The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 354 You lack common sense

The action force of modern collective organizations is very powerful.

After the transaction was concluded, the person in charge of each affiliated district issued an order to hand over the transaction materials to Huaxia District, which was confirmed and implemented by each affiliated district in the shortest possible time.

Among them, there may be some different sounds!

For example, at such a price, is it worthwhile to trade an invention that you are not quite sure about yet?

From the introduction of the results, the current asking price in Huaxia District is more like a ticket price.

If you really want such an invention, the Huaxia District will sell it at ten times the current price, and the various districts will also compete for it.

Are there any traps in this?

Wait, wait, there are some of these different voices in each district.

But these different voices were quickly suppressed.

For a joint district collective, it is worth paying such a price, even if it is only in exchange for a ticket.

What's more, such a price is actually not big. If you don't count the current increase in the spiritual power source crystal, it can be said to be very small.

The transaction went smoothly.

In less than seven minutes, Gai Sheng, who was at the virtual projection conference, was reported by all parties.

Received trade materials from all districts.

Including the trading materials concentrated in Dahe District, Xinma District, and Hanxing District.

"The transaction is very smooth, and I will first respect the leagues here. In the next few years, the leagues will really produce masters!

Let's not talk about the genetic transformation, but there will definitely be a large number of elites who are at the peak of the genetic mutation and the genetic evolution! "

"Okay, without further ado, I will now announce the results of this research on the spot.

At the same time, more detailed research materials are currently being compiled, and all parties can download them with permission on the Daqin super quantum computer outside China. "

As soon as Gai Sheng finished speaking, a screen of light was projected directly.

On the light curtain, there are only three.

Each article is based on the three key elements reported by Xu Tui as the skeleton, and it is slightly filled and full.

The heads of the various districts, including some experts and powerhouses who are qualified to attend, immediately turned their attention to it.

At a glance, some people were stunned.

Directly pass the information to the expert group of the affiliated districts behind the expert group, and they will fry the pot in an instant!

So simple?

The invention of human direct absorption of source energy is so simple?

Just need a repeater?

The relay must be a blank waste mental power source.

Internal rotation force guidance is also required.

It needs to be in a place where the source energy has a certain concentration.

Just three elements!

This is too simple!

But there were immediately dissenting experts.


Although these three elements are simple, the combination of all the information is definitely not simple.

First of all, there are very few spiritual source crystals.

Most of them are in the hands of the regional organizations and the powerhouses of genetic evolution.

The elites in the genetic evolution realm possess spiritual power source crystals,

are very few.

Not to mention the elites of the genetic mutation realm.

Under this circumstance, it is even rarer to appear elites with spiritual power source crystals on the Martian battlefield.

Basically, all the elites with spiritual power source crystals use it as a means to restore their spiritual power!

Used to recharge mental power in seconds.

Of course, not without!

For so many years, there must be top geniuses who have used Psychic Power Crystals to charge in seconds in the Yuan Energy Chaos Circle on the Martian battlefield!

That is to say, the waste spiritual power source crystal has appeared in the source energy super surge circle!

However, when it appears, it does not mean that the function of this relay will be discovered!

Because the waste source crystal is really useless!

Almost synonymous with scrap.

After using up the source energy inside, it is almost like a stone.

Generally, there are only two ways to dispose of the spent spiritual power source crystal after charging it with the spiritual power source crystal in seconds.

One is to throw it away, which is the majority of cases.

Useless waste, what are you doing with your back?

Are you heavy?

The second is to take it with you as a collection.

Just these two cases.

This layer of screening, throwing this waste into the ground, and carefully observing with telepathy after a period of time, there are basically zero people!

The source energy super surge circle during the energy tide is a battlefield!

The most intense battle on Mars!

Most of the elites who can use their spiritual power source crystals to charge their spiritual power in seconds means that the situation they are facing is extremely tense and the situation they are facing is extremely dangerous.

How can there be time to pay attention to the changes of a waste for a long time?

Really do not have!

In this case, this seemingly simple invention is not so simple.

Just like the invention of the steam engine, no one is unfamiliar with steam that has burned water, but few people can think of using it to make a machine!

This invention seems simple, but it is definitely not simple!

Soon, many experts realized another extremely important key point from the debate!

Spiritual Power Source Crystal!

Abandoned spiritual power source crystal!

In less than a minute, the confederates recognized an extremely important situation.

Human beings directly absorb the source energy to improve themselves, and the intermediate device they need is the spiritual power source crystal.

The spiritual power source crystal has become an extremely important and top-level strategic material in an instant.

