"Oh, you were at Pegasus Collection before, and it was the Master's Wife who sent you a letter..."

Jiang Cheng confirmed Gao Xian's identity. Although he was still surprised, he calmed down on the surface and kept talking to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian responded casually and said what he could.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the backyard. The backyard was full of female relatives, and Jiang Cheng didn't dare to break in.

He stopped a pretty maid in front of the Moon Gate and asked her to inform her.

After a while, the pretty maid came out and bowed to Gao Xian: "Dear guest, please follow me."

Gao Xian nodded to Jiang Cheng and followed the maid into the backyard.

There are many orchids, chrysanthemums and other flowers planted on both sides of the yard. The white stone paved channel with a river pattern is very clean. There are two rows of bamboos in front of the main house. Thousands of green bamboo leaves sway gently in the wind, shaking the sunlight all over the ground.

The house with gray tiles and blue bricks is a bit more elegant and quiet under the shade of green bamboo.

When Gao Xian came here, some related memories naturally appeared in his mind, and everything looked very familiar.

He couldn't help feeling a little panicked. This was the backyard of the inner house, and men were not allowed to enter. He seems to be very familiar with this place.

Entering the room, he saw a young woman in green sitting at the main seat. The young woman had thin eyebrows and delicate facial features, and her skin was as white and gentle as mutton fat and jade.

The young woman looks short in stature, but her figure is slim and well-proportioned, and she has the unique beauty of a young woman. She sat there with an elegant and dignified posture, but it could not cover up the charming charm between her eyebrows.

Gao Xian immediately recognized that this was Master Bai Yurong. He bowed and saluted: "Disciple Gao Xian pays homage to Master."

"Xiaoxian, I haven't seen you in a few years, and you are becoming more and more handsome and tall."

Bai Yurong looked Gao Xian up and down, her bright eyes full of surprise.

In front of him was Gao Xian, who was wearing green clothes and carrying a sword. His eyes were as bright as stars, his brows were calm and at ease, and his whole body was filled with impressive charm.

This was very different from the smart boy in her memory. It could even be said that he was completely different.

"You have been to Pegasus Ji for three years, and your cultivation has improved greatly. It seems that you have reached the middle stage of Qi training?" Bai Yurong asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Reporting to Master, my disciple luckily broke through to the seventh level of Qi training."

Gao Xian didn't want to hide it from Bai Yurong, and there was no need to hide it.

After all, he is the master's wife. He will live in Lianyun City permanently in the future, and it will be difficult to hide his magical power.

For Lianyuncheng, a small seventh level of Qi training is nothing at all. Being secretive attracts attention.

Bai Yurong was obviously startled. She remembered clearly that three years ago, Gao Xian was only at the first level of qi training, and he only had some talent in alchemy, so he was sold by Xu Mingyuan to Pegasus to help others refine alchemy.

In more than three years, he advanced from the first level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training. This kind of cultivation speed is very, very amazing.

Even the true disciples of the Yun Sect may not be able to practice at such a fast speed.

Bai Yurong stood up, walked to Gao Xian, circled around him, and looked at Gao Xian carefully again.

She felt something was wrong when they first met. Looking at Gao Xian from a close distance, the hair crown, robes, swords, belts, and boots on Gao Xian's body all looked extraordinary. His whole body was actually covered with magic weapons, and they were all very good magic weapons. .

For a Qi practitioner, this set is quite luxurious.

What's more important is that Gao Xian's aura is calm and stable, and his eyes that are as bright as stars are more calm than water. I don't know what adventure Gao Xian had in Pegasus, and there were such earth-shaking changes.

Bai Yurong suddenly showed a happy smile. She stretched out her hand to touch Gao Xian's forearm and said with emotion: "I remember you were only this tall when you came here, and you became an adult in the blink of an eye."

The white jade blossom that is very close at hand exudes a faint fragrance like orchid.

Gao Xian felt a little nervous, as his wife seemed to be a little too affectionate towards him.

At this time, many memory scenes suddenly emerged in his mind. In these scenes, he saw his master's wife Bai Yurong leading him to the entrance. At that time, he was only eleven or twelve years old, and his chest was not as high as his master's wife.

The master looked down upon him very much, but his wife fought hard, so she reluctantly kept him.

