The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 239: Akan tribe

It took a long time for the Vientiane Gate team to change its direction, during which time it did not encounter the meditation at the Miaogao Holy Land. After staying overnight in a deserted mountain village, they crossed several ridges the next day and entered a valley between two mountains.

Along the river, the terrain on both sides of the river bank is flat, and some villages of different sizes have appeared sparsely. Like the scattered villages in the mountains, the houses in these villages looked like but there were no people, and the villagers had all escaped.

After passing by for dozens of miles, until they came to a larger village at the turn of the river, they unexpectedly found someone living in the village.

There are ruined walls everywhere in the village, and there are traces of smoke and fire, and the unburied corpses can be seen. It is obvious that they have been burned and looted by the meditation repair.

There are more than a dozen people still alive in the village. Although these people still have the ability to take care of themselves, they are dull-eyed and slow in their actions.

Ten people from Vientiane Gate had a stroke and were good doctors. She gave the villagers a pulse, and after exploring their physical conditions with spiritual power, she told everyone that these people should have been mentally shocked by meditation, because they were mentally confused and unconscious. .

Yun Xiuchun asked the pitiful villagers, "Is there a way to heal?"

Feng Qingjun said yes. These people are not deeply injured. As long as the nerves are stimulated by acupuncture, and then spiritual power is used to help them clear the meridians and release the stagnant qi, they can return to normal.

Seeing that the method is simple is just a matter of effort. After Feng Qingjun's acupuncture and moxibustion, everyone took action to help the villagers treat the villagers according to the path of spiritual power she said.

Sure enough, not long after the harvest, these people came to their senses, knowing that they were saved by others, and weeping bitterly, crying to the Vientiane Sect disciples of the cruelty of Meditation. Everyone was filled with righteous indignation. Now the hundreds of people in the big village have survived ten times. It's not an exaggeration for a few people to say that it was a bloodbath.

They still had to hurry, so after comforting the villagers, they had to go over the mountains and evacuate to the hinterland to avoid the war.

All the way down the river bank, as long as they pass by large villages along the way, they can meet the surviving villagers, and every time they are treated in a group to flee inland.

The problem is that the number of surviving people encountered is increasing. In one town, there are hundreds of mentally impaired people numbly trying to survive.

For them, it is effortless to heal one person, and dozens of them can be dealt with, but no matter how many people there are, the loss of spiritual power will be greater, and later the replenishment of spiritual power can no longer keep up with the rate of consumption.

In desperation, they had to decide to cure only dozens of relatively strong people, and then these sane people led the remaining people to the rear.

According to Feng Qingjun, the mental trauma suffered by the people is of a relatively minor degree and can be healed naturally after a period of time.

Out of the town, Hualanting said with a worried expression: "Will there be any problems? The news we got is that the people have escaped during this period of time, but there are still so many people in the river valley that have not left. It won't be a means for meditation to contain and deplete our spiritual power."

Lin Xian replied in shock: "It is possible. I also suspect that the Myoko Sacred Land is killing people with a soft knife. If this continues, we will be in a state of loss of spiritual power and insufficient supplementation at any time. If we encounter fierce battles, it will be very unfavorable. ."

Yun Xiuchun said: "Damn it, but we can't see it without saving."

Yi Liunian jumped on the side and shouted, "It's more than hateful, it's hateful!"

"Did you not listen to the people's talk? Those apes either used sharp claws to break their stomachs directly, or they used spiritual shocks to destroy people's minds. The meditation of animal clothing is to expand the scope of the spirit shock technique to take human lives. They would gather people and set them on fire, watch them screaming for fun, and even drive the deprived people to kill their compatriots. When I see one, I will kill one alive!"

Lin Xian frowned: "The fleeting years, why have you become so irritable? Calm down."

The grumpy Wang Genji also shouted: "I can't calm down. Meditation is too cruel. It's not my race, and his heart will be different. If you have the ability to come to us, why bother to slaughter the unarmed ordinary people."

Even Yu Qi, who was always calm on the side, said, "Don't blame the passing years. I really can't listen. They are all living innocent lives. People from a town, if you don't, you will be gone."

Even the few-spoken Zhuge Yun, He Dayi and Qu Zhengze all echoed on the side, with an angry look on their faces.

Hua Lanting persuaded: "Everyone stays safe and not irritable. Enmity must be reported. Meditation must absorb the anger and death energy of people for cultivation, and it must be a large-scale killing. We are here to prevent them from continuing to deepen. Do evil. Let's first think about how to prevent our strength from being damaged by helping the people."

After some discussion, there is no good way.

Finally, Lin Xian said in shock: "Try to treat as much as possible. But we are limited in number and strength. We waited out of the river valley and avoided densely populated places. We went into the mountains and forests and tried to enter the hinterland to find meditation and eliminate them. The wounded can only After the incident, I turned around and slowly rescued."

This is when the sun has passed the mid-heaven, and a group of people speeds up their pace.

When the sun was westward in the afternoon, where the river was about to flow out of the plain and bend into the mountains, they saw a larger village in front of them from a distance.

As they approached, before they could enter the town, a large number of people swarmed out from the town, screaming and rushing towards them, and after a closer look, there were groups of soldiers on horseback or walking behind the people. While chasing after brandishing weapons, from time to time, people behind were killed by swords and guns.

After observing for a while, Lin Xian exclaimed: "No! Look, there is meditation at the end! They controlled the army in the secular kingdom, and they were casting spells to drive the soldiers to slaughter the people."

Hearing the word Mingxiu, Yi Liunian rushed out immediately, and the others followed.

