The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 824 The light, wind and moon

Mao Shi.

The cold stream flows by the moss-covered rocks, and the gurgling sound lingering through the stream arouses the chirping of birds, animals and insects on both sides of the mountain stream.

"The intelligence is thin and the vitality is gone. This is no longer the boundary between state and sky..."

Holding back the bone-chilling pain from his limbs and bones, and barely holding back the dizzy feeling that came from deep in his true spirit from time to time, Ji Yuenian opened his eyes with some effort and looked at the green scenery of the surrounding mountain streams at dawn. There is still a bit of trance left in the soul's consciousness.

After calming down for a while, Ji Yuenian tried to move his fingers, and a sharp pain immediately penetrated his soul. He frowned, and then he realized with some horror that he could not use any of his soul cultivation. , even the two Golden Tower Heavenly Treasures and several acquired treasures have all lost their response. No matter how I summoned the emperor, I never received any response.

"Don't move around anymore. I just asked Uncle Zhao to check your injuries. Now you have dozens of broken bones all over your body. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger."

A soft and pleasant sound came to his ears. The backside of the rocks beside the stream was damp and cold. In the shadow cast by it, Ji Yuenian turned his head slightly, and what he saw was a man wearing an ice blue skirt and a snow-sleeved undershirt. beautiful girl.

She lowered her clear and clear eyes and looked at Ji Yuenian steadily, with some curiosity in her eyes: "The Xianqi Yinggu Valley where the Jiang family lives has always been isolated from the world, and it can be seen in all directions. No outsider has ever been here in the endless mountains and rivers. Even if you really fell down on the cliff, you should have been shattered to pieces, so how could you only have a few broken bones?"

The girl was only a few feet away from Ji Yuenian. A strand of soft black hair hung down from her fair and jade-like ears and fell on Ji Yuenian's muddy arms.

The sweet fragrance of the girl's hair filled his mouth and nose. Ji Yuenian frowned imperceptibly, glanced at her, and moved his pale lips, but never spoke.

When the girl in the blue dress and snow sleeves saw that he was silent, she stood up straight away, turned her head and said behind her: "Xiang'er, go get him some food and water. This man must have fallen like this." I’m already so hungry that I can’t speak.”

A soft "yes" came into his ears, and Ji Yuenian saw that there were two young maids standing respectfully behind the girl.

When this scene fell into his eyes, Ji Yuenian couldn't help but tremble slightly. Only then did he realize that his soul sense was so weak that it was unimaginable, and even the breath of ordinary people could not be accurately distinguished.

What made his heart sink even more was that based on his current weak state, he was unable to detect any free energy between heaven and earth that could restore his soul's cultivation.

There are only two possibilities for this matter. One is that he is unable to absorb the spiritual energy of this unknown world at all; as for the second, he was severely injured in the twisted ancient Moon God Formation, and it will take an extremely long time to Gradually restore the cultivation of the soul and the origin of the true spirit.

It’s just that the severe pain that is coming from all over the body tells me that no matter what the possibility is, now I am no different from an ordinary person. I just don’t know if the Taiyin Goddess knows the situation here, or whether this matter is simply the same. Do it on purpose.

However, before the ancient formation of the Moon God was distorted, he seemed to vaguely hear the words of the Taiyin Goddess. He did not seem to have thought that such a strange change would occur on the way to the twin realms of the moon and the moon.

"Here, hurry up and eat something. If it weren't for the kindness of my princess, you would have already fed the wolves in the mountains."

The young maid named Xiang'er held a pot of water and a plate of snacks, squatted down and placed them in front of Ji Yuenian, with a hint of disgust in her tone.

Ji Yuenian glanced at her coldly, deep down in his heart he never cared about these ordinary people in front of him.

When the maid Xiang'er saw his appearance, she suddenly became angry. She rolled her eyes and looked at Ji Yuenian's broken arm. She grabbed a piece of snack and pretended to bring it to Ji Yuenian's mouth. Secretly, he grabbed Ji Yuenian's wrist with force and said, "Seeing how you look, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat, so I'll just feed you!"

A heart-piercing pain shot through his wrist, and Ji Yuenian's eyes became even colder. Although his face was covered with dirt and blood, the chill between his brows was clearly reflected in the maid's eyes. In Xiang'er's pupils.

It was like a basin of cold water being poured down on the head. The maid Xiang'er was so frightened that she subconsciously dropped the snack in her hand to the ground, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Xiang'er! What are you doing!?"

When the girl in the snow-sleeved blue skirt saw this scene, she couldn't help frowning and scolded softly.

Xiang'er's face turned pale, she pointed at Ji Yuenian by the stream with trembling fingers, and stammered: "He...he..."

The girl said: "What are you doing in a panic? I'll teach you how to feed him. Why did you drop the snack on the ground?"

While he was talking, a warrior in a smart short robe jumped up to him and saluted respectfully: "Princess, Mr. Xu is here."

