The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 819 Karmic Fire Prison

Ji Yuenian landed in front of Zhao Lingxi, squinted her eyes slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, Fairy Chang'e."

Zhao Lingxi's smile was still innocent and pure, she shook her head and said with a smile: "Your Highness is serious, there is only Zhao Lingxi in the world, and there is no Fairy Chang'e anymore."

Ji Yuenian's eyes stayed on her face for a moment, and then turned away, looking at the many creatures in Kunlun's Holy Realm.

Wherever his gaze passed, all the living beings lowered their heads in fear, their faces were full of fear, and some living beings knelt down and begged directly: "Venerable Chaoyin is merciful and merciful, please spare my life! "

With Ji Yuenian's current practice, he couldn't be called a "sovereign" in the first place, but in order to show his utmost respect, these creatures didn't care much, and directly called the noble Buddha "Valent Chaoyin" in the mouth.

Many more living beings walked up to the gate of Lingxu Mountain and saluted Ji Yuenian one after another. Among them, the Xihai living beings cupped their hands and said, "Valentine Chaoyin, we will protect Princess Xianlong of Xihai to participate in the ceremony, and I have no intention of collaborating with Kunxu, this time being trapped is purely an innocent disaster, I hope your lord will see clearly."

Ji Yuenian looked down, and sure enough, she saw the Princess Xihai, who was in the Primordial Realm, standing there prettyly, looking at her with beautiful eyes that flowed with light.

"Qingcang Immortal Dragon Blood Origin..."

After thinking for a moment, Ji Yueqing flicked the sleeves of his robe, "Stay aside for now."

Many Xihai creatures were overjoyed immediately, and saluted one after another: "Thank you, Venerable Chaoyin, for your mercy! When the Venerable competes for the orthodoxy of the South China Sea, I, the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, will definitely help with all my strength!"

Ji Yuenian said coldly: "The West Sea Dragon Palace doesn't even have a sage who understands the source of heaven, so it can be of no use. At that time, I will draw the blood source of the Qingcang fairy dragon to me, that's all."

Many creatures in the West Sea looked embarrassed, but they dared not speak out, so they had to retreat resentfully.

Many Jilei Mountain creatures headed by Xiniu Hezhou Niu Shengying also came to pay their respects, and these arrogances of Hunyuan Jijing also retreated to the side after saluting one after another.

Many Tianyuan sages who were eager to get rid of the relationship with the Kunlun line all rushed over when they saw this scene, but Ji Yuenian was a little impatient. The previous West Sea Dragon Palace and Jilei Mountain were still useful, but the creatures in front of them were not. It was the person who shot towards him just now, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said to the Yuetong god: "Except for the people of the West Sea Dragon Palace and Jilei Mountain, all the other creatures will be blasted out!"

"Follow your Highness's order!"

With a flick of the sleeve of Yuetong's god's robe, the dozens of Tianyuan saints and many creatures around them were blasted tens of thousands of feet away by the fiery storm, and fell to the bottom of the sky like dumplings.

At this time, there are only countless living beings in the Kunlun Supreme Realm native to the upper and lower towers of Lingxu Mountain. From a rough look, there are hundreds of thousands of them.

These creatures of the Kunlun lineage looked up at Ji Yuenian, Yuetong Shenling and others, their hearts were ashamed, and their complexions were extremely gloomy.

Between the twisted light and shadow, the sage Kunqi dragged his heavily injured body to show his figure, glared at Ji Yuenian, and gritted his teeth: "Child Chaoyin! The Kunlun Supreme Saint Realm is the famous Six Realm Cave Heaven, how can you allow this?" Trampling like wanton!"

Ji Yuenian glanced at her coldly, the frosty white sword edge revealed from the pale and slender fingers, and the fine sword light fell, directly strangling this Tianyuan saint into countless lights and shadows, even the remaining The soul is completely annihilated and no longer exists.

There was no sound.

"Be optimistic about those Tianyuan sages. I will deal with those people after this matter is over."

Ji Yuenian's cold voice reached the ears of Yuetong God, who was taken aback for a moment, and then respectfully responded: "I understand, Your Highness."

After saying this, he saw the young man in snow robe falling down holding the Taiyin Divine Sword, like a majestic white rainbow piercing the sky and piercing the sun, directly reflected among the countless creatures in the Kunlun Supreme Realm.


The bright and beautiful sword light was lifted up, accompanied by countless miserable howls!

Every time a thousand-foot-thousand-foot sword light falls, hundreds of thousands of souls in the Kunlun Supreme Realm will be wiped out, and even the true spirit will be swallowed by the blazing psychic karma fire!

Karma hell!

Amidst the roars of endless hatred, only the young man in snow robe holding a long sword indifferently slashed out sword after sword, tearing the foundation of this six-level cave into pieces bit by bit!

"The matter of Prince Ao Bing's execution was deeply involved in the Kunlun Ascension Realm. Ziying, Kunxu and others have already been executed. Only Nezha escaped by chance, but..."

While muttering, the pupils of the snow-robed boy were also stained with scarlet blood, "Prince Aobing's karma fell here, but you are not so lucky."

The imprint of the moonlight between his brows reflects the ever-extinguishing twilight, and the blazing sword light on the Taiyin Sword seems to have never faded.

In the place where the sword light passed, countless souls in the Kunlun Holy Realm showed despair, their eyes reflected the cold light of the Taiyin Sword, and then their souls were torn apart by the blazing sharp edge, and even the true spirit could Engulfed by the engulfing sea of ​​psychic flames, he will no longer exist in the three worlds of heaven and earth. (end of this chapter)

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