The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 420: Shuxuan 7 Tribulation

All the way, until noon, everyone caught up with the caravan of merchants resting on the side of the road to eat.

After someone informed him, Shang Chenyang greeted him after hearing the news.

Shang Chenyang has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is actually quite heroic, and his lees and nose are a bit shabby.

He walked over quickly after he got out of the chariot, and laughed: "Master Luo has always been punctual, and I know you will be able to catch up."

Shang Chenyang and Shang Chenxi were of the same generation, but because Shang Si was very late in getting a son, so he was not much older than Luo Xiyan, and the two had been equal.

Shang Chenyang was talking, but his eyes fiercely turned to Xue Jiayi who was beside Luo Xiyan, and asked, "This girl was born, who is it?"

Luo Xiyan knew his urinary sex, and said with a smile: "Ms. Xue Jiayi Xue, brother, the good friend I met on the road is quite congenial. Brother Yang will take more care of him in the future."

Shang Chenyang's eyes were stagnant: "Ah, I understand, aren't they my younger brothers and sisters? It's easy to talk and talk."

Xue Jiayi was worried about Hualanting, ignoring the ridicule of the two, and secretly stretched out Luo Xiyan's clothes from behind.

Luo Xiyan understood, and hurriedly said, "Brother Yang, after the gossip, we were attacked on the road and a brother was seriously injured. I have to trouble you to find someone to see."

Shang Chenyang was taken aback: "Who is so courageous to provoke you to Fuchen Fort. Who is injured?"

"This person, you should know that the old man Hualan Tinghua at Vientiane Gate, he heard that he also came to meet the merchants. If it weren't for him, I guess Miss Xue and I would not be able to get away."

"It's him? I know, it's not an outsider, but he's also a child of the business's foreign surname. I will be diagnosed and treated immediately. There are many masters who will accompany this trip. Don't worry."

Shang Chenyang arranged for someone to carry Hualanting into a carriage. He took Luo Xiyan and Xue Jiayi to see his father Shang Si. Shang Si immediately invited several Da Nengs under the seat to check it out. Shang Chenyang then Pulling Luo Xue and Shang Si to talk.

Shang Si asked them about the attack, and then passed on the order so that the merchants in Wuzhou can immediately investigate.

Luo Xiyan asked Shang Chenyang: "Why did you leave half a day early?"

Shang Chenyang replied: "Did you not hear? There was news from the front a few days ago that Baoguang appeared many times in Jiming Mountain near the place of the trading conference, and some people believed that there would be a strange treasure there, which provoked many monks. One after another went to hunt for treasure."

Luo Xiyan said: "Your business is rich and wealthy, what kind of treasure do you have. Besides, this kind of situation often happens in Xianzhou. Can this alarm Lord Shang Si and you go out in person?"

"Brother, it seems you really don't know, this time is extraordinary. Shuxuan Xianzhou, it is going to change a lot! You always know the six calamities of Shuxuan, right?"

Luo Xiyan and Xue Jiayi were all disillusioned.

The Six Tribulations of Shuxuan refers to the six internal disasters in the history of Shuxuan Xianzhou in the last ten thousand years, each of which originated from the birth of a strange treasure.

These strange treasures are not one or two, but a treasure house, which often involves a variety of magic weapons and various exercises and equipment materials.

Some of these treasures are found in ancient books and legends, and many of them are unheard of ancient, ancient and medieval relics.

Although the level of cultivation in modern times has been greatly improved, it may not lose to the predecessors as a whole, and has even begun to surpass in some aspects, but each time there are several artifacts and quasi-sacred artifacts in these relics, and there are many techniques and materials. It has been lost for a long time or has long since disappeared in Xianzhou, so there will be a **** battle inside and outside Xianzhou.

The previous wars will involve almost all the sects in Xianzhou, this is not even the cultivator on other continents who have heard the wind.

The scale, level, severity, and scope of the previous wars have exceeded that of the invasion of the Central Thick Earth Continent not long ago. As treasures were often contested repeatedly, changed hands several times, and aroused all kinds of new hatred and old grievances. It will last for a long time, even if the sect wants to stay out of the way, it is often difficult to be alone.

The result of each battle will inevitably lead to a major reshuffle in the realm of comprehension, changing the existing pattern of Shuxuan Xianzhou to a considerable extent, and forming a far-reaching impact.

On the one hand, the war led to the death or decline of many sects, and the fall of a large number of monks. The process can be called the death of corpses all over the field and blood flow, so it is called the calamity of Xianzhou.

But on the other hand, after the war is silent, it will prompt the birth of some new sects and the rapid rise of existing sects, and will give birth to a new generation of leaders in the ups and downs, and the good old-fashioned strong will also There is no shortage of precedents that have soared.

Moreover, after several years of each calamity, Shuxuan Xianzhou's cultivation level can be driven to a higher level, so that it has not fallen behind in the competition with other continents.

With such stimulus and benefits, despite every reflection after the event, all parties felt that they should exercise restraint and establish a gentler resource competition model to avoid serious losses that would hurt the muscles and bones in a short period of time, but it has never been achieved. The consensus is that every time the cat smells the fishy, ​​the cat gets red eyes for it.

The interval between the first six great catastrophes was long or short, and some people searched for the reason and law of the existence of foreign treasures, but they were always inconclusive. Everyone can only attribute it to the evolution of the world, arranged by nature and nature.

It has now been nearly two thousand years since the sixth catastrophe, so many people have forgotten that there is still such a thing, and do not want the prologue of the seventh catastrophe to begin at this time.

