The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 384: Cicada sound

Merchants have gained a lot from this trip.

With the help of Hualan Court, the Yu family invited the Mother of God Turtles to show off their power. They took back Ninghai City, the root of the family, shattered the Tu family’s conspiracy, avoided a man-made calamity, and experienced a major fall in one day. The fire and ice that has risen is naturally grateful, and this kind of grace can't be overstated even if I give it all back.

Therefore, in addition to the items originally traded, the merchants have obtained more than half of the inventory of the Yujia half-sold and half-delivered materials, which can be described as full.

On the day of leaving, news came that Our Lady of the Turtles surrendered the three major powers of the East China Sea, re-established the status of the lord of the East China Sea, and ordered the Haixue Gang to be removed. The Yu family and the Lu family continued to retain trade agency rights. Immediately decided to take this momentum and work together to destroy the East China Sea Star, and return to the coastal land a peaceful and quiet place.

The master Yu was also very bachelor. He immediately announced that he would donate a large amount of materials to the frontline of Shuxuanxianzhou's fight against the invasion of the thick soil continent.

There are too many goods, and the special vehicles made by the merchants can no longer fit. They have to rent a lot of local carriages and horses for transportation, and the convoy will go straight to the front line.

In order to prevent accidents, especially the counterattack of the Tujia who defeated Ninghai, Shang Chenxi Fei Shuyin Merchant Fort mobilized people to respond.

Xun Zhen took the Hualan Ting four people to assist and escorted them for a while. After the merchants arrived, they diverted and returned to Vientiane Freedom Gate.

Back in the door, Hua Lan Ting and the others are most concerned about the war on the front line.

In these days, the invading enemies of the Houtu Continent have aggressively attacked and attacked from all sides. As Shuxuanxianzhou rushed to fight, and many sects were still waiting and watching, they did not act aggressively, causing multiple lines of defense to be breached by the opponent until more. The Zongmen barely stabilized the situation when they started participating in the war, and the two sides are currently in a state of stalemate and melee.

Hua Lanting and other young 60-generation disciples couldn't stand their temper, and they invited Ying to fight, but they were still suppressed by the door, saying that it was not the time.

Elder Zhou Ji issued a message that only when more 60-generation disciples broke through to the Yuan Realm of the Five Qi Dynasties, and a considerable number of people would consider it after reaching the Liu Ding Liu Jia realm.

Zhou Ji also made a private request, saying that in order to prevent the elder Xunzhen’s cultivation from falling to a small level, he asked Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian and Zhuge Yun to enter the Seven-Star Big Dipper as soon as possible, otherwise it would be postponed. The playing time of the sixtieth generation of disciples.

With motivation and pressure, Lin Xianjing and the three of them worked overtime under the guidance of their major and minor masters.

The three of them have good aptitudes and strong perseverance. Not only did Xun Zhen let them experience the feeling of flying in the air in advance, they also included a piece of pure innocence that strengthened the foundation and cultivated their origins. What is even more rare is that they don’t hesitate to waste their cultivation. The pure heavenly thunder expanded their meridians and tempered their bodies, so after a few months, the three of them all reached the critical point of their breakthrough.

But a pass is a pass, and things that come naturally can be met but not sought, especially in the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm that requires understanding and opportunity to arrive overnight.

The three teachers used all kinds of methods. Some were comforting and persuasive, some were beaten and scolded, and some went to seek medical advice and medicine for external forces. It can be said that the operation is as fierce as a tiger. Seeing that it was still sticking in the same place, the three of them were stuck on the last sudden.

Time dragged on for a long time, and seeing the progress of the other brothers, even those with stable minds like Lin Xianjing became impetuous.

Hua Lan Ting was also unable to do anything about it. At the Seven-Star Beidou boundary, his own experience and feelings did not apply to other people.

In this situation, Zhou Ji was also anxious in his eyes. After thinking about it, he invited the elder Chen Lu'an, who is both Buddhist and Taoist.

Please Chen Lv'an is not to make a breakthrough in cultivation, but to adjust the mentality of the three through the insights in cultivation.

