The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 243: Turn evil into use

"How heavy?" Yu Qi lying on the bunk asked weakly.

"Occupying the three squares and four squares of this month's life house, you can see the two evil stars of Qingyang and Mars at the same time. There are also the so-called blessings of Guchen, Death God, and Guan Suo, as well as the migratory palace assimilation taboo, which symbolizes the experience of going out. The Moon Palace on the opposite side constitutes the inferiority of the giant fire sheep. There is a mixture of evil spirits. You say whether it is important or not." Lin Xian replied in shock.

"You said it earlier, you said it earlier I won't take this trip." Wang Genji said sadly.

Wang Genji's injury was the heaviest, Daoji was damaged, and his subsequent practice was greatly hindered. At this time, his mood was abnormally low.

"The destined thing can be avoided past the first day of the new year, but not the fifteenth. It should not be today, and I will save it for you tomorrow." Lin Xian shook his head in shock.

"No! It's my fate, I can't help it!" Yi Liunian shouted. He didn't believe in numerology, but he still had doubts.

Lin Xian Jing didn't refute Yi Liunian, but said, "Yi Liunian is right. We cultivators must have such courage."

"In the sky, forming in the earth, in the people into things, changes are seen. Destiny determines your image, and you can't hide it in specific things, but the final result has to be made by people."

"The fleeting years, your surname Yi is good. The Yi word that Yi learns is the meaning of change in itself."

"My fate is my fate. The problem is that most ordinary people can't escape the fate of fate and can't jump out of fateful arrangements. Changing fate against the sky is easy to say, but it's not easy to do it."

"A cultivator does not lack perseverance. It is easy if there is perseverance," Qu Zheng said in a dull voice.

"I agree with this point of view." He Dayi continued Qu Zhengze's words: "Didn't Mencius say that he has passed it?-Therefore, the heavens will cast the power to the people of Sri Lanka. His body, acting in a disorderly manner, so tempted to endurance, to increase what he can't."

Zhuge Yun also continued: "Hey. I don't repair the secrets of heaven, but I have also heard that all those who have great achievements are sorrowful people. If you hit the main palace, you will have less ups and downs in your life. At most, I will end up with a leisurely little worry. I spend most of my life in peace and tranquility. Everyone is stunned and boiled. To put it bluntly, if it is not serious, there will be no chance of suffering."

Yi Liunian became interested in the debate, and this time said in reverse:

"However, what we can often see is that after suffering from his mind, God continues to suffer from his mind, constantly toiling his muscles and bones, constantly starving his body and skin, tirelessly emptying his body, and consistently chaosing his actions. In the end, nothing was accomplished until death."

"Some people have paid a huge price, and they have been working hard without any rewards. In this world, examples of labor and no work have gone away. In many cases, it has become a matter of course. What is the explanation for this? ?"

"That's not the time, you haven't worked hard enough." Zhuge Yun defended.

Yi Liunian curled his lips: "Everyone knows great truths. But what I often encounter is that good people are not rewarded. People love to say that good people do not live long and do harm for thousands of years. In many cases, hard work does not necessarily get the expected return, and kindness is not. It must be treated with kindness. People can't wait for the legendary cycle of karma to be unhappy, and it's so miserable when they see it in time."

Lin Xian was startled in thought for a while, and said: "In my opinion, the most important thing to change fate is to transform the evil spirit. After all, the key is to transform the evil spirit into use!"

"As far as Ziwei Doushu is concerned, all the disasters and hardships in life are related to evil stars. If you dissolve the evil stars that bring you disasters and make you suffer, your fortune will naturally change."

"But the tragedy of most people is that they haven't done it properly."

"Early weight, like a sea of ​​swords and fires on the road of destiny, if you can't cross it, it is a barrier, it is a **** of a chasm, and you will fall into it and suffer. If you cross it, then this barrier will become a barrier to protect you. Not only do you see The benefits obtained can be obtained, and others can't cross it, so they can't catch up."

"Early weight, showing that it should be fierce, it means that you have to suffer unique suffering; if it should be auspicious, then you need to deal with it properly in order to achieve unusual achievements. Yin and yang are two sides of one, and it depends on how you dissolve it. used."

"It is true that, as you said, most people can't transform evil. The first point is that the determination and perseverance are not strong enough."

"Some people can't get up after falling a few times; some people can't get out of the shadows when they are frustrated, and they retreat from suffering; others blame others when they encounter trouble and blame others for their suffering. Of course this is Sha can't be turned, and you need to show courage and perseverance to overcome Sha at this time."

"The second point is to turn evil into use. It does not mean that it works only by courage and perseverance to fight against evil. That is also not desirable. Blindly not believing in evil and fighting against evil, it is very likely that it will only be broken. Blood flow."

