The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 787: Lower Boundary

Ji Yuenian raised his head and looked at his thin back, the inexplicable throbbing feeling surged up in the depths of his mind again, making his originally much calmer mood once again soaked in a little haze.

But no matter what he thinks, his thoughts flow to the extreme, and he can't find the source of these haze.

Shaking his head, Ji Yuenian looked sideways towards the bank of the Milky Way amidst his thoughts, and strands of mysterious light condensed and turned into a girl in a black burqa.

"Shenzi Zhaoming, you are really majestic."

The girl in black walked up to Ji Yuenian, looked at his ancient black robe embroidered with gold thread, and spoke softly.

Ji Yuenian's eyes were slightly cold, and he said: "The reason why I gave you the Yuanjing Immortal Talisman is to allow you to trace the true spirit. Is it to allow you to assist Luoxue Sword Spirit to escape from the lower realm?"

The black-robed girl slightly raised the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "Didn't your highness play with those Yueling maids in Yuchi Palace all day long, and still have time to look at us?"

Ji Yuenian looked at her coldly, and said, "Ji Qingchan."

The black-robed girl sighed, moved a little closer, raised her face, and said, "Why, is God Son Zhaoming angry?"

Ji Yuenian said: "Give me the Yuanjing Immortal Talisman immediately."

The black-robed girl stared fixedly into his eyes, and said, "Ji Yuenian, your current state is very wrong, do you know?"

Ji Yuenian silently looked at the girl in front of him, but didn't speak.

The black-robed girl lowered her voice, and said, "Luoxue told me earlier that you were dispersing your mind, and your Dao heart was not affected, but looking at it now, you have clearly changed a lot."

Ji Yuenian remained silent.

Ji Qingchan gently grabbed his black and gold thread robe sleeve, and said, "Ji Yuenian, what's wrong with you? Don't you even believe me? Tell me about your confusion, maybe I can think about it for you Method."

Ji Yuenian shook his head, the coldness on his face subsided a bit, his expression was a little bewildered, and he said, "I just think that it would be too sad if someone else arranges the meaning of my existence."

The black-robed girl bit her lip, as if she had guessed something, said, "Are you talking about yourself? Could it be that Her Majesty the Goddess of Taiyin told you something?"

Ji Yue said in a young voice: "You should also know about the world calamity."

The black-robed girl nodded and said: "The Heavenly Tribulation is about to come, and this matter has already become very popular in the Three Realms. It can be said that everyone knows about it."

Ji Yuenian turned his head sideways, looked at the vast and magnificent Milky Way, and said: "The reason why Venerable Miaoshan took care of me in this way is because of his arrangement with Master Mingxin, the purpose of these creatures is to Let me grow up, and use the characteristics of the real world to resist the world calamity, and resist the earth-shaking move of the Buddhist Yuanjiao this time."

There was so much information contained in these words that the black-robed girl was a little dazed, and after a long while, she said, "True... real creatures!? Resisting the tribulation?!"

Ji Yuenian nodded and said: "A while ago, I was in Qingwei Yuqingtian, and I saw with my own eyes that a transcendent 'past' Buddha defeated the eighth-level incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun with just one punch, although the eighth-level incarnation Claiming to be the deity, but thinking about it at this time, it should be just a puppet. But even so, those monsters from the 'past' are too scary."

The black-robed girl gritted her teeth vigorously, and said: "There are only a few yuanhuis left before the world calamity comes, but you only have the cultivation of the Hunyuan Extreme Realm, how can you resist such a terrifying calamity!"

Ji Yuenian glanced at her sideways, and said softly: "Resisting doom is the only second thing. Her Highness, the Goddess of Taiyin, has agreed and will not force me to do anything. What I care about is the feeling of being treated as a pawn since I was born. Really. It's so sad."

The black-robed girl thought for a moment, and said, "Her Highness Taiyin Goddess is so determined, could it be that she already has a way to avoid disaster?"

Ji Yuenian said: "Her Majesty Goddess once said that when the world calamity comes, she will find a way to send me outside the state."

The black-robed girl said: "Her Majesty Goddess is the Moon God of Zhou, what will she do then?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ji Yuenian couldn't help being taken aback. Before that, he subconsciously thought that the Goddess of Taiyin would go with him to the outside of the state to avoid disaster.

Now that Ji Qingchan mentioned her identity, she suddenly woke up.

The Goddess of Taiyin holds the moon of the three realms, and she is the god of the moon conceived by Zhoutian. When the calamity of the realm comes, she and the Moon Palace of the Nine Realms will bear the brunt, and there is no way to avoid it.

Ji Qingchan sensed Ji Yuenian's mood, and said: "Ji Yuenian, as Her Highness the Goddess of Taiyin, will definitely choose to face the catastrophe. Although he has made plans for you, you will really go outside the state to avoid the catastrophe." Is it?"

Ji Yuenian was stunned for a long time, and said, "Maybe it will, or maybe it won't."

Ji Qingchan smiled and said: "From my point of view, your xinxing has always been the most important cause and effect. If you go outside the state and avoid disaster, you will definitely not make any progress in your cultivation, so you will definitely choose to be with the Moon Palace in the end." Let’s face Jiejie together, am I right?”

Ji Yuenian felt a little irritable, and said, "This is exactly what Master Lijie Mingxin and others want to see. In this way, I have become a complete pawn."

Ji Qingchan walked up to his side and said softly: "Ji Yuenian, is it really safe and sound outside the state? If the world calamity sweeps across the world and the rules of the state are re-established, those worlds that are attached to the state will certainly not escape doom Unless you can go to the rest of the galaxy world, but even the souls of the nine realms of the sky can't do this, at most you can only open a small realm outside the state sky, which is already the limit. "

"Ji Yuenian, from my point of view, don't think about chess pieces at this time. Patriarch Bodhi and others have made many arrangements, and perhaps they have never put your chess piece at the top of the list. That’s all, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone through such rough roads, almost breaking your true spirit several times and dissipating in this world.”

"What's more, no matter what, Venerable Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is for the sake of the heavenly beings in this state, and now he has even traveled to the 'past' to forcibly delay the coming of the world calamity."

"Don't care about chess pieces or not, Ji Yuenian, just act with your own heart and practice hard. As for the future, take one step at a time. Look at this, okay?"

The black-robed girl's eyes were glowing with beautiful red makeup, and her tone was soft.

Ji Yuenian looked at her quietly, and after a long time, the gloomy look in his eyes gradually faded, and finally dissipated slowly.

I don't know how long it has passed, the bank of the Milky Way has returned to silence, only the scattered stars and stars are scattered and dancing brilliantly.


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