The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 357: Soldiers are in danger

Feng Keng was affected by the elemental separation of Dafa. At this time, his body was weak, and Lei Fa had lost the power of the Profound Bead Realm, but it was still stronger than Hua Lan Ting, and he was two palm thunders coming one after another, letting go. The strength of the action was stronger than the first blow.

Hua Lanting was struggling to block the first blow, with bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and now Feng Keng was locked in with his breath.

Turning his hands in circles, Hua Lan Ting once again used the "moon mirror in front of the court."

After two ear-piercing sounds, Hua Lanting fell down, her face was like gold paper, her breath was empty, and she couldn't stand up all of a sudden.

On the other hand, Feng Keng, with a yell, fell into the dust, and his front bodice was shattered, revealing two scorched black marks. He was the same as Hua Lanting, struggling for a while, and obviously suffered a lot.

Hualanting's "Moon Mirror in front of the court" this time has another mystery.

The technique and technique are still the same, the difference is that last time it was a mirror of illusion, this time it was a mirror of real objects.

The bronze mirror with the four beasts of sunflowers he got from the auction of Geyue Yaji.

With the help of the magic weapon's mirror reflection power, I tried my best, and superimposed the inversion power of the "Moon Mirror in front of the court" technique. This time it is no longer a diagonal unloading force. Feng Keng's two lightning bolts He was directly knocked back.

Feng Keng's two blows with shame and anger already used his full strength at this time. He himself was hit without guard, and naturally he couldn't bear it. Just after he came down with his physical body and cultivation base, he was injured and injured. , Successively weakened.

Of course others have to beat down the dog.

Yi Liunian, Zhuge Yun, Shao Feng and Shan Tian rushed forward, so they repeated their skills and besieged Feng Keng a second time.

Feng Keng tried his best to fend off this round of offensive with his remaining skill, and fell back on the ground, and he wanted to leave the battle group.

no way!

It's not okay to go through the window.

There are still a few people here who haven't done anything.

Song Feifei took the lead, and the "Meteor Fireball" technique flew towards Feng Keng one by one, carrying a scorching flame.

Feng Keng was anxious and frustrated, when this level of magic could pose such a big threat to him.

He broke all of Song Feifei's fireballs with the remaining repair base, and still stood tall.

As a veteran Xuanzhu powerhouse, a dozen of the most common reincarnation realms add up, and he is confident enough to defeat them. If he loses to a dozen warm-raising realms, his face will be lost to his grandmother’s house. went.

Thinking of this, Feng Keng felt his mouth numb at first, and was suddenly startled. When he only breathed in and out, a hot line of fire had already followed the blood and attacked his heart.


Feng Keng hurriedly used the last reserve to suppress the upward movement of the line of fire.

Feng Keng couldn't upgrade for a long time, but his vitality was extremely solid. Although the injury was not light, but he had enough power, he did it, and the toxin was slowly suppressed by him.

It was Gu Chenfeng who hurt him this time.

To be precise, it is Gu Chenfeng's streamed firefly, also known as the rogue firefly.

More precisely, it is the king of streamers, the queen of streamers.

The greater the ability of the streamer, the smaller the size, the more ferocious the narcotic toxins.

With the help of Song Feifei's last fireball's violent flame atmosphere, Liu Guangying flew close to it very hooligan, and took a bite of Feng Keng.

Feng Keng was in the process of forcing the poison, and Gu Chenfeng in the rear drove Ying Qing to command the rogue Ying Ying army to swarm.

Feng Keng was exhausted to deal with it, and gradually lost his strength, his face became numb and stiff, and he was still struggling.

The spiritual powers of Hua Lanting, Feng Qingjun, and Lin Xianjing have all been exhausted. In the end, Yue Guanghan came out with a complete foreplay to warm up. Preparing to gain momentum, he shouted, and calmly activated the curse technique.

Feng Keng was fixed in shape, but he was old and strong, and he was able to hold a sip of Dantian Qi, just to hold on to it.

But this is harmless, the Vientiane Gate did not want Feng Keng’s life, it was unnecessary, and it was impossible to do it under the presence of a powerful enemy. Even in the desperate fight, they now want to kill it truly and cleanly. It was still incapable of dying a Xuanzhu realm.

Feng Keng was defeated.

Liu Gen was tickled with anger in his heart, and he was also surprised at Hua Lanting's superior combat power.

Today, the day is not good, it is a pit since then, Feng Keng took the wrong name, he must enter every pit, he deserves to be unlucky.

The responsibility for the failure was given to Feng Keng, and Liu Gen felt better.

Today, there is no advantage to take advantage of. The situation is better than others, and it is a little useless. The opponent's strength is placed here, and it is not a crime of war.

Liu Gen secretly found himself a good step. As a hundred-year-old Yaochi Da Neng who has experienced many winds and rains, he has a thick skin and a bachelor. He is no longer entangled. He is willing to lose in gambling, and he is too lazy to talk about the scene. He nodded slightly with Chen Zhen, and left without any muddle.

He failed to smash his opponent and exposed himself. He must return quickly and discuss countermeasures with Xiong Chengfeng.

Naturally, Meng Haopu didn't do much for himself. The disciples dealt with it in this way with the best results, without much benefit, without strong hatred and enough chances of victory. It is very likely that the two sides are fighting hard and both lose and lose.

It is better for the family to solve the internal affairs of the Xiong family during the Songyue Meeting.

Forced to retreat from the powerful enemy, Hua Lan Ting and others must repair.

