The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 279: Fight around

Blood Moon Black Sand Sect Master Zhang Weishen is heartbroken.

Originally, according to his plan, the Black Shazong wanted to force the joint army of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu and Ice and Fire Qilin Valley.

In terms of strength, after using the outer defensive lines to consume the opponent’s vital forces, even though the Black Sand Sect is in a weak position, with the water and land barriers where the Zongmen headquarters is located and the guardian formation, he has the confidence to stick to the Vientiane Freedom Gate and the eldest daughter's sect. The arrival of door reinforcements.

The two Vientiane Gate families have already sent back news that they cannot come to help on a large scale, but will send a considerable number of experts to team up to help. Because of the number of people, it takes a certain amount of time to cross the continent through the teleportation array, and it is still a few days before it can arrive.

Unexpectedly, Jiuqu Lianhuanwu and Ice Fire Kirin Valley launched the offensive ahead of time. This is nothing. Zhang Qihen had already made perfect preparations, but unexpectedly, there was a traitor in the clan!

The average traitor is nothing more, but this person is his adopted son, the future heir to the suzerain, Yun Tianhua!

Yun Tianhua ran away from the clan because Zhang Hanyun was not in his heart, and Zhuge Yun came to propose marriage. Zhang Qihen thinks that young people go out to relax, and as time goes by, they will be fine when they slowly accept reality.

Unexpectedly, Yun Tianhua couldn't think about it, and completely disregarding Zhang Qihen's nurturing and training, he rebelled under his anger and joined the camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu. What's more, he personally led the army to attack the Black Sand Sect.

As the Young Sect Master, Yun Tianhua knows too many secrets of the Black Sand Sect, and is well aware of the military deployment and strengths and weaknesses within the water and land barriers and the guardian formation.

As a result, the coalition forces drove straight forward and swiftly broke through and attacked the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect.

The Black Sand Sect suffered heavy losses in this battle, and Zhang Qihen had to abandon the headquarters, and escaped with the things he could bring and the defeated soldiers.

After fleeing here, the soldiers and horses were gathered, and the master of the Zongzhong suffered nearly half of the casualties. The four great spirit beast legions were broken up, and the rest could only be reorganized into one and a half legions, and they had to face the ensuing encirclement and suppression of the coalition forces.

Hua Lanting and the others never expected that after they left, things took such a sudden turn, and their faces were heavy in shock, and Zhang Hanyun and Zhuge Yun were filled with righteous indignation.

After calming down, Lin Xian was surprised to ask Zhang Qihen's next plan.

Zhang Qihen was injured, and said dejectedly: "This sect is incompetent and defeated. Now I don't want to do what he wants, so I can only minimize the loss. I plan to lead the remnant to leave here and go to a remote place to the west of the Devil's Land, where the opponent can't reach it. , Wait for revenge after gradually regaining vitality."

Lin Xian was shocked, and after thinking about it for a moment and a few words of relief, he and Hua Lanting and the others left and wanted to treat Song Feifei first.

With the lungs of the earth spirit dog, the cat demon completed the spiritual call and repair without much effort, and Song Feifei fell asleep, and after a few days of cultivation, he can return to the original state.

The cat demon was all focused on the parallel space, and he was about to say goodbye immediately after he was done. Hua Lanting and Lin Xian sent him out in surprise.

The cat demon shook his tail and said, "Although the old man is greedy and caressing, he also knows good or bad. Healing the wound is a simple matter. Generally speaking, I took advantage of this exchange, and you paid more."

"The old man is not interested in the battle between the human sects and the human race and the orc race, and does not want to intervene, so I am very busy and forgive me for not helping, but if you have any needs in the future, you can bring it up."

Naturally, Lin Xianjing would not let go of the opportunity. After discussing with Hua Lanting, the two of them whispered a few words with the cat demon, and then the cat demon went back to the stone cave to do its research.

