The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 308: Lingnan Shuangsha

Because of the sudden attack of the Giant Whale King, the teleportation array to Huayan God's Domain was once closed, and the seaweed island was only allowed to enter but not exit. Now the biggest suspect, Shao Feng, has been captured, and the teleportation array is reopened at the strong request of everyone. It is open, but because there have been a lot of people who want to leave the island, Hualanting and the others have been queuing until the evening before making a trip.

Out of the teleportation array of Huayan God's Domain, waves of heat rushed toward his face.

Apart from being hotter, the scenery here is not much different from that of Nori Island. In addition, the concentration and purity of the aura in the air is indeed not as good as that of Shuxuanxianzhou. This is also the common feeling of the disciples of the Vientiane Gate who have been to several other continents.

In the Huayan God Realm, the situation is not as relatively calm as on the Nori Island. Fights between Buddhism and Moxiu happen from time to time, and conflicts of various scales continue. It is said that they had just happened before they came to tens of thousands of people. Of war. Hey, one paragraph is missing! Like it, please collect it: () Zhaishuyuan has the fastest update speed.

It is said that there should be a period of calm after the war, but what everyone in Vientiane sees is a scene of very busy traffic. After asking, it turns out that all parties will take this opportunity to purchase supplementary supplies, so the safe area It was the most lively time at this time.

There are still some days before the temple celebration. They plan to go to Qixia Temple to find Master Tree to solve the problem of cat demon. Yi Liuian asked the guard about the location of Qixia Temple as soon as he left the portal. Everyone decided to find a local guide to lead the way. Damn, another paragraph is missing! Zhaishuyuan, the fastest update of the latest chapters!

After questioning, they were told to go to the mercenary reception area to find a guide.

Wars in Huayan God's Domain are frequent, and mercenaries are a product of spawning.

In order to increase their strength and reduce their own losses, all parties will hire outsiders for casual repairs to undertake reconnaissance, infiltration, and disruptive tasks, as well as to participate in the offensive and defensive battles of the site.

Although the risk of being a mercenary is very high, the mortality rate is very high, but due to the high reward, all the spoils are owned by yourself, and at the same time, you can hone your martial arts in actual combat and improve your cultivation level. There are always a large number of casual repairs on other continents coming here. , Gradually became a "paradise" for adventurers. Day, I couldn’t watch it and I missed it! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

After understanding the situation, Hua Lan Ting and the others came to the mercenary reception area on the other side.

The mercenary reception area is a simple hall built of wood. The area is not small. There are many tables in a mess. Behind the tables sit more or less mercenaries who are soliciting business. Qi, the small number is a mercenary squad of three or five people, the larger is a mercenary squad of hundreds of people.

Some of these mercenaries are dedicated to serving one party, and most of them are if the price is right. Whoever gives the money will sell their lives. The reward for the transaction is generally spiritual stones, or weapons, martial arts, magic weapons, and other training resources.

The mercenaries live a life of licking blood on the knife head. After accepting the task, they are extremely dangerous and stressful. They are nervous. In their free time, they gather together for five drinks and six, relax by drinking, gambling, etc., so the reception hall There is a smog.

The hall is not overcrowded. The mercenaries here mainly provide **** bodyguard services for the transportation of materials into the Huayan God's Domain. Now it is the busy period, and some teams have already taken the task and left.

As soon as they entered Hualanting, a few groups of people huffed around. When they heard that they were looking for a guide, they all spread out with a lack of interest. The risks of leading the way were similar but the rewards were not high. It was an unpopular business.

The disciples of the Vientiane Sect asked several houses in succession, but no one wanted to go, so they had to continue walking inside, focusing on looking for a small number of mercenary squads or individual casual cultivators.

They no longer pay attention to the mercenary group, but most of the mercenaries are rough men. Seeing that the disciples of the Vientiane Gate are very young, there are also several beautiful girls such as Feng Qingjun, and some people began to laugh uncleanly.

Knowing that the quality of mercenaries is generally not high, everyone did not care too much. At this time, Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were surprised to notice that there were two people sitting in a corner not far away. They both looked at each other and thought they could move forward. Let's talk about it.

The two are a man and a woman who are getting older.

The man has white hair, a frown and a deep hatred, sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes, smoking a peculiar hookah.

They have never seen this kind of hookah. The pipe has a thin mouth and a round belly. It is more than half a person tall. The decorations around the pipe are full of exotic flavors. The tray on the spout contains charcoal and tin foil burning the smoke paste. In the pot belly was white mist, and a tube stretched out. One end of the tube was a cigarette holder for people to smoke.

The woman is also meditating with her eyes closed, her hair is half-grey, and her face has a lot of wrinkles, but she can tell that she must have been a beauty when she was young, with a calm and kind demeanor.

On the ground in front of the two of them, a sword with a sheath was placed on each.

The reason why I saw this pair of old men who looked like a couple was that the two of them were sitting alone and stood out among the mercenaries with the majority of middle-aged men. It should be because they did not form a team, and the other mercenaries were some distance away from the two of them. , Seems to dare not come close to disturb, then the strength of these two people should be good.

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing were about to go forward to strike up a conversation, but a bold mercenary sitting behind the table, sitting behind the table, whistled at Song Feifei, and said, "Little girl, find a helper. Look at my brother, how is it about me? Our violent bear mercenary group is like a wolf and a tiger, with good service, **** and three packages. It is much better than the chicks around you. Come over and chat together."

