The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 241: Fight each other

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Chapter 241: Fighting Each Other

The lady Abu looked down for a moment, and couldn't think of any mystery, so she asked, "This sentence is a bit terrifying, but if you don't understand it, don't worry, just listen to the old patriarch's arrangements."

Abu Dhabi shook his head. "But the old patriarch's recent behavior is too abnormal, and it's completely different. I am afraid that the exercises given to him by the holy mountain alone are harmful and destroy his mind. Whether it is to control him and the whole The tribe, or there are other reasons, both make me uneasy."

"His old man would never think that if he really puts the tribe in a mortal state, he can survive from desperation."

After hesitating for a while, Abu Dhabi continued, "Don't talk about it yet. There is something to let you know. The old patriarch insisted that the so-called Eastern opportunity will fall on the Abu family."

The Abu lady was not surprised this time, and replied, "That's not surprising. Our Abu family has always been a special existence in the tribe."

"The Aken of the Aken tribe refers to the Abu family, and then the Ken family. Only the most important tribe can use Aken as the surname. Our family used to be the leader of the tribe. I gave up my position, but it has always been the strongest individual in the tribe, and now it has proven to be the most suitable family for cultivation."

"Our position is also transcendent. Like brother, you can attend the meeting of patriarchs. I can go out as a female. We can also study and read the texts that were passed down from Shuxuanxianzhou in the early years like the descendants of other tribal leaders. And books."

Abu Dhabi said, "I just feel the responsibility, but I don't know how to do it. I don't have a clue. The chief leaders of the previous generation didn't leave too many clues and hints, so I frowned all day long."

"The old patriarch asked me to strictly guard this secret, saying that I can only tell you when I wait in Shuxuan Xianzhou."

"And you know, you and I are not at all restricted by the drawbacks of the Three Sacred Mountain exercises. We didn't overdraw our vitality in our cultivation. Even the current appearance of you and me was made by the method taught by the old patriarch. It's quite big, in case the holy mountain and others see the abnormality."

Abu girl persuaded, "Anyway, follow the old patriarch's dispatch and act on the spot. Start by understanding the human geography, sect strength, and powers of Shuxuan Xianzhou, and see if you can find any clues."

Abu Dhabi is still frowning. "I have thought of these, but there is another thing my brother can't worry about."

"The Abu family has no spoils. In order to change the fate of the tribe, I think you and I would rather give your lives than frown."

"However, it is said that it is a family. In fact, there are only four people left, and the younger brother Abu Sharjah and the younger sister Abu’s girlfriends are still young. They were taken away by the Three Sacred Mountains in name and accepted as disciples by exception. In fact, I understand However, the situation of the two of them is worse than that of the hostages trapped in the territory. They have not practiced the meditation technique and their personal freedom is restricted, just like a servant's handyman."

"Even if we have gained something and can settle down in Xianzhou, or find a way to understand and save the tribe, it is impossible to have the ability to kill the holy mountain to rescue younger brothers and sisters."

"In case you and I are in an accident, what should I do with the two dolls? The Abu family can't cut the incense in our generation. Could it be that two and a half older children are required to undertake the mission of saving the tribe?"

Speaking of younger brothers and sisters, Abu's lady's eyes burst into anger, "The Three Sacred Mountains, I am at odds with them."

The two brothers and sisters had been discussing for a long time, but didn't think of any way. In the afternoon, someone from the tribe came to spread the word, and the chief leader, Akensor, asked the two to go outside the big tent to take orders.

When I came to the big tent, there were people standing outside, there were patriarchs of various tribes, and the others were powerful young generations of the Aken tribe.

Akentha stood with his back to everyone, and when everyone was there, he swiped his hands, and a light curtain appeared in front of everyone. There were densely packed and shining stars. He turned and said solemnly.

"This time we had good luck. Originally, we were only trying to break the barriers between the two continents, to test Shuxuanxianzhou's reaction by the way, and to explore and strive to lay multiple breakthrough points for future large-scale attacks on the holy land. Prepare."

