The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 270: Soul Wound

The human races on the Devil's Plain are in casual cultivating, and the good and the bad are uneven.

Some are purely to hone themselves in this cruel environment. Through life and death struggles with alien beasts, to seek insights and breakthroughs, the gains from hunting beasts are secondary.

The biggest part are adventurers, in order to obtain spiritual resources, or sell prey in exchange for their lives, in exchange for resources or profit.

There are also quite a number of casual cultivators who are extremely vicious desperadoes. For various reasons, they can't stay in their hometown, so they come to hide in the devil's ground, such as being chased by enemies, wanted by sects, and so on.

Everyone who comes to the Devil's Land knows the principle of seeking wealth and danger and fate in life and death. Many people still have their own bottom line, but there is a group of people whose bottom line has fallen below the sole of their feet.

The three things that these people often do are despised.

The first is "black eat black".

Instead of hunting spirit beasts in dangerous areas, they ganged up to rob the monks who had returned from hunting beasts, and robbed others of the fruits of victory. It was a typical murder and overrun.

The second is to eat inside and outside, eat inside and out.

They not only colluded with the aliens among the demon spirit beasts to hunt and kill the spirit beasts, cooperate to earn profits, but also provide each other with the whereabouts of human monks, and even grab contributions for the beasts to enjoy and practice.

The third is to do gangster activities.

The factions and disputes between the five continents continue. These people take advantage of the fact that the major forces can’t stretch their hands too long in the devil’s original. Anyway, when there is trouble, he would return to the Devil's original, so he acted wildly.

The monk Moyuan called these people "black hyenas", meaning black and difficult.

Although everyone hates the black hyenas and kills when they see it, first, most of their cultivation bases are not weak; second, they often form gangs, and the larger forces are extremely powerful, and the smaller teams are many and scattered; The third is that the casual cultivators do not have a subordination, and they cannot form a combined force for encirclement and suppression; the last point is that there will always be monks to supplement them, so they are as stubborn as a small force.

The situation at the bottom of Mingsha Mountain, at first glance, is that multiple hyena teams have been jointly hired at a high price, and they lie in ambush here to intercept and kill Vientiane Gate and Black Sand Sect.

The Blood Moon Black Sand Sect is very prestigious in this area, but if these people succeed, they will rush away and hide in the distance, making it difficult for the Black Sand Sect to find all of them to extinguish.

"Black Hyena" separated some people to besiege the **** black sand sect guards, but more than 200 people specifically sought out disciples from the Vientiane Freedom Sect.

The disciples of the Vientiane Gate of Zizai formed a five-person and seven-person Xuanwu Zhenyuan formation to resist. Anping Tai and Hua Lanting wandered around to fill their seats. The guards of the Black Sand Sect were not soft persimmons, and they were able to block them at the beginning. , And killed many people on the other side.

Over time, the Black Sand Sect began to suffer casualties and disciples at Vientiane Gate were also injured.

The hyena monks acted fiercely, came and went like the wind, and the spirit beasts helped out, and they cooperated well, and the Vientiane Gate and the Black Sand Sect had to retreat and defend.

To make matters worse, four more human-sitting spirit birds flew up on the nearby sand dunes to join in.

After paying the price to kill three of them, the last large eagle-like spirit bird patrolled in the sky, and under the command of the monk on its back, directly attacked Lin Xianjing, who was alone in blocking a large area of ​​defense.

Lin Xian turned the shield in surprise, and the swallowtail greeted him with a yellow light.

Lin Xian was surprised to take out the brocade-backed flower-carved bow, an arrow of air burst out, and the spirit bird dodged.

In order to eliminate the threat from above, Lin Xianjing followed up with thirteen arrows in one breath, and finally shot the wing.

The bird hovered and slid down diagonally, just about to land on Song Feifei's side.

Song Feifei's red flame red flame technique is now quite hot. She flipped a knife, and the hot red glow entrained the fire, and it cleaved the other wing of the spirit bird.

