The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 293: 8 Iron Army

In the peak of the group of ghosts, the ghost master is furious, and his two arrangements have not achieved substantive results. After scolding a few big ghosts and ghosts for a blood spray, the angry ghost master calculated it and stretched out his hand. On the center of the eyebrows, the ghost eye technique was launched, also known as Yin Yang Qing:

"The law of heaven is clear, the law of the earth is spiritual, the essence of yin and yang, the water spirit is manifested, the aura is water, the heavens reach the earth, the law is practiced, the mirror of the yin and yang, the real form appears quickly, and the real form appears quickly!"

The ghost eye technique of the ghost master is similar to the Taoist sky-opening method and the Buddha's sky-eye communication. It can distinguish the true body and true cultivation level of the opponent, and it can also explore the surrounding conditions on a large scale. It can still be seen clearly and transparently.

After the procedure was completed, the ghost master issued an order: "This group of people has not gone far, their main force has not arrived, and their hands have been damaged. It is a good time to eat. This seat has summoned a ghost judge and hates Tiangao to stay behind. , The remaining four ghost envoys and the five major ghosts, follow the ghost judge Angus and immediately lead the team to catch up, and be sure to eliminate them before dawn!"

Outside the shade of the mountain, the disciples of the Vientiane Sect who were resting waited for the three cat demon to return.

The two sides exchanged their respective situations, and the mouse raised his beard and said: "Look, if we didn't boldly go deep behind the enemy and drag the three ghosts on the top of the group of ghosts, it is estimated that you will be suspended."

The cat demon kicked the mouse: "If you don't brag about it, you will die. It's not fake to get caught up with the ghost. When the ghost master interrupts the call and wants to attack us, your kid runs faster than anyone else."

The child mouse grievedly said: "If you can't beat it, just put oil on the soles of your feet. The mouse tribe is timid and born like this. Besides, the ghost master is really strong, and I haven't seen the two of you staying and rebelling?"

After talking for a while, Hua Lanting asked the cat demon: "Master Mao, you are proficient in biological spirits. I have something to ask." He then briefly described the plane crossing behind the central patio. Said it.

The cat demon said: "According to you, Qi Xiaobai and Huang Zhaojian may be two of those women. The strength of the individual's natural soul and the level of acquired cultivation are different, and the degree of memorization is different. By means, the old man can’t determine who it is. Are you sure you want to know?"

Hua Lan Ting has not answered yet. Someone came over and said that Qi Xiaobai had invited Hua Lan Ting to come over.

Hua Lanting thought that Qi Xiaobai's injury had been repeated, and hurriedly went to the makeshift tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, Qi Xiaobai and Huang Zhaojian lay down and sat down. Hua Lanting was slightly surprised. Seeing that Qi Xiaobai's face was ruddy, it didn't seem to be a problem, so let her down.

Suddenly, Qi Xiao's white willow eyebrows raised, her pretty face was cold, and she suddenly asked, "Wei Zhanmei! Do you remember who our sisters are?"

Hua Lanting was unprepared, caught off guard, and was speechless.

Huang Zhao next to him, in view of his unbearable heart, said softly: "Sister, don't scare him, the matter has not been figured out yet. Let me ask you, Hua Lanting, are you really unable to remember it?"

Hua Lanting calmed his mind, and asked in a weak voice: "In the past, it was the official Wei Zhanmei of the Fusi General Banner of Qingchuan South Town. I wonder who the two girls are?"

Huang Zhaojian smiled: "Hello, Brother Wei, really! Oh, what do you say, I'm Ji Yu, and she is Yin Zi."

A word to wake up the dreamer, Hua Lanting also smiled bitterly.

In that world, the delicate and soft Yin Zi is now the violent Qi Xiaobai, while the heroic Ji Yu is the shy and gentle Huang Zhaojian.

I think at the beginning, Qi Xiaobai and Huang Zhaojian of Lanke Mountain's Huang Family also had a chance to go to the central patio with the martial arts family. After being involved in the central area, they all happened to cross to Qingchuan, where they met Wei Zhanmei. A series of entanglements.

