The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 296: 4 sword formations

This is not difficult for Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, and Yi Liunian, the three of them worked together to answer.

These hundreds of flying orders are:

Picking the chrysanthemum under the eastern fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely.

It rained all night in the mountains, and there were hundreds of springs in the trees.

The sound of the spring swallows the dangerous stone, and the sun is cold and green.

The wind blows off the belt, and Shan Yuezhao plays the piano.

The piano sounded all over the room, and the books covered the bed.

The widow on his head fell into a bun, and the moon pearl in his ears.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

In ancient times, sages and sages were lonely, and only the drinker kept his name.

The name is literally written, and the official should stay sick when he gets old and sick.

Nothing to say that the woman is not a British thing, every night on the wall of Longquan.

Ming Zheng Jin Suzhu, in front of the jade house with bare hands.

The former army had been reported to capture Tuyuhun in the night battle in Tao Hebei.

The soul comes to Fenglinqing, and the soul returns to the black.

The black cloud pressed the city to destroy it, and the light of the armor opened to the golden scales of the sun.

The man didn't open the door, so he went out to pick red lotus.

The rain is gurgling outside the curtain, and spring is waning.

The mountain peaches are full of red flowers, and the spring water of the Shu River beats the mountain stream.

The flowing water passes on Xiaopu, and the sad wind passes through the Dongting.

Stop the ship for a while, or maybe you are a fellow villager.

Meet the spirits for the king's drink, tied to the weeping willow of the horse tall building.

The edge of the courtyard can be saved, and there is nothing more in the boundless territory.

There are three autumn osmanthus, ten miles of lotus.

Bonuses are easy to decline like Lang Yi, and the flow of water is infinitely like Nong worry.

Plan and pay, Samsung is in the sky.

The prince of the world praised purple chins, and the junior couples in the middle of the country were still Wuyi.

The words in the poem with wine marks on the clothes,

Little by little, always desolate.

Easy to ask for priceless treasures, rare lovers.

Lang rode a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed.

No one sees the plum blossoms and bamboo, blowing incense over the stone bridge overnight.

There are good willows in the east of the bridge, and people come and sing.

Walk and walk again, separate from the king and life.

Li Qing was blown on the flute and passed the chaotic Shandong.

Dongcheng gradually feels that the scenery is good, and the wrinkles and ripples welcome guests.

The front and rear mirrors of the flower mirror each other.

The green grass is reflected in the spring, and the yellow oriole has a good sound in the sky.

The sound and dust are exquisite, the westerly wind is afterglow, and the tombs of the Han family are queried.

But looking at the worries of his wife, he is crazy about poems and books.

The violent wind fell to the crimson, and the green leaves became full of yin.

There are few willows on the branches, and there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world.

The grass is withered and the eagle's eyes are sick, and the snow is light with its horseshoes.

The green hills can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward.

In this door last year, the faces of human faces were red.

It's not my love for a confidant to drift away, and the rebels are dead in feasts.

When Yanzi came to Xinshe, Ewha was behind Qingming.

Tomorrow is separated by mountains, and the world is boundless.

On the boundless Jianghan, what do you want in the evening.

The son is home, suitable for his family.

There is no great horse in the world, and Jiu Fang Gao is rare among people.

High-field wheat grows without ears for a long time.

So it made the world's parents feel that they would not rebirth a boy or a girl.

Women have nothing to think, and women have nothing to remember.

Recalling the heyday of Kaiyuan, Xiaoyi still hides thousands of families.

The test jade must be burned for three days, and the material identification must wait for seven years.

Seven or eight stars outside, two or three points in front of the rain mountain.

The predecessor is a lotus picker, and there is a pond of water in front of the door.

The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

It is common to see in Wang Qi's house, and heard in front of Cui Jiutang a few times.

Wen Jun has two intentions, so he is determined to each other.

It was a maozi, and went straight for thirty miles.

Li Du's article is here, and the brilliance is full of glory.

The long wind sends Qiuyan a thousand miles, which can be a tall building.

The boat ferry at Xueguazhou Island at night, and the iron horse clears the autumn breeze.

Guan Guan Jujiu, in the continent of the river.

Zhougong spit and feed, and the world is home to one's heart.

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot.

The knot is the wife of the emperor, and Xi is not warm on the emperor’s bed.

The moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground.

Frost falls and bears rises to trees, and deers drink streams in the sky.

Go to the Lianhua Mountain to the west and see the stars.

See you at the window when the stars sink to the bottom of the sea, and look across the seat of the Heyuan after the rain.

Seeing flowers full of tears, does not share the words of the king of Chu.

Words enter the Huanghua River, every time the stream is cleared.

The water is shallow, but the sky is cold and the dream is deep.

As a kindness, you often underestimate the enemy, and try your best to pass the siege.

Only the Yangtze River flows silently.

If you can't keep people, you will get drunk and Jie Lanzhou.

At Yuan Ye last year, the flower market lights up like daylight.

Every day comes out of the Yuntian field and the night comes out, and the children of the village are in charge of their own homes.

He lives in Linhan Garden, the city of Stratum, and his heart follows the moon to Hutian.

