"As long as you're okay."

After Yun Qiushui broke through the formation, he hurriedly entered Five Elements Island because he was afraid that something might happen to Gao Xian.

As for the golden elixir demon cultivator being killed by Gao Xian, he was not too surprised.

This is not the first time Gao Xian killed Jin Dan. Furthermore, Gao Xian accompanies him to practice sword and alchemy, and he knows that Gao Xian's sword skills are by no means inferior to his.

In addition, Gao Xian still has a precious third-level spiritual sword in his hand, plus his extraordinary magical escape technique, plus Gao Xian also has an incarnation, plus Gao Xian's hidden supernatural powers...

Yun Qiushui actually didn't like Hua Qianhe very much. He felt that this guy just relied on the power of the magic circle and didn't show much power.

In short, Yun Qiushui felt that this result was a bit unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

He praised again: "You are really a natural genius, specializing in defeating demonic cultivators. In just a few years, you have already killed two golden elixir demonic cultivators!"

Yun Qiushui was a little envious. He, a true Golden Core swordsman, had not yet killed a Golden Core swordsman, but Gao Xian had already killed two Golden Core swordsmen.

Gao Xian chuckled: "The demon cultivator insists on killing people, so I can only accept it."

"Seriously, leave one for me next time. Let me also have a taste of the sword-cutting golden elixir."

Yun Qiushui said with sincerity.

Gao Xian nodded: "We good brothers have nothing to say. I will keep it for you next time you meet the Golden Elixir Demon Cultivator."

"It's a deal!"

Yun Qiushui couldn't help laughing as she said this, and Gao Xian also laughed.

Ma Tengyun, who hurried over, saw Yun Qiushui and Gao Xian smiling happily, as if they had just prostituted a beautiful woman for nothing.

Ma Tengyun's heart sank. He couldn't help but think of his junior sister. What did these two beasts do to his junior sister? !

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his face turned pale. He was filled with infinite anger and must avenge his junior sister.

Just thinking about Yun Qiushui's power, Gao Xian is even more cunning and insidious. He can't beat four hands with two fists, but he can't make a move at this moment. When Niu Wanyong and the others arrive, we can avenge our junior sister together...

Ma Tengyun's face was changing as he thought, turning white, red, and black. Both Yun Qiushui and Gao Xian noticed Ma Tengyun's abnormality. Both of them were confused and couldn't understand what kind of energy this kid was holding there. …

Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun fought against the demon cultivator together. Although they didn't like this man very much, they still asked him out of morality: "Fellow Taoist, are you okay?"

Ma Tengyun was shocked, these two boys weren't going to kill people and silence them, right? !

He showed a wary look, hesitating and not knowing how to answer. At this moment, a green lotus flower spun and flew over. The green figure in the lotus, with a bright and charming appearance, was Yan Feiyin.

Yan Feiyin had been watching the battle using secret techniques, but the surging blood and thunder and the violent overflowing mana severely interfered with the secret techniques, so she could only take a vague look.

Until Gao Xian slashed through the sea of ​​blood with his sword, cutting Hua Qianhe into two pieces in the blazing bloody flames, and then the sword turned into thunder and cut Hua Qianhe into flying ash all over the sky.

Such a powerful late-stage golden elixir demon cultivator was killed by Gao Xian!

Yan Feiyin's neck was cut off by Gao Xian's sword one after another. She was very wary of this handsome foundation-building monk, but she was not convinced.

They were all foundation-building monks, and Gao Xian relied on the sharpness of his sword to come and go like lightning. Everyone let go and fought, and it was not certain who would kill whom!

It wasn't until this moment that Yan Feiyin realized how big the gap was between her and Gao Xian.

Everyone is also a foundation-building monk, why is there such a big gap? !

Yan Feiyin really couldn't understand it. Gao Xian became more and more mysterious and unpredictable in her heart. The handsome figure walking back and forth with a four-foot green sword in his hand was also deeply imprinted in her heart.

Somehow, she suddenly had the idea to take this man as her own!

For such a strange man to become her subordinate, he is better than countless mediocre people like Ma Tengyun.

Yan Feiyin flew close to Gao Xian and saluted him. She said softly, "Senior brother, I will never forget your kindness in saving my life."

"We are all Taoist friends, how can we ignore death and not save him?"

Gao Xian waved his hand and said lightly, "Feiyin doesn't have to be so polite."

Yun Qiushui glanced at Yan Feiyin and then at Gao Xian, with a smile on his face.

Ma Tengyun hurriedly approached Yan Feiyin and asked, "Junior sister, how are you?"

Yan Feiyin didn't even look at Ma Tengyun. She looked at Gao Xian with admiration and admiration, "I'm fine. Thanks to Senior Brother Gao for helping me block the devil."

Ma Tengyun was accustomed to Yan Feiyin's neglect, but seeing Yan Feiyin being so close to Gao Xian, he felt indescribably sad and uncomfortable in his heart.

He wasted his essence and blood to forcefully break the formation because he was worried about Yan Feiyin's safety. As a result, Yan Feiyin didn't appreciate it at all.

No matter how you say it, he is a dignified Jindan real person. It is really chilling to chase a woman in such a low voice and get no response.

Although Yan Feiyin was eager to get close to Gao Xian, she also noticed that Ma Tengyun's face was a little ugly, so she took the time to wink at Ma Tengyun.

As for how Ma Tengyun understood this wink, that is Ma Tengyun's business.

According to Yan Feiyin's experience, men always like to have wild imaginations, and you will feel like you have fallen in love with him just by looking at him. A look was enough to appease Ma Tengyun.

Sure enough, Ma Tengyun felt happy. It turned out that the junior sister was deliberately getting close to Gao Xian.