On this day, Chen Luan took Hualanting and Lin Xianjing out to a forest in the Douji Peaks of Houshan.

At this time, the mountain outside industry has entered the autumn and it is slightly cool, and the rest of the heat in the mountain is still exhausted, and there are still cicadas neighing on the trees in the woodland.

Chen Lv'an said, "This is a place where I usually practice. I will use it today. If you want to make a breakthrough, if the sky is enthusiastic but not hot, you have to calm down. You three, now begin to meditate in concentration."

The three sit cross-legged and work freely without extreme power.

At the beginning, they didn't care, because entering Dhyana is a basic skill, and they have been learning from the beginning. After so many years, they have almost reached the level of being able to quickly enter tranquility at any time in any environment.

However, this time is different. No matter how they condense their minds and carry their breath, they are upset and unable to enter the state smoothly.

Hua Lanting was on one side and the spectators were clear. He raised his eyes and looked at the tree. The autumn cicadas were noisy, sometimes one after another, and sometimes a hundred cicadas clashed, and the sound was in the ears, disturbing people's minds.

Lin Xianjing and others also felt abnormal. According to their current cultivation, let alone the cicadas screaming, even if they knocked gongs and set off firecrackers in their ears, it would not prevent the three of them from entering the state of selflessness.

This cicada is different.

Chen Lv'an said at this time: "Yes, this is the spirit cicada that I borrowed from Swagger Peak. It is a good articulation killing technique, which can break the body into the soul, and it is not a problem to disturb people and clean up, so as to sharpen your character."

"The three of you work together to enter concentration, and then put one ear up to listen to the old man talking about Zen while listening to the cicadas. If you succeed in the end, you will be complete today."

"A senior expert, Geng Linmang and several laymen have written articles related to cicadas and Zen. I will tell you the general idea."

Cicadas are the insects that best represent summer.

The character "Xia" on the oracle bone inscriptions looks like a cicada, and this "Xia" is the beginning of the ancient Eastern civilization.

It's hard to say when summer began to dive into life. When the scorching sun is shining and the first cicadas scream across the earth, anyone can say with certainty: Summer is really here.

Summer begins to flourish, beginning with a cicada cry.

There is always a cicada who sings first and foremost, attracting ten thousand lines of harmony, one line threefold, high and low, like a golden sound and jade vibrating, endless.

This kind of summer is like a quatrain, with cicadas sounding flat and flat.

Cicada and Zen are similar in shape, similar in sound, and the same in meaning.

Both cicada and Zen have a "single" character, and the two small mouths on the ancient cicada "Cicada" look like two eyes, and then covered with flimsy wings like silk, it seems that there is only a lonely meditator. Wearing the wind of cassock.

Cicada is a kind of insect.

Zen is a method of cultivating the mind.

When the cicada is not screaming, it stands still there.

Zen, just like when the cicada is not screaming, be quiet. From the outside to the inside, from the calmness of the body to the calmness of the soul. In the end, even if the body moves, the heart is quiet.

The cicada is a Zen man, and the sound of the cicada is the Sanskrit sound.

The cicada "drinks clear dew from the ground". Xunzi once said: "Cicadas are those who drink but not eat."

The eating habits of cicadas are indeed different. It is said that it drinks the clear dew from the leaves, and the other is that it drinks the sap of the tree. Anyway, it is a master of "non-eating fireworks", this is a bit of a cultivator.

Listening to cicadas in midsummer, the sound of cicadas cries is the wordless Zen.

The ancients believed that cicadas were noble and clean, "slept out of the filthy and filthy, floating out of the dust", silently speaking, and uttering voices when they were born, just like a gentleman.

Folks like to call cicadas "Zhi Le".

The name is more interesting: knowing is great wisdom, it is the transparency to see all things in the world; it is great detachment, it is the thorough understanding of no desire, no demand, no self.

The meditator advocates penetrating life with great wisdom and returning to the true nature with great detachment, so as to realize great self-achievement and obtain real happiness.

I know, I may not have thought of these mysterious things, it just lives by the heart, not greedy, not demanding.

