The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 449: Secrets of the Zongmen

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After the mountain guarding formation was broken, the Mengbi Jiufeng fell, the door opened, and the barrier was empty. The Vientiane Gate of Freedom was lost more than half of the important place. Now it is like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered displayed in front of the enemy.

Although there are back mountains, the crusade coalition forces have surrounded the Douji peaks, and the front mountains are high and steep, and the coalition forces can be overlooked from a commanding position. The geographical advantage has been lost, and now there is no way to retreat.

The Vientiane Gate held an emergency meeting of the Presbyterian Church after a fuss.

Of course Hualanting is sitting.

The elder Zhou Ji, who had basically been designated as the next generation head, had to arrange the defense of Douji Peaks, count the battle damages, arrange the wounded, and allocate supplies, so he was not able to attend.

Unlike the previous enlarged meeting, heavyweight support representatives like business owner Shang Yangzhi were not invited to attend, and the seldom-showing worship halls were all present, and only the elders like Guanlan, the only remaining fruitful elders, were still absent.

The atmosphere is unprecedentedly solemn.

The head of Shouheng said: "The people who are here tonight are my own family members. To say a long story short, I don't need to talk about how critical or serious the situation is."

"The first thing is to report the investigation of the sudden failure of the mountain guard and discuss the repair. Elder Lou, please explain to everyone."

Lou Xiao, the peak master of Yaoguang Peak, has great power in the formation.

"After the accident, this seat immediately launched an investigation with the help of the worship hall. Now the matter has been found out. This door, there has been an internal traitor!"

The elders present made a slight commotion, some were surprised, some were angry, and some were surprised.

Indeed, although the rules of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom are not complicated, they are rugged. These years, under the governance of the conserved real people, the Zongmen has been thriving in an orderly manner. It cannot be said that there are no individual black sheep and a few people who are weak or self-interested, but the whole is still a monolithic one. The ancestor's rebellion is extremely rare, so some people are surprised and angry.

In addition, the Vientiane Gate Guarding Mountain Formation has been in operation for thousands of years. After many improvements and upgrades, it has always been operating normally. There has never been a major accident. The attack of this type of attack against the coalition forces today, although it is fierce and long lasting, will not let the great formation. It collapsed so soon.

The so-called strong fortress is often breached from the inside, and only an internal **** can cause such a heavy loss at a critical moment, so some people are surprised.

"Who is it? Have you found out?" someone asked urgently.

"Oh, the investigation has found it out," Peak Master Lou Xiao sighed, "but things are not what everyone imagined. This gangster, he, is not a person in his own right. Strictly speaking, he is not a human being..."

"Old building, when it's time, don't sell it." Someone urged.

"Okay, I'll say it right away, don't worry."

"To be precise, this traitor is the soul of an adult white-fronted falcon. If our investigation and inference are not wrong, things should be like this when restored."

"Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect, I did not know where to obtain the soul of an adult white-fronted demon falcon, and then used unknown means to intimidate this demon falcon, let it enter the 60th generation female disciple Zhang Hanyun raised. The body of the spotted possum has been lurking in the door for a long time."

"According to our analysis, it is likely that it happened many years ago when the disciples went to Wulan Mountain and the Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect."

"The White-fronted Demon Falcon is extremely rare, with extraordinary wisdom, and a very high level. It can reach the level of a beast in ten thousand years."

"This one has just grown up, and his soul has been injured, but at first he was quite handsome and psychic and able to tolerate it. Secondly, the female disciple Zhang Hanyun was born in the blood moon and black sand sect of the Northern Taichu Demon Yuan. You all know, blood. The Moon Black Sand Sect is very inherited from the Royal Beast, which is different from the system of the Swagger Peak of the main door, but to some extent it can be said to be worse than it is. We absorb its children and have the idea of ​​communicating what is needed. Inside."

