The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 232: 5 Qi Chaoyuan

It was dusk, Qin Lu was high in the sky, one end was a pale cloud of the setting sun, and the other end had a dark moon and stars.

Above the extreme sky, under the deep sky, the mountains and rivers of Qingchuan and Chaohua are out of reach.

Eight spots of light, bright and extinguished, flickering, flying fast, disappearing suddenly in the vast and boundless nature.

All of this, I escaped from the Hualan Court where Wei stretched his eyebrows and couldn't realize it. The surroundings were pitch black and silent. I could only feel the faint fluctuations of the surrounding aura.

There are two others circling and dancing on the left and right, looming. That is, Yin Zi and Ji Yu?

For an unknown period of time, one of them gradually stagnated and no longer swirled. Hualanting distant only seemed to "hear" a sound of "Big Brother Wei", and then there was no more sound.

And the other one, after a sudden flashing, immediately turned and fell in the other direction and disappeared, but Hua Lanting murmured for no reason:

There are tiny clouds and afterglows, ignorance is hard to eradicate.

Righteously broken soul and soul broken, shook shiningly.

Looking at the mountains and rivers, people go and go, faintly.

From now on, sorrow and sorrow, just like tonight. Qingyao.

Asking God shouldn't, look at Xiaoxiao Shuangqing, curled and boring. More to see who sees, who hurts Huajiao?

Who wants to be joyful, stealing vegetarian fans, writing descriptions?

Who cares, life after life, night after night.

Just one short word, containing twenty-four pairs of duplicated characters, plus the soul-breaking, who will see who you see, count as twenty-six pairs of fifty-two characters, ask God if you shouldn’t, who hurts Huajiao?

Hua Lan Ting seems to understand its meaning, secretly cherishes it, and feels lost...

Amid the roar, the souls of the people returned to their places.

When Hua Lan Ting opened his eyes, the spiritual power in his body was boiling like a boil, wandering around the body, ready to emerge, the dantian Lei Dan's brilliance was shining, and the light was condensed.

He is top-heavy, fluttering and unstable, and he can feel the sky, blue smoke, jade, and gold wire and iron wire.

It was the familiar voice of Qi Ling clone again: "Boy Hua, welcome home."

Hua Lanting was at a loss for a moment, and the gods asked: "Here, or the central patio?"

"Yes, although something went wrong, I'm back anyway."

Hua Lanting looked around and saw Feng Qingjun and the other three women lying on the ground.

Qi Ling said: "The four of them need some time to wake up. I will send you and your companion out. Other accidents involved, including the two who came back early and the other three, will also return home."

Hua Lanting: "It seems that there is another... They all remember things in the outside world?"

"You have that jade, you can think of all of them. Well, it's hard to say, they don't know how much you can remember based on the time you came back and the strength of your cultivation. Don't ask more about it. It depends on your future opportunities."

"Now I'll help you consolidate and improve your cultivation base. In all, you have already rebuilt the second time to break through the two channels of Ren and Du. The foundation is very solid, and see if you can achieve the Five Qi Dynasties in one fell swoop. Listen to me Say."

"Humans have five innate elements, which are elementary nature, elementary essence, vitality, original emotion, and elementary spirit, which are called five elements. After a person is born, it is called the nurture, and the five things that are born after the birth are the soul, soul, delusion, and turbid essence. Consciousness of God is also. After life, the five elements of the innate and the five elements of the acquired are combined into one, and the five objects are governed by the five elements."

"Nature is the original nature. To cultivate the way of ascension, one needs to settle on the basis of nature and life. If a person is the heaven and earth, this nature and life are the roots of the heaven and the earth. The name is the root of heaven and earth, the heart of heaven and earth, or Taiji, and the heart of heaven."

"You are close to reaching the point where you can find your true body in the depths of the auspicious light of the four-xiang yin and yang realm. The Dan light is solid and the four veins are unblocked. You have completed the harmony characterized by the light of the eyes, the condensing of the ears, the adjustment of the nose, and the silence of the tongue. Four elephants."

"Furthermore, when the eyes are not seen but the soul is in the liver, the ears are not heard but the essence is in the kidneys, the tongue is silent but the mind is in the heart, the nose is not heard but the soul is in the lungs, the limbs are not moving but the spleen is in the wood of the east soul, The essence of the western spirit, the fire of the southern god, the water of the northern spirit, and the land of the heart converge in the five elements. The spirit, soul and spirit are mixed and mixed, turning into a chaff, which is invisible and has no name, so it is called emptiness, hence the name five Qi Chaoyuan..."

