The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 334: Open sharing

The colorful magic pupils secreted from generations to generations are extremely powerful. Not only are they able to see through the illusion and illusion, but they also have a powerful attack power. They also have the ability to penetrate the enchantment of the same or inferior planes and communicate with different dimensions.

The disadvantage is that the side effects are obvious and it is difficult to repair. The single family has been passed down, but often no one can exert the best power after many generations.

Shan Tianchong is not good now, but he has been the most hopeful child of the family in hundreds of years to surpass the level of his predecessors.

The pupils glowed, showing seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple, advancing at high speed in sequence, and there was a faint black halo on the edge of the light wheel, hitting the ancient clock, giving out seven muffled thunderous echoes. The body is slightly rippling.

Hearing the bell, the younger generation watching by the sound wave was continuously shocked, and they all felt bored and nauseous in their chests.

Then it was Shao Feng's turn.

Shao Feng’s "Six Xiao Ling Pu" was obtained by Jian Pu Zhai after untold hardships and was included in Shao Feng’s eyes. The process was very painful. It is also a top-notch pupil technique that can break psychedelic and attack opponents. The strongest majesty and Buddhism The six supernatural powers of the eminent monks have one fight: Heavenly Eyes, Heavenly Ears, Divine Realms, Fate, His Heart, and Omission.

Shao Feng’s pupil light is different from that of Shan Tianchong. This time it is divided into seven types: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, but it is shaped like a light mass of mixed colors rolling forward and hitting the residual bell. Above, there was a clear loud noise that seemed to be a single but clearly distinguished by seven different heights, and the clock body was slightly deflected.

There was only one sound, and there was an echo, Hua Lan Ting and the others had to work to suppress the upward qi and blood.

The three elders of Taishan were already looking at him from the side.

Huo Huixiao appeared last.

Huo Huixiao's "Eight-Colored Double Eyed Eyes" also have a long heritage and unpredictable origins.

The eight-color double pupil is said to be bright, and the calendar is like the sun and the moon, Xuanji Yuheng.

It is said that Yao's eyebrows are divided into eight colors, and Shun's eyes have double pupils. One horizontal and one vertical pupils are like lying horizontally. Both are the appearance of the emperor. In ancient history, only five or six people such as Xiang Yu have this strange appearance.

In addition to the effects of perceiving the illusion and breaking the illusion and attacking, the eight-color double pupil is the leader in the prediction of the secret of the sky. It can handle a large range of things that happened in the past, present and the future on the highest level, and has the ability to change the secret of the sky to a certain extent. .

The pupils of the eight-color double pupil are different from the former two. They are divided into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and daisy. They are arranged in uniform strips from the outside to the inside like a rainbow ribbon. The speed is even greater. Above the broken clock, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, it made a light ding-dong sound, which was pleasing to the ears.

Although the sound was moving, everyone was in a daze before everyone's eyes, and the ancient clock buzzed in their eyes, showing a few ghosts.

In terms of the reverberation of the sound and the impact effect it caused, the three of them seemed to be on the same level, and everyone turned their attention to the three elders.

The three elders were also exchanging glances, both surprised and excited in their hearts.

As a family of cultivators at the foot of the West Kunlun Mountains, they, like Master Tree, are among the few who know the three rare pupils in this world. Although they have never seen the Six Xiao Lingtong and the Eight Color Double Eyes in person, there are records in the family. Yes, I didn't expect to meet together today at the same time, this is very rare.

Next, the third elders of the Shan family immediately invited Shao Feng, Huo Huixiao, and Hua Lanting and Lin Xian who were talking to the quiet room.

Needless to say, the results of the evaluation are needless to say. The three elders are eager to get close to the pedestrian in a single day. The four great secret techniques and three pupils converge in one place. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the development of a single family.

In the quiet room, Shan Liang made a request on behalf of Shan Jia, which surprised the people of Hualanting.

The single family wants to exchange a heaven secret method with the Maotai Yoga heavenly secret technique.

