The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 236: Space-time energy

Lin He is a bald old man with only a few hairs on his head. After everyone sat down, he was stunned for a while before he said, "Let's eat and talk."

"When I first discovered meditation, there was information saying that there was something wrong with these invaders. I asked after I came here that the people in the Four Leagues were also vague about this. It seems that they are different from the usual meditation. My spiritual consciousness Although it can cover a long distance, the mountains here are ridges and ridges, and no trace has been found so far, so there is no way to judge."

"In order to see Wan together, I suggest you do it carefully. All the meditations in the Myoko Sacred Land belong to the three main sects. Since they can break through the barriers, send a batch of unidentified meditations different from the three big sects to enter. There must be something to rely on."

After brushing the sparse hair on his head, Lin He asked everyone: "You know, the cultivation system is mainly divided into cultivation, demon cultivation, demon cultivation, meditation cultivation, and Buddha cultivation. Who can tell me the similarities and differences? "

Yi Liunian got up and replied: "You told us on the way here that our world is multi-dimensional. The length, width and height are three dimensions visible to the naked eye, and time is the most mysterious fourth dimension, which transcends four dimensions. The fifth dimension is energy."

"The world is a collection of matter and energy, ranging from celestial planets to small fish, birds, dust, etc., all matter is in motion, and there is no absolute static existence, and motion is constantly releasing energy, and maintaining motion and motion brings about all things. It is energy, so the movement of matter is driven by energy."

"Energy is diverse, causing matter to move in different ways. The Taoist practice method is to collect the natural spiritual energy of heaven and earth for its own use, and use this energy to improve one's life level. Similarly, the cultivation of demons, the cultivation of demons, The difference between meditation and Buddha cultivating is the different energy types and methods of cultivation."

Lin He nodded slightly: "What we know so far is that we humans exist in a space where a variety of energies are mixed but moves regularly."

"Some energy is perceivable by ordinary people. For example, people can see colors and feel temperature. This is our five senses, which are first detected by our five senses, and then provided to the brain to give concrete expressions, just as the Buddha said. People have six senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body mind.

"This is because we have this fleshy skin. You know, the reason why our eyes see the color of an object is because the object reflects a certain light. So what does the object look like? Isn't this interesting? Is it a problem?"

"In addition, there is a lot of energy that ordinary people can't feel. For example, bats are blind. They recognize objects and fly and avoid obstacles by emitting sound waves. This kind of sound waves cannot be heard by ordinary people."

"Ordinary people have a low level of perception, only the five senses, and the degree of reception is restricted by the weak physical body. Our practice is the process of continuously discovering, expanding, and enhancing the ability to perceive and control more energy in the universe."

"The so-called supernatural powers are actually the means to transform specific energy into spiritual experiences such as sight, hearing, touch, etc., and to act and influence other people and things by changing the energy field."

"Meditation focuses more on the cultivation of spiritual energy, and the paths and methods of the same type of practitioners are different. It is said that the meditation of Myoko Sacred Land emphasizes the use of the negative spiritual energy of others by grabbing and plundering others for their own use."

"For practitioners, we can feel that many people believe in existence, but cannot be falsified by them. According to different categories, ordinary people are called Heaven and Earth Dao, Paradise, God Realm, Ghosts, Gods and Demons, etc."

"The topic is far off. I am calling you back to warn you: if you find abnormalities or unknown spells in the fight with meditation, don't panic."

"First, their level of practice is similar to yours, and you have the strength to fight against. Second, in this world, the energy cultivated and used always has similar properties, characteristics and frequencies, and it must be able to Found a way to deal with it."

Hua Lan Ting asked a question: "Are you worried, maybe they will use some kind of magical power that we are not familiar with, or even subvert cognition?"

Lin He said: "This is not the case. I just want to remind you. According to previous understanding, the meditation method of Miaogao Holy Land is good at using human femininity and negative spiritual power to amplify the dark things in people's hearts by creating illusions."

"The power of their spells lies in their ability to influence people's deep subconsciousness."

"It is generally believed that all the instinctive reactions, judgments and decisions that people make are the result of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind determines the way the brain thinks. In this consciousness, there is no logical thinking, but a sequence of procedures that approximates conditioned reflex. "

"For example, if you see black as a symbol of decay and death, meditation can kill your fighting spirit by creating endless darkness, and high-level meditation can even cause an ordinary person to produce himself psychologically in an instant. The illusion that he has died is manifested as that this person is physically alive, but has gone like a corpse, and has lost his life mentally."

"How can this be broken?" Lin Xian asked in surprise.

