The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 331: Will not welcome

With the help of the power of the pill given by Bizan, Hua Lanting climbed to the extreme stage of the Liu Ding Liujia realm shortly after returning, and as long as he reached one level, he would become a seven-star Beidou realm monk with flying ability. It can be said to be reborn and renewed, reaching the level of refining and deifying.

There are so many masters in the cultivation world, but they are close to this point at the age of nearly 30 years old, not to mention unique. Looking at the Suxuanxianzhou and even the continents, they are also rare, at least in the history of cultivation for the last ten thousand years. You can make it to the list, and you can count the number one.

In the Vientiane Freedom Gate, the fastest cultivating among the disciples in recent generations is Elder Zhou Yi, but his age when he entered the Seven Stars and Big Dipper Realm was much older than Hualanting. He was talented and advanced for three hundred years. The number one name is likely to be handed out.

The disciples of all generations from top to bottom in the gate are envious of this, and the senior teachers in all peaks and regions also praised it.

With Hualanting’s character, although he will not be complacent, but when he is alone, he will always be complacent in his heart. A rural child in the secular world in the past is now almost able to fly to the sky in myths and legends. The character who flew away, thinking about it, it seemed like a world away.

At the same time of joy, Hua Lanting was also secretly wary, and now he is only expected to make it through. When he does it, he is well deserved.

Otherwise, if you continue to practice hard for many years, you will not be able to break through, you will be stuck for a long time before you are born out of the womb, or even after being frustrated, you will never be able to cross your life.

With those lessons learned, Hua Lan Ting did not slack off, on the contrary, he was more diligent and hardworking, but the rate of progress was as slow as a snail.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to stop the aura supply of Kongtian Qingyanyu to the chameleon lizard, but the effect was still not ideal. The total amount of spiritual power was still slowly increasing, but he could not wait for the induction of qualitative change.

He has already memorized the route and key points for entering the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm. It's like the map in his hand is no problem, but the actual scenery is always specious, and it's like watching a fish in the water. It's one or two points off, even if the advance and surplus are deviated, and the speed is increased, the fish will still slip through the water and slip away calmly.

He knew that this matter should not be impatient, or the amount of accumulation is not enough, or the opportunity has not yet arrived. Many cultivators have stopped here for more than a few years and have no chance to enter. This is a common thing. He is very clear about the truth.

The problem is that it is the same thing to know, it is not easy to fully realize the peace of mind, especially his own expectations and outside expectations have brought him invisible pressure, this kind of mood from time to time destroys his state of meditating and vomiting. Sometimes it can be suppressed, and sometimes it's like the withered grass in the wilderness at the turn of winter and spring, which pops up without paying attention.

This kind of situation has been encountered before. It is a normal phenomenon in cultivation, especially at the big gate of cultivation like the Seven Stars and Big Dipper. It requires more patience and perseverance, either by the accumulation of time to eliminate obstacles, or by aura. The sudden opportunity swept away the clouds that blinded the eyes.

No matter what the principle is, it is difficult to subdue small emotions, Hua Lanting went to Master Yun Yiqi on the most impetuous day.

The master and apprentice sat and drank tea. Yun Yiqi took a sip of the tea made by Hualan Ting, and said: "My apprentice, I know that you have a problem, and you know that you understand it in your heart, so I haven't looked for it. You. Since you are here today, my father and I will have a chat."

"Seven Stars Big Dipper, it's a hard stubble, not a quick stubble."

"For the teacher's journey back then, as well as the experience of other teachers, whether it is oral, heart-teaching or sect records, are all prepared."

"However, this threshold is different from the past. The predecessors' methods can only be used for reference, and cannot be imitated and followed. Because, since hitting this point, cultivators have to try to establish their own doorways. This is based on their past cultivation system, life experience, A summary and sublimation of the understanding of learning the Tao."

"Therefore, everyone's approach to clearance is different, each has its own tricks, and you must find your own path and doorway."

"There are no two leaves that are exactly the same under the sky, and there are no two people who are exactly the same, and no one can step into the same river twice."

"So, in terms of methods, I can't give you any more guidance as a teacher this time, but I can try my best to describe that state. If you can immerse yourself in the usual way, it will help."

Hua Lanting put down the tea cup in his hand, ready to listen carefully.

Yun Yiqi continued to serve him with tea and smiled: "Relax. This is chatting, not teaching. It's good to have an understanding of Jingyi and inadvertently. Look, what is written on this smelling cup?"

Hua Lanting lowered his head and turned the cup, and saw two phrases on the slender red mud cup, which were "Diligence is like a mirror, and you won't be welcome".

This quote comes from "Zhuangzi·Inner Chapter·Ying Diwang":

Nothing is a corpse, nothing is to seek a government, nothing to do, nothing to know the Lord. The body is endless, but swimming is without me. Do what you can suffer from the sky and see nothing, it's just a vain! To people's intentions is like a mirror, and will not be unwelcome, should not hide, so it can overcome things without hurting.