Stealing the word Tianjimen is a single pass. Although Zizai Wanxiangmen advocates all-encompassing, it is not a sect that is self-preserving, but if you want to talk about the unique mystery, even if the value is equal, then you must carefully consider and get the consent of the door.

That's not a big deal, Shan Liang went further, and then put forward another even more amazing suggestion.

His suggestion is: Under the premise that each retains the most important unique secrets, the basic concepts, cultivation paths, and application methods of the four heavenly secrets should be open to each other and fully shared.

How can this be? !

In order to provide reciprocal exchange value and show sincerity, Shan Liang said that Taishan Sect would first introduce and demonstrate a technique to everyone. This technique can maximize the integration of secret techniques with similar concepts and achieve better performance. Strong efficacy, although the degree of integration may be high or low due to fit, it will definitely be stronger than the original.

When a single family exchanged this kind of exercise before, they would not provide the core content of the exercises. Instead, the other party first gave the secret method to the single family, and the single family improved and increased it, and then taught and handed it back to the other party. The family gets the other party's secret skills, and the advantage of the other party is that the power of their own secret skills becomes stronger.

In this kind of transaction, of course, the single family benefits the most, and the counterparties are often weaker than the single family, or they are exchanged for the purpose of enhancing the power of martial arts.

You must know that as long as it is not in a period of major chaos and no major battles, it is not difficult to pass on the cultivation of the cultivation techniques, but it is not easy to maintain the level for a long time. It is often due to the roots of a certain generation of disciples. Qualification causes the decline.

To innovate and improve, and surpass the achievements of the predecessors, it is even more difficult. Either one or a group of talented disciples are born, or through clever gains, more advanced secret technique treasures are obtained.

In this case, there will always be some sects who are willing to trade in order to survive and develop.

In this conversation, Shan Liang put forward a very tempting and competitive condition:

As long as the Vientiane Gate of Zizai and Tianji Gate of Stealing Words agree not to be passed on, the Taishan Sect can disclose all of this practice to the two families.

One reason is that the three elders are the people who know the goods, and the four heavenly secrets are in no particular order. For many generations, Taishanzong has not encountered a magical magic that can match Moutai Yoga. 12

This is actually not the most important point. After Shan Liang told a few people about the history and values ​​of Taishan Sect, Hua Lanting finally understood it.

In the very early days, Taishan Sect was just a small sect that didn't enter the sect, and the sect was only the ordinary Maoshan Taoism.

Later, after some development, it was a middle-class family sect of third and fourth-rate, until the birth of an ancestor who died.

This old ancestor’s cultivation is the best in the family, but it is still second. His human wisdom and pattern are outstanding. Through the intensive Taoist classics, he has formulated for the Shan family "Take everything for my use as the center, The development concept of taking willfulness and connection as the two basic points.

"Everything is for my use" means that it does not matter whether it is mine or not, but whether it can be used for me is important.

No one belongs to who.

Is the sunshine yours? Is Reiki yours? Neither, but as long as there is a space, you can stand under any roof tree between heaven and earth, even if you are next to the Gong bucket at home, you can still meditate, breathe, and practice.

Is Jiangchuan Huhai yours? no.

If you have a boat, it can’t float or walk, and water is naturally buoyant. You don’t need to create buoyancy. You don’t need to be wise to enjoy the water. Water doesn’t need you to like it, as long as you find one. In the open water, your boat will be floated by the water.

This is the nature of water, which is called willfulness-let it go.

If your boat is big, then "and the water accumulation of the husband is not too thick, the negative boat will be weak. If you put a cup of water on the col hall, you will be a boat, and if you put a cup, you will glue, and if the water is shallow, the boat will be a boat. Great."

Pouring a glass of water in the low-lying part of the hall can only move the grass. Put a cup on the water, and the cup will be stuck and unable to move.

The shallow water cannot afford to float a big ship.

What to do then? Either connect the small water to store it into big water, or break through the obstacles to connect the water, and then use the mountainous terrain to form big and deep waters, and your big ship can set sail.

