The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 310: Magic height

A few days ago, a magic repair meeting was held on a peak of Qionglai Mountain in the western part of the Southern Chinese Language God's Domain.

The mountain peak is artificially constructed, quite peculiar, named "Mogao Yizhang Cliff".

The exterior of the entire peak body is pale white, shining brightly under the sunlight at noon, and there is no tree vegetation among the white rocks.

The mountain pass at the top is spitting black air upwards, like a black dragon rushing straight into the sky, for many years. Hey, one paragraph is missing! Like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

If you stand by the river, you will smell a faint blood, and you can see the blood flowing at the bottom of the river, which makes the river blue and red.

This is the location of the Huayan Divine Domain Demon Repair Association.

Although the three powers and strengths are the most prominent, they have considerable influence, appeal and deterrence in their respective factions, but because of the many sects and clans of demons, and the hatred between each other, fierce internal fighting, and the constraints of the joint association The force is looser and weaker than the Four Leagues.

Despite this, the Magic Repair Association played an indispensable and important role in the confrontation with Buddhism.

On the gentle side of Mogao Yizhang Peak, there is a square hall built with the back of the mountain peak. The colors of the three walls on the left, middle and right sides change in order of black, white and red every hour.

In the main hall, in the middle is a multi-layer conference round table divided into three colors and extending upward in a stepped manner. There is a stone monument standing at the height behind the round table of each color. Day, I couldn’t watch it and I missed it! Remember for a second, ().

Behind the round table sat the elders of various demon cultivators who were eligible to participate in the meeting. The host of the day was Huang Yi, the rotating executive director of the joint council and senior elder of the demon sect, who was standing on the presiding stage in the lower center of the lobby.

At the end of the meeting, after summarizing the battle with Buddha Xiu the previous day, Huang Yi said slowly: "The last topic of the day is to arrange a task."

"The joint party will get a secret report. Buddhism has recently reached a deal with Mu's family in Shuxuanxianzhou in the east. The goods will soon enter the realm of God and be shipped to their destination."

Before Huang Yi had finished speaking, an elder of the Pill Demon Sect unceremoniously interrupted him: "Old Huang, don’t talk about it, you said it just now. Our pill Demon Sect lost a lot in the battle between Buddha and Demon. , I don’t want to participate in the recent operation."

Huang Yi nodded faintly: "Yes, whatever you want."

Then he continued: "The Mu family is eager to increase the presence of the family business in God's Domain. This batch of goods is not only large, but also a lot of good things. That's all. It is said that there is a large piece of purified rhenium ore inside, which is very rare. ."

"If Buddhism receives the goods as it wishes, the power of war monk magic weapons like the Thirteen Mountains of the Buddha will be greatly increased. This thing is very useful, and it will pose a threat to us when used in other places. It can be said that every time. One or two, it means the death of more high-level magic repairs."

"Therefore, it is the best to grab it, and we will destroy this transaction the last time."

Hearing this, another Dan Demon Sect elder hurriedly knocked on the table and shouted: "Elder Li's opinions represent only his own, and our Dan Demon Sect is willing to participate. I think it is better to let my subordinates go down and eat this batch of goods. All right."

The rhenium mine was not produced in the Chinese language gods at all. As soon as he heard that it was such a rare material, the elder's attitude immediately became active and eager. Other elders of various factions who knew about rhenium also made words to participate, and all Want to monopolize this batch of materials.

Huang Yi had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and after everyone scrambled for a meal, he said unhurriedly: "The three factions take this matter very seriously."

As soon as the voice fell, the three stone steles high in the hall all gleamed, the black pill was shining with ink, the bone mountain was dazzlingly bright, and the river of blood was vivid, representing the recognition of Huang Yi's words by the three sect masters.

There was a moment of turmoil in the conference hall.

The three suzerains retreat all the year round, or practice or refine treasures or fall asleep. When they rarely show up in person, the daily affairs of the joint committee are handled by the rotating executive elders. Occasionally, the speeches appear as clone projections. These three people express their opinions at the same time. It's rare to see when they agree.

Huang Yi was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and then slowly continued: "The three big guys have said that the three big factions will jointly send people to **** it. After winning, the joint team will evenly share the proceeds with the three parties."

"You all know that since many years ago, the big bosses have selected a group of talented seedlings from various sects, intending to abandon prejudices and focus on training based on the characteristics of all parties. After a few rounds of trials, they are now about to have results. It was named as the Joint Demon Repair Guards Group. As long as these rhenium ore are available, the killing machine demon guards can be born."

"Therefore, the chief executive hopes that the selected elders and disciples can unite sincerely, and stop working hard like in the past and in the last war, or intrigue, do something that hurts the relatives and the enemies."

The elders sitting below had no answer to Huang Yi's words.

