The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 870 Rules

Among the pavilions in the sea of ​​flowers, Ji Yuenian sat on the ground, looking at the dry and dark sky, his mind couldn't stop surging.

"I don't know where the Tathagata Buddha transformed by the lamp-holder just now has gone, and I don't know if he is still watching here..."

After a long silence, Ji Yuenian closed his eyes slightly, still unable to determine where he had gone.

Although His aura was completely lost here, Ji Yuenian did not dare to gamble.

In this most distant "past", he has been practicing for an unknown length of time, and is even more terrifying than the Lantern Ancient Buddha in the "Galaxy Realm".

This intercepted parallel time is also full of anchor points. If there is a slight movement here in Ji Yuannian, I am afraid that the Tathagata who existed in the "past" will notice it in an instant.

"It has already calculated all the prefecture, heaven, and earth. If it wants to break this situation, it still needs to fall outside the prefecture and heaven."

While thinking about it, Ji Yueyang turned her palms, and the mysterious magical aura suddenly appeared.

Holding flowers in the mirror, holding the moon in the water.

Wisps of light flowed between his fingers. Ji Yuenian's eyes were focused, and he felt an indescribable pulling force on his true spirit.

The next moment, it dispersed the magical power, and those streams of light also shattered inch by inch and dissipated here.

"Under the eternal rules of the stars, there will never be two identical creatures in the same time and space."

"The reason why the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was able to go to the present world was because of his cultivation of Buddhahood that surpassed the Nine Realms of Peeping the Sky. The most important thing is that I came here in the present world, so he could be under the intervention of the rules of the stars. , was forcibly brought to the time and space where Zhou Tian appeared."

"in this case……"

Ji Yuenian's expression was slightly cold, and what the World Honored One had just said suddenly appeared in the depths of his mind.

"If this period of time is really intercepted by the 'Tathagata World Honored One' from the past, and its time flow is parallel to the current world of the state and heaven, then..."

"Then this is no longer 'the past'!"

"It is a period of time that is separated from the 'past' and is independent of the long river of time!"

Ji Yuenian suddenly raised his head and stared at the empty river of time above the sky, his expression getting colder.

"If the long river of time in Zhoutian is divided into several sections, its source is the most distant 'past'. In this small source, it flows non-stop and never ends."

"The next section is the 'past' where all the Buddhas were under the Buddha's throne in the past. This section also has no end."

"And at the end of where the long river of time flows, is where the world is now. It flows at a steady and constant speed to an unknown place. Although it has no end, every breath that passes by it represents something new. The appearance of Zhoutian represents infinite possibilities.”

"The previous periods of 'past' are trapped in their own short period of time, forming an endless cycle of death and silence, and there can never be any changes."

Ji Yuenian stood up and looked around the pavilion where he was, his eyes trembling, and his mind and thoughts were pushed to the limit.

"But where I am now no longer belongs to any period of time in the 'past'!"

"The Buddha Tathagata in the past used his great supernatural power to cut off the long river of time and take this section of the past out of it. The purpose was precisely to use the lifeline of the present Buddha as the basis to lay many anchor points so that this period of time and state can appear in the world. Parallel."

"In this way, no matter whether the Tathagata Buddha in this world succeeds or fails, the Tathagata Buddha here can know the final result in an instant and make his own choice."

"Although He calculated everything in Zhoutian, he still missed everything outside the boundaries of Zhoutian..."

"Holding flowers in the mirror, holding the moon in the water."

Ji Yuenian stretched out his palm again, with a cold expression on his face. Without any hesitation, he directly used this incantation to gaze into the Nine Realms of the Sky as a guide to activate his "fate" magical power!


In the dark, a brilliant power seems to be coming down, but it seems to be blocked by a strong force, and the dark sky suddenly trembles crazily!

Destiny exists under the rules of the stars and relies on the source of the galaxy.

Although the fate of the realm of state and sky has not been turned into a life lock, it still permeates the true spirits of countless living beings. However, because there is no life lock, it can not only be calculated in detail, but also can be easily changed.

The so-called listening to the past and future events is essentially observing the destiny line of this creature.

It's just that in the three realms of heaven and earth in Zhoutian, fate is ever-changing. There are countless ways to change fate, and the calculation technique is not accurate.

If there is a slight deviation, the final calculation result will be completely different. This is why those world-holding creatures in the three realms of state and heaven have never believed too much in the calculation.

In any case, only a complete world source will give birth to a destiny that relies on the rules of the stars.

But the period of time where Ji Yuenian is now is simply an illusory place separated from the long river of time!

In the past, the Tathagata Buddha used his incredible magical power to cover this period of time so that it was never noticed by the rules of the stars. However, Ji Yuenian now activated his "fate" magical power, which caused this stripped time to be directly absorbed by the eternal. Xingyu Rules suddenly noticed it!


The terrifying sound of shattering spread throughout the world, the dark sky collapsed, and large chunks of time and space fractured and shattered. Everything happened so unexpectedly!

Under the rules of Xingyu, no matter in any time and space, the incomplete source of the world has no qualifications to give birth to the breath of destiny!

Although Ji Yuenian only exerted a wisp of fateful aura out of thin air, it was still captured by the rules of the stars. All the coverings made by the Tathagata Buddha in the past turned into nothingness in an instant. !

In the silence, Ji Yuenian seemed to see the sky collapsing and the earth sinking. The past Tathagata Buddha stood quietly among the twisted black holes of nebulae, covered with immeasurable Buddha light, looking at him with dead eyes.


Endless collapse.

All the anchor points existing on this period of time were completely obliterated. Under the suppression of the rules of the stars, this intercepted period of time completely collapsed into the black hole of the nebula, leaving no trace anymore.

Under the inseparable connection, even the "past" at the source of the long river of time has been affected by the collapse of the black hole!

With one move, the whole body was moved, and under the echo of the terrifying ripples, the source of the endless stagnation shackles of the "past" actually bloomed with terrifying cracks like spider webs!


Everything is silent among the stars!

The irresistible rules of the stars came crashing in, and all the places above the source of the world of Zhoutian that were infiltrated by the volume of "The Buddha of the Three Worlds" in Zhoutian's present world were all cleared up in an instant!

Under the eternal rules of the stars, the vast sky is like ants and dust, with no room for resistance at all.

From then on, the long river of time in Zhoutian was finally like the rest of the galaxy, flowing smoothly from beginning to end, without any stagnant time in it!

The "past" of the state and sky created by the Tathagata Buddha's Zen energy was finally completely destroyed in the collapse of the black hole of the nebula, and was annihilated in the roaring river of time! (End of chapter)

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