The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 107 Xishui

The white horses have passed through the gaps, the clouds are rolling and the clouds are smooth, and for more than ten days, there is no more than a finger.

In the morning, the morning sun rises, and the red clouds fill the sky.


The star tracing token above the table trembled slightly, and the mysterious lights circulated in it endlessly.

Ji Yuenian opened his eyes lightly, got off the star-gazing jade couch, and took the star-tracking token in his hand.

A sweet voice came out of it: "Guanxiafeng Yuyan asks to see Daoist brother."

After thinking for a while, Ji Yuenian already remembered the beautiful blue-haired girl on the top of the climbing cloud stone steps.

Going outside the attic of the Suxing Courtyard, the protective mask of the courtyard was removed, and Yu Yan, who was wearing a blue dress, was standing beside the Suxing Courtyard, waiting quietly.

At this time, seeing Ji Yuenian leaving the Astral Academy, Yu Yan's eyes were a little complicated, she bowed her body and said softly, "Yu Yan has seen Daoist Ji Yuenian."

The title of Daoist brother is closer than that of Daoist friend, but it is different from "senior brother". Yu Yan calls Ji Yuenian "daoist brother" at this time, obviously he has no intentions in his heart.

Ji Yuenian noticed the dazzling white light in her palm, and said, "Could it be that Junior Sister Yu came here to fulfill the promise made on the Climbing Cloud Stone Step?"

When she was on the climbing cloud stone steps in the entrance examination, Yu Yan once said that if Ji Yuenian stepped into the 286th stone steps, she would lose a psychic magic weapon.

She never imagined that Ji Yuenian not only passed the 286th step, but also leaped like a broken bamboo, breaking through the three hundred poles and several sky towers, and became the eighth person in the Taiyu Shengzong to pass the three The creatures of the hundred stone steps.

Yu Yan was silent for a moment, then said, "Is this how Daoist Brother Ji Yuenian treats guests?"

Ji Yuenian's eyes were quiet, he turned slightly and let him into the Astral Court, and the two walked into the attic one after the other.

After taking their seats on the star-gazing jade couch, Ji Yueqian fluttered his sleeves and said, "Junior Sister Yu is here to watch the ceremony in the ancient city of destroying the sun?"

Yu Yan seemed a little surprised. She glanced at Ji Yuenian's fair and fair face, and did not hide her surprise at all: "Brother Ji Yuenian is really smart, you can even guess this matter."

After finishing those words, she turned her gaze away from the black-robed boy's face and looked down at the pitch-black abyss beside the jade couch.

After all, she was a girl with a bone age of less than ten years. When she looked at Ji Yuenian in the attic here, there was a faint hint of shyness in her heart.

Ji Yuenian shook his head slightly and said, "There are only three days left before we go to the ancient city of Deriving to watch the ceremony, and it's almost time to leave."

Yu Yan was silent for a while, then gently placed the blazing white brilliance in her palm on the table in front of the star-gazing jade couch, and said, "This is the magic weapon of psychic lost to the Taoist brother according to the bet."

The white light lingering on it slowly dissipated, gradually revealing the true face of this treasure.

The whole body is hidden in white, with cloud and thunder seal pattern, this psychic magic weapon is an extremely rare white jade hairband.

Ji Yuenian picked up the white jade belt, felt a little bit of the forbidden power contained in it, nodded, and said, "When will you leave?"

Yu Yan finally glanced at the bottomless black abyss beside the jade couch, got up and saluted again, and said, "I have made an appointment with the other three junior brothers and sisters. I will be waiting under the Tongming Peak at the Luoxia Portal at noon today. meet."



Between the flicks of the sleeves, the rich Taiyu profound energy rolled and circulated, and an aura of water condensed out in front of itself.

Ji Yuenian quietly looked at the face in the Lingguang Water Mirror that was similar to Zhao Yinyue, and endless confusion and dazedness appeared in the depths of his mind again.

"Zhao Yinyue, if the memory of your hidden true spirit is true..."

"Then my Ji Yuenian's Bloodline of Tongxuan Heart Ghost is true or false..."

Since that day's dream, Ji Yuenian has a lot of mysterious memories in the depths of his mind, and he has read these memories back and forth countless times like a bystander.

These memories did not belong to him, but belonged to Zhao Yinyue when he was young.


"Raise your glass to three thousand moons, this life is as happy as a fairy."

Zhao Xingyan swayed, holding a huge wine gourd in his hand, and stumbled forward in the moonlight, raising the wine gourd from time to time to take a sip, his half-drunk eyes full of complex colors intertwined with satisfaction and decadence.

The Zhao family has reached this generation, and there are four sons in the main line. Zhao Xingyan is the eldest son of the Zhao family, but he has never liked to practice cultivation. He only loves drinking and writing poetry. joke.

"Eldest son, it's almost time for the son, just play on the Xishui River, don't go on!" Several servants in Tsing Yi followed closely behind him, but they didn't take the eldest son at all. Method.

"Go away, go back!" Zhao Xingyan turned his head and stared, "Otherwise I will kill you here right now!"

"I can't wait!" The servants all knelt directly to the ground and begged bitterly, "Eldest son, if you cross the Xishui River, you will be out of the protection range of the gods and gods in Taichu. What kind of evil spirits are there..."

Zhao Xingyan picked up the wine gourd and took a big sip, then pulled out a fine iron long sword with his backhand, and laughed loudly: "Speak, continue speaking, whoever dares to say more, I will cut off his head and drink! "


Several people looked at each other and knew that Zhao Xingyan was drunk, so they hurriedly responded, and only after Zhao Xingyan walked away did they hang up.

There was a bone-chilling chill on the banks of the Xishui River in Zi Shi, and the moonlight was cold, and fear gradually rose in the hearts of these servants in Tsing Yi.

Outside the protection range of the righteous gods of heaven and earth, there are too many little demons and little ghosts who are not in the mainstream. If ordinary people without cultivation base leave Taichu territory at will, even if they die outside, it is not uncommon.

This Xishui River is the boundary river in the extreme west of Taichu's territory, and a few dozen miles away is the boundary of Xiangcheng's territory. The demons and ghosts of the Qing Dynasty are definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

"The eldest son has already crossed the Xishui River, what should we do?"

"This... why don't you follow along and have a look?"

"What if the eldest son is so happy that he cuts me to the sword directly?"

After hesitating for a long time, these servants in Tsing Yi stopped one after another on the banks of the Xishui River, watching Zhao Xingyan's figure gradually disappear into the distance.


The icy stream was gurgling by, Zhao Xingyan fell down on the stone beside the stream, picked up a handful of stream water and wiped his face, the cold air that penetrated into his heart blew his face, making him sober up a lot.

"This is where!?"

Looking around, Zhao Xingyan's eyes gradually recovered a trace of clarity.

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