In the next ten years, he suffered a lot with Xu Mingyuan. It was because his wife took care of him privately that he developed a sense of qi before he turned eighteen and became a qi practitioner.

He also had some talent in alchemy, and then slowly gained a foothold. It's just that Xu Mingyuan seemed to despise him very much. He couldn't wait to throw him to shopkeeper Zhu three years ago, and was taken to Pegasus by Zhu Hongan.

These fragmented memories swept in like a big wave and had an impact on Gao Xian's consciousness.

Fortunately, he had experienced so many things, and the great monks of Foundation Establishment had killed them all with his own hands, and he became more and more thoughtful.

In the process of accepting the memory fragments, his face remained calm.

Judging from the memory fragments, the master's wife treats the original owner like a sister who loves and protects her younger brother. When he became an adult, his relationship with his mistress gained an indescribable level of intimacy.

The two seemed to have no real relationship. This memory is incomplete, missing many key contents.

Gao Xian felt that something was wrong with the relationship between his wife and him, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He felt a little guilty again. Considering the close relationship between the original owner and his wife, he acted a bit too distant.

Master Wife, you won’t see any problem, right?

"Xiao Xian, you have made great progress in cultivation, and you are fully expected to build a foundation. My wife is very happy..."

Bai Yurong didn't seem to notice anything was wrong. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her bright eyes were full of joy and smile.

From this distance, Gao Xian couldn't even see the wrinkles on the corners of her eyes. This master's wife was as moist and fair as if she were in her mid-twenties. Her body seemed to be in the best condition, and she didn't know what magic she was practicing.

Gao Xian hurriedly said humbly: "It's all due to the teachings and cultivation of Master and Mistress."

He didn't want to talk about his own affairs, so he changed the subject and asked, "Master's wife, what's going on with Master?"

Bai Yurong waved to the maid, who hurriedly bowed her head and exited the room, closing the door smoothly.

The weather in July is already very hot.

After the door was closed, the elegant fragrance exuding from Bai Yurong lingered around her, making Gao Xian feel a little anxious and felt that the room was a bit too small.

"Xiao Xian, to be honest, your master is probably gone."

Bai Yurong sighed softly, her delicate jade face looked calm, as if she had already accepted this fact.

Although Gao Xian didn't have any feelings for the teacher, he still pretended to be worried and comforted his wife, "The teacher is auspicious and everything will be fine."

"Your master is stingy and greedy for money, and he doesn't leave any room for anything, but he has offended many people."

Bai Yurong shook her head slightly, as if she didn't want to say more about it. She changed the subject and said, "I'm not calling you back for your master, but to disband Sanyuantang."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. Sanyuantang was a drug store opened by Xu Mingyuan. After 20 to 30 years of operation, it had considerable influence in Lianyung City.

Not to mention making money every day, it is also a very stable income channel.

In addition, Xu Mingyuan organized all the disciples through Sanyuantang and distributed benefits through Sanyuantang, forming a very complete organizational structure.

For Gao Xian, Sanyuantang is a small company. Disbanding Sanyuantang is equivalent to giving up the business that Xu Mingyuan has been running for decades, and it is also equivalent to driving all the disciples out of the Xu family.

When Xu Mingyuan's life and death were still uncertain, Master's Wife closed Sanyuantang. Was she a little too anxious?

He thought so in his heart, but didn't know what to say. He is just a small registered disciple, and it is not his turn to speak about the Xu family's affairs.

Bai Yurong saw Gao Xian's doubts, and she explained: "Without your master, no one can practice Sanyuan Dan. It would be meaningless to continue opening Sanyuantang, but it would cause a lot of trouble."

Gao Xian nodded. What Bai Yurong said made sense. He had the advantage that his master was not here and no one could control the situation.

This situation is similar to that of the Zhu family. Once Zhu Changsheng dies, there will be no other foundation-building monks to come forward, and the Zhu family's wealth will inevitably be divided up by other families.

As Bai Yurong spoke, she suddenly remembered something. She took out a deed from her sleeve and handed it to Gao Xian.

"You can take back the body contract you signed with Lao Xu."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. He also signed a contract of sale with Xu Mingyuan? He took the deed. This thing should be tanned from the skin of some kind of monster animal. It was tough and soft.

He unfolded the deed and read it carefully. It was clearly written on it that he voluntarily worshiped Xu Mingyuan as his disciple and would be driven by Xu Mingyuan for the rest of his life without any regrets.