The girl in the snow-sleeved blue skirt waved her hand and said: "Uncle Zhao doesn't need to be so polite, just call me by my name. The Jiang clan only has a few thousand clan members, and even including clan members with other surnames, it has never exceeded tens of thousands. There are more than ten so-called Jiang princesses in total, which can be said to be worthless."

"Zhao Yan doesn't dare." The warrior surnamed Zhao glanced at Ji Yuenian by the stream with a somewhat incomprehensible expression. "It's just a princess. There has never been an outsider in Xianqi Yinggu Valley. What happened here will remain the same after I go back." It would be best to report it to the elders of each house and the clan leader."

Princess Jiang was noncommittal and looked at a doctor behind her who was carrying a basket on his back, and said, "But Mr. Xu, could you please help me see this man's injuries and see if he can move to the hospital without hurting his life?" On the carriage?"

"I'm going to step forward and take a look."

Xu Langzhong cupped his hands, then squatted in front of Ji Yuenian, stretched out two fingers and touched the broken bones of his arms, wrists, ribs, legs and feet, etc. He raised his head with an ugly look on his face. "This person fell so hard that the blood flow all over his body was blocked and his meridians were blocked. It stands to reason that he should have died due to bleeding from his internal organs."

Princess Jiang said: "Can we still be saved?"

Xu Langzhong pondered for a moment, glanced at Zhao Yan next to him, and said: "If there is a warrior carrying this person, rush to the Yungu Imperial City of the Jiang clan as quickly as possible to find the 'Tongmai' left by the ancestors of the Jiang clan in ancient times. Dan' may be able to resolve the congestion in his internal organs and save his life, but..."

"But what?"

Princess Jiang said.

Xu Langzhong sighed and said: "Most of his muscles and bones were broken and cannot be healed at all. Even if he survives, he will be a cripple lying on the bed in the future."

Zhao Yan took a step forward and whispered: "The 'Tongmai Pill' is something that only exists in the records of the clan. How can we find it?"

The maid Xiang'er also said: "Princess, I really don't understand why you put so much effort into saving this man. If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have told you when I saw this man fainting by the stream. "

Princess Jiang shook her head. The reason was only known to her.

A few days ago, the priest of the tribe had made a divination for her, and today she came to the mountain stream on the edge of Xianqi Ying Valley to verify this.

"Uncle Zhao, please carry him to Yungu Imperial City and settle him first. I'll be there soon."

Zhao Yan sighed and said: "Since it is the princess's order, I will obey it."

After saying this, he stepped forward and carried Ji Yuenian, whose face was stained with mud and blood. The movements of his hands were slightly heavier, causing several clicking sounds to be heard from Ji Yuenian's body.

Ji Yuenian closed his eyes slightly, not paying attention to the conversations of the people around him, but carefully experiencing the extremely real pain.

For him, he had never felt such bone-chilling pain for thousands of years.

"Uncle Zhao, wait a minute. Please bring these snacks and water with you. Could you please feed him on the way?"

The girl's pleasant clear voice reached his ears, but Ji Yuenian still did not open his eyes.

But the girl's breath got closer and closer, and finally stopped at Ji Yuenian's ear.

She quietly looked at Ji Yuenian, whose face was stained with blood. She leaned closer and whispered in a very soft voice: "The priest's hexagram said that when I turn sixteen, I will meet someone. The person who can change my destiny, is this person really you?"

Ji Yuenian closed his eyes slightly and turned a deaf ear to his words.

She smiled softly, opened her mouth slightly, exhaled like a orchid, and continued in a voice that only two people could hear: "My name is Jiang Jiyue. If I can let you survive, tell me your name. Is it okay?"

After saying this, Jiang Jiyue seemed to have known that Ji Yuenian would not pay attention to her. She took half a step back and said to Zhao Yan: "Uncle Zhao, let's go."

Zhao Yan cupped his hands and said, "Princess, I will go back to Yungu Imperial City first. Please be careful on the way back."

Jiang Jiyue waved her hand and said, "Uncle Zhao, I understand."

Listening to the noise of everyone in his ears, Ji Yuenian's mind moved slightly. Just when Jiang Jiyue came closer, there was a faint ripple in his silent soul.

The ripples were extremely light, almost undetectable to ordinary living beings, but to Ji Yuenian, they were no less than a boulder in a calm lake, allowing him to extremely keenly capture a hint of awakening spiritual soul cultivation. Opportunity.

"What they said just now, the pulse-opening pill recorded in the ancient books of the Jiang family's ancestors, sounds like the Qi-gathering pill used by the beings in the Xuanxuan realm, and it should be the same."

"Xianqi Yungu...where is this world..."

As his thoughts were flowing, Ji Yuenian chuckled slightly in his heart, and his whole body was still filled with indescribable severe pain. He let Zhao Yan carry him on his back, rising and falling and leaping away from the mountain stream.

...(End of chapter)

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