The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 315: Great Disparity Battle 1

  Since the last battle between Buddha and Demons ended, Jian Pu Zhai has actually retired and returned to the mountains, closed the door, and no longer arbitrates for the magic repair joint meeting.

After years of overloaded operation, no matter how many spells were used to steal the Heavenly Mystery Gate to evade the Scourge, he could no longer continue his life for Jian Pu Zhai. His body function was extremely aging, and his cultivation was degraded repeatedly. During this period of time, he had counted a few things. After important things, his people have come to the end of the exhaustion.

   Simple and simple village is short, and there is no other regret in his life. Only after seeing that Shao Feng, the descendant of the mantle and bowl, has a misfortune, he actively asks Huang Yi to accompany him.

   Of course, Huang Yi couldn't ask for it. The three demon cultivators are not in harmony. The person given is neither the strongest nor the same.

   However, Jian Pu Zhai used his lack of energy as a reason, and only wanted to act as a back-up for emergencies. So Huang Yi sent a message to ask him to assist in the interception after he discovered that someone had fled.

Based on the calculation results, Jian Pu Zhai identified Lin Xianjing, also known as "Fenglin Volcano", as Shao Feng’s Jie Eji star. He could have survived for a few more days, but he was loyal to the magic repair all his life. I don’t want to leave a reputation for not trying my best to release water at the last moment of life. Secondly, only if he died and let Shao Feng take over the stealing of the heavenly secret gate logically, the Magic Repair Association will go all out to protect Shao Feng’s personal safety. Add a layer of weight to Shao Feng's disaster relief.

   So, Jianpuzhai chose to return to the market immediately.

  Everyone at Wanxiangmen sighed for a while, Jianpuzhai was already in the dust, and there was no way to bury them. Then they continued to move forward, but not long after, they encountered the life and death disaster that Jianpuzhai had said when he was talking to himself.

   This robbery comes from Huang Yi.

Huang Yi's strategy is extraordinary. After several rounds of tight and loose attacks on the Mujia team, he saw that Mujia did not intend to break through when the offensive slackened. Based on this, he suspected that the rhenium alloy stone was escaped before. People took away.

   Wen Wubin and Li Tong had passed the news that they had been stopped and that another group of people had absconded to the Buddhism area, which further confirmed his thoughts.

   Although Jian Pu Zhai would definitely go after him, he didn't have any concerns about Elder Jian, but he still decided to go in person.

  Because he is striving for merit. Jian Pu Zhai is a member of the Gang Demon Sect, and this first effort to **** rhenium ore is best remembered by the Demon Sect and his personal head.

   Huang Yi made up his mind, he ordered the other two Demon Cultivation Xuanzhu realm elders to continue to pretend to attack the organization, and try to hold the Mu family convoy.

He also knew that these two people would not try their best. This can be seen from the fact that Yoshinoya easily let Ren Yunyiqi and others enter in order to avoid injury, but it doesn’t matter. As long as it is not much time, he should be able to achieve this. The purpose is back.

After    arranged, Huang Yi jumped into the air and flew towards the direction where Hualanting and the others fled.

Not long after the flight, Huang Yi saw Wen Wubin and Li Tong who were fighting fiercely with the Wanxigu couple and the cat demon on the ground. He ignored them and did not go to help each other. His target was rhenium ore, as for other sects of magic repairs. His life and death are not in his heart, and he is not going to die a few more in his heart.

The breath of Hualanting and the others is not difficult to find. Although it is strange why Jianpuzhai is nowhere to be found, Huang Yi didn't think much about it. This fulfilled his wish for the first achievement, these middle-ranked monks, who are no more than warm and nourished. No matter how much it is, it will be easy for him, and it will take a lot of effort.

   Pressing the cloud head, while landing, Huang Yi first suppressed it with the huge power of the Profound Bead Realm's extreme creation stage.

   Hua Lan Ting and the others, who were swiftly moving, didn't realize that the crisis was coming until the pressure was imminent. The ordinary single-handed suppression of the Profound Pearl Realm had already made it difficult for them to move forward.

   Huang Yi was not anxious while holding the winning ticket, and said casually: "Hand over the ore, and spare you from dying. Think about it clearly. There is no need to lose your life for things outside of other people's homes."

   Everyone reluctantly formed a formation, looking at Huang Yi who descended slowly, all of them were not breathing smoothly.

   Hua Lan Ting and other 60-generation disciples rarely have the opportunity to face the eighth-order power, even if the teacher in the door usually guides them, they will not release such a powerful aura.

   Huang Yi's remarks are deceiving ghosts. He uses the devil's repair to kill him and his consistent behavior, and there is rarely a time to keep people alive.

   Even if there is no warning from Jian Puzhai to “face the crisis and move forward courageously”, they will not easily hand over things and wait for death.

  To escape is to stop thinking about it, you can't hide and tuck, you can only use your best efforts, the problem is that the difference in strength is too great, how to fight this?

  They knew that the person who came was Huang Yi, the elder of the Demon Sect Demon Sect Bone Demon Gate, and his copper skin and iron bones couldn't help Yun Yiqi's "short and inch long". How would they break it?

Everyone looked at each other a few times, and after a few words from the sound transmission, Feng Huolun shook his hand and took out a long spear, pulled a spear, the tip of the spear was slanted on the ground, and one palm stood up: "Dongfang Shuxuanxianzhou, comfortable The group of twelve people at Vientiane Gate knows that they are not the opponent of Elder Huang."

   "But, but, but, try to fight!"

   "If the bones of God's Domain Qingshan are buried today, the family will avenge us and erase your bone demon Huang Yi's line."