Lin Xian exclaimed, "Don't hurt the people and kill the soldiers, stun them, and kill Mingxiu!"

While speaking, the crowd had already rushed to the vicinity.

Ten people walked through it.

The people were unconscious, some of them had their eyes hooked and tried to escape for their lives, while others waved their arms and self-defense clubs against the disciples of the Vientiane Gate.

Naturally, everyone would not be injured, but they were blocked, and had to slow down. When they rushed in front of the soldiers, they were immediately attacked fiercely.

There are as many as three to four hundred soldiers, and they are all controlled, but they are well-trained and armed with weapons. They look like crazy and violent, completely ignoring their own safety, and fighting like a dead end.

Their offensive power was not worth mentioning, and could not hurt everyone. However, the disciples of the Vientiane Sect did not want to kill anyone, so they could only stun them one by one.

With everyone’s speed and force, it’s not difficult to control hundreds of people, but the meditation behind the remote control seems to be performing some spells. There are always soldiers who suddenly burst their bodies or heads, resulting in flesh and blood. Splash.

In a short period of time, all of the ten people had a lot of contamination on their bodies, and a momentary suffocation and blood dissipated above the venue.

I don’t know if it was affected by the **** aura or other reasons. The ten people of Hualanting were very murderous. Their fierce aura and hatred rose. They no longer entangled with the soldiers. They quickly surrounded them and went straight to the meditating. go.

Seeing that the disciples of the Vientiane Gate were killed, the meditation practitioners did not engage in the battle. They received their spells one after another, got up and fled back, and dived into the mountain.

The number of meditation practitioners in this batch is not as large as the last time, only about half, but the cultivation base of both the ape-man and the beast-clothed meditation is higher than that of the previous group. In addition, there are many rocks and dense forests in the mountains.

It was not until the sky was dark that the Vientiane Sect disciples approached the meditating practitioners, and the meditators immediately adopted the method of dispersing and fleeing in batches. After a separate pursuit and fighting, everyone wiped out this group of meditating practitioners.

When they came together again, even though they succeeded in destroying the enemy in the second battle, they were exhausted, and some of them suffered minor injuries, but they still hated them one by one, and felt that the killing was still not satisfying.

After discussing it, everyone decided to rest on the spot to replenish fresh water, spit out and meditate for two hours, and then no longer walked on the mountain trails, but to speed up the direction of the continental bridge over the mountains, and it would be best to meet other teams in combat. , Or just look for traces of meditation alone, as long as it's not the enemy or the widow, it will go to war directly.

Seeing the murderous look of his companions, thinking of Ming Xiu's atrocities, Lin Xianjing, who had just proposed a steady fight, surprisingly did not object this time, and agreed to this plan.

Hua Lanting was also emotionally excited like everyone else. Although he faintly felt that something was wrong, he secretly inspected himself and his partners' bodies with spiritual consciousness, and found no obvious abnormalities, so he didn't say any more. what.

Unknowingly, they had deviated from the first two of the three strategies that Lin Xian shocked.

Putting aside the disciples of the Vientiane Gate, at this time, in the middle of the Hengduan Mountains and the Long Island Devil Land Bridge, on the gentle **** of a high mountain, there are dozens of thick cowhide tents, centered in one of the largest tents. There are seven or eight animal clothing meditations gathered together to discuss matters.

Inside the tent, the candlelight was faint, and the wall of the tent was covered with hideous animal heads and bones. The lights and shadows swayed, looking terrifying.

One of them was very old, his face was chapped like a bark, ravines were vertical and horizontal, and his gray hair held by a simple wooden hairpin was inserted with three extremely brightly colored feathers. His staff had muddy eyes, half-open and half-closed.

He just heard him ask: "Kenya, how is the matter explained by the Three Sacred Mountains?"

The one sitting at the end of the beast clothing Mingxiu stood up and said: "Back to Chief Akanser, the positioning and tracking of the various teams in Shuxuanxianzhou is almost done, and the Holy Qi Lingren Dafa has also begun to be activated, and initial results have been achieved. "

Chief Akenser snorted heavily in his nose, and opened his eyes and roared: "What is the same? What is the initial success? I want all to be! You don't understand!"

"Don't worry about the life and death of those apes, and those of the inferior tribes do not need to feel distressed. This battle is related to the rise and fall of my Akan tribe. In order to re-emerge among all the holy land tribes and become their leaders, we will do everything at any cost. Nothing to be lost!"

Having said that, he opened the lid of the box next to him with his staff, and said coldly: "This is the Ming Jing left by the Three Sacred Mountains this time. You can take it first and distribute the rest. You must complete the task. . Otherwise, you know the punishment methods of the Three Sacred Mountains."

"I repeat once again, the success or failure of this operation is not only related to the life span of all of you, but also to the prosperity of the tribes, but also to the survival of all the holy land tribes. It has given me the spirit of positioning and tracking. To immerse and lure the enemy into deep, everything must be implemented without mistakes."

"In this battle, I have already boasted to the Three Sacred Mountain in Haikou, success or failure is in this one move, and there are people who cooperate with us internally and externally. Superbirth. Don't challenge my patience!"

Kenya said yes, but dare not say anything.

A similarly wrinkled, old animal clothing, Mingxiu opened his mouth when he saw it, but he forbeared him and said nothing.

Akenther's old eyes looked dim, but in fact he could see the subtle changes in the expressions of the people in the tent. He turned his eyes and looked at the other person and asked: "Patriarch Kending, do you have something to say?"

The old man known as Kending coughed, took a deep breath, and finally raised his head: "Since Patriarch Akentha asked, I think it is necessary to speak in person on behalf of everyone."


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