The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 261: Platinum brother

   Time does not wait for me.

   If it weren't for the Vientiane Gate masters to try their best to hold back the strong, and delay the time, they would not insist on killing Lu Geng.

   There is no time to fix it.

   If you let the other party catch them and steal them into Capture the Flag, although Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia violated the rules and added people first, they would be unreasonable if they had personal or physical evidence, and they would definitely give up all previous efforts.

   Big piercing and sending technique, activated again.

   Yue Guanghan took out a bag of top-grade spirit stones, which was the guarantee that Mu Weizheng gave him, so that they could have the ability to teleport and escape again.

   Even in the previous crises, in order to ensure the successful completion of the task, they all resisted not willing to use it, for fear that it would not be enough to return after they succeeded.

   If it weren't for being unsure, and worried that the flagpole might be deformed and the weight was too large, Yue Guanghan had the thought of immediately connecting the base with the flagpole.

   The aura in the best spirit stone provided the transmitted energy, the light flickered, and everyone disappeared from the small hot spring lake in time.

   The coordinates of the teleportation are the temporary station of Vientiane Freedom Gate outside the battlefield.

   Vientiane Gate won.

  There is no need for them to worry about handling the following matters.

   A few days later, they returned to the door.

   A few days later, Vientiane Gate praised the people who participated in the secular competition and the eight people who participated in the beheading of the flag.

   Ten days later, most of the disciples' injuries recovered, and they became vigorous again, and many of them improved their cultivation.

   One day after half a month, Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, and Zhuge Yun gathered together, waiting for the arrival of the second merchant, Shang Chenxi.

   The merchants benefited from the victory and sent Shang Chenxi to reward the meritorious disciples. After the main business was completed, Shang Chenxi invited four people they knew to have a gathering.

   The four of them waited and chatted.

Yi Liunian said: "Brothers, we were born to death in the last two actions. Lan Ting took the lead in the secular world and made the first contribution. We were also alive in the process of capturing the flag. Please ask for more benefits."

"Good idea, I think it's OK." Lin Xian said in surprise: "Although the door and the rewards of the merchants are shared by everyone, but our relationship with the second master is so convenient, the merchants are rich in wealth, don't want it. Isn't it? Lanting."

   Hua Lanting said, "That’s what I said, but it’s enough, but it’s enough. The four of us plus Qingjun, Wenyin, and Fei Fei are enough. Don’t be greedy. What do you think? Zhuge."

   "Selfish, shameless." Zhuge Yun said: "Of course, as long as you help me find a companion, I have no objection."

   Hua Lanting said: "By the way, this success is really a collective contribution."

"When rushing into the innate gossip array to capture the flag, the importance of Xian Jing and Xiaoxiao cannot be said. The magic weapon of Tianque has played an important role many times. Both the spot-winged flying lizard and Xiao Yueyue’s big piercing and delivery skills are indispensable. Qingjun seems to behave mediocrely, but she uses the elixir technique to adjust the amount and order of the various pills to ensure that we can always Keep it in a basic state."

   "The configuration of the cultivation direction of the five main peaks and four auxiliary peaks in the gate is really good."

   The four were chatting, and Shang Chenxi came in with Niu Kelian.

  Shang Chenxi looked at everyone and laughed: "Second Lord, my ears are hot, aren't you choreographing me? Everyone is like a dragon and a tiger, not like being beaten to death."

   Yi Nian smiled and said: "How can it be, the Lord of Wealth is here, we are too eager to look forward to it."

   "Smelly boy, you know you are thinking about it. Don't worry, whoever is with us, apart from the normal gratitude that everyone has, you have almost nothing you need, just write it down, as long as it is not excessive, let Uncle Niu buy it for you."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "Uncle Niu's complexion is not very good, what happened?"

  Shang Chenxi replied: "I'm looking for you. Lao Niu has been out of luck recently and has done a few trades at a loss. I would like to ask you to do the calculations and transfer."

   Lin Xianjing counted on the twenty-eight occupancy position of the belly of the finger with both hands and ten fingers, and replied: "It's easy to handle, change the name to Niu Kelian."

   Everyone was talking gossip for a while, and Hua Lan Ting pestered Shang Chenxi to teach business tips.

Shang Chenxi thought for a while and said, "Let’s do it. You know, my business has children from my own family with the Shang surname, and there are collateral children from marriage. In addition, there are children with foreign surnames who say that Niu Kelian is the highest level. The children of the surname Heijinwai, there are also the children of the surname Baijinwai and the children of the Jinwai surname below."

"Since we are here today, if you can get platinum status, not only will you be qualified to pass on business skills, and you will be able to travel outside in the future. Wherever the business can reach, you can purchase goods, obtain information, seek support, etc. All aspects are convenient and enjoy corresponding preferential and priority rights."

   "That dare to love, thank you gangster." Yi Liuian climbed up the pole smoothly.

"Wait, although I have the power to decide, I still have to go about the format and let Uncle Niu give you questions for the test. Well, old Niu, just use that set of informal test questions. "

   "What is informal? Is the topic serious?" Yi Liunian asked.