Yun Yiqi said: "It means that the mind of a person with a high level of cultivation is like a mirror. For foreign objects, those who come will be photographed, and those who leave will not remain. The corresponding things are never hidden, so they can Reflect the foreign objects, but will not be distracted by it."

At this point, Yun Yiqi wanted to speak and stopped talking again. After a moment, he said: "I will try my best. It is difficult to accurately describe it in words. That is a state. Complexity is the normal state. I think A personal understanding that understands it may actually limit your complete understanding of this state."

"Never will not be welcomed-the heart is clear as a mirror: things come, they will be photographed, they will not be sent; things go, they will not be photographed. They will not be greeted by the past, nor will they welcome the future, and they will not be coerced by the past, present, and future."

"This seems to be a contradiction. In fact, the world is a complete whole, which is neither opposed nor either one or the other."

"How can people not summarize and respect the past? Standing in the present and looking at the past, there must be limitations, and it is difficult to frame a possibility for the future."

"Doesn't people have no goals if they don't welcome the future? Because the future is always the same direction."

"In fact, when we are doing something, it is not the thing itself that makes us painful, but our inner worry about whether the result is in line with the goal and whether it conflicts with the rules we set in the past."

"When we feel entangled with a matter, we forget the matter itself."

"Is what I said is right? Do others accept it? In fact, it is good to say clearly when speaking."

"Will there be results in the relationship? Are we two suitable? In fact, just enjoy the process of holding hands."

"Is the tea you drink good? Is the tea expensive? Is the tea in my mouth? The tea will slowly dissolve in your mouth, and the tea will enter every pore of the body after the tea is mixed with saliva."

"There will always be problems and contradictions. As long as you have a general direction in your heart, you can readily accept any changes that occur in the process and move forward."

"This teacup in your hand has a history of thousands of years. It is very valuable. How much is it worth? At what price will you sell it? If you believe that it will become scarcer and its value will continue to rise, unless you are in short supply. Money, otherwise just use it and hold it for three years, five years, thirty years and fifty years. As long as you believe in it, five or ten years apart, and when you think about it, just look at the market once, and you will find that you have it. Very relaxed and comfortable."

"If you worry about it every day, chasing up and down, buying and selling, and then buying again, it will be very tiring."

"All the ease comes from your deliberate non-intervention."

"The past is not true, the present is not true, and the future is not true. Don't rush to limit yourself to your definition of the past, your description of the present, and your expectations for the future."

"Just like you came, I took out two pots of tea for my teacher. You said this pot is delicious, I tell you it is Mingqian tea, if you say the other pot is delicious, I will also tell you that it is Tea before the rain. Although which one is better, I can't drink it at all."

"Which one is better? As long as you like it, if you drink happily, your happiness will also make me happy. What does it matter?"

"Even if it is fake before the rain tomorrow, it doesn't mean that I lied to you. These are indeed the two best cans of tea I think I have."

"Don’t take it too seriously, as long as I think I’m true to you, but I don’t take it seriously. When things don’t go well, I’m not so pessimistic. Don't be so optimistic."

"It's just right not to look at each of my past, present, and future seriously, with a little disregard."

Hua Lanting thought about it after hearing it, nodded, and asked: "Master, what was your situation and state when you broke through the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm? Let me find the feeling."

"Dreaming." Yun Yiqi replied.

"Um, you don't have to hit me like that." Hua Lanting said aggrievedly.

Yun Yiqi drank it and said with a smile: "First of all, your kid doesn't get acquainted. The old man said for a long time, just to tell you not to deliberately, to find out by yourself, to check the state, you still ask my situation, then you have to think about it. To break through is to dream."

"Second, I didn't lie to you, I answered. I just broke through after a daydream."

"Remember, it was a spring day in the middle of noon. I fell asleep unconsciously and went into deep sleep."

"I had a dream."

"In my I dreamed that I fell asleep in the midday of a spring day."

"Then, I dreamed again, I dreamt..."

Hua Lanting widened his eyes: "You, you dreamt that you were in the noon of a spring day again... a series of spring dreams?"

"Being your serial spring dream, Wuhen", Yun Yiqi scolded, "I dreamed that I chanted a poem in my dream this time. The poem said:

Photographing by the stream, the sky is at the bottom of the clear stream.

There are moving clouds in the sky, and people are in the moving clouds.

Sing loudly about who and Yu, Konggu voiceless.

It is neither a ghost nor a fairy, a song of peach blossom water. "

"Later, when I woke up from the dream, I made a breakthrough for my teacher in an instant, and he was able to fly to the sky immediately, and from this he created a magic technique that reverses up and down and reverses right and wrong—the sky is at the bottom of the stream, and the people are in the clouds! "

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