The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 456 Follow the induction of Huojian and set off!

According to the decision made by President Wen Xinglun and Xu Tui before, Xu Tui will go to the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution to report and participate in the training camp of the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution before July.

After the full calculation, Xu has less than three and a half months to return.

There is not much time, there is a lot to do.

For example, there are a small number of theoretical courses that Xu Tui needs to complete by self-study.

As long as this part of the course is completed by self-study, now Xu Tui will be given the graduation examination directly, and Xu Tui also has the confidence.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Xu Tui must have a decision.

And it's best done before going extraterrestrial.

On the morning of March 22, Xu Tui, who made the final decision, came to the No. 14 Research Institute with breakfast early.

After eating breakfast with An Xiaoxue, Xu Tui took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

It doesn't feel right.

Shouldn't An Xiaoxue clean up the dishes after breakfast?

After thinking about it, Xu returned to be a gou.

After all, An Xiaoxue is now a teacher, and he is still a student.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" An Xiaoxue was a little puzzled when she saw Xu Tui who had packed up and came to him again, instead of going to Xu Tui's research room.

"Xiaoxue, there is something I want to tell you."

This is the performance of Xu Tui's recent huge improvement in status - the name of An Xiaoxue, from Teacher An, he was successfully promoted to Xiaoxue!

"Well, I'm listening."

"You first issue a password to Ah Huang. The following information will be set as your private information. Without your permission, anyone with permission will not be able to view it under normal conditions." Xu Tui said.

An Xiaoxue raised her head abruptly, her big eyes flickered for a moment, and then, according to Xu Tui's request, she directly issued a password ban to Ah Huang, and immediately began to execute it.

"Xiaoxue, do you still remember the red chip we saw on the Martian battlefield?"


First divided into six, and then drilled into the source energy super surge channel? "

"Well, it's actually divided into seven, and one piece is with me!" Xu Tui pointed to his head.

An Xiaoxue stood up abruptly, looked at Xu Tui, and was stunned!

She knew that Xu Tui would definitely not joke with her about this kind of thing, but she couldn't help it.

"Are you serious?"


"You only told me now that something went wrong?" An Xiaoxue also realized that Xu Tui didn't tell her about it right away.

The woman is really attentive!

"At that time, I was worried that I was possessed by an alien creature, and I didn't dare to tell you for fear of harming you." Xu Tui said.

An Xiaoxue's eyes flashed, "Now, what's the problem?"

"There is no problem, and the danger has been ruled out for the time being, but I have some ideas and want to try research."

Afterwards, Xu Tui basically told An Xiaoxue everything about the red jade slip, including some of his own judgments and thoughts.

Including Ah Huang's mutation, it may also be because of this red jade slip.

Xu Tui did this after careful consideration.

First of all, it has been confirmed many times that doing so will not harm An Xiaoxue.

Secondly, An Xiaoxue is absolutely trustworthy.

Once again, one person is short and two are long, An Xiaoxueren is much more knowledgeable and knowledgeable than Xu Tui.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the next move, Xu Tui intends to act with An Xiaoxue.

If there is an accident like that, it is more likely to deal with it, and it is beneficial, both of them can get it.

After listening to Xu Tui's narration, An Xiaoxue suddenly asked, "You asked me to issue a password ban to Ah Huang just now, because you were afraid that Teacher Ji and Teacher He would know about it?

Do you think they might put you in danger if they find out? "

"Xiaoxue, our research institute No. 14, from beginning to end, so far, I have only contacted you alone!

Although I received gifts from Teacher Ji and Teacher He before, my understanding of them is still limited to some aspects and your statement.

It's really hard for you to make me trust someone I've never met before. "Xu Tui told the truth and said it very sincerely.

An Xiaoxue nodded lightly.

"You're right, after all, you haven't met the two teachers yet, so it's normal to have such worries.

However, this matter, they should know very limited.

It's a pity that Teacher Shang is not here, and Teacher Shang is asking for it, so he must know what this is. "An Xiaoxue said.

"Master Shang knows?"


An Xiaoxue nodded, "Mr. Shang has several records about the Scarlet Fire Slip in the database.

It is said that Mars has a red jade slip, which is suspected to be prehistoric or advanced. If you get it, you can at least become a planet-level powerhouse.

He also said that when Mars opened up the wasteland, he had seen the alienated clan, the spirit clan, the mechanical spirit clan, and the fission clan take away a piece of red fire slip, but the way of taking it was not in the brain.

It was a way of almost energy confinement, which took away the scarlet fire slip.

According to the records, when Mars first arrived at the beginning of the year, Mars was still dominated by aliens, and they could only survive and could not get to the bottom of it. "

"A red fire slip can at least become a planet-level powerhouse? Xiaoxue, do you know how this is achieved?" Xu Tui asked.

An Xiaoxue shook her head, saying she didn't know.