   Shang Chenxi smirked: "Our business people are very serious, and I don't know if the topic is serious. Anyway, we will not only examine business acumen, but also test IQ and EQ. Let's get started."

Niu Kelian got Lin Xian shocked to change his name to Transit, and then smiled and said, "It's not difficult or difficult. Anyone can get the right answer, there is a standard answer, and new ideas are not rejected. I have the final say on the right or wrong, don't worry. Come, please listen. question."

   "Say, you guys went out to eat and were led into the private dining room. The man told me that there is a minimum consumption requirement for one hundred lower-grade spirit stones. How do you break it?"

"Damn, what's the problem? It's up to me." Yi Liunian replied: "Man, call your boss over. One hundred spirit stone, right? Lord order a thousand plates of scallions mixed with tofu, is it enough for the meal? It’s not difficult for you to get all together within a stick of incense. You need one less plate. Don’t blame your brothers for smashing your shop and tearing down your signature!"

   "Okay, there is a kind! The second question. Say, you go to visit a friend's house, the friend and his wife and his parents are there, how can you say a word that can compliment the whole family of your friend and make everyone happy?"

   This question is not something that the rogue Yi Liunian can deal with. Lin Xian replied in shock for a moment: "My friend, your kid is okay. The vision of finding a wife is as good as your old man."

"Emotional intelligence is very high. I passed the test. I praised four people in one sentence." Niu Kelian continued to ask: "Question three. Say, this time you are a buddy, and there are two people coming for dinner. When one is about to check out, the other rushes to say I'll come and I'll come. But if you don't know how to practice, there is no money-making action, what would you do?"

   Hua Lanting said: "Easy to handle. I will let the first person go and wink innocently at the second person who said that he wants to check out, and wait for him to pay, and see if he pays."

"Question 4. It is said that when you do business, you have to give customers a set to make more money and sell more. You are a sesame seed seller on the move. If you sell one Lingshi and five sesame cakes at lunchtime, please tell me, in business. When it’s light, how can you sell biscuits at a higher price while still attracting customers to buy? Note: At this time, you are a profit-only businessman."

   "I will use a guise, and it says: After noon, one piece of Lingshi and four biscuits." Zhuge Yun, who was honest and friendly, replied quickly.

"Well, it's your sir." Niu Kelian asked after commenting: "Say, you go to have a hair cut, and the cost is two spiritual stones. After the cut, the store will ask you four yuan, tell You only charge two yuan for guests who have saved money in advance. How do you deal with such a black-hearted shop?"

If you can download the set, Zhuge Yun will be the first to answer: "I will ask the other customers in the store who has saved money beforehand, and then I would rather give him four yuan, and ask him to pay the store two yuan for me. , You can not take up, but the anger is unbearable."

"Next question. Say, please buy a peach. You picked three peaches. The stall owner said after weighing a catty and a half that he wanted you to eat three spiritual stones. You think about it, you don’t need to eat it by yourself. Many, I removed the largest of them. The stall owner is a thief. Looking at the scale, it says that one catty is four liang. The scale must be tricky. What can you do so that you won’t suffer?"

   Yi Liunian smiled: "It's still a question. Of course, I picked up the biggest one and threw it to the stall owner."

"Say, doing business must respond quickly. The neighbor Long Tongue asks you: You look at people, you just married a wife and a concubine when you are in a weak crown. You went to the wedding ceremony the day before yesterday. Don't you want to get married when you come back? How to refute?"

   Yi Nian replied: "Auntie, we both went to help with the funeral of the old king next door last month, and we hung up before seeing you back."

   "Next question. Merchants have almost monopolized the refining furnace business, and set the recommended price according to the uniform price of the grade. You deliberately raise the price, how do you face our question?"

  "A suggestion is a suggestion, and I have the right not to accept your Zhuge Yun replied indifferently.

"What nonsense is it? Come again. The fish pond is opened, and the fishing fee is fifty Lingshi. In the afternoon, the people who came did not catch the fish, and the boss each gave a chicken. Everyone thought the boss was very interesting. The uncle said that the boss used to raise chickens, and he could not sell them. He came up with such a way. There is no fish in the fish pond. Everyone who earns a chicken quintessential stone is happy. So, what inspiration does this story have for you? "

   No one can answer Niu Kelian's satisfaction this time.

Niu Kelian finally said: "The lesson is that you must manage your own mouths when you are a person and in business. Don't talk about it. There will be retribution. Because the second group of guests who came to fish did not catch the fish, but they caught one. Mr. Gu..."

   The book was short and the form passed, and the four of Hualan Ting acquired the status of the children of the merchant, Baijinwai.

   In the following half a month, everyone was engaged in intensive cultivation, with a sense of heaven and earth, and a large amount of reward resources to support. Many disciples including Hua Lan Ting have made breakthroughs and their cultivation base has grown further.

  It is said that on this day, the four of them are practicing together, and disciples from the Temple of Lei Punishment come over to spread the word, and the real person Shouyan asked them to order something.

   They asked what was the matter, and the disciple replied: "I don't know. Seeing that the face of the real person is not good, you'd better respond carefully and be careful."

   What is it?

   There is a reason for the incident, and the aftermath of the secular world competition is still unresolved.

   Sediment, come up!

  :. :

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