The guide sent by Xiong Chengmao took them to the nearest song moon meeting sentinel to rest, and used a sound transmission device to inform Xiong Chengmao of what happened here.

At the moment of the enemy, how Xiong Chengmao and the patriarch Xiong Zuoyao deal with the family disputes that are on the bright side, it is not what they worry about.

The problem is that the Xiong family must order all the people to catch up as soon as possible, so that they can attack as the main force. If Xiong Chengfeng is distracted, the people at Vientiane Gate will not stop here, it will be boring.

After a short break, the body basically recovered, and everyone got together to discuss matters.

Hua Lanting squinted his slender eyes. After pacing and thinking repeatedly, he found Lin Xianjing.

Lin Xian was surprised when he said a few words in a low voice, his sword eyebrows raised, and he seemed surprised. There was a moment of communication, but he frowned for a while.

Yi Liunian noticed the expressions of the two of them, and asked, "Two, don't play dumb riddles. If you have any thoughts and concerns, please let me know. The three heads are still short of my brother and me."

When everyone heard the sound, Lin Xian shook his head and said: "Lanting has a bold and dangerous idea. I think it's not appropriate. You can refer to it for details."

"Xiaoailing Guanshan Academy must be a hard bone."

"If the information of the Songyue Club is accurate, this is the center of Taihe Teaching who disrupted the thick soil continent with the eucalyptus sky thunder formation. Let alone what their plot is, as a remote control eucalyptus tree growth and sky thunder landing. The control point, the formation itself and its protection must be extremely powerful."

"This is one of them. Second, the leader of the middle rudder and rudder should be in charge of the formation, and there will be no few masters in the sub-rudder. Geyue will concentrate on the deployment of troops, and the opponent will adjust accordingly."

"If Xiong Chengfeng and Taihe Teachers are in collusion, the actions of the Songyue Club and our trends and strength may have been exposed."

"In this way, with the strength of the Songyuehui and us, we must attack and fight the fortresses that are supported by the formation and defended by the strong. The odds of winning are not great, at least it will be a hard battle."

"Originally, we just caught up to help, and we have neither the responsibility nor the obligation to charge and fight for the Geyue Society."

"But Lan Ting and I, including Shao Feng, have always had the same feeling that this matter is not that simple. There is always a thorn in the back of the conspiracy and the smell of danger."

"We have used the heavenly secret technique, but can't see anything, this uncomfortable feeling lingers like a shadow."

"It's not that our unpredictable ability is stronger, but we faintly feel that this incident will not only affect the Thick Earth Continent, but it will even have a certain relationship with us, and even a major impact."

"This is an instinctive reaction cultivated by long-term immersion in the heavenly secret technique. It is unclear, but it is very real."

"So, we judged that to help the song month meeting is to help ourselves."

"Therefore, Guanshan Academy is an opportunity to solve the mystery. We need to treat it as our own business."

"The current situation is that strong offensive is unfavorable, so outwitness is the only option."

"So Lan Ting had a bold idea-he would disguise himself, go deep inside the enemy to listen for news, and at the same time see if there is a chance to win the fortress from the inside and the outside."

Everyone did not understand what this sentence meant.

Lin Xianjing explained: "We also have a hypothesis, assuming that Xiong Chengzhen and Taihe Jiaohang are in one accord."

"Otherwise, he really has so much energy that he can mobilize many casual repair masters to attack Xiong Chengmao? Why did he pretend to be seriously injured? Why Xiong Chengmao and us were continuously blocked and attacked by the five-party patrol?" Has Liu Gen's strong lineup intercept us? "

"If the hypothesis is true, Xiong Chengfeng must have notified Taihe Jiaoge Yuehui about the actions, and the other side of our existence will also know about it."

Yi Liunian said angrily: "This Xiong Chengfeng, eats inside and out, does everything for his own superiority."

"Let the Xiong family do the cleaning of the door. Lan Ting, tell me about your crazy idea. I don't even shudder when I think about it." Lin Xian motioned in surprise.

Hua Lanting said, "It's the heartbeat that's playing."

"That's the case. If Xiong Chengfeng and Taihe Teachers collude, then Liu Gen, his number one master, should be the insider and the contact person in the middle. After our defeat in the attack, Xiong Chengfeng's plot was exposed, and Liu Gen must go back and discuss with him how to deal with the blame from his father Xiong as a demon."

"So, I had a whim."

"I intend to take advantage of this time difference, disguise as Liu Gen, and go to Xiaoai alone in the name of reporting the latest developments of the Songyue Meeting and the situation of our and seeking help from Taihe Teachers. Lingguanshan Academy, please see Meng Xingsan, the master of rudder rudder in the middle, who is known as the "Eight House Tour Press"."

"If it is not bad, when I enter Guanshan Academy, on the one hand, as Liu Gen, I can touch the virtual reality of the internal layout and cause damage, and cooperate with you and Geyue to attack from the outside. On the other hand, if you are lucky, , And look for the true intention of Taihe Teachers in designing the eucalyptus sky thunder array."

Hua Lanting's words are like a wave of waves caused by a single stone.

Dressed as Liu Gen? Then go deep into the tiger's den, penetrate into the enemy, and finally retreat all over?

Not to mention whether these premises are true or not, just mixing it with Liu Gen, the great power of the Yaochi realm, is incredible enough!

The audience was stupid and dumb, and no one answered. It was not that they didn't understand or didn't believe it, but they didn't believe it at all, thinking they had heard it wrong.

In the end, Yi Liunian went up and touched Hualanting's head: "Huazi, are you a sequelae of lightning strikes?"

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