The Great Genetic Era

The first thousand and forty-five chapters of the current practice ceiling

Xu Tui, who was born as a researcher of genetic miracles, is not too simple to study the changes in Hengshan's divine seal after it returns to its throne.

After more than 20 minutes, the test was clear.

Changes in shape, from imaginary to real.

The so-called emptiness here does not mean that it was nothingness in the past, it also existed in the past, but Xu Tui couldn't use it as a real item in the previous Hengshan Divine Seal.

However, the current Hengshan Divine Seal can be used as a physical object, whether it is for attack or defense.

Wherever it straddles, it is like straddling a mountain.

At the same time, before this, the Hengshan Divine Seal just appeared on top of Xu Tui's spiritual body like an object.

But after returning to the throne completely this time, the Hengshan Divine Seal directly appeared on the waist of Xu Tui's spiritual body. .

The so-called waist hanging seal ribbon is roughly like this.

At the same time, the Hengshan Divine Seal after returning to the throne has a very direct connection with Xu Tui's Shanzi Jue.

In the new star of Shanzi, there is already a ray of breath of Hengshan Shenyin.

The change caused by this situation is that before this, when Xu Tui used the Hengshan Divine Seal to increase the mountain character seal, he first condensed the mountain character seal, and then integrated the Hengshan Divine Seal.

But now, with the Hengshan Divine Seal as the core, a nearly real mountain can be manifested, and then blasted down.

The power exploded.

At the same time, when the mountain character seal is manifested with the Hengshan seal as the core, the energy of the heavens and the earth mobilized by the mountain seal will increase significantly. At the same time, the original quantum frequency of the realized mountain will also be absorbed by the Hengshan seal. enlarge.

This is the reason for the explosion of power!

After thoroughly refining the Hengshan Divine Seal, the increase in the power of the Shanzi Seal has exceeded Xu Tui's expectations.

And, that's not all.

When flying from Mount Heng to Mount Hua, Xu Tui discovered that the Divine Seal of Mount Heng could not only completely affect the Mount Heng mountain range.

For the various mountains passing by when flying all the way, there are different degrees of influence,

Although it has not reached the magnitude of the impact of the Hengshan Mountains, the magnitude of the impact is still not small.

This influence is manifested in the mobilization and perception of source energy.

In addition, there is another feeling.

It was when Xu Tui urged to move the Hengshan Divine Seal before, he had a faint feeling that he could move a certain peak of Hengshan.

Or you can move mountains.

But Xu Tui didn't dare to try.

If the mental power has bottomed out, how long will Xu Tui be in a coma that day?

Xu retreated to the sky above Mount Hua, and at the same time as he arrived, the Divine Seal of Mount Hua in his body had already begun to change.

However, the change was not that strong.

A minute later, Xu retreated to the top of the southern peak of Huashan Mountain, and the Huashan Divine Seal flew over his head. With his spiritual concentration, the refining progress of the Huashan Divine Seal began to soar.

Xu Tui tested it. On the top of the peak, the refining speed increased by about one percent per hour.

It will take less than three days to completely refine the Huashan Divine Seal.

I don't know what changes will happen after the Huashan Divine Seal is completely refined?

The next moment, Xu Tui teleported directly to Huashan Cave, the core of Huashan.

In Huashan Cave, the refining speed of Huashan Shenyin did not speed up, but the concentration of source energy in Huashan Cave surprised Xu Tui.

Without any increase, the source energy concentration was as high as seven.

But it's relieved to think about it.

The Huashan Mountains belong to the entire Qinling Mountains, and the Qinling Mountains have been believed to be the dragon veins of China since ancient times. It is normal for the concentration of energy here to be astonishing.

Although the refining progress of the Huashan Shenyin is only 30%, it has been able to mobilize the source energy in the Huashan Mountains to the Huashan Cave to a small extent.

But the effect of mobilization is much worse than that of the thoroughly refined Hengshan Shenyin.

Ten minutes later, under Xu Tui's full force, even though the concentration of natural source energy in the Huashan Mountains was higher than that in the Hengshan Mountains, the concentration of source energy in Huashan Cave Sky barely reached thirty-five.

Compared with the previous Hengshan Cave Sky, it is much worse.

But it is also possible to practice.

While cultivating, Xu Tui refined the Huashan Divine Seal, and suddenly remembered the influence of the Hengshan Divine Seal on other mountain ranges.

With a thought, the Hengshan Divine Seal flew out from the back of his head and flew straight to the top of Huashan.

On the top of Mount Hua, the sacred seal of Mount Heng hangs high, and the divine power shines directly in all directions.

Under the urging of Xu Tui's inscription, the Hengshan Divine Seal also has a certain degree of influence on the Huashan Mountain Range, which is about 10%.

But what surprised Xu Tui was that the power of the Hengshan Shenyin could spread to the Qinling Mountains farther away.

Although the farther away, the weaker the effect.

However, the length of the Qinling Mountains is only 1,500 kilometers, which is so vast. Although the range of mobilization is small, it cannot support a large amount.

Not long after, the source energy concentration in Huashan Cave Sky increased to fifty-five.

The speed of cultivation is only one line slower than Hengshan Dongtian.

Xu Tui refined and cultivated at the same time.

A day and a half later, the refining progress of Huashan Shenyin was 70%, and Xu Tui's main star of spiritual power was strengthened to the middle stage of the seventh star halo.

Under the increase of each new star, the main star of the spiritual power can already show an eight-fold star halo.

After thinking about it, Xu Tui didn't continue to cultivate the Spirit Master Star again.

Instead, he began to practice the Vajra Subprime Star.