There are his and Xu Mingyuan's signatures and red handprints on it. The signature place and handprints are stamped with the seal of the Lianyun Sect's outer sect.

There are dozens of cloud patterns on the inside of the deed to ensure that the deed will not be changed.

After reading the coupon, Gao Xian felt a little complicated. Xu Mingyuan was really cruel to him. I guess the original owner had no other choice.

After all, it was Xu Mingyuan who led the original owner onto the path of spiritual practice. Without Xu Mingyuan, the original owner might just be an ordinary person.

This opportunity to sell himself was obtained by his wife.

Fortunately, Xu Mingyuan should be dead, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to face this teacher.

"Thank you, Master." Gao Xian clenched the deed and bowed to Bai Yurong.

Bai Yurong looked a little complicated and waved her hands, "Old Xu wants to use deeds to control others, which is both tasteless and stupid.

"If you have the ability to control others, you don't need any bonds. Without this ability, it's useless to have bonds. This thing will only make people resentful..."

She didn't want to say more about this, and instead said: "You just came back, just stay at home."

Gao Xian originally wanted to see the situation first and went to see Qiniang in the evening. It's just that his wife is so kind to him, but he can't refuse it bluntly.

He nodded and said, "Disciples are entirely at the mercy of Master's wife."

Bai Yurong called the maid outside, "Chunxiang, go find Jiang Cheng and ask him to arrange a place for Xiaoxian."

Gao Xian bowed respectfully to Bai Yurong before exiting the room.

Under the guidance of Chunxiang, Gao Xian returned to the front yard. Chunxiang found Jiang Cheng and explained what Bai Yurong had said.

Jiang Cheng was also quite polite to Chunxiang and nodded in agreement. After waiting for Chunxiang to leave, Jiang Cheng smiled at Gao Xian: "Junior brother, there is an empty room in the west wing, which is quite clean. If you don't mind, you can live there."

He couldn't see through Gao Xian's depth, and he didn't know what the master's wife meant, so he didn't dare to neglect this unfamiliar junior brother.

The arranged room was quite tidy, and although the bedding was not new, it was cleanly washed.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jiang."

Gao Xian looked at the room and was satisfied, and politely thanked Jiang Cheng.

This senior brother Jiang Cheng looks a little slick, but slickness is not the same as bad. As long as it doesn't involve him, he doesn't need to pay attention to the other person's character.

Sitting in the small room, Gao Xian felt a little bored. He even regretted coming directly. He should have stayed with Qiniang for two days before coming to Xu's house.

He almost misses the little black cat. If he can pet the cat now, he can also pass the time.

Really having nothing to do, Gao Xian took out "Dong Bin Secrets".

He has already practiced six of the eight spells in "Dongbin Secrets". With continuous addition of points, these six unreliable flirting methods have undergone qualitative changes, which has been of great help to him.

There are still two spells left to practice: "Transformation" and "Rejuvenation".

Because Gao Xian had newly learned the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique, all his humane aura was used in it. These two spells have been left unlearned.

He took out Fengyue Baojian and spent more than ten days accumulating nearly 2,000 humanistic auras.

Obviously, under the control of Li Shuanglin, the sales of Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan were also good.

Accumulating one more day of humane aura is enough to upgrade the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique. This spell can enhance spiritual consciousness and is a good choice. It's just that under the current circumstances, the cost-effectiveness of upgrading the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Method is too low.

Other spells that can add points on the Feng Yue Baojian require a lot of humane spiritual light, and there is no way to increase the level in a short time.

Instead, learn a new spell.

Gao Xian thought about it and chose the transformation technique. Because rejuvenation is to use the power of magic to stimulate women's desire, his electro-photovoltaic dragon hand can do it.

Besides, he couldn't see any potential in rejuvenation for the time being.

In contrast, the transformation technique can enlarge or reduce certain parts of the body, which seems to be more fun and has more potential.

The transformation technique is very simple. You can achieve the transformation effect by combining your magic power with your body.

Gao Xian has trained the Iron Dragon Hands to the master level, and it is easy for him to control the muscles and bones of the body. Strong spiritual consciousness can better control mana.

After practicing it twice, I got started with the transformation technique.

