricot blossom spring rain death nail technique. , Why is this happening?

After a little hesitation, we saw Wei Putian in front of him stop, look back, short, and quickly move his left and right shoulders up and down. At the same time, he bent his arms and flipped his hands.

In his mind, as if a bright light flashed in the dark night, Wei Zhanmei suddenly had a bold idea-this Wei Putian must have a great relationship with himself, and even the two of them are...

For one, this person is so familiar with hooking and stitching, it can be said to be the same.

Secondly, if the hooking method and the stitching method are only similar, the set of movements just now is clearly the standard posture of the unique skill "a nest of plum bees in the mountains" that I rarely use.

According to Hu Shiwei, his own swordsmanship and nailing techniques are only qualified to practice among the Hongxing royal children. Even Hu Shiwei guided him according to the secret book handed down by his father, but he did not dare to do so. Haven't practiced it personally.

In order to conceal people's eyes and ears, Fuwei Zhanmei exchanged nails for nails, and gave the new name Xinghua Chunyu Deshengding Nail.

This "a nest of plum blossom bees in the mountains" is a secret technique in the hidden weapon needle method. Not only does it require internal force cultivation, the method of exerting strength is also extremely special and complicated. Wei Zhanmei did not learn until he was an adult.

At the same time, the material of the black needles sent out is also extremely scarce. The method of making them is said to have been lost. After Wei Zhanmei used it to shoot and protect Bai Xiaosheng's Embroidery Wei and Bai Xiaosheng, only thirty or thirty were left on hand.

Don’t look at this black needle as small as cow hair, but extremely heavy. The natural substances contained in it are still highly toxic that is difficult to detect. There is no cure for them, and they will die in a short time. The black needles will eventually penetrate the body and go into the ground without a trace.

Thirdly, this Wei Putian's surname is Wei, which is the surname of Hongxing. His master Zuo Qiuming is one of the six people including Hu Shiwei. It seems that Wei Putian's identity is about to emerge. Is he also a descendant of the Hongxing imperial family? Are you related to Wei Zhanmei from the same generation? Was it a brother or cousin, or was it Zuo Qiuming who taught this royal secret technique to an outsider?

Hu Shiwei should be clear about the relationship, so why didn't he say it? Why do you want to kill Wei Putian yourself? Is it for your own sake, to destroy the unintentional Zuo Qiuming and his descendants, and to remove the obstacles to the restoration of the country's monarch?

It's a long story, but the thoughts that came in abruptly only flashed through Wei Zhan's eyebrows, and Wei Putian's black needles had already been sent out.

Wei Zhanmei’s current skill is higher than that of Wei Putian. He is also familiar with the strength, direction and route of the black needles. When thinking, he issued his "a nest of plum blossom bees in the mountains" exactly, and knocked down Wei Putian’s black needles. .

Wei Putian was stunned.

Wei Zhanmei was already merciful, otherwise Wei Putian would die under the needle if he counterattacked strongly. He still wanted to understand the relationship with Wei Putian, and at this time he just stepped forward and knocked out the opponent.

Wei Putian was captured, and his men immediately panicked, and were smashed by Zhang Hulei and other embroidered guards.

The white fish's belly appeared on the horizon, and Wei Zhan raised his eyebrows and looked down. The three parties below have separated their levels and separated them:

Tu Hai, the real man Luan Feng, Zuo Qiuming, and an old man with a gun were in front of them, fighting and walking.

A great distance behind was a large number of Qingchuan guards and people from Kuai Xue Shi Qing Tang. The people in Kuai Xue Shi Qing Tang had already seen the embroidered guards who came to the rescue, and the formation began to appear chaotic.

The embroidered guards of Fusi in Nanzhen were catching up from behind, while Hu Shiwei and the four people around him left the brigade, performing light work to cut corners from the hard-to-reach piles of rocks, and plug in at high speed. The four guards had never seen the eyebrows. , Was able to keep up with Hu's pace.

Hold on, wait, the man in the garb near Tu Hai's four should be Jianjun Wang Jikun, who is being dragged along. The person holding him is Ji Yu!

Why is she not in the city? Oops!

Wei Zhanmei was about to rush over, when Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zizhe came to his side, they had no time to look at each other. After Wei Zhanmei and Ye Zhezhe exchanged glances, Zhang Hulei and Tongxiang followed.

Wei Zhan said anxiously: "Zhang Qianhu, these two people are their own. I'm going to help Da Ge with them. Please lead someone to chase down Kuai Xue Shi Qingtang."

Without waiting for Zhang Hulei to answer, he lifted Wei Putian in his hand, and Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zezhe rushed out like an arrow from the string.

The three of them were all light and good. At this time, the sky was getting brighter and the terrain could be seen clearly, so they walked straight to the front of Tu Hai and the others.

Zhang Hulei and the others couldn't speak, and saw Wei Zhanmei's three or five moves to win the power of Young Hallmaster Wei Putian, and then they led the crowd to cover up and kill.

At the foot of the mountain, there is an abandoned and dilapidated small temple, and the Tu Hai four and the Ji brothers and sisters broke into it first.

The ensuing Hu Shiwei stopped at the entrance of the Looking back at the situation, Yun internal force shouted to Zhang Hulei in the distance: "Zhang Hulei, you lead people to besie and kill Kuai Xue Shiqing Tang, then set up defenses around the temple, and no one is allowed to enter without my order."

After speaking, he entered the small temple with the four people around him.

Then Wei Zhanmei rushed to him, and he carried Wei Putian and Ye Ji and followed him.

Relying on their number advantage, the brigade's embroidered clothing guards and Ji Kun's guards quickly defeated the people in Kuai Xue Shi Qing Tang.

Zhang Hulei was obedient to Hu Shiwei. He surrounded the small temples and refused the request of Qingchuan people to enter the temple. Qingchuan guards suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, and they were exhausted from fighting for a long time, so he had to wait outside the temple. Not to mention.

This remnant temple is not big, and there is only one main hall inside, which is quite spacious.

After the first group of six people entered the hall, Zuo Qiuming noticed that Hu Shiwei was bringing people out. He and Yan Ge were sobbing that they were entangled in Tu Hai and Luanfeng. Tu Hai could not get out. While resisting, Ji Yu asked Ji Yu to take it. Ji Kun escaped through the back door.

At this time, Hu Shiwei and other five people entered the hall.

Tu Hai immediately shouted: "Da Ge Ling, you are here just right. This person is Zuo Qiuming, the head of Kuai Xue Shiqing Hall. Help our family capture him, remember your great work!"

Zuo Qiuming was very energetic, his beard was gray, and he put on a cooked copper stick. He also laughed and said, "Come well! Brother Hu, help me kill this old man together, and hold Jun Wang, you don’t have to hide your head and tail. What are you doing? With us as the leader, we will join forces with the Eighteenth Road Beacon to send troops together, and great things can be accomplished."

Just as Tu Hai was stunned, Hu Shiwei laughed and approached, and said at the same time: "Leader Zuo, you don't come to sow discord, this pavilion leader is a minister of Qingchuan. Today is your death date! "

As soon as the voice fell, his expression closed, and he said sternly: "Kill!"


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