"Unexpectedly, the other party did not send a master to kill, but in the name of some of their young elite disciple contests, they are all lower-level disciples of the same level as you."

"Therefore, the Three Sacred Mountains adjusted the mission of this trip and changed to kill these people with all their strength, so that the Shuxuanxianzhou cultivation world will have a fault in the inheritance, which is of great benefit to future plans."

"In order to achieve this goal, the Three Sacred Mountains have successively sent more tribal fighters and deployed a lore formation at Yanzhi Mountain Pass."

"What we have to do now is to delay the advancement of the teams and allow enough time for the transportation of personnel and the deployment of the large formation."

"I know that this will inevitably result in a lot of sacrifices for tribal warriors and apes, but this is the order of the Three Sacred Mountains, and we have no way of opposing it. Second, you and the tribe will also benefit."

"Before the deaths and injuries of 100,000 civilians allowed us to collect a huge amount of training resources. The Three Sacred Mountains are satisfied. However, the anger, lifelessness and negative spiritual power of these mortals are impure, and their utility is limited. Only the cultivator can provide more resources. The need for high quality."

"The Three Sacred Mountains have passed down the words, this time the gains against cultivators do not have to be turned in, all can be retained and rewarded. It has now been confirmed that these can repair the damage caused by the loss of our vitality and promote the improvement of our cultivation. The appeal of this section alone is great enough for you personally."

"In addition, there will be more powerhouses in the tribe, which will increase the strength of the tribe, increase the weight that we are valued by the Three Holy Mountains, and further pave the way for the Aken tribe to become the leader of all the holy land tribes."

"Therefore, this radical hopes that all of you will bravely and fight for the first place to contribute to the rise of the tribe. The best among you will be included in the record of the tribe's reappearance and will be remembered and worshipped by the generations of the tribe!"

"The treasures given by the Three Sacred Mountains can show the location of the positioned Shuxuan Xianzhou man and horse. Now, you are teaming up according to the list, leading your soldiers and apes to go on their route to intercept and kill the designated team."

"Remember, your overall level of cultivation is not weaker than your opponents, and you have an advantage in numbers, and those teams have successfully interfered with emotions by the secret method of the Three Sacred Mountains, and are gradually losing their rationality. Just let the apes consume their battles first. Power, the odds of winning are very big."

"Warriors of the Akon tribe, for the glory of your tribe and the glory of your tribe, for your own survival and strength, let's go!"

The tribal beast-clothed meditators present were incited by Akentha's words, raised their arms high and yelled, and then left to gather the people according to the instructions.

When the crowd dispersed, Akenser called Abu Dhabi into the account alone, and said to him, "Abu, the team you are responsible for is from Vientiane Freedom Gate. I will send you additional manpower to eliminate the opponent, preferably even the reserve team. Don't let it go."

Abu Dhabi asked, "Are they the strongest?"

Akensor said, "I don't know this well. It may not be the strongest, but may be the youngest among them."

"Then why do you leave it to me? You know, when I join forces with my girl, I should face the strongest team."

"I have my own reasons. Don't ask for details, and don't underestimate your opponents. These are some of their basic information. Go ahead, I'll wait for your good news."

Abu Dhabi pressed the question. After he came out, he clicked on the people under his command. Together with him and the Abu girl, there were 20 beast clothes meditating on the road, and hundreds of apes followed, and a group of people followed the light curtain. In the direction of travel.

According to the deployment, they rushed to a place called Congling in the middle of the night, which was the place most likely to intercept the opponent. After letting go of two teams from the Shuxuanxianzhou, Abu Dhabi let everyone rest in place.

At dawn the next day, news came from the ape man who was on the top of the mountain and was scouting. A few miles away, a group of people was approaching the mountain.