After the two of them returned, they returned to their respective homes. Each of them had more or less impressions and memories of Qingchuan, and there were clear and vague places. Although the two were good sisters, they had never mentioned this kind of adventure. It wasn't until they met Hua Lan Ting that they had doubts. Qi Xiaobai was weak and emotionally unstable after he recovered from his injury. Then he mentioned to Huang Zhaojian. Unexpectedly, Huang Zhaojian was also on the same road. The two women couldn't help but sigh, and they called Hua Lan Ting. Tentative.

The truth came to light, thinking of the half-obscurity and half-real past, the three of them did not speak for a while.

With a cough, Hua Lanting wanted to break the embarrassing cold field, and suddenly heard someone shouting outside.

Going out to see, it is Yi fleeting, fleeting anxiously said: "Go, everyone, go! Xiao Zishu noticed that a large group of ghost soldiers is coming, and you can't fight against it. Let's flee!"

Fortunately, Zimo saw the opportunity early, and several groups of people immediately fled with all their strength.

The three cat demons are big demons. "One Night Rain in the Mountains", Huang Family and Taishan Sect also have some masters present. The four major ghosts and the five ghosts are not afraid of them, but they add one who is equivalent to the cultivation base of the Profound Pearl Realm. Ghost sentence and countless ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers are not good.

Fortunately, they escaped early and quickly, when the ghost army on the top of ten thousand ghosts was about to catch up, the sky finally began to pale.

The ghosts are afraid of the light, and even the strength of the ghost judge will be weakened in the daylight, and will strengthen at night, so the ghost army begins to retreat.

When the ghost army retreated, everyone slowed down and stopped.

Everyone summed it up, and the opinions appeared inconsistent.

"One night rain in the mountains" still has to wait until the brigade arrives before turning back; Zimo, Lin Xianjing and Shan Tianchong proposed to turn around immediately, unexpectedly kill each other with a carbine, and take advantage of the ghost army's fear of light. How much can be eliminated? A sulking sigh of being hunted down; Huang Zhaojian was indifferent because he had no idea.

Each has its own reasons, and it's good to make other people know who to listen to.

In the end, the cat demon with the highest cultivation base, Mao Jiaomao, who had called the mouse, the spirit ape, and the Vientiane Gate, stroked his beard and said: "I have a bold idea. I don't know who of you is willing to accompany you on the adventure."

"The little guy Hualan has a big piercing and delivery technique. As the saying goes, it doesn't make it into a tiger's den. You can't be a tiger. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to go to the tiger mountains. The old man intends to go directly to the lair of the top of ten thousand ghosts."

"The ghost army is slow during the day, and most of it will dive underground. If we move fast enough, we enter the ghost master's mansion before the ghost army returns. It is when the guard is empty, and the incompleteness can toss the ghost master."

Hua Lanting heard: "Wait, I'm not sure I can wear it to the ghost world. Besides, there are ghost formations in the mountains."

The cat demon said: "We have seen it. The ghost mansion is not a real ghost world, but a ghost domain opened by the ghost master using the underground ancient battlefield. It still belongs to the category of Xianzhou."

"In addition, although the old man was unsuccessful in studying parallel space in the devil, he still has some experience in the transmission of such a small space plane, which can help you break through the barriers of the ghost formation and the ghost mansion."

Lin Xian asked in shock: "What can you do if you go in? You can't even beat the ghost master. Can you send someone to catch a turtle in a urn?"

The cat demon replied: "The ghost master never dared to leave the ghost mansion, because he wanted to summon soldiers to fight against the encirclement and suppression. This kind of summoning cannot be easily interrupted, and it is more laborious and time-consuming to continue back. He has stopped to deal with the three of us. Once, now that the ghost master has a bond and lacks a helper, it should be the easiest time to deal with. We have arrived to see the situation, and if there is no chance, we will send it out at any time."

Yi Liunian gave a thumbs up: "The big demon is brave, not good at art, but the demon is bold. Uh, don't hit me, count me."

After all the disciples discussed, they decided to take a risk.

They notified the other parties of the situation. In the end, everyone decided to select a group of people to break into the ghost mansion, including: the big demon cat demon, the child rat, the spirit ape, the Hualan Court of the Vientiane Gate, the Lin Xianjing, the Yi Liunian, the Taishan Sect Shan Tianchong and the sect guardian Fasuo Craftsman, Lan Ke Shan Huang Zhaojian and family guard master Yin Jun.