Sending away the cat demon, Lin Xianjing first called Muyan and asked him for a favor. Then he gathered the disciples of Wanxiangmen for a small meeting. After receiving Muyan’s report, he pondered for a while and went to Hualan. Ting went to see Zhang Qihen again together.

After the meeting, Lin Xian screamed and said: "Sect Master Zhang, as Zhuge's fellow sect, Wanxiangmen is an ally of the Black Sand Sect. Although we are young and weak, Lin is not talented. I have an idea to discuss with you."

"But it's okay to talk."

"I think that the Black Sand Sect has not yet reached the end of the world. Escape to the western part of the Demon Plain can be retained as the last option. Before that, I have a counterattack plan and I need to listen to your opinions."

"Really? You two, please speak in person, and I will listen with all ears."

Zhang Qihen was rebelled by his adopted son, and his life's hard work was almost destroyed. He was extremely depressed. Although he did not reverse the faith, he would not refuse Lin Xianjing's kindness.

Lin Xian was surprised by the general style, and talked eloquently: "First of all, I want to know some more information. As you said, the combined strength of the Jiuqu Lianhuanwu and the Ice and Fire Qilin Valley is greater than that of the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect. ."


"Does that mean that in order to win, the opponent must do their best to suppress the Black Sand Sect."

"That's it. According to my estimation, at least four-fifths of each of them was deployed to deal with me this time."

"Very good, that is to say, the sect of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu only has one-fifth of the troops left behind?"

Zhang Qihen said: "I know what you want to say, and the old man also considered a counterattack."

"However, firstly, the troops are insufficient and morale is not high; secondly, the road is not close, and people must take precautions. Arrange to dismount the troops along the way to beware; thirdly, the base camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu is also dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Break through the mountain protection formation."

"This is not appropriate."

Lin Xian was not anxious, and said quietly:

"We have a friend who can know the approximate distribution of monks and beasts in a large area around. Based on this analysis, I found a road that can avoid the heavily guarded area, cut along the weak point, and detoured back to the Jiuqu Lianhuanwu. The route to the base camp."

"This happened? Well, please go on."

"My thoughts are: You must first split a part of your troops and flee in the opposite direction, creating the illusion of a breakthrough, so as to attract the enemy's chasing troops and most of the attention. Of course, this man might be more fortunate, and the whole army will be exhausted. It's not impossible."

"Next, all the remaining troops will march along that secret route. If the army is dispatched, although it can take advantage of the intelligence to advance a long distance, it is inevitable that it will not be discovered on the way. This is just a feint. On the side."

"In addition, I will ask you to select the most elite masters from the clan and form a commando team with us. Participants must be at least at the level of returning Dan. This team must be armed to the teeth and bring all the help The magic weapon of hiding the whereabouts and attacking the mountains and the land is to rush to the base camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu before the army without knowing it."

"After arriving, I will go all-out to attack the mountain at all costs. The attack is not the purpose, the purpose is to cause panic on the other side, forcing them to send news to the main force of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu that their nest was attacked. As long as the pressure is strong enough, I am not afraid that Jiuqu Lianhuanwu will not return urgently. aid."

"Even if Jiuqu Lianhuanwu wants to hunt down the remnants of the Black Sand Sect, station at the Black Sand Sect headquarters, and divide its troops to garrison important strongholds in the theater, it will inevitably mobilize and send a considerable amount of reinforcements. They occupy the Black Sand Sect headquarters. If one's own lair is also taken over, the joke will be a big deal."

"If this situation is formed, then the Black Sand Sect army is a decoy. The two sides must encounter somewhere along the way. The comparison of military strength should still have the advantage of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu."

"Fortunately, at that time, the reinforcements of my Vientiane Gate and another sect will definitely reach the Demon Yuan. You have to send someone to greet and contact you in advance. This is very important. Then please ask the two teams of small and sophisticated masters to be on time anyway. When they arrived at the encounter site, the three parties set up an ambush, and worked together to give Jiuqu Lianhuanwu back to the rescue team a heavy blow."