Luo Xiyan was so shocked by the news that he didn't speak for a while, and said slowly, "Brother Yang, Xianzhou will be in chaos."

"Isn't it?" Shang Chenyang licked his lips, "but it's also an opportunity. The troubled times come out of the world, and the times make heroes. You and my brothers must grasp it. The opportunity is not to be missed. In one corner, you don't want to make a sound of home?"

Luo Xiyan shrank his head and said, "Such a mess, the most important thing is to protect your life."

"Cut, you don't want to, my father doesn't necessarily want to. Besides, I can't avoid it if I want to hide. As soon as the news comes out, countless people are coming desperately. We happen to be close, so we have to go over and see. Look."

"The rules for taking treasures are not the same every time. This time I don't know what it is like. When we arrive, we can choose to wait and see and not do it.

Xue Jiayi was also surprised, but at this time she was more concerned about the safety of Hua Lan Ting, urging to ask: "I wonder what happened to the merchant master's inspection?"

Shang Chenyang asked Luo Xiyan and Xue Jiayi to go to rest first, and they would set off again soon, saying that they would be notified when there was definite news.

After a while, Shang Chenyang was called by Shang Si, and the father and son discussed in a low voice.

Shang Si was old, but his eyes were sharp. The hooked nose that Shang Chenyang had not inherited made him even more awkward. He asked, "Chenyang, what do you think about Hualanting?"

Shang Chenyang did not respond: "Hua Lan Ting? Whatever, is this not a problem? Isn't it the top priority? We should try to profit from the emergence of the strange treasure in order to obtain more bargaining chips. "

"Fuzzy! Are you stupid? How does Dad usually teach you? Those who become big things must have gaps in their chests, have a big picture, and at the same time have no big or small things, but also be thorough in small things and details! How can you rest assured for your father in the future? Give you the family business of Novosibirsk?"

"It happened by coincidence. This time it was originally Shang Chenzhao or Shang Chenxi who came with Shang Jinshu. We temporarily replaced it with our father and son, and happened to be in a catastrophe that had never happened in a thousand years. This is a god-given opportunity. I also!"

"Your uncle controls the business, and the descendants of his line are also vying. You and my father and son really don't have much chance to come back. These years I have been operating in the northwest and lay out secretly. I dare not relax a little. Be down-to-earth, everything is obeyed by the eldest brother, so that he can't be suspicious, and the hope is that one day there will be a change."

"Something has happened now, and Xianzhou will soon be in chaos."

"With the elder brother's veteran and steady temperament, he must act after he is determined. At the moment, he will not rush to change the generals and send someone to replace us."

"So here, you and my father and son have the final say. It happens that you can use the power of the merchants in the southeast to fish in troubled waters and strengthen your own strength. At the same time, when Xianzhou is in turmoil, people in the eldest brother's line will inevitably have to go around to rescue and fight the fire. When the power is dispersed, I can deploy the crowded manpower to play black hands everywhere."

"One and the other. When the situation is chaotic to a certain extent, when the important figures in the long room are reduced, and when the internal allegiance and external support for your uncle becomes weak, we can contact all the side branches and control them for the father. With the help of hidden power and external collaborators, you can force the palace to counterattack and become the owner of the merchant!"

Shang Chenyang was still puzzled: "These kids all know, what does this have to do with the kid in Hualanting?"

Shang Si looked at him with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "This is a big strategy, but the small section cannot be ignored. The freezing of three feet is not a day's cold, and the ant hole is not a day's work. Anything that can weaken the strength of the big brother. We must do everything on the premise of ensuring safety."

"Hua Lanting, isn't the information given to you clear enough? Not to mention that he is a genius himself, and his future achievements can be expected. He is also the treasure of the free Vientiane Gate, the link between Shang Chenxi and the Vientiane Gate."

"The Vientiane Gate is more than just the strength that appears on the surface, and the two sides have formed an increasingly close relationship through the Rhenium mine cooperation, which is really a great help for the Chenxi brothers."

"Therefore, we have to cut this layer of ties. The lighter one will cause losses to the Vientiane Gate. It is best to destroy the relationship between the two parties and promote the opposite of the two sides."

"Even if it does not have a decisive influence on our big plans, if we do too many things like this, one day, one day, the balance of power will be tilted toward us. Moreover, many things will be connected, and the effect may not be right at the time. It appears, I know that this is not a wonderful move."

"My child understands. Then... It's not the best policy to just take this opportunity to get rid of him."

"Nonsense! Hua Lan Ting is the platinum brother of our merchant. Despite the injury, I just fold it in your hands. It's always not proper enough to stay true to life."

"What shall we do then?"

"Pop!" Shang Si slapped Shang Chenyang on top of his and whispered: "I want you to find a way, why do I give birth to you! In addition, here is the latest copy. News, take a look. My little ancestor, can you use your mind more?"

"Also, how do I usually teach you? Have you returned it all to me!"

"In everything, we must know how to maximize profits. Merchants are first and foremost merchants, and network resources and channel networks are the most important. With these, all treasures are available. Let other people do the things that kill them."

"Besides, you have to know how to watch the fire from the other side, try to pick yourself up as much as possible, be able to hide a knife in a smile, make something out of nothing, borrow a knife to kill..."

After Shang Chenyang read the information, Zuo Siyou wanted to be in a daze for a while, and said with joy: "Yes! My child has a plan, but I need to use your old secret pill."

"Well, a dog bites a dog, a hairy beak, although there is a shortcoming, it can't fully satisfy your request to instigate discord. It is enough. I have added one to your teaching-two birds with one stone. No, it is three or four birds with one stone. !"

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