The soul bird wailed, and Song Feifei was about to beheaded with a roll of the blade.

The monk on the spirit bird caught the knife in time.

The eagle-like bird was injured for the second time and stopped doing it. Two weird blue rays of light came out from a pair of small monster eyes. They were extremely swift and close to each other. The rays of light enveloped Song Feifei's head and face, flashed twice and then dissipated.

Song Feifei staggered two steps, and did not fall.

Zhang Hanyun next to him had already put down his opponent and came for reinforcements.

The monk manipulated the wounded bird, fleeing obliquely to the sand dunes.

The attack of the four spirit birds disrupted the defensive formation. At this time, everyone fought individually and performed their own unique skills.

Later, there were only sixty or seventy hyena monks, but they were all high-ranking people, and they did not retreat. Three in groups and two in one group, surrounded the remaining thirty people here and continued to be frantic. attack.

Lin Xian was shocked while observing the situation. He held Song Feifei with one hand and shouted: "Everyone stays, it seems that the other party must have a back hand, gather and break through the road!"

Yi Liunian was a little anxious. He looked left and right, and shouted, "Master Mouse, Master, if you don't come out again, I will die soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, a Taoist flew out over the sandy mountain on the other side. He stepped on a huge and wide flying sword with his feet and flew down quickly, and said, "Er, don't panic.

"Do you think I can't save you when I die! Here are the heads and brains of a dozen black dog groups, all of them are powerful, waiting to kill you at the end. The old way killed nine, and five scared away. Well, it will take a while."

The Taoist imperial sword flew, and did not fall, the flying sword under his feet kept retreating and changing its direction. Every time a sword light emitted from the tip of the sword, a monk hyena fell.

After walking around in the air, the hyena monk was completely wiped out.

In the end, even the cultivator who had fled to the distance was not let go of the spiritual fowl, and Jianguang separated him from the spiritual fowl.

The surviving guards of the Black Sand Sect and the Vientiane Gate everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was correct that Yi Liunian was selected to perform the long-term secret mission in the door, but he still blew the atmosphere. He is currently only being trained as a future executor, learning and training following the current executor. This time I came to Moyuan to practice and familiarize myself with the local situation.

The Taoist of Yujian Flying is his mission instructor, the Taoist name is Yuan Hao, and he is the core disciple of the Vientiane Gate of the same generation as Zhou Ji.

Yuan Hao has the responsibility of nursing and teaching, but he does not usually accompany him close to him. He only shows up when there is a major crisis or trouble.

Yi Liunian was briefly explaining the situation, and Lin Xian on the other side screamed: "You all come over and have a look, Fei Fei's situation is not quite right!"

When everyone heard the sound, they gathered, and saw that Song Feifei's face was like golden paper, breathing signs and other things were normal, but his eyes were very blurred, saying that he shouldn't.

No one else knows what the situation is, Feng Qingjun can see some clues, but he is not sure and will start treatment.

When the real person Yuan Hao came over, he opened Song Feifei's eyelids to take a look, took the pulse condition and probed with his vitality, frowning, and said: "This kid has lost his soul after being hit by the magic technique, which is more troublesome."

Lin Xian hurriedly asked for details.

Yuan Hao said: "You all know that humans have three souls and seven souls. The three souls are the heavenly soul, the earthly soul, and the human soul, which are also called fetal light, refreshing spirit and ghostly spirit. Although the two souls of heaven and earth may be out for a while, they must not be far away. Need to be recallable."

"Looking at the situation of this female disciple, it is very likely that the fetal soul was taken away by the spell. The fetal soul means the soul formed in the mother's body. If the fetal soul is lost, the descendants are like walking corpses, and they are not far from death."

"In addition, Shuang Soul masters wisdom and judgment, and her Shuang soul is the least damaged."

"It's okay to lose one soul temporarily, but you can barely survive if you lose two souls, and if you lose all three souls, you are generally not saved."

