The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 323: Go first

   This time the Demon Cultivation Xuanzhu Power Group is dominated by the people of the Demon Sect. Hua Lanting and the others are facing the ghost shadow of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect.

  Ghost Shadow specializes in blood and ghost techniques, and the body can be transformed into a blood and ghost body. It is characterized by quickness, self-proclaims and disappears without a trace. It claims to be the fastest in the magic cultivation of the gods.

   He was taken to the ground by the three monsters. He felt that it was easier to take advantage of him in the air. He refused to obey and follow the fall. With outstanding speed, the ghost shadow shuttled back and forth not far from the ground, and circled the cat monster three times.

He also caught a glimpse of more than a dozen people on the ground. They all seemed to be monks at the warm-up and below level. He didn't care too much. If there were more people like this, he wouldn't be a threat. Only the three monsters around him. It also allows him to look squarely.

   That didn't take much effort. He wanted to help the group of demons win as soon as possible without delay for too long, so the speed was getting faster and faster.

   Hualanting and the others are also in a hurry.

Everyone had an experience of fighting against the Profound Pearl Realm. This time, although Wan Taigu and Xie Sanniang did not help each other to death, everyone’s skill has increased in the past few days, and there are three cats and demon realms to help. The ghost shadow entangled.

They have discussed strategies and tactics on their way here. They plan to use the ghost shadow to understand and basically ignore everyone based on the principle of first attacking the first and the last to suffer. Weaken the strength of the ghost shadow as much as possible, and narrow the huge gap between the two sides.

   Otherwise, this battle is bound to be extremely dangerous.

   Like Huang Yi, if he slammed the killer from the beginning, everyone could say that there was no possibility of survival.

The problem is that if the ghost shadow does not land, most of their tricks cannot reach the height of the air, and they can't use it vigorously. Although the three cats are strong, they are not the opponents of the ghost shadows in the middle and late stages of the Profound Pearl Realm. Time For a long time, there are still life concerns.

   Feng Huo Lun was anxious, and dashed out and shouted: "Old cat, let's fight it! Lead him to me."

   All creatures cherish their lives, especially after being bitten by a snake.

   At this time, none of the three cat monsters used their full strength.

The cat demon has just recovered to his fifth life, and he is unwilling to fight for the life he just got. The mouse’s injury is healed, but some fears use the "mysterious stealing life" semi-celestial technique, which will make it difficult to recover from the injury again. Living Buddhas like Master Tree have few opportunities to heal their wounds with all their strength.

   The three monsters were just timid and refused to fight to death, but they also understood that at this time, the result of this place was very crucial to the whole battle.

   If they win, their side will basically be invincible; if they lose, they will be defeated one after another.

Cat demon and Feng Huo Lun have been together for several years, and they have cooperated in research and experimentation. They have established a good relationship. Listening to Feng Huo Lun is not afraid of ghost shadows. After winking with the child mouse and the spirit ape, the three demons broke out collectively, stood in their positions, blocked the ghost shadow in them, and then quickly fell.

   This is both tempting the enemy and gambling.

   Ghost Shadow hesitated for a moment when he saw it. He could get away and join the battle group above, but if the Three Demons came to harass, it would still be troublesome and it would be better to solve it all at once.

   So he also fell, faster than the three monsters, and the people on the ground were not afraid, he wanted to escape the encirclement and give the fallen three monsters a heavy blow from the ground.

   didn't wait for him to land, and first shot when it was exhausted, she issued a series of tic-tac-toe spells, and contained the power of thunder and lightning from the five thunder palms, trapping the falling ghost shadows.

  Thunder and lightning flashed, and the ghost shadow only shook his body, and broke the blockade of the tic-tac-toe bar, but at this lag time, Feng Huo Lun resisted the cannon raised up by "the world is not worth it" and fired from the bottom up.

   Three bombs were fired together, and Feng Huo Lun fell to the ground with exhaustion.

