Each of them sent a foundation-building monk to compete for the five-color lotus. This condition was tailor-made for Gao Xian.

Yun Changfeng understood it as soon as he heard it. He couldn't help but look deeply at Wan Changan. Was this man sure that Yan Feiyin could win over Gao Xian?

In the battle the day before yesterday, Yan Feiyin would have died if it weren't for the three-tailed sky fox's substitute transformation.

After this battle, everyone knew the changes in Yan Feiyin's natal spiritual beast.

The method of substitute death is indeed clever, but if others are prepared, this trick will not be very easy to use.

Gao Xian only showed his peerless swordsmanship.

The question is, do you know what the use of Gao Xian’s powerful swordsmanship is, and what special means of restraint can you use?

Yun Changfeng couldn't figure out where Wan Changan's confidence came from. It was precisely because he couldn't figure out that he had to be cautious.

The five-color lotus is a necessary spiritual object for Gao Xian to form elixirs, so it is reasonable for Gao Xian to fight for it.

It's just that the Wanling Sect is trying to defeat Gao Xian. Yun Changfeng has to take responsibility for Gao Xian and cannot just agree to it.

Seeing Yun Changfeng's hesitation, Wan Changan asked calmly: "What?"

"let me consider it."

Yun Changfeng was also a little suffocated, but he had to ask Gao Xian about this.

Gao Xian, who was practicing at Xuandu Peak, was called to Jinxiao Palace.

Yun Changfeng's study room is very simply decorated, and the bookshelves are filled with various documents. Paper, pens and other office supplies are placed on the long desk.

Cadres are the head of the eight departments and are responsible for financial expenditures and personnel deployment. Their daily work is very complicated.

When Gao Xian came in, Yun Changfeng was writing something at his desk, "Gao Xian, sit down and wait a moment."

Yun Changfeng treated Gao Xian casually and intimately, and did not regard Gao Xian as an outsider at all.

Gao Xian bowed his hands and silently sat down on the chair next to him.

After waiting for a while, Yun Changfeng finished his work and then raised his head and smiled at Gao Xian, "I'm so busy every day that I delay my practice."

He paused for a moment and then said with some emotion: "The Patriarch has long said that it is impossible for me to realize the Nascent Soul, so I gave up my obsession with cultivating the Tao and turned my energy to the sect..."

A cultivator who gives up the path of cultivation must feel a lot of unwillingness.

On the other hand, it can also be seen that Yun Changfeng is very rational. Give up on the illusory future and instead grasp a safer and better present.

Such a choice actually requires wisdom and decision-making. Most people are often reluctant to give up, take but unable to take, and cannot rely on both ends.

Gao Xian still admires Yun Changfeng. Of course, he would never make this choice. It's useless for anyone to say.

No matter how fulfilling you feel in managing a sect, it cannot be compared to longevity.

Yun Changfeng just sighed to express his emotions, which would also help him get closer to Gao Xian. It's a conversational skill.

"Wan Changan proposed that each of them send a foundation-building monk to fight for the five-color lotus. Whoever gets it will get it."

He looked at Gao Xian: "What do you think?"

Gao Xian immediately understood that this was a game specially prepared for him by Wan Changan.

He needs five-color lotus flowers to form elixirs, but he does not necessarily have to use nine-grade five-color lotus flowers.

If he was going all out to grab it, he would definitely have to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Now, he doesn't have so many ideas.

No matter how strong a foundation-building monk is, can he be stronger than him? Do you really think his Feng Yue Baojian is fake? !

There are so many magical powers and secret techniques, as well as the master's sword skills. If you can't defeat a foundation-building monk, you will have nothing to say if you die.

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go."

Yun Changfeng reminded: "The other party should have found a secret technique or magic weapon to restrain your swordsmanship. You should think twice."

"The five-color lotus is related to my important matter of elixir formation. How can I retreat?"

Gao Xian said seriously: "Uncle, don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."


Yun Changfeng didn't try to persuade him any more. This matter was indeed very dangerous, but there were dangers everywhere on the road.

Even dead people lying on the ground may be tormented by evil spirits, let alone living people.

"The ban on Five Elements Island will start around the end of this year. You should be prepared first."

Yun Changfeng said: "If you need anything, just ask."

He smiled and said: "The sect has accumulated for thousands of years and has many magic weapons and spiritual weapons, which can be loaned to you for temporary use."

"Thank you, uncle."

Gao Xian returned to his study at Xuandu Peak, opened the jade slip and looked through it.