   Huang Yi stood with his hand in a leisurely manner: "Stubbornly resist? Threaten the old man? Ha ha, the pearl of rice, also shine!"

   "Okay, there is a kind! To perfect you, then let the old man take a good look at the doorway of Xianzhou Daomen."

   Speaking hard, letting go of the ruthless words, Feng Huolun no longer said much, stepped back and twisted his body, the fire-tip spear shook straight, and rushed to Huang Yi quickly.

   Feng Huo Lun's Yi Quan also floated up, with a long sword, attacking both at the same time like a gallop.

   Huang Yi hummed twice, motionless, increased his strength, released five successful powers of body protection vitality to protect three feet in front of him.

   Feng Huo Lun and Yi Quan only rushed in for one foot and then came to a halt. The two of them were stagnant and moved slowly, unable to get rid of the restraint of the breath of the Profound Bead realm.

   I saw a lot of swords, circling up, gathering energy, chanting tactics, sending palms, Daomenzhen magic stunts, five thunders and light palms!

   Feng Huo Lun was busy refining tools. This technique had not been practiced, but it did not prevent him from turning around and getting up and spinning, with a palm attached to the back of his heart.

   The enemy is too strong, and they have to work hard from the beginning, and the two immediately used the "stacking and stacking" secret method at the Vientiane Gate, fighting for the overdraft repair base, and also have to fight for a chance.

   Thunder and lightning, several light cyan lightning **** smashed towards Huang Yi one after another.

   After using the five thunderous palms after "stacking endlessly", the power is at least two or three times the combined force of the two. With Huang Yi's cultivation base and identity, he will not use all his strength at the beginning like they did.

   Sure enough, the thunder ball burst one after another, breaking Huang Yi's body protection gas barrier.

   The gap opened, Feng Huolun landed, and two burning fire wheels appeared under his feet, accelerating forward to follow up.

The sleeve of his left hand was rolled, and he shot out a palm, and a stream of air mixed with a large number of unknown runes was sent out. It was the big data stream tornado that he transformed from the data light screen, and his right hand fired a gun. Shaking his head out of a purple-red flame, he used a big data flow attack technique.

   Even if it is exhausted, he advances straight with his sword, the sword is as powerful as a dragon, and the sword is fierce.

Huang Yi was slightly surprised. The five thunderous palms of the two superimposed powers are good, and they can loosen his protection. Feng Huo Lun’s attacks are also very novel. The two rune airflows are like living creatures, constantly changing during operation. The full swordsmanship is also very fierce, but after all, the cultivation base is there, and the attack intensity of this kind does not pose a sufficient threat to him.

The hands that had been held behind him were raised, and the void squeezed, directly crushing the two air currents and the invisible sword aura. Huang Yi then probed his hands, grabbed the tip of the fire-tip spear and the exhausted long sword with bare hands, and sent one away. , Feng Huo Lun and flew backwards as soon as they were exhausted.

   As soon as the two of them flew out, Huang Yi only felt a forceful momentum coming towards him.

The Zhenwu Xuanyuan Formation would not have any effect on Huang Yi. Lin Xian used his "dragon battle in the wild" battle formation in shock. He was driving behind, and the remaining seven people stepped on the dragon-shaped battle formation, taking advantage of the wind and fire. When the two of Lun were beaten into the air, they went straight to Huang Yi.

   Huang Yi twisted his brows, lowered his waist slightly, and punched out.

   The invincible dragon-shaped battle formation that was invincible when the monsters of the primordial era broke out of the siege of the unicorn group was directly smashed to pieces by Huang Yi's punch.

   Hua Lanting, who took the lead, jumped up, and five thunder and light palms hit Huang Yi at close range, and the others also jumped up and launched a siege from all directions.

   Yi Flowing flashed behind Huang Yi with a "phantom swimming" body technique, and Jin's wrong sword smashed the opponent's back of the head.

   Zhuge Yun's short body sent out "Yun Yun Ling Lei", and the two thunders that came up and down with Hua Lan Ting slammed into Huang Yi's chest and lower abdomen.

  The breezy Emei thorn escaped, and went straight to Huang Yi's left side.

   Song Feifei's "Meteor Fireball" technique targets Huang Yi's right rib.

After    Wen Yin and Zhang Hanyun both circled, their swords flew from bottom to top, flying diagonally to pierce Huang Yi's back waist on both sides.

   Lin Xian, who was dragging behind, pulled up the Jin-backed Huadiao three arrows shot towards Huang Yi's door.

   Huang Yi stayed still, and even dropped his hands again, letting everyone's attack be in place.

   Lin Xian's aura arrows came first, first to Huang Yi's eyes, but Huang Yi just closed his eyes, the aura arrows were knocked to the ground, his eyelids were unscathed.

The Emei thorn, the meteor fireball and the long swords of Wen Yin and Zhang Hanyun all hit Huang Yi. As a result, only the sound was heard and the effect was not visible, and he couldn't hurt his body at all. Even the wrong golden sword, which was easy to flow, would only cut down a few. Hairline.

  Hua Lan Ting and Zhuge Yun's thunder method is also "the thunder is loud and the rain drops", all of them are defeated and returned without success.

   When everyone's attack failed, Huang Yi shook his shoulders, and everyone involuntarily fell out to all sides.

   Huang Yi looked down. There were two scorched areas on his chest and abdomen, and there were damages on his clothes and skin. He reached out and dusted it, pursing his mouth reluctantly, and raised his head:

   "It's really good, some ways, a bit interesting, much better than the old man expected. Freedom Vientiane, right? Very few skills."

   "However, if your skills stop here, then it will stop here."

   "Old man, ask again, hand over the things, self-defeating, and forgive you not to die."


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