"So, after it was placed in the spotted possum, it recovered and grew very quickly under the unique secret method of Zhang Hanyun's Blood Moon Black Sand Sect."

"The white-fronted falcon has lost its physical body, suppressing the soul of the spotted possum for its own use. It is usually used as a disguise, and no one has noticed that this sable is different."

"The White-fronted Demon Falcon has been in the door for a long time, and has learned a lot of inside information. This bird also has a strong point of speed, and the soul is no exception. In the past few years, there have been several stolen spirit pills and secret medicines in this door. Qing chased the culprit. Now it seems that the white-fronted falcon must have stolen it for self-cultivation."

"All in all, this bird has lurked down here. Even today, even though it has not reached the level of a quasi-sacred beast, the cultivation base has already become quite popular."

"There is a secret in this gate, and everyone here should know it, that is, the eyes and control center of the mountain guarding formation are among the Douji peaks, and the specific location is on the sacred tree where the Mengbishenghua Lone Peak is located."

"Mengbisheng Flower Mountain, named after the Mengbisheng Flower God Tree."

"The sacred tree is a pine, and the lonely mountain looks like a brush with the nib facing up from a distance. The peak is like a flower with strange pine, hence the name."

"Qi Song has been born naturally since ancient times, it has the spiritual aura of heaven and earth, and it is extraordinary. Later, it was transformed by a generation of ancestors Daohan Zhenren with supreme supernatural power during the ascent of the Dao. It is semi-natural and semi-artificial. , Yongzhen my door."

"The Mengbi Flower God Tree is in the depths of the Douji Peaks. Because of the strict control over the inner circle of the Douji Peaks, there is no special protection around the Mengbi Flower Lonely Peak."

"Although this is a secret in our own door, it has been a long time, and some people have learned about it."

"In this crusade against the Allied Forces surrounding the mountain, the external defenses are greatly strengthened. The outside is tight but the inside is loose. The white-fronted falcon found a gap and sneaked in. This bird tried his best to destroy and overthrow the Mengbishenghua sacred tree. The front eye was damaged and the center was changed, causing the mountain protection formation to stop functioning, and the door fell into an extremely passive situation."

"What about the White-fronted Falcon now?" an elder interjected.

"The spirit of the White-fronted Demon Falcon can't survive long without the spotted possum. After destroying the Mengbi Flower God Tree, it touches the prohibition, and the soul has disappeared."

"We judged that the reason why it was willing to commit dangers must be a helpless move for some reason. Otherwise, there is no need to risk death and lurking at all costs. This is a good thing done by the Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect.

"Does the female disciple Zhang Hanyun know about this? Does the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect participate in it?"

"The chief worshipper of the worship hall did not hesitate to repair the origin, and used the unique root-tracing secret method that he had practiced in this school to search, and grabbed the remnant soul of the white-fronted falcon to trace back, and then found Zhang Hanyun and Madan. On the possum, through repeated inquiry and inference and analysis, I can get the cause and effect that I said."

"According to the preliminary inquiry of the manpower mobilization of the worship hall, Zhang Hanyun and the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect did not know about it, but it happened that it would be used, and the responsibility did not lie with them. This is the case at present, after the storm is overcome, for a prudent plan I should look into it again."

Another elder asked: "If this is the case, put it aside for now. I would like to ask Mr. Lou, how is the damage to the Mengbishenghuashen tree? Can it be repaired quickly?"

"You need to know that even if the Houshan Douji peaks can be protected by a large array now, the protection strength is only adequate. If it does not recover for a day, our door will be in danger for a day. It will take a longer time. We have to give up and escape. This Everyone knows in their hearts that they are not alarmist talkers."

This time, it was the first guardian of Dongming Peak who stood up and replied: “Repairing the sacred tree is the responsibility of this peak. Ashamed, the sacred tree is a natural creature, and it is blessed by the divine power of the ancestor of Daohan. Temporarily strengthen the sacred tree to strengthen it. To achieve this, if you want to restore the original source and restore the original, you need a lot of rare materials and time to warm up. The materials are okay to say, who will be stingy in a very short time, but it is really in a short period of time, and there is not enough power..."