Connect the water that does not belong to you, and take advantage of the potential energy of the water to carry your ship.

If you connect the travel needs of people in different places on the route, you can start a common business.

Under the guidance of the development strategy of "one center and two basic points", Taishan Sect has implemented the strategy of openness and sharing, and is not afraid to give out its own skills.

In an environment where everyone is holding their hands on guards, this is really a difficult but wise decision.

Initially, the ancestors used Maoshan Taoism in exchange for other Taoism, and then used these two kinds of magic to continue trading for more Taoism. After waiting a long time, leave the applicable ones to learn from others, and then exchange the useless ones for useful ones. When the level of the exercises increases, then switch back to higher-end ones.

In this way, when the Taishan Sect did not regard the exercises as something they had and must have exclusively, they borrowed all the resources that can be borrowed from the surrounding schools.

A few generations later, the Taishan School's exercises became very sophisticated, the types became more diverse, and the cultivation level of the family's children increased day by day.

In this long process of immersing in development, Taishanzong has its own insights on how to integrate and penetrate the various family methods, and while constantly exchanging, it has begun to export its own skills to the outside world, and increase the use of helping others to improve the practice. Come to get a new way of exercises.

After several generations, Maotai Taoism took shape, and another ancestor successfully combined Maoshan technique with yoga that he obtained from a long journey. Later, he introduced heavenly magic technique, and later by luck he obtained the strange treasure "Qiqiao Magic Eye". So far, the position of Taishan Sect in the West Kunlun area has been initially established.

After that, Taishanzong accidentally discovered a set of peculiarities of the ancient and unknown exercises that were exchanged and not valued by the seller, combined it with the fusion techniques accumulated by itself, and gradually polished the core secret skills mentioned by Shan Liang. Gongfa.

There are many kinds of Taoism. Although this technique is not omnipotent, it is not effective for all kinds of magic techniques, but it is indeed extremely powerful.

In fact, this technique does not really have the magical effect of making substantial improvements. If it can, Taishan Sect will be against the sky. The internal mechanism of the improved technique has not changed. It is only achieved through the use of extremely clever techniques in form. The purpose of integration and promotion.

Just like some tricks, artists use hard-trained fast techniques and use the illusion of the human eye to create incredible effects, but for the top skill masters, even if you tell you the secret of the blind technique, you still can’t see it. The flaw, because it is too fast and too realistic, is beyond the scope of the human eye to respond correctly.

This method is not "dao", but the pinnacle of "art" and "shu".

Relying on these accumulations, Taishan Sect has never fallen in the changes of the western sect of birth and death, ups and downs.

In the past few hundred years, there have been few Taoisms that Taishanzong can appreciate. Although there are no real innovative techniques and techniques that have reappeared, several generations of a single family have done a good job in maintaining success, but if they do not advance against the current, they will retreat. Don’t be afraid of slowness or stand, the three elders of Shanjia, who are deeply ingrained in the idea of ​​“open sharing, self-willed connection”, are very eager to make further progress and push Shanjia to a new peak in their hands.

In view of this, the three elders unanimously decided to lay down their children and set up wolves when they saw the other three celestial thaumaturgy.

Hua Lan Ting didn't dare to make any claims on this issue, so they contacted Elder Meng Haopu who had already arrived outside the mountain through Shanjia's voice transmission array. UU Reading

Meng Haopu said that he would personally go to the Taishan Sect for understanding and exchanges after the trip to the central thick soil mainland, and then bring the situation back, please make your decision.

Shan Jia knew that he was willing to wait, and at the same time allowed Shan Tianchong to join, and sent a master to protect Daozi in secret.

In order to further demonstrate his sincerity, Shan Jia let Shan Tianchong share some simple fusion skills on the road to realize the preliminary group combat capabilities of the four heavenly miracles.

The next day, the group went down the mountain, merged with Meng Haopu, and headed for the central thick soil mainland.

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