The situation was better than Xu Tui expected. An Xiaoxue knew some things about the scarlet fire slip, but the internal records of the genetic miracle were limited to this.

But the advantage is that through this record, Xu Tui can be absolutely sure that this red fire slip is at least not an alien creature that can be possessed, but is most likely a treasure. For him, at present, it is not dangerous.

"Mr. An, I want to go and have a look." Xu Tui said suddenly.

An Xiaoxue's eyebrows moved slightly, "The five directions you sensed through the Scarlet Fire Jane?"


"When I went to the Xinma District a few days ago, I felt that when my position changed greatly, the five directions I could sense in the red fire slip gave me the feeling that it was also constantly changing.

I think that when I approach a certain direction, the sensing position given to me by the Scarlet Fire Jane should become clearer and clearer.

Relying on this induction, I should be able to find the five positions in the induction given to me by Scarlet Fire Jane. " Xu Tui said.

"If Teacher Shang's record is true, then it may be beneficial and expensive for you to find the positions of these five red fire slips," An Xiaoxue said.

"Of course there are dangers too. So, I want to go with you. It's good to take it together." Xu Tui said.

"Is it dangerous?" An Xiaoxue asked seriously.

"I carry it!" Xu Tui patted his chest vigorously.

Looking at Xu Tui's serious appearance, An Xiaoxue's mouth and eyes were slightly raised, and she smiled!

Like a spring breeze.


"This first position turned out to be Mount Tai in Dongshan Mansion?" Three days later, Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue arrived at Mount Tai in Dongshan Mansion, driving an unarmed aerospace fighter plane.

This is the result of Xu Tui constantly sensing the red jade slip through his mental power along the way.

During this period of time, Xu Tui continued to practice, and the red jade slip continued to divide the source energy of Xu Tui's cultivation, the amount was not too much, but the red jade slip began to inject Xu Tui's spiritual power, and reacted slightly.

Otherwise, Xu Tui would have no way to search.

"Go, climb Mount Tai."

In the era of genetics, wild creatures have become vicious and strange due to the genetic mutation of wild creatures.

The wild is too dangerous and unmanageable for most people.

For this reason, Mount Tai, a tourist holy place a hundred years ago, has long been abandoned.

Tourists like weaving?

long gone.

Anyway, at the foot of the mountain, there are Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue, but there are countless creatures!

Just the mutant giant wolves, Xu Tui saw a dozen of them in his mental sense.

This mutant giant wolf is equivalent to an E-level or D-level genetic mutation.

Under the harsh terrain, more than a dozen mutated giant wolves rushed over, and it would be very difficult for ordinary powerhouses to deal with it.

There can be people who are strange.

A minute later, when Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue started to climb the mountain with repulsive flying skateboards, a dozen mutated giant wolves rushed down the mountain road, leaping nearly ten meters high, and pounced.

"Kill them, their blood will help us lure away some of the mutant beasts in the mountains." An Xiaoxue said.

"I come!"

During Xu Tui's mental energy, one by one thorns pierced out from various positions on the mountain wall.

But Xu Tui's expression turned startled.

"What's wrong?" An Xiaoxue asked.

"Mr. An, have you noticed that the thorn I stabbed here today is extraordinarily long?"

An Xiaoxue was startled, then nodded.

She understands Xu Tui's thorns.

The length of the ground thorns that were stabbed before was about two meters and five.

Different terrains, such as urban ground and wild ground, the length will fluctuate, but it is only 0.2 meters up and down.

But today in Mount Tai, the shortest thorns Xu Tui stabbed out were more than three meters and five meters, and even four meters.

Much longer than before!

"Could it be that the primordial quantum frequencies of the mountains here are active?"

But immediately, Xu Tui overturned this judgment.

Previously, in Li Jin's residence in Xinma District, it was also on a mountain, and the original quantum frequency of the mountain was also very active.

But the length of Xu Tui's ground thorns is about two meters six or seven.

Not as exaggerated as it is now!

"Try the Shan Zi Jue?" An Xiaoxue suggested suddenly.

In the next instant, a small mountain suddenly appeared and slammed down toward the ground.

There was a loud bang.

Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue were stunned again.

Because of this hill, they saw it with their eyes!

Xu Tui's mountain character formula, for the first time, manifested a real mountain!

Before that, even if Xu Tui used a mountain-shaped flying sword and used genetic weapons to embody the mountain-character art, the mountain-character art that appeared was only a very light and empty hill.

In other cases, the manifested mountain character formulas are all false!

Mental power can sense it, but eyes see it.

It's like suppressing the mountain character art of Li Zhouchen, the former dragon of China.

In four steps, it climbed flat.

But the students watching the battle did not know how Li Zhouchen managed to level off!

"Go, continue, on this mountain, you may be able to gain something." An Xiaoxue said.


Good night, we will update as usual tomorrow.

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