Others repaired in place, waiting for support.

The three demon and seven people seized the time to act immediately.

A group of masters from each family helped out, Hua Lan Ting mobilized, and the cat demon blessed with techniques, and the ten figures suddenly disappeared, and they quietly passed through the ghost mansion lair on the top of ten thousand ghosts.

They have the approximate location of the ghost mansion, without precise coordinates. After landing, the surrounding area is empty, ghostly, and dark.

In the sense of space, the distance seems unusually vast, deep and long; looking close, it gives birth to a very narrow and depressive sense of restraint. This contrast is very uncomfortable.

The top of the group of ghosts is called the top, and the ghost mansion of the ghost master is an underground mansion.

This is actually not the ghost hall of the ghost mansion where the ghost master is located, but the relics of the ancient battlefield below. The ghost master has cultivated and used the ghosts who died in battle to cultivate party feathers for more than a hundred years.

Everyone couldn't tell the direction, so they chose one side to move forward at will.

Along the way, Yi Liunian shuddered and said, "What kind of ghost place is this, it's so cold and permeating."

Huang Zhaojian said: "It's normal. People die as ghosts, and ghosts are also called ‘going back’, which means home."

"Humans are born by a little bit of essence and blood from their parents, and are grown by the aura of the grains of the world and the earth. After death, the soul flies away, the vitality of the essence and blood is exhausted, and the body is scattered between the heaven and the earth."

"Moreover, the information about the person is not completely disappeared, such as the influence of speech, writings, actions in front of him, the impressions and emotions of people's likes, dislikes, fears, etc., and the living can feel them. To some extent, ghosts, Born by induction. Induction varies from person to person, ghosts, between yin and yang."

"Ghosts can also feel themselves, they can practice with the power of others' induction, and they have the power to influence foreign objects."

"Living people are shuddering in ghosts."

"Okay, I know, stop talking, it's scary," Yi Liunian looked around and suddenly shouted: "Ghost! Damn it, look at it!"

Everyone heard the reputation, really in the distance, a large number of ghost army appeared!

Said it is a ghost, because it looks illusory and unreal, all of them are silent.

Said it is an army, because there are so many and neatly arranged, the team is fully armed and murderous.

They, who are on the march, are fast and not chaotic. They are walking in Everyone is shocked. When you look carefully, the target is not them, and how do you feel that there is a sense of vain .

The cat demon said at this time: "Don't scare yourself. This is not Huangquan Underworld, but the old man judged that the space here and the real Nether Underworld have some kind of strange connection similar to projection. This place was once an ancient battlefield, and it was extremely evil, so The projected image is related to the battlefield army."

Hua Lanting suddenly said, "Looking at the equipment and attire, it looks like the Great Qin Tiejun described in the book as a murderous god."

While still waiting and watching, the space in the distance changed. Another army rushed from a different time and space direction. The ears couldn't hear the sound, but it made people feel the courage of riding a horse.

In a short time, there were eight different outfits, weapons, and styles, but all of them were incomparably powerful ghost iron troops appearing in sequence, passing in front of them, and each path was disciplined, majestic, full of brutality, and sharp.

According to the judgment of Hualanting and Lin Xianjing, they are: Baiqi Daqin Tiejun, Song Yuejia Beiwei Army, Ming Qijiajun, Eastern Jin Beifu Army, Southern and Northern Dynasties Baipao Army, Yuan Mongolian Iron Cavalry, Guanning Iron Cavalry at the end of Ming Dynasty, and Tang Xuanjia Army.

Hua Lanting sighed: "If there are more Manchurian Eight Banners soldiers, Three Kingdoms Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Wudang Flying Army, there will be enough of the top ten triumphant iron troops in ancient history. When these people are in their heyday, they will be invincible. Invincible in war, what the soldiers point to and invincible."

Since it is a projected phantom, they dare to step forward to feel it.

Sure enough, even if they walked into the queue, the soldiers just passed through them and moved on, without any influence.

With solemn emotion, there was a vague shout of killing in the distance, and there was light, which was indeed the real sound and light.

So everyone was careful and rushed over to check.

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