The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 359: Bullying side leakage

The phenomenon of eucalyptus thunder has been going on for some time in all parts of the Thick Earth Continent. At first, many sects didn’t care, but later found that something was wrong, so they used various methods and channels to investigate and explore. .

Ordinary small and medium sects have no clue, but I don’t know if Taihe Sect deliberately or unintentionally released some wind and clues, or the powerful sects have found clues. In short, all the major forces resisting the top ranks have their eyes and spearheads. It points to the two evil pagan religions of Taihe Sect and Tianyi Sect.

In the absence of definitive evidence, after some tentative communication with sects, and the secret matchmaking of interested people, the big sects and Taihe Sects of these places began to have formal contact with the Tianyi Sect.

In the central region, tonight is the time set by the rudder master "Eight House Tour Press" Meng Xingsan to meet with the representatives of the six most powerful sects.

Hua Lanting came a little late, and he didn't hear the opening remarks and the previous content, only catching up with the latter part of the dialogue that subverted his three views, as follows.

Zongmen representative one: "Master Meng Ruo, you arranged this meeting, and we all thank you."

The representatives from the six schools were all strong in the early Yaochi realm, and Meng Xingsan, who had a higher cultivation base compared with their words, used honorifics.

You know, above the Jade Lake, the promotion of a small realm is more difficult than the previous one. Most of the great powers in the middle and late stages of the Jade Lake will retreat for a long time in order to attack the peak realm. Like Meng Xingsan, it will almost be outside. The highest level of monks who appeared to preside over daily affairs, even if he was a cultist.

Meng Xingsan: "Well, Ben Ruo is very happy to deal with powerful representatives from big factions like you, especially friendly representatives."

Zongmen Representative Two: "Excuse me, how do you understand the friendship you said?"

Meng Xingsan: "Friendly? Simple. It means that you can understand the meaning of this rudder, and you can truthfully convey it back. More importantly, you will urge your own sect to act in accordance with the will of this religion and this rudder."

Zongmen representative three: "You are persuading from Taihe to teach you to be friendly?"

Meng Xingsan: "Otherwise? Those who disrespect and disobey us are heretics and need to be eliminated."

Zongmen Representative Four: "Although the Taihe Sect is strong, you can't just cover the sky with your hands. The Central Thick Earth Continent has always been famous in the world for its diversity."

Meng Xingsan: "Everything has a degree. If you lose your sense of measure, this teaching will correct it. Diversity refers to the practice of techniques, but if you have more ideas, you will be loose. The world needs leaders, and singing cannot tolerate stage opera."

Zongmen Representative Five: "This seems to be inconsistent with the doctrine of natural freedom advocated by your religion."

Meng Xingsan: "Hmph. It's never the same ruler that measures the world."

Zongmen represents six: "Oh, what's the solution?"

Meng Xingsan: "It's easy? If the same goods are sold in different places, wouldn't they be marked with different prices?"

Zongmen Representative One: "Can this be understood as the fact that your religion has always held two rulers in communication with the outside world-one for measuring others and the other for yourself. A typical double standard tone."

Meng Xingsan sneered: "I'll hehe. Every sect, and even everyone, has two rulers in his hand. The difference is just the scale!"

Zongmen Representative Two: "Is the theory of two rulers the principle of your religion in dealing with foreign affairs?"

Meng Xingsan: "You can understand this way."

Representative three of the sect: "Don’t you think that doing this is unfair to other sects?"

Meng Xingsan: "There is no fairness in communication, there is only understanding. If you don't understand, you can accept it."

Zongmen Representative Four: "Do you mean that only Taihe Sect is correct?"

Meng Xingsan: "The correctness of this sect cannot be questioned, and the Taihe Sect and the Tianyi Sect will join hands in the future, and it will only be more correct."

Zongmen Representative Five: "What if someone accuses you of being overbearing and hypocritical?"

Meng Xingsan: "I think this person is you. It's okay. Close the door. Hegemony and hypocrisy are a way of existence, not unique to us. Everyone is the same, with different degrees, let alone who. If every word It's all truth. Will there still be words like domineering and hypocrisy?"

Zongmen Representative Six: "Ahem, I have been taught. Let's go back to our earliest conversation. You said the purpose of the Taihe Sect is to help the Houtu Continent get out of its predicament and move towards new brightness and glory."

Meng Xingsan: "First of all, what you said is inaccurate. We are leading and leading you. Remember, it is not annexation. As long as you are willing to obey, you are still you, and Taihe Sect is the guide and commander."

Zongmen Representative Five: "You are so sure that you can eat us?"

Meng Xingsan: "Everything is under your control. This rudder will not let go of what you can control. Everyone has cards in their hands, it's just the difference between which card is played, but we have never lost."

Zongmen Representative Four: "Before I came, I heard that the Songyue Club was frequently moving. The latest news is that they were not forced to withdraw from Dali Mountain. Did something go wrong?"

