The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 379: King of the Earth Dragon

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I don't know if it was because of Yu Ding's complaint nearby, the old lady Lu Feiyan sneezed anyway.

She is not afraid of entering the water, because she is a master of water spells, and only the cultivation base restored to the medicinal state is enough for her to use.

Rubbing her hands and patted her, the lake immediately raised a big wave, pushing her up.

The height of Canglong jumping out of the water was at most two meters high. The waves that Lu Feiyan manipulated did not go away, supporting her to stand on the top of the wave, and no Canglong could reach her.

Yu Ding didn't care about defamation at this time, and several Mosasaurus were attacking his rolling log around him.

Hualan Ting danced with gold wire and iron wire, but Mosasaur was agile and could mostly avoid vital parts. The leather armor in other places was thick and stabbed and did not cause serious damage to it.

Seeing that the effect of the attack was not obvious, Tu Xiang and Yu Ding were fighting on their own, but Hua Lanting changed their tactics when they changed their minds.

The gold wire and iron wire were one point left and right, and the logs that were wrapped around Tu Xiang and Yu Ding on both sides were pulled over, and the three tree trunks were connected into a small wooden raft.

The gold wire and iron thread stuck their heads under the wooden raft, blocking the mosasaur from underwater, and the three of them stabbed with sticks to resist the mosasaur that shuttled back and forth out of the water, while the raft slashed forward.

Lu Feiyan's face was cold and stern, and he was not bad. He didn't care about them. When he waved his hand, a big wave aroused, and he also raised the wooden row to a height of more than three feet. Lu Feiyan himself jumped over, four of them. Stand on the top of the wave, ride the wind and waves.

The mosasaur group made a squeaking sound, helpless to do this, they refused to give up the delicious food they had, and followed them.

Lu Feiyan wanted to get rid of the chasing dragon, but the toothed pterosaur appeared and gathered on the shore, so he had to continue to flee downstream.

If it takes a long time, after the four people's true energy continues to be consumed, they can't maintain the spells, and they still have to face the entanglement in the two directions of land and water.

When everyone had no idea, they were delighted to see the Mosasaurus behind them stopped and stopped following.

However, after not being happy for long, sharp-eyed Yu Ding shouted: "Stop! Look ahead, the river is broken!"

Needless to say, everyone has seen it.

Since the surface of the lake narrowed, the road has become a big river. After a gentle bend, the speed of the water suddenly increased, and mountains and greenery suddenly appeared in the front, and the river was gone.

Decapitated River!

Because of the terrain, the riverbed is interrupted, and there should be a deep waterfall formed by a cliff below!

Lu Feiyan stopped the tide, and the dragons behind him moved forward a few positions, actually trying to force the four of them down.

Lu Feiyan was really aggrieved in his heart, and he was also the power of Yaochi. He called the wind and rain on the Lu family's site. Not to mention one thing, the owner usually looks at her face and acts, but here is threatened by a group of monsters in the water.

There is plenty of aura here. Although the dinosaurs don’t know how to practice, their physical strength is good due to their daily breathing aura, and they are not weaker than their physical strength. At this time, everyone’s realm is suppressed and their cultivation is not good. I really can’t help them. , Otherwise you can slap a bunch of flies to death.

Under the low eaves, people had to bow their heads, Lu Feiyan drove the waves to move forward, leaving the battle first and then talking about other things.

As he approached the cliff, he could hear the deafening sound of water in front of him.

The sound of nature's long-standing sights made the four of them not afraid, but excited.

In a blink of an eye, I reached the edge above the waterfall, and the wooden raft was about to be planted. Lu Feiyan used his feet to help her.

As the power of water system magic, the more water the place is, the more useful it is. The abundant water once again set up a huge wave, steadily carrying the wooden raft to draw a beautiful arc, and flew down from the top of the waterfall. .

The wooden platoon carried the drenched people through the waterfall and the water vapor that was upturned, drifted downward.

Everyone stretches their eyes and looks down. No wonder the strong Mosasaurus is unwilling to approach. The height of this waterfall is more than 30 feet, and the huge pool with white waves formed below is rugged with strange rocks, many of which are as straight as sharp swords. Upward, once the dragon falls and is not well controlled, it will become an example of the disabled in the ethnic group.

The abundant river water rushed down from the waterfall and reunited in the deep pool. It was a giant loop that turned to the right to flow, so the four of them fell from the air and did not fall into the river, but landed on the coastal beach below. .

Here the grass is green, dense and beautiful, and the four of them adjusted their breaths and dried their clothes with zhenqi.

As the sky darkened, everyone began to discuss the next steps. In order to restore the cultivation base earlier, they agreed to rest for a while and replenish fresh water, and then rushed to the periphery overnight. Only with the cultivation base can we cope with the crises everywhere in the jungle.

After the discussion, the four of them came to the nearby woods to find berries to satisfy their hunger. As they walked, Lu Feiyan, who was the most conscientious in eyes and ears, made a gesture of silence, and the four who dispersed slowed down and looked around.

In the dim twilight, there seemed to be small rustling sounds all around.

Yu Ding took a few steps boldly, and was fixed there by a huge black shadow not far away.

Looking at it with the help of the faint light of the sky, it was a huge dinosaur.