"According to the information of the two sects who came to aid and the number of people you just provided, the strength of the three parties will be able to defeat this Jiuqu serial dock, and it can effectively kill and destroy each other in large numbers."

"One is to regain one's strength, and the other is to change the strength of the two sides. Even though, our side will still be in a weak position."

"At that time, depending on the battlefield situation, you can continue to counterattack without stopping after the victory, win the base camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu in one go, and retain the reinforcements for a period of time. Everyone will exchange venues. Guizong will use this as a foothold to make long-term contending plans. "

"If the results of the battle are average, the reinforcements can't stay here for a long time, at least they can withdraw to the west calmly, and let the opponent suffer a dumb loss, wipe out their arrogant arrogance, and then they will be thrown into the rat. He was driven away in embarrassment without fighting back."

When Lin Xian was shocked, Zhang Qihen deduced it in his head. When he finished speaking, although he didn't immediately agree, the look in his eyes was not as languid as before.

The three discussed for a while, and Zhang Qihen ordered the senior figures of the Zongzhong to concentrate on the discussion immediately.

Lin Xianjing's vision is good, but this is only the general direction of thinking. If it is to be implemented, there are too many details and assumptions and corresponding treatment plans to be negotiated and formulated.

After a full hour, the argument of the process and the arrangement of the tactical details were not shown. In short, the result was two words: Done!

In distress, the efficiency of the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect was extremely high, and ideas were immediately turned into actions.

First of all, a group of dead men in the sect was called up and tragically led the group of old, weak, remnants and wounded spirit beasts to flee, aiming to distract the enemy's large group of pursuers.

Then, carefully selected the powerful masters with one-third of the sect and the powerful and non-destructive spirit beasts, equipped with half of the artifacts brought out, led by a deputy sect leader, and immediately coordinated with the Vientiane Sect disciple Set off, carry out a lightning long-distance raid along the route given by Lin Xianjing, and sneak attack on the base camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu.

Next, a senior vice-master and three powerful people set off in succession with Yuan Hao Zhenren and Anping Tai from different directions to the border, make sure that there is a way to connect and lead the two sects. Reinforcements at the door are in place.

Finally, Zhang Qihen led the brigade quietly out.

If this battle is successful, the young Muyan should remember his first contribution.

The route drawn according to his information is either deserted or in the gap between the enemy’s defenses. The assault team’s humans and beasts are all capable, they let go of speed without stopping, and they carry a lot of spirit stones as a supplement. After half a day and one night rushing swiftly, he finally arrived at Jiuqu Lianhuanwu without any surprises and dangers.

After approaching, it must be trimmed to attack the mountain, and how to attack is still a difficult problem. Several masters such as Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, and Deputy Sovereign took the opportunity to discuss.

Just as its name suggests, Jiuqu Lianhuan Dock is built by the river against the mountain. A large river twists and turns to form nine natural river bends. The Jiuqu Lianhuan Dock is located on the nine peaks of different heights at the bend on the side of the big river. superior.

The nine mountain peaks can watch each other, and the mountain protection array is connected as a whole, and the energy can be cycled and adjusted. The array is strong and flexible.

This is an advantage, but the disadvantage is that the battle is long and narrow, and the defense strength in certain places is increased, and the other places are bound to be diluted. However, it is rare to face the situation of high-intensity attacks on nine mountain gates at the same time, so it is not an obvious loophole.

Furthermore, the Jiuqu Lianhuan Dock is near the water, so the aquatic monsters raised by the sect are very powerful. They don't have the ability to fly through the air, or pay a sufficient price. It is not a wise choice to attack from the river.

The size of the assault team is limited, and you don't have to think about a full-scale attack. The deputy suzerain means to concentrate the firepower and attack the three gates that are relatively close from the land with great fanfare.

Lin Xianjing has no objection to this.

But after observing the terrain on the spot, he had other new ideas in his mind.

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