There was silence in the venue, and no one questioned Shou Zhu's statement.

Without the support of the mountain protection formation, under the siege of tens of thousands of crusade coalition forces, all the strength of the Vientiane Gate can be spent at ease, although it can be held for a while, there will be a time when it will not...

In the silence, a person's voice timidly asked: "Dare to ask Elder Lou Xiao and Elder Shouzhu. Although the disciple doesn’t work **** the refining tool, I want to dare to ask. Apart from the repair, there are other ways to do it. Stand up?"

The speaker is Hua Lan Ting.

Hua Lanting also had the courage to ask questions, because he usually does not spend much time on refining, so his thinking is still at the most basic cognition-junior disciples started to learn the formation and refining methods, not in Improving and perfecting the ready-made simple formations or magic weapons is to refine a new one from the beginning, without doing what he thinks.

Lou Xiao and Shouzhen did not sneer at Hua Lan Ting's problem.

Shouzhen Wenyan replied: "Dongmingfeng didn't think about this road. However, the sacred tree is peculiar, and the texture is hard and unmatched. If you want to use similar materials to replace the sacred tree, the level is not too high. The problem is that there is always a way to gather the power of Yifeng. The key lies in the lack of materials-similar to the raw materials door, there are several available, but due to the nature of nature, plus the refining of a generation of ancestors, for a while, where Go and find something comparable to the Mengbisheng Flower God Tree?"

Hearing this, Hua Lanting's thoughts moved. At this time, he didn't care if the words were too conclusive. It didn't hurt to talk about it. He used a dead horse as a living horse doctor and blurted out:

"When the disciples were fighting against the Ziyue Immortal Sect before, they had seized a piece of trophy named Suixin Iron Soldier. According to teacher Feng Huolun, in the example of imitating the ancient gods, this piece was quite successful. Extremely hard, and excellent in resilience and Everyone's eyes turned to the real person Shouzhu.

Shouzhu thought for a moment: "When you said that, I remembered it. At that time, Dongmingfeng had important tasks. After the following report came up, I left it to Feng Huolun to deal with it."

"The wind tunnel master’s kung fu is superb. It is now highly respected in Dongming Peak. However, because of his insufficient level of cultivation, he is usually crazy, so if there is a solution, he will definitely be asked to do it, and find a way to find materials. He was not involved in this matter..."

"The master of the speed tunnel wind tunnel came to inquire." The head of Shou Heng, the real person, didn't get muddled.

After Feng Huo Lun arrived, he heard the problems and requirements he encountered, and waved his hand: "I don't dare to guarantee that, as far as the free-wheeling **** soldier is concerned, it is not a big problem. If it is done, I need at least three high-level powers of the Promise Hall Promise Realm to provide sufficient energy for my wind tunnel furnace, and Yao Guangfeng’s assistance in portraying the control formation on it."

"Don't say anything, start right away", the true man of Conservation interrupted Feng Huo Lun, "Ask for people, things and things, and execute immediately. The poor way wants results. If you succeed in half a day, Feng Huo Lun , You have made great contributions!"

After setting up this matter, Zhen Heng Zhenren negotiated several other options with the members of the Presbyterian Church, and then discussed and discussed other important issues, arranged various possible situations and countermeasures, and the meeting ended.

Hua Lan Ting was about to leave, and the true man Shou Heng came over and stopped him in person: "Lanting, you don't leave, you have to discuss with you if you have something important, it is related to the secrets of the sect, you follow me."

Hua Lanting was at a loss. Major events have been discussed, and there are secrets?

There are so many things declassified to him today.

While thinking about it, he moved to the Nuan Pavilion next to him with the real person Shou Heng.

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