The dinosaur is huge, with a bare head as tall as Yu Ding. The whole burly figure is as solid as a moving hill, with heavy limbs and strong, with a short tail swinging around.

Excluding the body, the most obvious feature is that there are three sharp horns on the big head, two of which are located above the eyes and are more than five feet long, and the other is above the nose.

The second obvious feature is that there is a large colorful flesh shield on the thick neck, like armor.

The big guy also spotted Yu Ding. His head turned and moved slowly over. A pair of strange eyes with almost erect pupils looked at Yu Ding calmly, but then lowered his head to gnaw the grass.

Yu Ding swallowed a few drools. He had some experience following Hualanting for a while. Seeing that this behemoth was only grazing quietly and had no intention of attacking, it was estimated that it was a herbivorous dinosaur.

Even so, Yu Ding did not dare to act rashly. He turned his head and signaled Hua Lanting to come over, and asked in a low and inaudible voice: "Little friend Hua, what is this kind of name? It seems that he doesn't eat meat."

The characteristics are too obvious, Hua Lanting recognized it at a glance: "It is a triceratops, very famous, large in size, large in number, living in groups, and vegetarians. The important thing is not to look at the vicious looks, and the personality is very docile. It's okay."

The two slowly retreated, Lu Feiyan and Tu Xiang also moved closer, saying that many such creatures had been found around.

They strayed into the Triceratops group that was eating.

After listening to Hua Lanting's introduction, the three of them relaxed a little. This heavy-armored beast said it was a vegetarian who only eats grass, or it would be better not to provoke them. The four decided to retreat and walk around the riverside.

Halfway through, the sky fails to meet people's wishes. They don't have trouble, it doesn't mean they are all right. In the wild jungle, there are masters who are willing to make trouble.

Hearing the roar of the triceratops suddenly came from behind, one after another, the rear began to be a mess, the heavy footsteps of the triceratops weighing tens of thousands of catties sounded chaotically, and they also came towards the river.

what's the situation? Everyone hurried forward.

Hua Lanting looked back and saw a classic raptor in his sight. No, there was more than one.

"Not good!" Hua Lanting cried, "This is the Tyrannosaurus known as the king of dinosaurs!"

Tyrannosaurus, a veritable land king, hardly any other dinosaurs of the same time can be its opponent.

Tyrannosaurus was not as tall as a Triceratops, but it was four or five feet long from head to tail, and it was full of muscles and muscles, full of a sense of tension.

The head of Tyrannosaurus was the largest and most terrifying of all dinosaurs. It was the scariest when it opened its blood basin and its mouth was filled with two rows of sharp teeth that were curved inward. With one bite, a large dinosaur with tough armor could not bear it.

And when tyrannosaurus eats, it will bite through the bones of its prey, and then tear off the large pieces of bones and flesh. Tyrannosaurus runs fast, has sensitive hearing, vision and smell, and knows how to cooperate. It was an almost invincible existence in that era. .

The names are different in different periods. Some are called Tyrannosaurus, and the one that Hualanting saw is called Tyrannosaurus Rex!

This is a squad of Tyrannosaurus rex, preparing to hunt down the triceratops family they encounter.

What makes Hualanting feel strange is that, as far as he knows, dinosaurs have ruled the world for nearly 200 million years. In such a long period of time, hundreds of different types of dinosaurs have appeared in different periods.

Strictly speaking, dinosaurs are reptiles. They can neither swim nor fly. They only live on land. Pterosaurs in the air and mosasaurs in the water are not dinosaurs.

Some of the dinosaurs he encountered belonged to different periods, but appeared here at the same time.

No time to think about it carefully, now it's important to escape.

The triceratops' neck is stubby and does not rotate well, and the head cannot be raised very high. The overall appearance is very awkward. However, this is only an illusion. When running on four legs, it is still quite fast, let alone escape time, but it is shorter. Trees do not form obstacles at all.

After a while, the triceratops race was chased by the Tyrannosaurus rex and ran towards the river.

The four of Hualanting were also trying their best to escape to the river. They could have gone to the river in advance to avoid the two big dinosaur groups fighting, but unexpectedly, two Tyrannosaurus rex quietly rushed to ambush in advance by the river. This is called Qianyou After interception, there are chasing soldiers.

In this way, under the planned roundup of Tyrannosaurus, the Triceratops and Hualanting were surrounded.

How is this good?

The group of triceratops with nowhere to go panicked for a while. Seeing nowhere to escape, they finally calmed down.

Triceratops are usually docile, but they are not weak when they are desperate.

First of all, is an adult Triceratops weighing tens of thousands of catties, and Tyrannosaurus rex doesn't dare to face it.

Secondly, although the triceratops is a vegetarian, its neck shield and three sharp horns are not vegetarian decorations. If the tyrannosaurus is picked, it will be an open end.

Third, triceratops live in groups. When facing an attack, they have their own method of group defense, that is, a strong triceratops will form a circle of copper walls and iron walls in the head, outside and tail, and protect the old, weak, sick and disabled in the middle.

In this way, the Hua Lan Ting four were also surrounded.

The triceratops are too busy to take care of themselves, and no one cares about them who are leaning against and moving in the inner circle to avoid being injured by trampling.

This made Hua Lan Ting a little bit dumbfounded.

Hua Lanting settled down. If so, it's okay. Let the four and the Triceratops fight side by side, fighting the invincible prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex.

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