Meng Xingsan: "Really? First, their frequent actions are the result of being mobilized by the rudder. Second, Elder Liu of the Songyue Club is in the sidelines at the moment. Third, I don't think they have the determination and ability to resist. "

"Finally, do you know how far is the distance from determination to decision to success? They may never get there."

"Maybe some people are uneasy, but the Songyue Club is not monolithic, and there are internal differences. This is a gap."

"When the unreasonable person wants to lift the table and hit the stone, maybe the big guys with consensus on both sides are preparing to toast."

Representative three of the sect: "So, you and Geyue will have a private and separate transaction? What do we think? It will also cause other sects to be unhappy and affect cooperation."

Meng Xingsan: "When Taihe Sect is dealing with any sect, it never takes into account what other people think."

The second representative of the sect: "What the Taihe Sect and the Tianyi School really want to do?

Meng Xingsan: "Our ideals have always been very clear-committed to the stability and prosperity of the central thick soil continent."

Zongmen represents one: "But what I see is fire, thunder and chaos."

Meng Xingsan: "So you are short-sighted. These are only temporary means. When you are willing to bow your heads and follow, when the time comes, you will know the grand plan of the teaching. In this world, there are always more people who worry about the world than others. Those who dare to speak and dare to do."

Zongmen Representative Four: "You mean worrying is unnecessary?"

Meng Xingsan: "Hmm. Is the world advancing in worry, or advancing in bravery?"

"Here, this rudder can reveal a little bit more-the Houtu Continent is becoming less and more unsuitable for human cultivation. We have to make changes to improve this situation. That's it, this is for everyone."

Zongmen representative six: "However, the current situation is that everyone is very nervous. This is caused by you, but you told us not to be too panic."

Meng Xingsan: "Someone reminds you that you might encounter ghosts when you go down the dark road at night. It is your own business to bring ghosts away. Whether you need to be afraid or not depends on your choice. Obey or destroy."

Zongmen Representative 2: "If we reconciled and the Taihe Church stops, will it help those small and medium-sized sects that have been affected and hurt?"

Meng Xingsan: "You will be safe. As for those dispensable sects, maybe, we have a plan for this. But you know, the plan usually changes before it is implemented."

Zongmen Representative Five: "You mean, the weak can not change their destiny if they obey you?"

Meng Xingsan: "I didn't say that."

Zongmen Representative Six: "Then you will rescue and protect them?"

Meng Xingsan: "I didn't say that either."

Zongmen representative one: "Then how do we explain it to them?"

Meng Xingsan: "I've said it all."

Zongmen representative three: "You are boring, what does this answer mean?"

Meng Xingsan: "Little sects and little people are not important. In addition, this sect does not accept doubts."

Zongmen Representative One: "Do you mean Taihe Sect is always right?"

Meng Xingsan: "Have we done something wrong? We never will."

Zongmen Representative Six: "The Taihe Sect and the Tianyi School do not care about the opinions and opinions of others except you."

Meng Xingsan: "If we care, we won't have today."

The six sects represent silence.

After a short while, a representative said: "What if, if, are we not willing?"

Meng Xingsan: "You can look at the writing on the wall behind me.",

Hua Lanting couldn't see it, but most of the six people who could see could not understand.

Because, on the background wall behind, the big characters engraved are small seals with gold and black background.

An old man knew him and read to everyone in a low voice: "Clouds come to the mountains, and the clouds go to the mountains are picturesque. The mountains are obscure because of the clouds, and the clouds share the mountains. Relying on the clouds and sand, I look back and see the mountains."

"This tune describes the scenery of high mountains and deep clouds. Above the high mountains, clouds and mists are lingering. When the clouds come, the mountains are more beautiful; when the clouds go, the mountains are picturesque. The mountains are flickering due to the presence and erraticness of the clouds. It is dark, and the clouds rise and fall along with the heights of the mountains."

"What exactly does Lord Meng Ruo want to express?" someone asked impatiently.

"Oh," the knowledgeable person sighed: "The main idea that Lord Meng Duo wants to express is to say: whether we come or not, talk or not, we can talk better, and it doesn't hurt if we don't talk, including success or failure. Taihe Church doesn’t care doesn’t care either."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Meng Xing laughed wildly: "My brother is right."

Hearing this, there was no sound afterwards, thinking that Meng Xingsan blocked the sound and began to have substantial discussions with the six people.

Before long, the talks ended, and the six representatives left each.

When the curtain was lifted, Meng Xing walked into the side hall.

Hua Lanting stood up, and the two met each other.

Hua Lanting's heart was slightly shocked, not because the other party looked strange.

Meng Xingsan is tall and has long arms, eyes as big as a bell, black eyebrows heavy, brutality exposed and domineering side exposed.

There is only a thin layer of hair on his head that has just grown after being shaved. With the clothes on his body, this person is actually a tantric lama's costume.

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