Hua Lanting listened to it and realized it attentively. He has a solid foundation, solid learning, and the concentration of spiritual power has reached a critical point. After trying a few times, he has learned something.

And in the secret book he saw in the ancient tomb of Chaohua, he said that **** pretends to be, life descends from the sky, love is born from sex, and Tao begins with love, which adds to his understanding of the Five Qi Dynasties. In the end, when the Qi Ling clone stimulated the aura of Kongtian Qingyanyu storage to gush out, it finally helped him climb the stage of Wu Qi Dynasty Yuan Jing.

The avatar of Qi Ling said: "You are special, and you are also practising the Nine Stages of Great Pill Repaying Method. Now it is just a false breakthrough. When you return to the door, under the guidance of your master, you will continue to practice to the stage of Seven Return Pills. When the seven orifices can be occluded but the ears do not listen to the sound, the eyes do not pay attention to the color, the nose does not smell the smell, and the mouth does not eat the five flavors, and the yuan yang in the kidney water rises and the yuan yin in the heart fire falls to the dantian, It can be regarded as officially entering the Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Realm."

"I'll send the other people out first, you and Feng Qingjun will wait for a while."

Hua Lanting wandered around Zhou Tian and opened his eyes again. Feng Qingjun was smiling and looking at him next to him.

Hua Lanting also smiled: "The female assassin Ye Zizhe, I am so scared of the magical skill of the soul-removing method."

Feng Qingjun said: "You come here, Wei Zongqi is romantic and suave, and she stretches her eyebrows and counts women around her body. I'm so angry."

"Um, by the way, you are really uncomfortable looking at you like this, or fat and cute." Hua Lanting quickly changed the subject.

"You also said that Ye Zizhe has a different practice and became obese. What can I do? Besides, when the two of us are going to cross the Qingchuan Chaohua, I heard you say'take care' to me. I have always been concerned about this, and have not deliberately tried to lose weight. It is not because of you."

"Ah? Bao...heavi, not overweight! Qingjun, you are so touched by me. Come on, let's talk first..."

I don't know if the Qi Ling clone saw the ensuing enchanting scene, anyway, the two were transported back to the outside of the free Vientiane Gate with the help of the strong aura in the central patio and the magic circle in the analysis.

Before leaving, Qi Ling avatar said that Hua Lan Ting might still have the opportunity to go deep into the core area of ​​the central patio to play.

Hua Lanting and Feng Qingjun returned to the door, and the big brothers and the brothers and sisters who had already returned were really relieved.

During the long period of time he had left, the cultivation bases of his colleagues had all been improved and ignored. What Hua Lanting noticed was the tension and depression of the mountains and the rain.

It turns out that in the past month, Ziyue Xianzong, who lost the champion of the elite disciple contest in eastern Xianzhou, and Tujia who had recovered from the dusty mountain ore mine, joined hands and targeted the Vientiane Freedom Gate from the beginning. The provocation of the garrison disciples gradually developed into a full-scale suppression and blatant restrictions, which caused considerable losses in the exchange of resources and personnel exchanges between the free Vientiane Gate.

At the same time, the Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect, who had acted in the central patio, was also secretly slamming black hands everywhere. The hostile forces intertwined light and dark to exert pressure, and for a while, the wind was rumbling at the Vientiane Gate. The peaceful life of cultivation in the mountains became uneasy, and there was a lot of discussion in the gate.

Hua Lanting first went to meet Yun Yiqi and Feng Huo Lun, and explained the experience of the trip.

The two masters were very happy for him to break through the Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Realm, learn how to move thousands of miles away, and gain the chameleon lizard and so on.

Yun Yiqi also specially spent time personally instructing the cultivation of the Nine Turns Great Huandan Method, and helped Hualanting settle the first advanced five-qi dynasty among the sixty generations of disciples, and was officially promoted to the inner gate of the Vientiane Freedom Gate. The facts of the disciples.

After a busy period of time, Hualanting was busy this day, and Dekong sat and chatted with Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, Zhuge Yun, Chao Tianque, and Yue Guanghan.

After a long absence, everyone naturally talked about each other's love, but the atmosphere became heavy afterwards, or because of the recent increasingly tense external situation, the topic also turned to this.

Hua Lanting asked: "How is the situation now? I'm busy practicing these days and I didn't even bother to inquire."