However, before that, Huaxia District not only took away nearly 40-50% of the spiritual power source crystals through various channels in advance.

And through the transaction, another 220 grams of spiritual power source crystals were taken away.

There is no natural source of spiritual power source crystals, only those who are powerful and strong are condensed after death.

Therefore, even if the alliance districts have been accumulating strategic materials for so many years, there are not many stocks on the Blue Star Human Race side.

After all, the strong person who can condense the spiritual power source crystal after death must at least be genetic transmutation.

In the past hundred years, there are only a thousand or so of the genetic transmutation powerhouses who have died or beheaded outside the earth.

From this, it can be inferred that the total amount of spiritual power source crystals is about between grams.

A considerable part of this total is still in private hands.

The spiritual power source crystals in the hands of the major regional organizations are also between grams.

But before that, the total amount of spiritual power source crystals from various channels in Huaxia District exceeded 500 grams.

The transaction took away another 220 grams, plus Huaxia's own reserves.

The source crystals of spiritual power that Huaxia District took away are definitely more than half of what Bluestar currently owns!

The result is out.

But the necessary thing is the spiritual power source crystal.

But the problem is that more than half of the spiritual power source crystals were taken away by Huaxia District.

Even if they get the results, at this time, they can't let a large number of elites in this alliance directly absorb the source energy to improve themselves.

Make bricks without straw!

Mai Pongao, deputy director of the Milian District Genetic Committee, looked very ugly.

Just now, a preliminary information has been counted in the Milian District.

210 grams!

There are only 210 grams of spiritual source crystals that can be counted in the Milian District.

According to the research theory of Huaxia District, about one gram of the waste spiritual power source crystal used as a relay is the best.

Then, under the emergency supply in the Milian District, only about 180 elites can use the waste spiritual power source crystal as a relay to improve themselves.

Not all can be used up.

On the other hand, in the Huaxia District, the number of elites who can use the spiritual source crystal as a relay to improve their strength this year is definitely three times or more than the Milian District!

Most importantly, the output is extremely limited!

In the entire extraterrestrial battlefield, in the absence of major conflicts, there will be no more than ten Gene Transmutation Realm powerhouses killed and beheaded in one year.

Even if all the output from the fall of the strong belonged to the Milian District, the harvest would be about ten to twenty grams a year.

This gap, ten or even twenty years, can't catch up!

From this moment on, the spiritual power source crystal will become the top strategic material in each alliance area.

When Mai Pengao, deputy director of the Milian District Genetic Committee, figured out the account, his face was completely dark!

Inventions are real!

It also has epoch-making significance!

Great value!

However, in Huaxia District, it silently completed a corner overtaking!

Maipono glanced at the heads of the other divisions in the venue, and the heads of the other divisions also realized this, and their faces were not good-looking.

According to this data, Huaxia District can outnumber them by hundreds of powerful elites every year.

After a few years of accumulation, that...

Maipono glanced at Nilab, deputy director of the Indian Union Regional Genetic Committee.

"General Gai, the source crystals of spiritual power are so important to this invention. Your Huaxia district exchanged and redeemed a large number of source crystals of spiritual power before, and used the source crystals of spiritual power as a transaction.

This has resulted in a serious shortage of psychic source crystals in our other districts.

The total amount of spiritual power source crystal reserves in Huaxia District should exceed the sum of all the districts, right?

Can we buy back some of the spiritual power source crystals at the market price and use it as a relay. "In the face of interests, Nilab doesn't care anymore, and directly rushed to the pawn!

Besides, the cooperation with Milian District is still going on.

"Mr. Nilab, you may lack a common sense." Gai Sheng responded.

"common sense?"

Nilab was a little stunned, but he didn't expect Gai Sheng to answer like this, "What common sense?"

"Do you think that doing experiments and research does not require consumables and costs?

As soon as the upper and lower lips touch, the research results come out? "

It's a bit embarrassing for Nilab to be sprayed by Gaisheng!

The investment in this research is often bottomless.

In many cases, even if a huge amount of funds and materials are invested, there may not be results.

Therefore, Gai Sheng's common sense sprayed Nerub is embarrassing!

"Our Huaxia District has invested a lot to complete the entire experiment! I will not announce the specific investment.

But what I can tell all of you present is that in order to complete the entire experiment, our Huaxia District has already spent more than 350 grams of spiritual power source crystals!

The point that was collected from the transactions of the various districts before is not enough for the cost!

For the benefit of Blue Star, we have published the research results so cheaply, if any of you present are still dissatisfied.

Then I can only say that next time, our little partner can be one less. "

Leaving this sentence, Gai Sheng, the commander of the Mars Base in Huaya Region, left the venue first.

