The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 272: Tanhuaxiaozhu

Hua Lanting couldn't bear it, and asked Cha Muhe with his eyes.

Cha Muhe shook his head: "It is so cruel in the Devil's Yuan. Fights and killings continue, the weak eats the strong, and the interests come first. You can't tell who is the so-called good person and the bad person. Don't tell me if you helped wrong, two groups of people turned their faces and dealt with you together. The situation is not uncommon."

"The outside world says that the Moyuan sect is also good and evil. In fact, not everyone is blind to right and wrong, but the right and wrong here are too vague."

After taking a closer look, Zha Muhe said, "Look, the cuffs of the group of people in the front have the mark of Jiuqu Lianhuan Dock, and the people behind are mostly strong bones and powerful holes, which are very similar to the magic repair , It may be from the Demon Cave of Demon Ridge."

"Moling Demon Cave?" Hua Lanting asked.

Zha Muhe explained: "After the demon original spirit beast is able to practice independently, it is also called a demon beast, a demon clan or a demon cultivator. It is roughly divided. The human form is a high-level spirit beast, and above it is a quasi-divine beast level."

"Since a long time ago, when the demon cultivator's mentality grew stronger, some would try to cultivate the human skills, and the human monks also learned to imitate the magical powers developed in the evolution of the monsters."

"Because the body structure and hole distribution of humans and beasts are very different, this kind of effort often ends in failure. But countless time has settled down, and there are always capable people and other animals that have achieved results. Moyuan Moxiu refers to such people. , They are still somewhat different from the magic repairs of other continents."

"Magic cultivation is not only tricky and tricky, but there is also a large group of people who are similar to physical cultivation, and can cultivate the flesh as powerful as a monster. There are not many people in the magic cultivation, but the cultivation level is high and strong. Into a series."

"The line of Demon Cave in Demon Ridge is one of the famous ones. It is basically composed of the indigenous demons who have lived here for generations, and a small number of demon beasts have also joined. Their heritage is very long. Basically maintain neutrality in the dispute, but most of the foreign monks are repulsive, but they are more friendly to monsters."

The two people were talking together, and the situation on the mountainside had changed.

Suddenly, a large number of people from Jiuqu Lianhuanwu came out from behind the trees and underground killers, and surrounded the people in the demonic cave that was victoriously in sight.

Moling Yaodong was outnumbered, quickly reduced its staff, and was about to be defeated.

Hua Lanting still sighed here that what Chamuhe said was right. In the Demon Yuan, he couldn't help easily. At this time, he saw an old demon repairer killed two opponents with his fists, and he was shot through his chest. belly.

When he was dying, he roared, turned around and threw the person behind him hard. The person drew a big arc and landed not far in front of Hualanting and Chamuhe, looking back at the old man in love. , Ran away immediately.

Hua Lanting could see clearly that this person was a fat woman, she was afraid that she might not have a three-wide body shape, but she had a pure face, and she was very young with some baby fat.

Jiuqu Lianhuanwu cleaned up its opponents, separated three people and chased them up.

Seeing that it was a baby-faced girl, Hua Lanting felt compassionate. Anyway, the direction in which people came would definitely expose them, so he jumped up and hit the stones on the ground as a hidden weapon to stop the enemy.

Cha Muhe helplessly, got up and grabbed the surprised girl. He didn't want to be troubled, and took the girl back and flee. The two were extremely fast, and soon got rid of the pursuit.

When he met with Lin Xianjing and others, Hua Lanting asked about this girl named Xi Rujian. He had lived here half a year ago. After the Ju clan was killed by Jiuqu Lianhuanwu, she was killed by Na Gang. The old man from Demon Ridge and Demon Cave adopted him and brought him with him.

He asked the girl to return to Moling on her own, but Xi Rujian refused, saying that she only has feelings for the elderly. There are many men repairing in Moling. She doesn't like the environment there. Hua Lanting had to ask Feng Qingjun to take it first. Wait for her to find a way out.

After the people gathered, Zha Muhe said that in half a day, he would arrive at a gathering place for the demon hunting beasts, called Tanhua Xiaozhu.

I don’t know who made the name Tanhua Xiaozhu. It’s beautiful and beautiful. It’s actually a transit center for casual training, rest and replenishment. It's a small market town, but although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, there are hostels, restaurants, and shops in various colors. , Auction halls, casinos, arenas and so on.

Cha Muhe warned everyone not to get into trouble. There are people everywhere, and the order is very chaotic. He will buy something, and everyone will stay for one night and leave.

In the afternoon, they entered Tanhua Xiaozhu and found an inn to live in, but Yuan Hao and An Pingtai still did not show up.

On the way in, everyone found that there were people coming and going, and it was quite lively. Pedestrians were of different races and skin colors. Many people wandered with strange beasts, large and small, selling weapons, spiritual treasures, medicinal materials and mountain treasures. There are also many shops and stalls such as the spirit beast, and they are not as chaotic as Chamuhe said.

After the rest, Yi Liunian clamored to go out for a walk. Zhamuhe knew that he could not suppress the curiosity of these young people. After repeated instructions, he led them into the street.

There was only one main street, and everyone wandered along the road, looking and picking new and novel items that they had never seen before. Most of them were the children of everyone. They generally looked down on the common utensils that were hawked, and they all followed the rules and did nothing.

Although the main street is long, it took half an hour to go back and forth. Some interesting places only opened at night, so everyone looked for a teahouse to rest.