The weather, personnel, and the sun are urging, and the winter solstice sun and spring come again.

It was empty words and disappeared, and the clock went upstairs in the moonlight.

The Chinese army bought liquor and returned to the guests, Huqin, Pipa and Qiangdi.

Smelling the broken willows in the flute, I have never seen the spring scenery.

See Wanshan red all over, and the forests are all dyed.

Dyeing the willows with thick smoke, blowing plum flute and resentment, spring will know a little bit.

Xu Jiang Qi Lihong was a trick, and he waited for the general's oil wall car.

Chess wheel, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrian bows and arrows at their waists.

Inviting people to Fu Xiangfen, do not pretend to be Luo Yi.

The belt became wider and he did not regret it, which made people haggard for Iraq.

Cuihua swayed back and forth, and went west for more than a hundred miles.

Li Du's poems have been passed down in thousands of mouths, and they are not new to this day.

The fairy caressed me, knotted my hair and received longevity.

Life is a master, death is also a ghost.

Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now it has started from scratch.

The new makeup of the Yue female is more contemplative.

The silver candle and autumn light cold-painted screen, and Qing Luo's small fan flutters into the air.

In the surging water, the pulse cannot be said.

The yellow-leaf tree in the rain, the white-headed man under the lamp.

No one has died in life since ancient times.

The green hills traverse Beiguo, and the Baishui surrounds the east city.

There are ancient trees on the edge of the city, and the sound of autumn is coming from day to night.

The noise is in the rock, and the color is quiet and deep in the loose.

Guanghua flashed, and they returned to the outside of Zheyin Mountain.

After discerning the position, Master Tree distinguished himself from the others and wanted to return to his true body.

Hua Lanting asked him to live a long life for the cat demon, and Master Tree invited them to visit Qixia Temple in the southern Chinese language gods at an appropriate time. Then he came to think of something.

When everyone returned to the place, they passed through the underground line of the ghost mansion. I don't know how long it has been outside. The main force of each family and other families and sects have arrived, and they have advanced to the top of the ten thousand ghosts before the mountain protection formation. There are a crowd of one to two thousand people. Discussing how to attack Zheyin Mountain.

The arrival of the Vientiane Sect disciples did not attract attention. Only Huang Zhaojian and Qi Xiaobai came to say hello. Shan Tianchong was picked up by the Taishan Sect, and Hualanting followed.

When it was about to dawn, everyone discussed the results, and planned to start with Lankeshan Huang's family and break through the mountain protection formation.

Huang Zhaojian led the Huang family's children into the array, among which four flew out into the air.

These four people are four veterans, their hair buns are as if they are, their beards are gray, the bones of fairy wind, majestic and majestic, or standing or sitting on long swords, circling around in the sky, they are obviously four strong sword repairmen in the reborn realm.

Shan Tianchong was still weak, but he had recovered a bit, and said: "These four people are from the generation of Huang Zhaojian's grandfather. They may not be well-known in Xianzhou, but they are well-known in the business of hunting ghosts and defending ghosts. The road numbers are loose and soft, loose and sinking, loose and follow, and loose and free."

There are many schools of Xianzhou Taoist schools based on different cultivation methods and standards, such as Danding School and Fulu School, such as Quanzhen School and Zhengyi School. Among them, there are Zhengyang School, Shaoyang School, Chunyang School, Chongyang School, Longmen School, Jingming School, Lingbao School, Shangqing School, Shenxiao School and so on.

For example, Quanzhen Tao advocates double cultivation of both life and life. It focuses on refining the inner alchemy. The precepts are strict. Marriage is not allowed. It must be cultivated and cultivated. However, the sect is based on talisman. The precepts are relatively loose. Therefore, many family-style martial arts similar to the Huang family have also formed.

The four loose characters flew in the air, forming a formation with the children of the Huang family.

Shan Tianchong said that this is the Huang family's "four-door slaying ghost formation."

As the Four Dao of the Huang Family read the Taoist nine-character mantra, the formation was activated, and the formation of the mountain guarding the top of ten thousand ghosts was attacked.

The nine-character mantra of Taoism is: Prosperity, Soldier, Fight, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, Forward, and Action.

That is, spirit, dart, unification, harmony, solution, heart, split, qi, and Zen, also known as Liujia Secret Zhu, from the inner chapter of Baopuzi.

The later "All those who are facing the battle are in front of the array" are actually misinformed, but they can also be used.

Present, to perceive the world, perceive nature, and perceive the essence of me in it, refers to the will to be stable in body and mind, not to be moved, not to panic, to remain still or not confused.

Soldiers advance by the moment. At this time, the heavens and the earth are clear, the yin and yang have appeared, the dragons and tigers within the body roar at first, with the meaning of fighting, when they are more warm and nurturing, waiting for the time of roaring. Refers to the energy contained in the body, expresses vigorous and powerful vitality, and symbolizes fast action like wind.

Fighting is the resonance of the soul and the universe. Not only must it be brave and decisive, but it must also be able to show a strong fighting spirit when encountering difficulties.

By means of freedom, you can dominate your own body as well as the body of others, and gain the ability to manipulate everything with the help of external objects and the environment.