Lin Xian was shocked that Song Feifei's attitude towards her since she was injured in the Taichu Devil Yuan was still tepid, but in fact she was very concerned about Song Feifei's safety. Hearing the words of mercenary molesting, he immediately became angry and rushed. Go up and say: "Put your mouth clean, and say, believe it or not, I will slap you with my big mouth!"

The mercenary drank two more glasses in the evening, otherwise he would not be rude to the indifferent guests. His alcoholic worm started arguing with Lin Xian. The companions around him bullied the young people, and they gathered around. It was a booze and half a help, and the two sides were about to fight.

When it was getting into trouble, I suddenly heard a shout: "Wang Qi, are you bullying the kid!"

It was not someone else who was speaking, it was the old woman who was meditating. Her volume was not loud, but her voice sounded like it was ringing in everyone's ears, making her ears buzzing.

The man named Wang Qi suddenly woke up, his face changed, he turned around, slapped himself severely, and smiled: "I have poured a few more cups of yellow soup today. I am confused. I forgot Sanniang. Now, the little one will not dare to do it next time."

After finishing talking, he went to Lin Xianjing and others again and again: "Several, forgive your sins and forgive your sins, you adults don't remember the villain's fault, Wang Qi hereby apologizes."

Seeing him apologize, Lin Xian was shocked, and she clasped his fist and said to the old woman: "Thank you auntie for breaking the siege. I just have to find someone to lead the way to Qixia Temple in Taima Mountain. I wonder if you are willing to take this job. Son?"

That Wang Qi’s drinking spirit had already been awakened, and he said to the side: “Little brother, I think you’re new here, so please dispel this idea as soon as possible. Would you dare to invite Wan Sanye and Xie Sanniang to be your guide? How many big businessmen are that? The convoy of the caravan could not be invited. And this way to Taima Mountain, but the Buddhism and Moxiu powers are intertwined and intertwined, and our blizzard mercenary group easily refuses to go. Take a step back. By the way, even if the two elderly people are willing, you can't afford the price."

Hearing what he said, these two old men have a great reputation here.

The old woman Xie Sanniang sighed first, and then smiled: "Well, if you are about the same age as my child, our couple can accompany you on a trip. However, the rules of this line in God's Domain cannot be broken, and the cost is really expensive. , Can you bear it?"

Lin Xian was surprised at the price, which was indeed extremely high, about the same as the cost of escorting a small cargo convoy.

He discussed with Hua Lan Ting, since this trip is more risky, although Yun Yiqi and the cat demon and others are together, if you can save trouble, you can save trouble. If you have less trouble, you have the right to be your guide and bodyguard. So nodded and agreed.

After paying half of the deposit, Xie Sanniang asked them to meet at the entrance of the hall after breakfast tomorrow.

After dinner, the big family gathered to sit together before going to bed. At this time, they were sent out to inquire about Xie Sanniang and his wife Yi Liunian who was back.

These two are really well-known characters.

The first name of Wan San Ye was Wan Tai Tiao, and Xie San Niang's boudoir name was Xie Su Su. The two were originally cultivating swordsmen in the southern Lingnan area of ​​Shuxuan Xianzhou. Wan Tiao's sword and sword technique were named "Sword Kejian", and Xie Suzuo's sword and sword technique were named "Sword Kejian". "Extraordinary Sword", the cultivation base is near the birth stage, because of the high skill and the exquisite swordsmanship, people gave it the nickname "Lingnan Double Sword".

The two originally stayed and flew together, and had an only child in old age. They were extremely affectionate. They didn't want to retreat for a period of time to refine a set of two-sword swordsmanship. Their son was inadvertently made friends after no one was in charge~www. After listening to the words of the loss of friends, he came to the Huayan God Realm and died in a melee of the three demonic factions.

After receiving the letter, Wan Xie and his wife turned white heads all night, and the two rushed to God's Domain to avenge their son in the starry night.

Their only son died in a melee, and it's unclear who made the move. The couple went on a slaughter and killed all the demons who survived that battle with the combined swordsmanship. .

The two of them had always lost their sons, griefing incomparably, and having no love for them. After killing all the surviving demons, they still couldn't let go of their hatred, so they stayed in the Huayan Divine Realm, looking for troubles with the three demons.

The combination of the two swords of the couple is extremely powerful, and even against the power of the Upper Profound Pearl Realm, they can retreat completely. There are countless magic repairs that have died under the "sword can be a sword" and "extraordinary sword". Lingnan double swords This was called "Lingnan Shuangsha" by Moxiu.

When the three demon cultivators get anxious, they intend to send out a number of profound bead realm powers to besieged, and even the famous Yaochi realm have to take action. The two of them have so much sneaking experience, their trails are mysterious, and they don’t care about fame. Later, they will take the initiative to avoid, or fled to the depths of Buddhism territory for a while. When the wind passes, they will come out again. Sometimes they work together to assassinate Moxiu, and sometimes they accept specific tasks from the employer as mercenaries. Fighting with Mo Xiu is endless, endless.

This time Hua Lan Ting and the others happened to meet two people here to take a break. Xie Sanniang would not be interested in leading the way. However, the young disciples of Hua Lan Ting and Lin Xian Jing reminded her of her tragic beloved son, if she was still there. The words of this world are also at such an age, and only then did he promise to act as a guide, feeling sad.

That night, there was nothing to say, and when the sky turned, the people of Vientiane Gate and the Wan Xie couple went on the road together.

However, what nobody expected was that the journey to Taimu Mountain was a **** and difficult journey.

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