"This, there are many methods. You have all received special training before you come. Basically, your cultivation and spiritual consciousness are not weak. You must have the awareness to guard against such mental attacks and prevent the other party from invading your brain. Many spiritual weapons to resist mental attacks were issued in the door this time."

"The monks of the same level may directly affect the brain power, but they will use illusions to indirectly make you make wrong judgments. This requires you to keep your Taoism."

"The brain is an energy transfer station, which embodies the energy received by the human organs into a concrete image that conforms to its own inherent knowledge system. The so-called lifelike heaven and hell, including illusions, are actually just some situations, the human body is The manifestation of energy of this nature."

"They exist, but they are not a real existence."

"Heaven or **** are both human spiritual experiences. Since it is a spiritual experience, what you sense must be described in the knowledge system of the experienced human. The information processed by the brain can only generate images in the human knowledge framework. "

"These images vary from person to person, and are a natural reflection of the brain's interference with energy activities."

"I personally tend to think that all gods, Buddhas, demons and monsters are imaginary by human beings. However, when many people use the same consciousness to influence a certain energy, then when this ability is accumulated to a large enough amount It is entirely possible to produce an independent space energy layer at the first level."

"This space energy layer is not the manifestation of a person, but a kind of energy fluctuation formed by the collective consciousness of countless generations and countless people. Because it is an energy activity, it will affect the living people, and those with similar consciousness will be affected. Attract, their consciousness before death and soul after death will try to get close to those well-defined existences."

"For me personally, gaining the Dao ascends is a kind of spiritual return."

"The world is made up of matter and energy. Matter is immortal, so yin and yang rotate; energy is conserved, so gains and losses are balanced. This is a great way. It's a long way, and it's specific to what is said in reality."

"First of all, everything is composed of two relative yin and yang substances. Law is based on yin and yang, and yin and yang are mutually rooted. Good and bad, good and evil, right and wrong, right and wrong, obedience and inverse are two sides of the same thing. . So you must first accept that you also have negative psychology and dark thoughts. Don’t panic and resist when you encounter problems, otherwise you will only get deeper and deeper in your fantasy.”

"Secondly, stick to the five-element restraint theory developed by Taoism based on the five-element theory. There are subtle laws of mutual growth, mutual restraint, multiplication, restraint, transmission, and circulation in everything. Every technique must be solved. The method is just that the required strength and skill are different."

"Finally, use his strengths to attack the enemy's shortcomings. I believe that the Vientiane Gate of Freedom is extraordinary. When you encounter a critical situation, you must brainstorm and find ways to get out of trouble and defeat the enemy based on your respective major and minor skills."

"The time relationship can only stop here. Xianzhouli hopes that you young people can discover the abnormality of this meditation and the means and purpose of the invasion."

"One more thing, in addition to the sects and personnel who organized and participated in the competition, some people who came here this time have crossed the border in spite of themselves. Some are watching lively games, some are gathering intelligence information, UU reading www.uukānshu. com may also have people with bad intentions, and the Four Leagues cannot restrain them, so you must also be careful."

There are really strange people in Vientiane Gate. After hearing what Lin Hao said, what everyone was most interested in was not his reminder, but his statement that the **** realm, Buddha, heaven and **** are space-time energy layers formed by the collection of people's conscious energy.

Hua Lanting thought from this. According to this statement, Ziwei Doushu is a number technique of space-time energy-Dou is space, number is time, natal chart is space, birth is time, region is space, age is time, stars Change is the movement conversion and interaction of energy.

Therefore, the judgment of the fate of man must be based on the movement of time and space and the influence of energy. It moves with the waveform of the node of time and space, not the time and space that changes with the movement of people. Therefore, the fate of man can show the world of everything around him. The elephant is coming.

With this level of understanding, Hua Lanting went on to think that since numerology or other magical techniques in metaphysics can predict the changes in time and space, people tend to be lucky and avoid bad luck, so on the other hand, there is naturally a way to avoid good fortune, since things can be used with things. Disasters of loss, of course, can also proactively urge disasters.

Is this the use of Ziwei Doushu and Tianji prediction spells in another direction?

Before he could think about it carefully, it was time for the assembly to start.

All fifty teams lined up randomly, and after Shen Mingzhai gave an order, they marched towards the Hengduan Mountains in a scatter pattern.

After surpassing a few low mountain ridges, the teams gradually opened up a horizontal distance. Then, at the foot of a tall and undulating mountain range, the commander and the reserve team led the team to a halt, and the ten main players from each team rushed to the peak and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​strange stones.


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