The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 301: Type 1 retreat

Mu Xiuhua's hesitation is justified.

The first half of Sanchen's words in the empty island can be considered earnest, full of apologies, and the second half of the words are suspected of quarrels, but they are not easy to refuse, showing weakness.

However, on the other hand, if Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi were there, it would be no problem to win. It is estimated that the other party would not even have the courage to challenge. Now, it is somewhat troublesome.

The cultivation of the three ways of Taihao are all in the reborn state. People at this level can be said to be a lot of people in the Vientiane Gate. They are not good at the moment. Now, Mu Yuying himself is about to be caught up by his disciple Hua Lanting. , Dongmingfeng Fenghuolun is not good at using force, and the two of them have not been able to win with all their strength.

The three cat monsters are enough to match, but the three big monsters are not in the strict sense of being at the Vientiane Gate, and the demon repairing does not represent the Taoist kung fu of the Vientiane Gate.

Mu Xuhuan turned into Mu Heshou, but behind him there are three old and mature big demons, all of them are old and cunning people who have been seen for a long time. After seeing the embarrassment of Mu Zuohuan, Zishu immediately gave Mu Zuohuan and Hualan Ting's voice a face-to-face instruction.

After hearing this, Mu Weihuan hesitated and nodded. So, President Hualan stood up, clasped his fists and said to Sandao: "The three seniors are so sincere, and Danyangzi's matter is revealed."

"As for the discussion section, we are not easy to touch Taihaoguan, but the two elders of Mr. Mu and Feng teacher are not easy to arrange for the three of you. There are only a few of the three demon seniors here who come to my Vientiane Gate. Years, and it was not the Taoist magic of the Vientiane Sect that he had cultivated, so he couldn't let the three of them enjoy themselves.

"This matter started because of me, so it should be resolved by the kid."

"The three high-level masters are invincible in their profound arts and gods. However, since you are going to learn the skills of the Vientiane Gate for a while, I have a suggestion. It can meet the requirements of the three, and it will not I hurt the harmony of the two families, I don’t know what to hear?"

It's true that the three of Dichen apologized, and it was true that they wanted to compete for Taihaoguan's reputation. Originally, they were going to fight against each other’s peers. Although they were surprised by what Hua Lan Ting said, they also developed some interest. Dichen smiled and said: "It’s you who defeated Danyangzi. Okay, just listen. Listen to your charter."

Hua Lanting said: "It's a idiot to talk to the three of you. But the kid has recently realized a magic technique. Although it is not perfect, he is quite proud of it. The teachers also praised it. Today, I am bold and willing to present it in front of the three. I have a glimpse of my ugliness, please appreciate it."

"If the seniors of cleaning, sweeping, and washing dust, ask themselves to be able to break this type of magic without damage, I have nothing to say, Vientiane Gate will accept this battle. If anything happens, let the Taoist leaders If there is any fear, then it is the right for the two parties to make friends with each other and have a friendly exchange, and both parties will be happy. Is that good?"

The three of Dichen looked at each other, Hua Lan Ting dared to say this, and Mu Weihua and others did not object, that is, they are very confident in this style, which aroused their greater interest, and neither left nor right. If you intend to become an enemy with Vientiane Gate, you might as well agree to this peaceful method, and then immediately respond.

This restaurant is the private property of the Mu family, and there is a martial arts field in the backyard, so everyone came downstairs.

Hua Lanting stood still facing Sandao, and saw him calmly and slowly raising his hand, like holding a ball, as if holding Tai Chi, when the momentum was over, he suddenly pushed with both hands, one spell was issued, and he watched. The usual breath drifted to the center of the venue, suspended in the air.

Lin Xianjing and other 60-generation disciples still didn't feel anything, the opposite Sandao stared at the fine product, but slowly everyone changed their expressions.

The cultivation bases of the three high-level masters are not at the top in Sinking Island, but although the scale and strength of Taihao Temple are not as good as those of Vientiane Freedom Gate, it has a much longer history. Very many, the three of them have extensive knowledge, and after thinking about their taste, the three of them are more and more frightened.

Hua Lanting's hand was temporarily named "Xiang Xuan Ji Yi Shi", which was the product of the combination of the half-hanging "Dao Guang Yi Shi" and Zi Mouse's semi-celestial art "Xuan Pi Ji Ming" under the command of Zimo.

The "Daoguang One Pose" does not work at all times, and the child mouse's "Mysterious Thief Life" is also specious due to memory impairment, but after the combination, after hard practice, Hualanting has been able to issue this "Little Mysterious One Pose" at any time.

The true power of this style is far less than that of immortality. It can be said to be vain and empty. The highlight is that there is a little hint of immortality in it. Although it is a flowery, it is not useful. But it couldn't be better to scare people.

Naturally, the Three Ways of Cleaning the dust had never seen immortality, but this did not prevent them from feeling the mysterious and surging and sharp hint of immortality in them.

After the cultivation base reaches the reborn state, strength and moves are relatively secondary, and the understanding of the rules of heaven and earth and the artistic conception of the great road is the most important. Moreover, this mysterious and mysterious thing is basically something that can only be expected and is difficult to describe, and it is often restricting the cultivation. The biggest obstacle to promotion.