   Feng Huo Lun cultivation base has increased by one level, so the power of the Earth Cannon this time is even greater than the three shots given to Huang Yi last time.

  Ghost Shadow also felt the power of this blow, but he was not Huang Yi who was seriously injured by the Wan family blew himself up. Although he was a ghost repairer, he still felt that the world was worthy of nostalgia.

   hit the ghost shadow with three combos.

   The ghost shadow's figure suddenly fell apart, divided into several parts and scattered around, and then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the several parts flew back and forth together again, restoring the appearance of the ghost shadow.

  The "Dharma of the Disintegration of Ghosts and Demons" of the Demon Sect.

   Although the use of this technique will affect the ghost shadow to a certain extent, it has successfully avoided the damage caused by heavy artillery bombardment.

   The ghost screamed, and the ghost shadow was furious. He didn't suffer any injuries, but he was played by a warm state, which made him feel insulted.

   The ghost shadow leaped on his head and feet, and thumped Feng Huo Lun who was sitting on the ground.

   Mu Suozhen had already stood by, and with five thunder and light palms, he resisted the angry blow of the Profound Pearl Realm and flew off.

   Hua Lan Ting then slapped a horse and slammed into it, blocking Feng Huo Lun's body, and issuing a "little mystery style" from the ground to the falling ghost shadow.

   At the same time, the cat demon, child mouse, and spirit ape in the air each launched an attack on the ghost shadow.

   The three monsters did not release their unique tricks, but the total of the three out-of-born realms was equivalent to a blow from an ordinary Profound Bead realm expert.

   Feeling the chilling hint of fairy in "Little Mystery One Style", the ghost shadow was taken aback.

It stands to reason that Ghost Shadow's state is basically intact at this time. Even if his stomach and back are attacked, this up and down attack will at most cause him to be slightly injured. Among them, the damage caused by the "little mystery style" will be more lasting and deep, and it is not easy to eradicate, but it is still a long way to go. Not fatal.

   All creatures have character weaknesses. Ghost shadows are extremely fast, but they are not courageous. Otherwise, they would not work **** their physical strengths. Moreover, he is indecisive, looks forward to the future, and has a very good face.

  If you get injured under the hands of these junior monks, in his opinion, wouldn't it make your comrades laugh out loud? It is even more ugly to spread it out, and it will make him a laughingstock and unable to raise his head. This is something that Ghost Shadow cannot tolerate.

Originally, he had suffered from this underestimation of the enemy and would rather bear the consequences of the injury. His skill is still there, and his speed is fast. After that, he can completely kill the nearest Hualanting, then clear everyone on the ground, and finally defeat and injure. , Even killing the Three Demons, the price paid will not be too heavy.

   But the ghost shadow faced the "Xiao Xuan Ji Yi Shi" and refused to get hurt. He used a life-saving thing.

This object is called "Stand-In Puppet", it is a one-time use item that can block a killer blow on behalf of the master, and only two ghost shadows have been refined, one of which was used in the last battle between Buddha and Demons. .

   This is a treasure that should only be used when his life is in danger, but he took it out at this time, and when he encountered danger later, he lost a guarantee.

   When the "stand-in puppet" comes out, it transforms into a half-human-sized ghost shadow, and the ghost shadow hides in it.

   "Small Mystery One Type" and the three blows of the Three Demons hit the puppet, and the puppet fell into damage.

  The ghost shadow reappeared, he felt sorry for the treasure, and viciously rushed to Hualanting.

   The speed is too fast, Hua Lan Ting can't avoid it.

   A figure flew over from the oblique side, blocking him, it was Feng Qingjun!

   Hua Lanting stretched out his hand to embrace Feng Qingjun, turned around, and held her in his arms, facing the **** palm of the ghost shadow with his back.

   hit hard, the ghost shadow was shaken away, Hua Lanting fell.

   He was fine, Feng Huolun used the materials provided by Yun Yiqi in Qixia Temple to play a role in the high-level armor he refined, and the force of the blow was removed, and the armor shattered.