Gao Xian invested 500 points of humane aura to upgrade the transformation technique to the master level, and the explanation of the transformation technique changed a lot.

Transformation: Any part of the body can be changed within the normal human form. (1/1000 Master)

Ordinary transformation techniques can only make parts of the body larger or smaller, while master transformation techniques allow the whole body to be adjusted at will, but it cannot go beyond the normal human body shape.

Gao Xian tried it, and sure enough, the transformation technique can change the appearance and figure at will. It can grow up to two feet tall, but the body must be as thin as a bamboo pole.

The minimum size can be reduced by two feet, but the body can be shrunk by the same proportion, so it doesn't look too weird. Like a ten-year-old child.

The facial features, limbs, torso and even skin color can be adjusted at will. It is equivalent to a very free face pinching system.

Gao Xian gave it a try and found that he could completely transform into Qiniang or even Zhou Yuling, at least in appearance they were almost identical.

However, a cultivator's spiritual consciousness, magic power and other auras all have strong personal characteristics, and it is difficult to deceive acquaintances by just imitating the appearance.

Transformation spells can easily be seen through by inspection spells, and can even be interfered with by magic circles.

"It doesn't seem to be of much use..."

Gao Xian was a little disappointed. It was quite interesting to be able to change into someone else at will.

If it was his previous life, it would be a magical skill. Pretending to be a celebrity, or becoming the husband of a certain beautiful woman... Well, he just thought about it, even if it was really possible, he wouldn't do it.

In the world of cultivators, such changes are easy to see through and have little meaning.

It's just that the transformation technique involves subtle changes in muscles and muscles. After learning the transformation, Gao Xian felt that his control over muscles and bones was significantly enhanced.

He has been practicing Iron Dragon Hand for more than three years and is now at the master level. The control of the body has not reached such a subtle level.

The ten movements of the Iron Dragon Hand may seem simple, but they are very complex from muscles to muscles, bones, and organs, using breathing to mobilize mana, spiritual consciousness, and body resonance.

There is no shortcut to this type of physical training. You can only practice hard day and night but your progress is slow. After the Iron Dragon Hand reaches the master level, he can improve by one or two points a day.

Gao Xian took out the Feng Yue Baojian, and the proficiency of the iron dragon hand on the front improved by more than 500 points, which was equivalent to the result of a year of hard training. He was greatly surprised.

He guessed that the transformation technique improved his control over the body, so he directly upgraded the level of the Iron Dragon Hand.

As long as it can improve the iron dragon hand and increase the physical strength, the transformation technique is worth investing in!

Gao Xian thought for a moment and invested another thousand points to upgrade the transformation technique to the master level.

Transformation Technique: Change the body shape and spiritual consciousness at will within the normal range. (1/3000 Grandmaster)

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Temple of Heart and conducted various tests on the transformation technique.

The first thing is to determine the range of transformation. The master-level transformation technique allows Gao Xian to change into many forms as long as he is within the range of his normal form.

For example, limbs, skin color, even scars, acne and moles on the skin, hair color, etc. can all be changed at will. Including sounds, smells, etc., can be imitated in various ways.

If he wanted to, he could even transform into a beast of similar size such as a tiger or a wolf, but such a change would be of little significance, as it would increase the interest between the two of them.

The most important use is actually to imitate others. For example, if he imitates Zhu Qiniang, not only will his appearance be exactly the same, he can even imitate Zhu Qiniang's spiritual consciousness and aura.

This is because his spiritual consciousness is powerful, not inferior to Qiniang, and he is extremely familiar with Qiniang.

If you want to pretend to be a stranger, it's not that simple. Because the aura of divine consciousness is relatively complex, it is difficult to imitate it perfectly in a short period of time.

Gao Xian is quite satisfied with the effect of the master-level transformation technique. It can disguise himself very well and can also be used to frame people.

What was really useful to him was the subtle control of the body through the transformation technique, which allowed his Iron Dragon Hand to reach the master level in one fell swoop.

Iron Dragon Hand entered the Grandmaster realm, which directly increased his lifespan by ten years.

Gao Xian clenched his fists with both hands. This simple movement mobilized the muscles of his whole body, and the tyrannical power surged like the Yangtze River, and could explode at any time according to his will.

The room was too small, and Gao Xian didn't dare try it.