Jie, commonly known as the sixth sense of intuition.

The formation represents Qimen Dunjia.

Column, referring to the heart of the Dao. Dao-mind is firm, and resolutely breaks down the obstacles that hinder one's practice.

Before, it was the control of energy and elements.

Action means the state of light and transcendence.

The "Four Doors and Bottom Slaying Ghost Array" can be attacked and defended. At this time, nearly a hundred people from the Huang Family were commanded by the four Daoists, turning them into a huge sword to stab the mountain guarding formation.

The sword array collided with the large array, making an astonishing loud noise.

After the dozens of blows, the mountain guard burst open, and the ghosts that had returned to the mountain poured out.

The cat demon frowned and said, "So easy? The mountain protection formation seems vulnerable."

A group of ghosts gushed out, among them, the four major ghosts, Wei Zhentian, Qin Tianzhu, Ba Tianhu, and Fang Tianji, greeted the four old ways of the Huang family, and the ghost judge Angus and the five major ghosts led the ghosts to kill other monks.

On this side, more than a dozen powerful men of the Taishan Sect joined forces to fight Guizheng, while other monks blocked Guitian, Guijia and the group of ghosts, but Qiu Huanxi, Xiang Xi and Shengge killed the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect.

Shan Tian Chong uses Qiqiao Magic Eyes to help everyone get out. He and Qiu Huanxi have hatred, and now they are too weak to take action, so Hua Lanting and Yi Liunian took over Qiu Huanxi, and Lin Xianjing, Song Feifei, and Feng Qingjun wanted to clean up. The portal stopped Sheng Ge together, and Zhuge Yun, Zhang Hanyun, and Wen Yin fought against Xiang Xi.

At dawn, when the ghosts were not in the strongest state, the two sides killed it for a while.

Let's just say that the Huang Family's Four Dao fight against four ghosts.

The sword of the Huang family is also authentic in the Xuanmen, and the Da Zizao sword of the Vientiane Gate of the Freedom comes from the same source.

The long sword-like walking frame of Songjudo is loose and soft, and its movements are like moving clouds and flowing water, soothing and elegant, soft and round, continuous, and have first reached the state of unity of body and mind, fusion of nature and nature.

Loosening is not slack, not using no effort at all, but through mental and emotional relaxation, with the loosening of muscles and body relaxation, forming a state of "loose, steady, slow, and even". Don’t worry about it, stretch out as you tune in, give yourself to others, and achieve the effect of “seeking softness with the intention, becoming rigid unintentionally, overcoming rigidity with softness, and playing strength with strength”.

Relaxation and softness include the power of walking, accumulating strength, and sticking. "If people are rigid, I am flexible, and I am sticky." At the same time, softness can be transformed into rigidity. "Like an arrow" is extremely strong.

Loosing, Shen, Dao, long, slack and strong, pay attention to the body method of qi sinking Dantian and Weilu in the middle The spirit of the body drives the formation of the psychic circle in the body, the inside and the outside are in harmony, the up and down is accessible, it is very round and the sword style is all Emitted in the form of a circle.

There are nine curved beads (two elbows, two shoulders, one waist, two hips, two knees) formed by the simultaneous movement of large circles, small circles, flat circles, vertical circles, diagonal circles, forward and reverse circles.

Tai Chi Sutra swordsmanship originated from the natural laws of the rotation of the sun, the moon, and the earth, following the natural laws of the heavens and the earth.

Loosening and Shen Jin emphasizes the coordination of breathing, sucking for union, for melting, for sinking, for storing, exhaling for opening, for releasing, pay attention to "cover to **** is naturally able to lift, but also to lift people up, breathe is natural to sink To let people out."

The jue said, do not relax and sink the law, do not enter the Tai Chi gate.

Song Sui Dao Chang's Song Sui Jin is the specific application of Taoist's "reverse movement of Taoism" concept in martial arts. The purpose is to touch the opponent's strength and then overcome it. It is Tai Chi that achieves defeating the strong with the weak, defeating the strong with the soft, and hitting people with the help of strength. The key point is that "Yang comes and Yin walks, Yin walks with Yang, Yin does not separate from Yang, Yang does not separate from Yin, Yin and Yang complement each other, only to understand the strength."

When making moves, first remove the pulling force, turn the hard into soft, and then accumulate soft into rigid, the conversion is sudden and natural, flexible without stagnation, and when the introduction fails, the opportunity can be gained.

The relaxation and relaxation of the long and intensive Taoism is the manifestation of Tai Chi's contradiction and opposition as well as the unity and harmony. Loosening is the loosing under the guidance of consciousness, not unconscious slack. It requires the body to be loose but the mind to be tight in order to produce rapid and powerful explosive force.

Loosening is not the purpose, but for better tightening, tightening is not stiff, it is the rebound, release, and explosion after mobilizing the whole body's spirit and physical body, as well as the power of heaven and earth in an instant.

Although the four Daoist leaders have not reached the Profound Bead realm, they are all in the stage of creating the ultimate stage of the reborn realm. In addition to swordsmanship, they also have profound techniques to restrain ghosts. After a rush, the soul flies, and the soul is scattered.

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