   Hua Lan Ting stood up, pushed the wind Qingjun away, and shouted, "Buy me five breaths time!"

While talking, Shu Luntai and Lin Xianjing and other seven people got up and used the "folding and stacking" secret method, blocking Hua Lanting's body, Xi Rujian released three shots from the side, and Yue Guanghan was still caught by Hua. Lan Ting hid in the sky and blue smoke and jade as a backhand, and the three demons chased and beat the ghost shadow again from above.

After the ghost shadow raised his hand to block the attack of the people below, he swept away the nine people with a palm, and then turned into an illusory blood body, swayed three times with the blood escape technique, the blood shadow flashed, and the attacks of the three demons all failed. .

   Ghost Shadow applied blood escape again, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Hua Lan Ting.

  Five breaths have passed, Hualanting finally issued a "Daoguang Strike".

   After his cultivation level was promoted, his body was once again washed by the Buddha's light from the purple golden bowl. Now as long as he has the time to accumulate his energy, the "Daoguang Strike" can be activated.

   "Daoguang Strike" originally had the ability to injure the enemy beyond the level, but now it has even more deterrent power that crosses the realm.

The ghost shadow was shocked. The aura of this technique was magnificent and fierce. It was even more terrifying than the "little mystery style" just now. He no longer had a substitute puppet to protect him from disasters, and he would surely be injured. Behind.

   Actually, he still couldn't kill him this time, but Ghost Shadow flinched again.

   There is no idiot who can cultivate to the Profound Bead realm. Apart from being a little timid, the ghost shadow can survive to the present, and his life-saving ability is not just like a substitute puppet.

   It's too late to escape with blood escape. Ghost Shadow uses the last trick that has saved his life many times-blood escape phantom shift.

  Ghost Shadow and the Elder of the Blood Demon Gate Ghost Spirit who are fighting Yun Yiqi are not real brothers, but they are inextricably linked, and they have also practiced this secret method.

   Blood Escape Phantom Shift technique can switch positions between two people who know this secret technique in a very long distance.

The two of them escaped with this hand many times-when one was exhausted in a fight with the opponent, or when he was desperately injured and was able to escape while keeping the other intact. The new force or a better-conditioned companion sends it in exchange, and kills the enemy.

When the spell was activated, the ghost shadow was teleported to the location of the ghost spirit. The ghost spirit was fighting with Yun Yiqi with another demon. The ghost shadow was not dangerous to pass, and the ghost spirit was dragged to Hualan Court by the spell. In front of him, he was about to face the "Daoguang Strike".

   In a hurry, I felt the power of the "Daoguang Strike", and the ghost spirit was also secretly cursing that the ghost shadow was really a brother.

The ghost shadow himself refuses to accept the move, so he wants to come back and take it on his own. He is inferior to the ghost shadow in his cultivation. Although he has a ghost body, his physical strength is much stronger than that of the ghost shadow. The two breaths of Buddha Yun and the magic techniques of immortal energy are not easy to bear, not to mention that I was already half-to-dead in the fight with Yun Yiqi, and the fall is not going to happen, and the trauma is inevitable.

   Helpless, the ghost must resist the "Daoguang strike".

  Unexpectedly, just as he resisted with all his luck, another breath that was even more shocking than the "Daoguang Strike" came from behind.

   That is the sub-mouse doing work. If Hua Lanting’s "Daoguang strike" can't result in the ghost spirit, his "mysterious stealing life" semi-celestial technique will follow one after another, killing the enemy.

   This time, no matter how clever the ghost is, it is also bluffing into the sky.

   often walks by the river, how can you not wet your shoes, this time the ghost shadow can be miscalculated, this time I really want to be the ghost of this servant!

   In fact, it is not. But even if not, the two brothers, Ghost Shadow and Ghost Spirit, were afraid of death. When they thought that their lives were at stake, Ghost Spirit fought desperately and launched his life-saving technique-"Netherworld Sprites".


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