This jade slip was given to him by Yun Changfeng. It contains various magic weapons and spiritual weapons of the sect, and the levels, characteristics, etc. of the magic weapons and spiritual weapons are marked in detail.

Qingyun Sect has been passed down for thousands of years and has a profound foundation.

There are hundreds of third-level magic weapons and more than a hundred spiritual weapons.

There are so many magic weapons and spiritual weapons that it takes a long time to read even just the introduction.

Yun Changfeng said that as long as he needs it, he can borrow the magic weapons and spiritual weapons inside for temporary use.

Of course, it is not in vain, it will consume good deeds.

Gao Xian stayed at home every day, even going to the Sword Sword Hall to teach, all in order to repay Yun Qiushui's two hundred thousand good deeds.

He has no good deeds and can only borrow money temporarily. Fortunately, Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui are both big players, so there is no need to worry about this aspect.

The sect also offered nine-grade and five-color lotuses as a price of 10 million for good deeds, which was originally worth it.

If he had to grab it himself this time, the price would be too high.

Gao Xian didn't bargain, so now is not the time to talk about this.

After looking through the jade slips, Gao Xian felt dizzy even though his spiritual consciousness was strong.

There are so many magic weapons and spiritual weapons that it is difficult to choose.

Furthermore, the more magic weapons and spiritual weapons, the better. He wears a set of robes, and the nine-grade Qinglian Baoguang is very useful.

The robe fits the Green Lotus Sword, and there is a faint resonance. This must not be changed.

After much deliberation, the grade of inner armor is a bit lower. In fact, the inner armor is not very useful. It is used more as a personal storage bag.

Third-level magic weapons and spiritual weapons are not easy to use immediately. It takes a long time to become familiar with the restrictions and the characteristics of the magic weapons.

Gao Xian thought about it and chose a third-level low-grade spiritual sword, the Ice Soul Sword.

This sword is sharp enough and has its own ice and cold energy, making it very practical. The main purpose is to equip the clone with a high-level spiritual sword, which can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at critical moments.

He spent 100,000 good deeds to redeem the authority to use the Ice Soul Sword for three years.

Gao Xian had no good deeds, so Yun Changfeng thoughtfully allowed him to pay the debt first. Gao Xian also gave three foundation-building pills on credit for Daniel to use for foundation-building.

One foundation-building pill only costs five thousand good deeds. The main thing is that it is the true inheritance of Shenxiao, so it has a huge discount.

The people from Wanling Sect left quickly, and the alliance between the two parties was limited to verbal commitments without any substantial progress.

Only when Wan Changan and Yun Changfeng reach an agreement, will the Nascent Soul Lord of both parties come forward to hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens and conclude an alliance.

The main reason is that the two sides have many differences in cooperation, and no one is willing to make concessions and cannot reach an agreement.

Gao Xian has no interest in these sect affairs. It's not his turn to deal with this matter.

In addition to going to classes at the Jianjian Hall, Gao Xian prefers to stay at home in Qingyun City.

The main reason is that Qingyun City is lively, with everything to eat and play.

After Yun Qiushui formed the elixir, he often went to drink and party with him. Fortunately, he has some financial resources and can afford such expenses.

Secretly, countless people were staring at Gao Xian. Seeing him feasting and having fun every day, they all couldn't understand Gao Xian's thoughts.

The golden elixir left by the Yuelun Sect in Qingyun City is called Bai Ye. He is 160 years old this year, has an ordinary appearance and is cautious in doing things.

Bai Ye changed his name and stayed in Qingyun City, mainly to collect various news about Qingyun Sect, focusing on the alliance between Qingyun Sect and Wanling Sect, as well as the movements of Gao Xian, Yun Qiushui and others.

Shui Yujun hates Gao Xian, which is an open secret in Qingyun City.

After a period of various trials, Bai Ye got in touch with the Shui family.

Bai Ye also knew about Lihuo Palace and the agreement between Wanling Sect and Qingyun Sect. I learned that Gao Xian was going to Lihuo Palace to get the five-color lotus.

This is of course extremely important news related to the alliance between the two sects and Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin.

Bai Ye immediately sent the news back to Yuelun Sect.

By the time Bai Zizhen received the news, it was already May.

The two sects are far apart and must be kept secret, so the transmission of information is extremely troublesome.

Bai Zizhen was also greatly surprised after receiving the news. She found a way to meet Hua Qianhe of the Blood God Sect.