"The effect of heavy evil is to make your efforts futile, make misunderstandings continue to occur, make people lose their way, and let adversity expand step by step until it becomes uncontrollable, and finally people have to succumb to the arrangements of fate."

"So, the third and most important point is to turn evil into use, not just to be powerful, but also to know the direction of resolution."

"We learn to learn easy, and what we emphasize is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Although we are trapped in the sea of ​​hell, we still have to move towards the direction of auspicious star. Where the evil star is where you have to endure hardship, where the auspicious star resides is the direction you need to know. ."

"Only in this way, on the premise that you have the courage and perseverance to survive, your sea of ​​fire and **** will have an exit, and you will not be trapped in it, and will you transform in a good direction. If you don’t know where the way out and the exit are , Can only be in it for thousands of years without being freed from it."

"Although the human natal chart is inherently so unchangeable, people can have their own choice, whether to turn left or right, think of hell, and think of heaven."

"In a word, to turn evil into use, in addition to active efforts and dedication, proactively facing the status quo of suffering and suffering, more importantly, working hard and dedicating in the right direction and meaningful things. In this way, Fang It can be used."

"If you have to give an example, for example, if you commit a villain in your life, and you are often harmful to people's hearts, and you are vainly trying to fight evil with evil, then the harder you work, the more you confront it, the more you commit the villain. It is so serious that there are enemies everywhere and villains everywhere, emerging in endlessly and struggling every step of the way."

"But if you know that the villain is heavy, and the path and direction you choose is to help others to resolve the villain. Then the evil image of the villain will gradually transform, and the villain may be characterized as having a lot of People in big trouble always come to ask for your help. It seems that there are so-called villains who are coming to trouble you, but they are not."

"When you are at this time, your intention is to help others. In this way, one situation is that only you can solve his trouble, and you help him with kindness to help others, and you can solve your own evil."

"The other possibility is that the villain is heavy, but the disasters caused by this will not be on you and transferred to others. This has nothing to do with you, and it will be resolved."

"Then there is, in order to help others solve this unusual trouble, you need to do your best to improve yourself, which increases what you could not do before. If you do this, you will not only resolve the trouble, but also strengthen yourself, so this evil It will be melted away and used by you."

"So, Ying Jie Ying Sha, I was originally afraid of suffering and disaster, afraid that I would not be recognized and benefited, so I was afraid. When the interests of others fight against the heavens, because there is no self, there is nothing to be afraid of. At this time, it is the real life that is left to me."

"Therefore, only people with perseverance and bright minds can finally get the rewards that God can't gain. They will only work hard. Only those who work hard and know which direction to work hard can get rid of the evil star. Turn the evil into use."

"At the beginning of my learning of numerology and prediction in the secular world, Master told me one thing: People who rely solely on skills and tricks without repairing the avenue of fate will sooner or later roll over."

"To change one's fate against the sky is essentially doing a deal with the Dao of Heaven. The Eight Characters of Zhouyi, Ziwei Doushu, Xuankong Fengshui, etc., are all based on experience and technology. Turn it around and get immediate results."

"But so what? A boss who sells goods and delivers goods, I will set up a round of reminders. At the end of the day, he will run for dozens of miles and sell hundreds of catties. He is still a driver. If this person has a conscience , I can be considered to be good and If you are a black-hearted merchant who is short-handed, my actions are to accelerate his process of corrupting his credibility and ruining him to create a business for himself. "

"Efficacy is one thing, and there are many other things that determine the final result."

"Skills can't change the pattern. The chart is set, but the reins of fate are always in my hands. I am addicted to more and fast. If you just close your eyes and beat the horse like flying, it is very dangerous and terrible."

"The magic number is effective because it conforms to certain rules of the universe, heaven and earth and the natural road, but the rules are divided into big rules, small rules, and unspoken rules. It will be intrigued by ignoring the big rules at the bottom."

"The first method of transshipment is called, good deeds follow good destiny."

"Next, let me see where the auspicious star on this board falls. We need to work hard in which direction to aim in the fight of evil spirits before we can use it..."

When Lin Xianjing and the others were discussing the Dao and Xiaoshu, the eight members of the free standing Vientiane Gate team had already discussed with Lin He and were ready to set off.

A total of nine people set off at the end. Feng Qingjun regained her mobility after recuperating. Although her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, she insisted on going there. The reason given was that a person familiar with the meditation situation was needed in the team, and everyone knew that she could not rest assured of Hualanting. Did not do much to block.

In this way, if Hua Lan Ting can be found, the team is still the standard configuration of ten people.

At the same time, in Abu Dhabi's team leading the return to the Myoko Sacred Land Meditation Station, one person was unconscious and was carried by two apes.

This person was caught alive by Abu's lady, Hua Lanting, who missed the battle.


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