A joke, between the three demon cultivators and the various factions, and even within the demon cultivator sect, apart from direct disciples, few think that other people are their relatives, and many even think that they don’t need to look at the Buddha cultivators, but fight against them. The relationship between coming and killing is simpler and purer, the blood feud accumulated between the demonic cultivators is on the contrary more, deeper and more complicated.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi sighed in his heart that the three faction bosses were unable to solve the problem, he could only try his best to reconcile, so he still persuaded with all his heart:

"Three people go out, one with an umbrella, one with a cane, and one empty-handed."

"Heavenly rain, when I came back, the one with the umbrella got wet, and the one with the crutches was injured. Only the empty-handed third person was fine."

"When the rain comes, go boldly with an umbrella, and the rain is soaked; when walking on a muddy road, you walk recklessly with a stick, and you fall; only go with your bare hands in the heavy rain and avoid it when the road is bad. Walk carefully, it's safe and sound."

"Many times, we are not defeated by weaknesses and defects, but by advantages. We are obviously more powerful than Buddhas, and these years have been eaten away step by step..."

Huang Yi went on to say that there was already an elder of the Blood Demon Gate impatiently yelling: "Elder Huang, it’s okay, you’re better than the Buddha, you’re more of a mother-in-law than a Buddha, hurry up, who will be sent, what arrangements are there, and the main point? I’m so busy, I don’t have time to listen to your preaching here."

Soon there were people from the Bone Demon Sect who stopped doing it, and stood up and said: "Old Demon Qi, you don't make noise here. Old Huang is talking about people like you. In the last battle between Buddha and Demon, the old man spoke to you, okay. Good words ask you if you know the specific position of the enemy after the transfer, you are fine, and only after a long time did you reply back to me, okay, just two words-know."

"Your answer is impeccable, there is a fart! We were ambushed by the old monk Canshan, damaging the soldiers and losing the generals, this account bone magic door is endless with you."

Another Pill Demon Sect elder immediately jumped up and shouted: "Old Qi, you still have the face to say! At that time, this elder was ordered to take someone to rescue you, and desperately fought back the chase of the remnant mountain for you, to protect your old thief calmly. Retreat. I asked you for a few blood magic pills to protect your life. You pretended to be generous and gave a bag. I was still grateful and thankful. Who knows that all of them are deteriorating after the horse has expired. Not only are they useless, but they are also useless. His subordinates lost their lives as a result. What do you say about this account?!"

Huang Yi folds his arms and covers his face behind the host. If a penny of bad debt is mentioned, it is simply too much to write. The painful family history can't be finished until dawn, so he has to yell:

"Enough! I don't care how you settle the account. This time the old man will go out in person. It doesn't matter if you don't listen to me. Then wait for the three big brothers to serve in the joint family law."

After moving out the three suzerains and suppressing the crowd, Huang Yi arranged: "Each of the three major factions will send out three elders who have left the realm of consciousness, each with competent personnel from their headquarters, and the list will be reported to me tomorrow morning. I will inform you of the specific plan when it arrives. "

Someone exclaimed: "As for? Not long ago, a group battle with a scale of ten thousand people only dispatched more than 20 eighth-order this time it will require nine people?"

Huang Yi replied: "In order to be foolproof."

"It's not known how many master guards the Mu family has brought. It's certainly not too weak. In addition, someone from the Buddha cultivator will inevitably come to respond, and the Mu family also invited the No. 1 mercenary group in God's Domain to be escorted. Naturally, it is better to be safer. In this way, the joint committee also specially approved an exotic treasure to use to set up the magic circle.

The current first mercenary regiment in the Southern Divine Region is called the "Iron-Blooded Banner Group". It is a reputation struck from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and its strength is beyond doubt.

Besides, the Vientiane Gate and his party, although it is related to the Mu family, but has nothing to do with their itinerary, Mu Yuhuan did not dare to call the shots without authorization, so he asked Yun Yiqi for instructions.

Yun Yiqi considered it for a while and asked Xie Sanniang: "To our destination, if we are behind now, how far ahead must we be separated from the caravan?"

Xie Sanniang replied: "At most fifty miles, if you follow, the road will be a little farther."

Yun Yiqi said: "Well, go with you for fifty miles, then turn around. Mu's family and the door are good, secretly escorting for a section is fine, but you can't follow it all the time."

Mu Weihuan had no objection.

In order to prevent misunderstandings, everyone hangs far behind the convoy and walks slowly.

It's been safe and sound, and when I walked for about thirty miles, something really happened in front of me.

Looking from a distance, the wind and clouds on both sides of the mountain peaks, one side is full of blood, the other side is stirred by black clouds.

Ordinary monks can't cause major changes in the celestial phenomena, and such prestige must be powerful in the Profound Bead realm to cast spells.

The Mu's caravan finally ran into trouble.

Everyone at Vientiane Gate was alert and stopped for a while, then under the leadership of Yun Yiqi, they accelerated their pace.

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