This late-stage Golden Elixir is already over 700 years old and is about to expire.

Because of this, this man acted more and more unscrupulously. He got into big trouble several times within the Yuelun Sect.

If it weren't for the special relationship between the Blood God Sect and the Moon Wheel Sect, the sect would have eradicated this guy long ago.

Bai Zizhen hated this person even more, but such a wicked person was also useful.

There is very little contact between the major sects and the news is cut off.

Yan Feiyin became famous in Qingyun Sect, but it was only within the scope of Qingyun City.

No one in Yuelun Sect knew who Yan Feiyin was.

Hua Qianhe heard that Yan Feiyin's natal spirit beast was a three-tailed sky fox, and she immediately became very interested.

Bai Zi really knew that such an old devil was cunning and evil, and it would not be easy to deceive him. There was no need for her to lie, she just told the whole situation.

As for whether Hua Qianhe wants to take action or not, that is Hua Qianhe's business.

To her, it was just a matter of convenience. Of course it’s good if it works, but there’s no loss if it doesn’t.

Hua Qianhe was cunning and cunning, so it was naturally impossible for him to tell Bai Zizhen about his plans.

After sending Bai Zizhen away, Hua Qianhe sent someone to find out the news. Sure enough, the situation was exactly the same as what Bai Zizhen said.

Hua Qianhe couldn't help it anymore. The "Blood Nerve" he practiced was extremely harmful to the body. He could barely survive until now by frantically absorbing blood essence.

However, because he absorbed too much essence and blood and accumulated too much evil energy, he caused great damage to his body and soul.

Tianhu is needed to resolve the evil spirits in his body.

He likes women because borrowing women can relieve some evil spirits, that's all.

Now that he has discovered a powerful spiritual beast like the three-tailed sky fox, he must get it at all costs.

Under normal circumstances, he could only survive for two or three years, so he had nothing to worry about.

As for the ninth-grade five-color lotus, although he is useless, he can exchange it for useful spiritual elixirs.

Hua Qianhe changed his appearance and quietly came to Qingyun Sect.

For demon cultivators, disguising their identity is a must.

Hua Qianhe did not stay in Qingyun City for long. This place was protected by a magic circle and was too dangerous for demon cultivators.

After using some tricks to get the location of Lihuo Underground Palace, Hua Qianhe left Qingyun City in a hurry...

By October, Gao Xian returned to Xuandu Peak, and it was time for him to make some preparations for the upcoming battle.

After seven months of accumulation, Feng Yue Bao Jian has accumulated five million humanistic auras.

Although Gao Xian is confident, he must try his best to improve his combat power before entering the Lihuo Underground Palace.

Not to mention Yan Feiyin, Lihuo Earth Palace itself is very dangerous.

Gao Xian's eyes fell on the thirty-sixth level of ice and fire, and he consumed 1.26 million Tao spiritual lights to directly elevate this spell to the state of master perfection.

Black Ice Arrow and Fierce Sun Bullet were all promoted to the master level.

The various essences of the changes in the magic power of ice and fire naturally emerged in his mind.

It took Gao Xian a few days to fully master the upgraded Thirty-Sixth Layer of Ice and Fire.

The most direct impact is that the power of the Black Ice Arrow and the Fierce Sun Bullet has been increased by 50%, and his control over the two systems of ice and fire is even more precise.

At this point, both spells have reached the third level.

The powerful power, coupled with the instantaneous continuous release, makes these two spells possible to kill the golden elixir.

With nearly 4 million human spiritual lights left, Gao Xian invested 1.5 million in Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, raising this secret technique to the master level.

Tai Chi Xuan Guang's invisible celestial clothing integrates offense and defense, which is very, very important to him.

The remaining 1.3 million spiritual lights were all cast on the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel, raising this secret technique to a proficient level.

The speed has not increased, but the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel is easier to control, and the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel's protection ability has also been greatly improved.

Coupled with the upgrade of the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, the protective power of the two protective spells is comparable to that of a third-level spiritual weapon.

Because it is a spell, it can be activated again even if it is destroyed. It is convenient, fast and far superior to third-level spiritual weapons.

Gao Xian practiced for more than a month at the Temple of Heart. Although there was no direct improvement in all aspects, the overall combat power was significantly improved. Especially the life-saving ability has been greatly enhanced.

Gao Xian sometimes thinks, with these magical powers, how can he lose? !

On November 15th, Yun Qiushui took Gao Xian into the Lihuo Underground Palace...

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