Chao Tianque rushed and said: "It's messy, and rumors are everywhere. I heard that seeing the door did not react to the provocation, Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia let out the wind, asking us to give up the territory east of Mengbisheng Huashan, and Hand over the dust-covered mountain rhenium mine, or get it yourself."

Yue Guanghan said: "The gate seems to be negotiating with the Four Leagues. As far as the outside is concerned, there is everything. The Vientiane Gate has developed too fast in recent years, and there are many people who are jealous. Most people who watch the excitement do not favor us. Some others want to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the robbery to get a share of the pie, and they want to nibble and collapse the Vientiane Gate."

Hua Lanting turned to Lin Xianjing: "Xianjing, what do you think?"

Lin Xianjing looked solemnly: "Since the great chaos thousands of years ago, the past peaceful normalcy in Xianzhou is estimated to be broken and has entered a period of turbulence. This is a trend. We are just a microcosm here."

"Not only is the undercurrent surging within Xianzhou, it is heard that there are other mainland forces secretly reaching out to spoil the situation."

"As for us, it is a tree that attracts the wind. The Vientiane Gate of Freedom was just a new small school thousands of years ago, but it has developed rapidly. Now it has ranked among the top three in the east, which will naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of others, especially the vigilance of the boss Ziyue Xianzong. How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch?"

"So, conflict is a matter of time, and resources are so many, and they are still declining. Although they have kept a low profile over the years, the momentum has been there."

"In the past, all schools and factions were immersed in development and natural growth, but in the future, it will transition to the competitive stage of geo-physical entities."

"In the past, each family was struggling to develop and excavate unique secret skills, seeking a long-board competitive advantage. Later, at Vientiane Gate, we first introduced a variety of exogenous cultivation methods and strengths to establish a balanced development system, and it was effective. Turn to a comprehensive competitive perspective to make up for the shortcomings."

"In my opinion, this is just a prelude. The wind and rain will get bigger and bigger in the future, and the scope and intensity will get stronger and stronger."

While Hua Lanting was still thinking about digesting Lin Xianjing's words, Yi Liunian said, "What are you afraid of?

Lin Xian snorted: "It's easy for you to say. Aside from the hidden power in the door, our thousands of years of accumulation are not enough to see in front of the wealth of Ziyue Immortal Sect for thousands of years. The time for a full confrontation has not yet arrived."

Yi Liunian glared: "What do you mean? Cut the land and beg for mercy? Who will agree at the door!"

Lin Xian replied in shock: "Rugged man, frog at the bottom of the well, a little bit of brain is good, of course it is not to admit defeat. Now and then, we have developed to this point. You may not be willing to give up if you beg for mercy. I am talking about long-term strategy and The question of short-term Liunian quit: "Why am I a frog in the bottom of the well?" I didn't say a full-scale war, I mean never bow your head. "

Lin Xian said in surprise: "Huh, the frog at the bottom of the well is also improving. It doesn't just stay where it is, it also travels to meet the world, but it still carries its well. It's all hot-blooded young people like you. The Vientiane Gate will undoubtedly be defeated."

Seeing that Yi Liunian was still arguing, Hua Lanting stopped him: "Don't get excited, Xian Jing's meaning is not when you directly start the martial arts battle, but start from winning a local battle."

"It is impossible to let it. History has given us enough lessons and warnings. In the secular world I came from, some people have explained it very clearly in the book:

Cut five cities today and ten cities tomorrow, and then have to sleep overnight. Enlighten the four realms, and Qin Bing has reached the limit. "

"Therefore, today's retreat will not lead to tomorrow's prosperity, but will only make the wealthy wolf tiger and leopard gain an inch."

Lin Xian was surprised and continued: "Lanting is right. In the end, fighting must be done. If you want to talk, you must fight. This is the bottom line principle. But in terms of specific strategies, at this stage, we will talk while talking. If you fight, you will force the other party to put down your body and talk seriously. Fighting will cause him pain in local low-intensity battles."

After speaking, Lin Xian looked out the window in surprise:

"We are fortunate enough to catch up with a good time. Some people seem to be on the top of the mountain, but they are actually going downhill. Some people are in the valley, but they only owe the east wind. No one will always stand on the top of the mountain, and no one can only look up at the foot of the mountain. When we grow up, this world will be a different situation..."

Zhuge Yun continued: "The world is like a new chess game. There will be wind when it is sunny, and there will be sun after rain. Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years..."


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