Sandao was shocked, his face gradually turned into ecstasy.

It is this unclear artistic conception that is unclear and unclear. For them, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it is seized, it will be enough for them to benefit for life.

This is what Zimo and Hua Lanting didn't expect.

Many of Hua Lanting's comprehensions in the past few years have taken shape. Because the cultivation base and the comprehension are not yet complete, they can't be fully grasped, so Zimo's requirement for him is to use all opportunities to repeatedly use and practice through actual combat. Practice makes perfect, until perfect makes perfect, reach the level of final understanding as soon as possible.

When the three words of dust were silent for a long time, and the fighting method was ignored, I fully understood the mystery contained in this style until Hualanting couldn't support it, and the spell dissipated.

At the end, Dichen sighed, and even took the lead to bow and bow: "Thank you! Try to say, when I have not said it before. This good meeting is really a great fortune that the poor and the three can meet."

"After today, the three of me will return to Guanzhong and will close the dead, and will never leave until we have a thorough understanding."

"This matter will be reported to the master. Tai Haoguan, from now on, we will only be friends with Vientiane Gate, not enemies. I think you are going to go to the Hai Mo Island to the Southern Chinese Language God Realm. I dare not say anything else. Taihaoguan still has some manpower on the seaweed island, if you need it, please tell me."

"Great grace doesn't say thank you, let's say goodbye first." The three of them said, leaving behind the contact information and then retreated.

They don't want to delay a little bit of time. They must first find a way to digest and absorb what they feel, so as not to forget any bit after a long time. That would be a crime against themselves and regret for the rest of their lives.

In fact, with the insights of the three people, they can naturally perceive the external slackness of the "little mystery style". In actual combat, the three of them can take this trick and win, but they win or lose in a moment, and it is impossible to say that they will break the big sky. It can't be compared with Xianji's sentiment, now even if they let them knock on Hualanting, they would not hesitate.

It was much faster when I walked Sandao than when I came here. After the smoke disappeared, Mu Weizheng laughed and said, "Brother Xihe, when can we send us to the seaweed island?"

Mu Zhen stays in the southern part of Xianzhou, so he has a close relationship with Xiankong Island. It is better than the friendship with Mu Xuhua, who has not seen much. That is why this arrangement can still belong to the category of family fighting. Without more enmity, I had to laugh at this moment: "The Vientiane Gate is a good method. No problem, you can leave at any time."

Soon, Mu Zhenzhe personally sent everyone into the teleportation formation, and said to Mu Xiuhua: "So that the nine brothers, you know, several sisters in the family happen to be on the seaweed island, maybe you can see it."

Mu Weihuan asked her name and surname, nodded and wrote it down.

Seaweed Island is an island on the boundless sea between Shuxuanxianzhou in the East and Huayan Godland in the South.

The sea is vast, and the cost of direct transmission is huge and unbearable, so it is necessary to jump to the island and transit.

As a seaweed island as large as a small piece of land, it has become the best transfer station, and it has developed very prosperous from it. Not to mention the two sides of the Buddha and the magic of the Huayan God's Domain have dedicated personnel for long-term stays, such as Taihaoguan. The forces, and even many sects in Xianzhou and other continents also have people stationed here, like a small world outside the world.

In this world, in addition to the five continents, the aquatic spirit beasts in the sea are also a force, and even the overall strength is not inferior to any land. It is just that the sea beasts are used to living in the water, and it is not convenient to grow and cultivate after leaving the water. Therefore, there are often battles in the offshore, but the strong in the deep sea rarely land on land.

The calmness of Nori Island was also the result of a compromise after the land-sea war a long time ago. The land area promised not to harass or harm deep-sea creatures, and the sea beasts agreed not to interfere with the transfer function of Nori Island.

In this way, the people of Vientiane Gate came to the seaweed island, and joined the three of Chen Luan, Yun Yiqi and Yiqu who had been waiting here.

It was the first time that Hualanting and the others set foot on a tropical island. They saw that the sun was shining, the blue sky and the blue sea, hot as summer, and the fluffy white clouds like gauze were so low that they seemed to be reachable, and there were tall coconut trees and broad trees everywhere. The big-leaf banana tree, as well as all kinds of strange and strange plants that have not been named before, are all new and exciting.

Wen Yin said: "It's fleeting, you see the sky is high and the clouds are near here, the night must be a little bit starry, let's make an appointment with everyone to watch the moon and the stars together at night."

Hua Lanting said: "Okay, okay, let the fleeting years pick one for you."

Yi Liunian said: "You can see the stars, listen to the waves, sleep on the waves, watch slowly, how romantic, there is no problem watching one night, but you can avoid the stars."

"Why?" Zhuge Yun asked.

Yi Liunian plausibly said: "Brother Pig, you have to know that someone who loves you is not necessarily someone who spends money on you and is struggling to please you, but someone who is willing to spend time with you!"

"Well, this is the first time I have heard someone say poor and lazy and stupid so fresh and refined, um, intolerable."

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