Jiang Gancheng of Swagger Peak is very active, he is also a fat man, he is still the type who doesn't like to eat, but he grows flesh when he drinks cold water. He sees Xi Rujian eating constantly on the road, entangled in the wind Qingjun Everyone was not familiar with Xi Rujian for the various snacks bought for her. He endured it a few times, and finally couldn't help saying:

"I said, Miss Rujian, I am sorry, as a fat man, I suggest that we should eat less and exercise more."

"I'm losing weight? I often exercise, but I can't lose weight. Can you blame me?" Fat people generally have a good personality. Xi Rujian didn't care about Jiang Gancheng's words.

"I exercise often? What do you do? The method is wrong." Jiang Gancheng asked.

Xi Ruyan glanced at him dumbly: "You go look up the dictionary, and eat, isn't it a verb? I'm illiterate, it's terrible."

Xi Rujian was born with little joy, and the expression on her face was always a little sluggish after she came, not like the vivacity of a young person. Everyone felt that her life was pitiful and lonely, so she was justified in her reluctance and she didn’t want her to just throw it away. I couldn't help laughing when he said such a sentence.

Jiang Gancheng was crippled. He was considered young among this group of people, and his face was a little uncomfortable. Then he said: "The little girl dares to talk to my brother like this. You are fat and fierce, let's see who dares to marry you in the future."

"You won't marry me, why can't I say you." Xi Rujian returned with a vernacular sentence.

Jiang Gancheng was inspired and said at once: "I don't know if you marry or not, then I will treat you as a younger sister. You are lonely and pitiful. I'll raise you well. That's okay."

Everyone's attention was drawn, waiting for Xi Rujian's answer.

Xi Ru glanced at Jiang Gancheng on the note, and said, "Look at how many things everyone bought just now, but you didn't spend any money, you are so fat, how can you support me?"

Jiang Gancheng was discouraged: "Well, this, there is no guarantee to feed."

In the past, Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian bickered, but this time they exchanged a pair of live treasures, and everyone laughed.

Jiang Gancheng didn't feel angry, and said again: "My brother is not inferior. The fat people are not ugly. We can't talk about being rich and handsome, but the beauty on our face is still remarkable."

"Brother Jiang, your appearance is quite high." Xi Rujian didn't confront him this time.

"Really? Why do you see it? It's not flattering, you can be more specific." Jiang Gancheng came to the spirit.

"You have to ask, you can get it according to the area of ​​your face."

It turns out that waiting for him here, Miss Ru Jian's brain circuit is really strange.

Jiang Gancheng opened his mouth to argue, and finally sighed. Turning his head, he saw an ornament on the table in front of the owner of the tea shop next to him. It was a horse carrying two baby elephants. He muttered to himself and ridiculed: "There will be an object right away, omen. good."

Xi Rujian continued: "You are wrong again. The implication is that the subject will run away immediately."

Jiang Gancheng became angry, "I don't know what your little girl is. It's windy here, so I went to sit next to it."

"It turns out that Big Brother Jiang can't blow the air. Are you ashes? Just blow it away?"

Everyone roared with laughter.

Xi Rujian may feel that he was over-exaggerated, and asked to add: "Sorry, don't be angry. Others say that my thinking is different. Don't mind if I say something wrong, Brother Jiang. In fact, if you can, Facing death for me, it is not impossible for me to think about it."

Jiang Gancheng's face turned black and red, not reconciled, seized the opportunity to fight back: "Okay, I can face death for you. As long as it threatens you, whether it is a human or a beast, it is not alive or dead, then I vowed to face it."

Everyone's tense mood was finally defeated in the dialogue between the two, and it was a lot easier.

When it got dark, they began to stroll through the alleys on both sides of the main street.

Yi Liunian was hungry and wanted to buy wild duck eggs from a stall. He asked, "Boss, come here with ten salted duck Don't be too salty, it's best to have the egg yolk with oil. Can not do it?"

The boss looked embarrassed: "Well, my little brother, let me tell you that even a duck can't guarantee your request, and I can't even guarantee it."

Did not buy the duck eggs, Yi Liunian took a fancy to the baked steamed buns again. He asked for two spirit stones, and Yi Liunian countered: "I know that steamed buns are scarce in Moyuan, but there is a spirit stone for sale next door."

The stall owner said: "Dude, spirit beasts are not easy to fight. The price of wild pork has gone up recently."

Yi Liunian wondered: "Brother, the price of wild pork has risen, what's the matter with your steamed buns?"

The stall owner answered honestly: "The problem is, I want to eat pork."

Yi Liunian scratched his head: "It makes sense, but I can't refute it. The deal."

After buying the steamed buns, Yi Liunian saw that Hua Lan Ting was looking at the path in a daze. He looked at the back of a woman. He teased: "Lanting, what are you looking at? Why are you staring at the other girl?"

Hua Lanting: "The woman's back looks familiar, just can't remember where she has seen it."

"This is your fault, Qing Jun is still here, but you are thinking of other women, what is your intention?"

At this time, a shopkeeper selling fresh fish at the back was scalping and chopping fish. The knife was relatively blunt. After a few knives did not chop it, the lady boss couldn't see it, and scolded: "Good serve a fish, and see if you make it happen. What's up."

The boss was dissatisfied, and he threw the knife down and cursed: "Fucky lady, the fish didn't speak, what are you talking about!"

So everyone looked at Yi Liunian and laughed.

More than a dozen people said they were making trouble, and they came to an intersection. One corner was a shop where spirit beasts were bought and sold, and the other corner was a gladiatorial arena just opened for business.

Everyone discusses it first to meet the demons and spirit beasts, and then go to the arena to watch the excitement.

This time, however, something happened!

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