Abu Dhabi summoned his own people, and the lady Abu asked him, "Brother, we are so crowded, do we set up an ambush and wait until the other party enters the pit?"

Abu Dhabi took out the information that Akenser gave him and looked at it again, thinking about it for a while, and said, "They have the ability to fight together, and they should try to minimize the damage of the tribe, and do as I say."

It was the Hualan Ting of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom that approached ten people. They were walking hurriedly, only doing a little repair at midnight on the way. At this time, they were coming in the direction of Congling.

Approaching the foot of the mountain, the leading Hualan Ting stopped and raised his hand, "Stop, there is a situation ahead, and there are many breaths of meditation."

Everyone was rushing from the latter half of the night. At this time, they were slightly tired. After hearing it, they refreshed and released their spiritual consciousness to explore the hillside in front of them. Sure enough, they found that there was an enemy. The breath of meditation is different from that of cultivators, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The other party seemed to have spotted them too, and there was a roar in the mountains and forests, it was ape-man howling.

Everyone judged silently first, and the screams were all over the mountains, one after another.

Yi Liunian was the first to get excited, "blatantly clamoring, this is a brazen, open fire provocation. Go, go and teach them."

Hua Lanting said, "Wait, the other party's breath is messy, and I feel that there are a lot of people. The whistling sounds are suddenly far and near, sometimes left and right, front and back, and the interval varies from one mile to several miles. Xian Jing, Do you say how to fight?"

"How to fight? See one kill one, see two kill one pair, to avenge the civilians in Xianzhou." Wang Genji's eyes were red and his momentum was fierce.

Yun Xiuchun is also eager to try, "That's right, dare you compare with Senior Sister, and see who kills more and faster?"

Yi Liunian answered by the side, "Why don't you dare! Compare and compare. Good, male left and female right, you right and I left, the time for a stick of incense, count the number of people."

Wang Genji said, "Senior Sister didn't talk to you again. It's like me and her. It's nothing to do with you."

Yi Liunian said angrily, "She didn't look at you again, so how come she didn't talk to me, you walk away."

The two quarreled together.

Lin Xian frowned, "Shut up! Lan Ting asked me how to fight, what do you three have more mouths."

At the end, He Dayi lazily said, "You go first, just play, I'm not interested in dealing with the cannon fodder ape-man, I will leave the powerful animal clothing meditating to me."

Qu Zheng was reluctant, and called He Dayi’s Dao No. "The style is long. I don’t like to hear what you say. No one is much worse than anyone. Why leave it to you? Do you look down on the disciples of the laymen?" "

Yu Qian helped Qiang said, "It is better to compare Daoist disciples who are not present with us."

Zhuge Yun also said, "I think it's OK, who is afraid of whom?"

Even Feng Qingjun joined in, "Simply a group of female disciples, a group of Taoist disciples and a group of lay disciples, big guys in the competition."

Hua Lanting watched everyone talk about your words and my words, and my head hurt, and he said impatiently, "There is no end! There are more than a dozen enemies scattered. Destroyed."

Lin Xianjing just interrupted, "The enemy is scattered ~ It is inevitable that we will lose sight of one and the other. If we can't wipe out, there will be fish that will slip through the net. It is better to..." He pondered and said, "But we have made a decision, collectively. Act, don't fight alone, let me think about it."

Yun Xiuchun said anxiously, "Mother-in-law, don't you usually do that? In my opinion, you should act separately and break each one, just like going up and down."

Hua Lanting was also inexplicably irritable today, "Xian Jing, too, you are indecisive and can't pay attention to it. I can deal with two things, and you can take care of the other nine."

This stabbed the hornet's nest, and the other nine people in a mess accuse Hua Lan Ting with a higher eye than the top and not put the same door in the eye.

At the time of the quarrel, the ape-man showed his stature and probed his head.

The ten people stopped arguing, and rushed out with each other, spontaneously scattered, and shot in different directions.

The ten members of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom did not realize that they had given up collective decision-making and joint action.


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