A day later, Xu Tui completely refined the Huashan Divine Seal, which was not much different from the Hengshan Divine Seal.

The source energy of the entire Huashan Mountains can be brought together in Huashan Cave, and with the joint efforts of Hengshan Shenyin, the source energy of the Qinling Mountains can be mobilized even more.

Xu Tui understood that this might be the only time when his cultivation could skyrocket during this period of time.

After passing this point, the improvement of cultivation in the future will depend on step-by-step improvement.

In a short period of time, until the small universe of the Heavenly Court is reopened, it is impossible to obtain other seals.

On September 19th, King Kong's subprime star was trained by Xu Tui to the middle stage of the six-fold star halo.

Three days later, that is, on September 20th, Xu Tui trained Shanzi Nova, Blizzard, Spirit Hammer, and Light Speed ​​Distortion Nova to the quintuple star halo.

Four days later, on September 24th, after Xu Tui cultivated the Nova of Mountain Characters and Nova of Distortion of Light Speed ​​to the sixfold star halo, the source energy of the entire Huashan Mountains that had been accumulated for hundreds of years was exhausted.

The source energy concentration in Huashan Cave Sky plummeted to 4.2.

However, because the Huashan Shenyin and Hengshan Shenyin exerted their power at the same time, they can mobilize the source energy from the farther Qinling Mountains, and therefore, the source energy concentration in Huashan Cave Heaven is still higher than that in Hengshan Cave Heaven.

It can reach twenty-one.

For Xu Tui, it still has the effect of cultivation.

However, with such a concentration of source energy, it is not cost-effective to cultivate a nova that has broken through to the fifth or even sixth level of the star halo.

After pondering for a while, Xu Tui decided to take this opportunity to cast a new star!

During the communication between Xiangtian and Cai Shaochu, the Tianting Small Universe Exploration Battle caused great damage to the Muya people and the Spirit Race, and the loss of the Daxi Race was not small.

During the recent period, the three clans are still in peace.

Of course, it's superficial security.

To be sure, they should be trying to use their methods to mobilize reinforcements, or to explore the small universe that is gradually appearing in the universe channel.

Blue Star is not stupid either.

Taking advantage of this precious time, let the elites under his command recover and improve.

In particular, the energy-gathering array contributed by Xu Tui can mass-produce many holy places of practice with a source energy concentration of more than ten. Many people in Blue Star also use this to quickly break through.

It can be said that after the battle of Tianting Cosmos, Blue Star ushered in a short period of peace and also ushered in a period of rapid development.

Of course, this is an opportunity to kill

Although it is foreseeable that in the future, the storm may be more intense.

Xu Tui always felt that the trip to the small universe in the Heavenly Court seemed to go too smoothly.

The exploration of Tianting's small universe has brought benefits to Blue Star.

Will it bring changes to the other three races?

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Tui hoped that it would not be the case!

But from a rational deduction, it is very likely to bring changes to the three races.

Why do you say that?

Because in ancient times, the six palaces, four statues, twenty-eight stars in the heavens, etc., ruled the range of planets, starting from the solar system, to the Milky Way, and then to the extragalactic galaxies, which can be called extremely vast.

The unblocking of the small universe of the Heavenly Court, since the solar system that the ancient Heavenly Court once ruled has changed, will there be the same or similar changes to the other planets that the Ancient Heavenly Court once ruled?

if that is the case.......

This is also the reason why Xu Tui returned to Blue Star first this time, and with the help of the Huashan God Seal and Hengshan God Seal, he crazily improved his strength.

At this point, Xu Tui was very anxious.

But all the anxiety turned into motivation to improve his strength.

Although it is said that casting a new star will not improve Xu Tui's strength much, but it is an inevitable process.

Moreover, having one more power nova will increase the growth of other power novas, which is also improving strength.

So, which new star should be cast?

After only thinking for a minute, Xu Tui decided to forge the ability chain of the mind-shielding gene.

The phantom ability has little combat effectiveness, but it is very useful when it is critical.

After condensing the stars, the influence on planetary level powerhouses will increase significantly, and the possibility of being discovered will become smaller.

Worth staring at.

For Xu Tui now, staring is too easy.

With the help of the strong source energy here, only one hour later, the mind-shrouding nova was successfully condensed.

So far, Xu Tui already has five satellites.

Six-guard planet-level powerhouse.

As for Xu Tui's strength at this moment, because of the force field of the secondary main star of King Kong, it has been strengthened to the middle stage of the six-fold star halo.

And the basis for breaking through to a seven-star planet-level powerhouse is the main star with a seven-fold star halo, at least one nova with a six-fold star halo, and at least one nova with a five-fold star halo.

All these requirements and conditions for withdrawal have been met.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Tui didn't do it, and continued to break through again!

This time, what Xu Tui condensed was the energy transmission genetic ability chain of quantum entanglement.

Energy transfer nova.

The main star of the septae halo, a nova of the sextae halo, and a total of seven satellites, Xu Tui successfully broke through to the septae halo.

Seven Guardian Planetary Rank!

But there is a gap with other seven satellite planetary levels.

Because the main star of Xu Tui's seven-star halo is the main star of spiritual power, and the main stars of the other seven planetary-level powerhouses are power novas.

From this point of view, Xu Tuihui is not a pure seven-guard planetary rank.

But the data has already been reached.

For the time being, the seven planetary ranks are the current ceiling for Xu Tui's cultivation.

Under the internal vision, Xu Tui slowly observed his main star force field and secondary main star force field, and suddenly, he had a bold idea.

The idea of ​​breaking through the ceiling of cultivation.


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