Three thousand forest trees, there is a branch to shelter; the red dust and the breeze are enough, it is enough.

Cicada is also Zen, one is the sound of nature, and the other is inner practice.

A cicada sound is also a lifetime Zen.

Cicada's life can be described as many catastrophes.

The cicada eggs lay on the holes of the branches, and they have to avoid the gnats to have a chance to hatch. The nymphs have just seen the light and have to burrow into the crypt before the temperature drops to perform a new "practice".

This is a dark and long wait.

Even the common cicadas have to survive for two or three years. Among insects, they are long-lived. Some can grow to five or six years, but one species has to wait for 17 years!

If you are lucky and have not been dug out from the ground for such a long time, the cicada will usher in another metamorphosis---emergence.

The old shell under the ground will start to split from the top of the head to the center of the back of the chest and back, and the soft new body breaks away from it, trembling and spreading its wings, feeling the flow of air, and starting a real life-at this time, there are only a few left from its death. Weeks away.

Years of waiting are only exchanged for a season of high songs.

It spent most of its life underground, and in the end there was only a splendid life under the sun for dozens of days. Thinking of this, you won't find the uniform cicadas annoying. After accumulating a lifetime of enthusiasm and venting it out in a short period of time, how can this voice not be loud?

In its life, it has experienced darkness and light, **** and freedom, crawling and spreading its wings, dumb and singing... Transformation layer by layer between the two gates of life and death.

The power of life is contained in the cicadas, which is the explosion after silence, and the success after accumulation.

Born to be human, who has never fallen into the soil like a cicada, and who has never been like a cicada, put on a hard armor and fights hard?

If you understand the cicadas, you may understand life.

The Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang from the west is a golden cicada before the Buddha, and he was a cicada in his previous life.

It is rumored that Sakyamuni was preaching under the Bodhi tree. There was a golden cicada on the tree. Sanskrit sounds lingered, and the cicada cried endlessly, disturbing the gods and Buddha. The Buddha waved his hand and swept the golden cicada into the world.

In fact, whether you are a holy monk or a mortal, you will always encounter a period of dull, long, invisible suffering like a black hole, but it is this kind of time that is about to usher in the growth period of transformation.

The difficulties in life are the time of practice.

Insects into cicadas are the rebirth of the body,

Entering Zen is the nirvana of the soul.

Believe that the confinement outside you is breaking, and the wings conceived in your heart are about to be earned.

Zhuangzi once told a story that an old man with a hunchback used a bamboo pole to catch cicadas, which was as easy as picking up things. So when someone asked him the secret, he said that he has the Tao, and the so-called Tao is nothing but training. A stone is tied to the bamboo pole until a state of "entering concentration" is reached.

What kind of state is that? "The body is like a tree, without the breath of a living person, only the wings of a pair of cicadas in the eyes, with no distractions and concentration."

To catch cicadas and sit in meditation, you must enter concentration. From the initial restlessness, to the separation of the body and mind, watching oneself, introspecting oneself, and finally entering concentration.

Xia without cicada song is lonely. But with the cicada song, some people always think it is noisy.

In the hot weather, the cicadas sound like boiling, from morning to night, ceaselessly. Especially at the sleepy the more sleepy you are, the more noisy it is, and the more troublesome it makes you fall asleep.

It's not the cicadas that make trouble, it's our hearts.

Being able to sit still and listen to the cicada's cries in the chaotic sound and heat is a kind of meditation in itself.

In ancient times, when Buddhist students participated in meditation, they would always choose to sit cross-legged under the trees and mountains, accompanied by the sound of cicadas, practising calmness and concentration.

The sound of cicada becomes Zen.

A cicada had been sitting down for many spring, autumn, winter and summer in the dark, before it broke the ground and screamed. Maybe three years, maybe ten years, sitting quietly, waiting, and constantly sloughing off the old coat. Every time you slough, there will be one more round of growth rings on the tree, and a little bit of time has passed.

The cicadas that stayed in the treetops shed, are the traces of old hard practice.

The best Zen state in life is rich and quiet, without anxiety and confusion in restlessness, nor struggling to chase in vanity.


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