Wen Yin asked, "Uncle Master, how can I treat it?"

Yuan Hao sighed: "Ordinary people who are frightened or overly addicted to something will lose their souls. This is easier to solve, and self-recovery is also common. Even secular healers and eminent monks and Taoists have many ways to call souls."

"I major in kendo. I have limited knowledge of this, and I can't judge the severity of the damage of the seven souls. According to her, her condition is more serious. She was injured by the innate and magical powers of the alien beast. , We need to find someone who is proficient in this area for diagnosis and treatment."

"There are experts in this area in the door, but it takes too long to go back. I am afraid that there will be changes. I suggest that I immediately turn to the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect and ask for help."

The guard leader also said: "The real person is right. Many people in the suzerain and sect have studied the spirit realm of spirits and all kinds of spirit beasts."

In this case, everyone set off immediately, and brought the body of the spiritual bird before leaving.

In the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect, Zhang Qihen rushed to hear the news, his face was frosty and frightened. He first ordered someone to investigate immediately, and then personally brought two elders to see Song Feifei's injuries.

After the three of them examined the body of the spirit bird again, Zhang Qihen rubbed his hands and said, "It's not easy to handle. Just as the real person Yuan Hao said, this girl Song has lost her fetal light soul, and other souls are not there. And other damage."

"Time is very close. We had time to cast spells to save our souls, and the damage was not very serious."

Zhang Han Yun said: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Zhang Qihen said embarrassingly: "But she was injured by the extremely rare white-fronted demon falcon's innate supernatural powers in the Demon Plain, which is tricky."

"The white-fronted falcon is said to be a high-level alien animal. In fact, the male and the female have different characteristics. The male falcon has hard feathers and is as fast as lightning, while the female falcon has a golden spot in the corner of the eye.

"This dead female falcon is still in its infancy. It is estimated that its owner does not know the devil falcon, and only if it is an ordinary eagle-like psychic fowl Otherwise, the demon falcon is a strange thing to live in. Things."

"Although the demon falcon is young, its talents and supernatural powers are not trivial. For the soul damage it caused, we can't do anything about it."

Lin Xian was always calm, and couldn't help it anymore: "Sect Master Zhang, please think of a way, no matter what, you must save Fei Fei."

Zhang Qihen sighed: "Fortunately, the demon falcon was young and his supernatural powers were not great. The real person Yuan Hao immediately killed the demon falcon, so that it had no time to devour and dissolve the soul. Now the lost and damaged soul of Miss Song has dissipated for a certain period of time. The inside will not disappear, and there is still room for recall."

"I have medicine and secret methods to ensure that Ms. Song's condition will not get worse in a short time, but the treatment is not enough."

Hua Lanting said: "Is it really impossible to imagine?"

Zhang Qihen groaned: "Unless an adult female white-fronted falcon is found, but the falcon lives deep in the devil's field, and the number is scarce, and it is more powerful and difficult to rival. Hope is too slim."

At this time, one of the elders he brought with him said: "I have a way or can try it. There is a clan of the Nine Lives Cat Demon in the Devil's Yuan, and one of its abilities is to be good at healing the wounds of the soul."

Another elder also said: "I also know that there is a rare herb called Danhuangbaotaicao, which has the effect of promoting the self-healing of the soul. The cat demon plus Dancao may be hoped to be cured."

Zhang Qihen meditated: "This is a way. The problem is that the Jiu Ming cat demon has no fixed place. Some people in the ancestry of its long-term habitat are known, but the cat demon clan has strange and changeable personalities. Whether it can be found is one thing. After finding it, it is not easy to tell him to help. In addition, it is also a matter of luck to take Danhuang Baotai Herbal."

"Entering the Demon's Plain to accomplish these two things, speaking of it, is less difficult than finding the White-fronted Demon Falcon, but the chance of success is still extremely low."

"Old man, I don't approve of you taking risks."

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