His consciousness entered the Temple of Mind and underwent various tests. His strength and speed increased by at least 30%.

The Grandmaster's electro-photovoltaic dragon hand at full level makes him faster than in the early stage of foundation building. It's just that his body is fragile and he can't fully utilize the speed advantage of the electro-photovoltaic dragon hand.

This time the Iron Dragon Hand was promoted to Grandmaster, which greatly improved his physical strength, which allowed him to further increase his speed.

The speed is increased by 30%, which may not seem like much, but when transferred to the sword, it doubles the lethality. This increase is terrifying.

The faster speed also gives Gao Xian more room to operate.

The last time he killed Zhu Changsheng in a surprise attack, he was lucky enough to get five points. In his current state, it would be much easier to kill Zhu Changsheng.

Even a great foundation-building monk like Li Shuanglin, who was good at fighting, would have a hard time escaping his plot.

Of course, in head-on combat, he was still far behind the foundation-building monks. Once the opponent sees through the changes in his shadowless robe, he will definitely die.

Fortunately, with Zhu Qiniang, he no longer needs to directly fight the foundation-building monk.

Gao Xian went out to study his condition in the room and never left the house. But he could hear people coming and going all the time outside, it was very lively.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng brought several people to him to go out for dinner, but he politely declined.

Xu Mingyuan has too many apprentices, and his memory is incomplete. It is easy for everyone to sit together and chat to reveal his secrets.

Jiang Cheng and the others didn't say anything at that time. They started talking after they left the gate, and the words they said were quite unpleasant.

"This little brat really takes himself seriously!"

"He is in the middle stage of Qi training and looks down on us..."

"What the hell, this kid can also shake. If he hadn't had such a good-looking face and his wife liked him, he would have been able to get in!"

What a group of people didn't expect was that Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was comparable to that of a great foundation-building monk. The two sides were more than a hundred steps apart and had multiple obstacles, but Gao Xian could still clearly hear their conversation.

Gao Xian is not angry either. As the old saying goes: if you do something higher than others, you will definitely be wrong.

Everyone is not doing well, but if you do well, you will be jealous. But if you don’t mix with others, who can say anything good about you?

After a while, Chunxiang came over with a food box to deliver meals.

Gao Xian was a little surprised that his wife really cared about him. He thought about it but still didn't eat. It was not safe to eat in a strange place, and he would have to go to the toilet, which was very troublesome.

He had hundreds of pills, and if he took one pill a day, he could survive without eating for a year.

At the third watch, everyone who went out to drink came back. A group of people were drunk and a little noisy, but fortunately they all calmed down quickly.

Gao Xian saw that the time was almost up, and then he activated the shadowless robe to pass through the wall.

A group of people lived in the east wing, huddled next to each other, and the room was filled with the turbid and smelly smell of alcohol.

In another room, Jiang Cheng was talking to a stout man in black.

Both of them kept their voices very low, and they didn't light up the lamp, so they looked very sneaky.

But neither of them expected that Gao Xian had entered the house silently.

"I have made an agreement with them, and everyone has a lot of resentment towards Xu Mingyuan."

Jiang Cheng said with some pride: "When Bai Yurong comes out to speak tomorrow, we will clamor together to ask her to hand over the "Three Yuan Dan Sutra". This woman has a soft temper. If we force her, she will definitely give in."

The stout man nodded. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Is there any problem with Gao Xian? I remember that Bai Yurong always takes good care of him."

"This kid has only been out for a few years, and somehow he has reached the middle stage of Qi training."

Jiang Chengzhuan said nonchalantly: "There are so many of us, Gao Xian is nothing."

The stout man said gloomily: "It would be better if Gao Xian dares to come forward. Let's kill him together, just in time to scare the monkeys and let Bai Yurong know how powerful we are!"


Jiang Cheng was a little hesitant. He just wanted to get the "Three Yuan Dan Sutra", but he didn't want to kill anyone.

What's more, Gao Xian is still in the middle stage of Qi training. It looked a bit powerful, so he didn't dare to do anything.

"Look at how cowardly you are!"

The stout man sneered disdainfully, "We are working for Mr. Xu Qi. Even if Xu Mingyuan is not dead, we don't have to be afraid. Not to mention the middle stage of Qi training..."

(The two updates are worth 10,000 words~ It’s not too much to ask for monthly votes~)

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