The venue was silent for a while, and the heads of the various districts also left one after another!

Truly an epoch-making invention, isn't it?

It is true that each district can quickly become a group of elites in a short period of time, isn't it?


Of course, there is a question that everyone has thought of, but no one asks any more!

Gai Sheng has never explained this issue!

Can the waste source crystals of mental power consumed in the experiment be reused?


Maybe not!

But who dares to say that there is no cost and loss in doing experiments and research?

Whoever dares to say that is a fool without common sense!


Zhu Lang has a dual identity.

Not the spy kind!

Zhu Lang himself is the strategic coordinator of the Phobos Combat Command, and he is also a colonel-level staff officer stationed in Phobos in the Huaxia region.

It can be said that Zhu Lang is, to a certain extent, one of the representatives of China’s interests and power struggles on Phobos.

There are many people on Phobos, all of whom have identities similar to Zhu Lang.

This is a normal phenomenon.

Therefore, when Zhu Lang received the order from Lieutenant General Wei Binwei from a special channel, he immediately executed it.

The command to execute is actually quite simple.

It is to stop reporting Xu Tui's research results to Phobos, and Xu Tui's research results will be reported and processed by the Huaya Mars Base.

At the same time, convey a wartime commendation order to Xu Tui!

The news passed quickly, so when Xu Tui and Yan Lie returned to the forty-third battle area they had attacked before, Zhu Lang, who had been guarding here in an official capacity, was very excited to give Xu Tui The commendation order from Lieutenant General Wei Bin was conveyed.

The reason why he was excited was because Zhu Lang himself had also received some news.

Because of this discovery and on-the-spot disposal, Zhu Lang made a contribution.

And it is very likely to be first-class!

It might even be a special merit!

With this credit, it is entirely possible for Zhu Lang's military rank to move up!

At this moment, Zhu Lang had already paid great attention to the young man named Xu Tui in front of him.

Whether it is strength, mind, or this heavyweight invention, or the future, it is enough to call Zhu Lang's incomparable attention!

Although the information is not smooth, Zhu Lang also has a slight understanding. Huaxia District has benefited greatly from the results of Xu Tui's loan this time!

That harvest, that is enough to change the national strength, is not an exaggeration!

"Xu Tui, Lieutenant General Wei said that when the actual combat is over, he will definitely give you a heavy award. Your invention achievements this time are very important!

In addition, Lieutenant General Wei also conveyed another thing to me. If you want to leave the Martian battlefield, you can now send a special forces team from Deimos to pick you up and see your choice. "Zhu Lang said solemnly.

"Zhu mediator, the identity information of this research is still being kept secret, right?"

"It's still under wraps!" Zhu Lang answered with certainty.

"So, has the experiment of directly absorbing the source energy already started here?" Xu Tui asked, pointing to the source energy super surge circle.

"Yes, but it will take time for the abandoned spiritual power source crystals from each district to arrive. It is estimated that after an hour, a large number of Terran clan elites will directly begin to absorb the source energy.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be a large-scale conflict between the Terran clan and the alien invasion elite. " Zhu Lang said.

"Well, I see, I won't leave for the time being, I still want to improve myself here." Xu Tui decided.

Hearing this, Zhu Lang smiled and shook his head, "I knew you would make such a choice!

Don't worry, Lieutenant General Wei has already explained that if you are in distress here, we must rescue you as soon as possible!

at any cost!

If there is a situation, please call me immediately, and I will also pay attention to your situation. "

"Well, thank you."

"In case you don't have enough emergency reserves, you should take these three bottles of B-level energy active medicine with you first!

Don't be afraid of waste, if your mental power is less than 60%, take it immediately! " Zhu Lang said.

Aside, Yan Lie's eyes have been stared straight!

The source energy really entered the body!

He used the waste mental power source crystal given by Xu Tui, and directly pulled the nearby source energy into the body according to Xu Tui's method.

However, because the concentration of the source energy in the 43rd circle is not high, the source energy flow formed is very weak!

"Fuck you!


If this continues, how much will my strength increase..." Yan Lie was really surprised.

Hearing this, Xu Tui smiled, looked at Yan Lie and said, "Would you like to go to the inner circle to try, and the speed of absorbing energy from the inner circle may be twice as fast as here, or even more!"

"Really?" Yan Lie looked surprised, but immediately realized that he asked a nonsense!

"Okay, listen to you! How to rush to kill, you plan the strategy!" Yan Lie said happily.

"it is good!"

Xu Tui's gaze instantly turned to the 43rd lap!

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