Indeed, he and his junior sister had no chance of winning against Yun Qiushui and Gao Xian, so it would be better to be polite.

He praised in his heart: "Junior sister is really smart and wise..."

"Get out first. It will be difficult to leave once the Five Elements Miasma Channel is closed."

Yun Qiushui didn't like Yan Feiyin very much, and he felt a little uncomfortable seeing this charming woman pestering Gao Xian, so he suggested leaving Five Elements Island first.


Gao Xian naturally had no objection. He took the five-color lotus, the five-element snake also contributed a soul crystal, and killed a golden elixir demon cultivator to obtain a blood god banner.

By the way, there is also a natal spiritual pearl for Yan Feiyin. Plenty of gains. Of course there is no need to stay any longer.

The group of people left the Five Elements Island, and the Blood God Formation outside was also broken, leaving only a few broken formation flags.

Gao Xian secretly cried out that it was a pity. If these formation flags were not broken, he could re-arrange the formation with the Blood God Banner in his hand.

With the blessing of the magic circle, the advantage is too great in battle.

Even this kind of temporary magic circle, without the auspices of the devil, is enough to trap the two golden elixirs Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun for a period of time.

Then I thought about it, it’s okay not to take advantage of it. The magic circle is too complicated. Once you get it, you have to think about it and study it, and you have to put a lot of energy into it.

Only when you reach the foundation building level can you have time to do this. Generally speaking, only Jindan Zhenren can achieve success in the formation.

Gao Xian actually doesn't like practicing very much, but he is still interested in practicing swordsmanship. This is the fundamental reason why his swordsmanship is so high.

As for the rest, most of it comes from adding points. In fact, it's not his ability.

Things like formations and weapon refining seemed troublesome to him. I'm not even interested in refining alchemy now, so I don't have the time to do this.

Yun Qiushui looked at Gao Xian: "What do you say?"

Gao Xian actually wanted to go back, he had gotten everything he wanted, and Lihuo Palace was not a good place.

However, if Yun Qiushui came with him, it would be better to just let him run away in vain.

There is also the matter of Yan Feiyin, which must be explained clearly to the other party.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said, "I'm a little tired. Let's go back to the camp to rest for a few days. Brother Yun, do you want to go shopping by yourself?"

Yun Qiushui nodded: "That's fine, you have a good rest. I'll try my luck nearby."

Although the Lihuo Underground Palace is dangerous, it is home to many natural spiritual creatures. Yun Qiushui has become a golden elixir, and he doesn't pay attention to these dangers.

Before leaving, Yun Qiushui reminded Gao Xian again: "The three-tailed sky fox is good at charming, be careful not to fall into the gutter..."

Gao Xian patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, she will bulldoze my big ship even if it passes through the ditch."

"Haha... I won't be back for ten or eight days. Don't worry about using the tent."

Yun Qiushui smiled and patted Gao Xian on the shoulder. Since Gao Xian knew what was going on, there was no need for him to say more.

Gao Xiancai was about to explain, but Yun Qiushui had already activated his sword light to fly into the sky and escape.

Yan Feiyin also made an excuse and sent Ma Tengyun away. She looked at Gao Xian with her big and charming eyes, looking like a weak and well-behaved person who was willing to take orders from him.

"I can return the life pearl to you."

Gao Xian said slowly: "But what will you give in exchange?"

This woman wanted to harm him in Qingyun Sect, and she also deliberately planned to compete with him for the five-color lotus. She was definitely not a good person.

Although saving her life was just a casual thing, it couldn't be easier for her.

Yan Feiyin hesitated to speak, her snow-white cheeks were slightly red, and her shy and timid look was particularly endearing.

Especially a pair of blue, watery eyes, which seem to contain endless affection for Gao Xian.

Gao Xian couldn't tell the truth from the false, but he judged rationally that it was impossible for such a selfish woman to fall in love with anyone else, let alone him.

He was thinking clearly, but he was still very happy when Yan Feiyin looked at him like this.

Which normal man can resist the admiration and love of a beautiful woman? No good!

It's not normal to be able to resist.

Gao Xian was deeply affected, but his expression remained calm, "You speak."

Yan Feiyin lowered her head slightly and lowered her eyes. She said in a low voice: "Senior brother, I have already said before that I am willing to give everything for senior brother."

"Hey, don't do this."

Gao Xian said righteously: "How can I, a noble gentleman, do such a thing?"

"I have done wrong things before, so it is normal for my senior brother to doubt me."

Yan Feiyin took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and said, "Senior brother, I am absolutely sincere."

She puffed up her chest and said, "If you don't believe me, just touch it and see."

Gao Xian was a little hesitant. Isn't this bad?

At such a close distance, the faint fragrance of Yan Feiyin's body came over, and it smelled really good.

Yanfei Yinsu's hands were soft and delicate, slightly cold, and it was indescribably comfortable to hold in his hands.

Gao Xian must admit that he was tempted by the temptation.

But he has a bottom line. This woman is his enemy, so killing her is normal. Forcing the other party to do something would be too beastly.

"This is not okay. It is unethical and inhumane."

"Is it because my beauty can't impress senior brother?"

Yan Feiyin slowly leaned into Gao Xian's arms. She raised her head slightly and looked directly into Gao Xian's eyes, "Do you still think that my initiative to sacrifice myself is too despicable?"

As she spoke, she got closer and closer to Gao Xian, and their lips almost touched.

Yan Feiyin breathed softly to Gao Xian, and Gao Xian felt that the fragrant and soft air seemed to have a special power, making his whole body feel weak and warm.

"Senior brother, I am still a pure virgin. It will be of great benefit to you to cultivate with me..."

Gao Xian was really moved when he heard this. He couldn't delay practicing the Tao.

He asked seriously: "You are really willing, but you have to think about it and don't regret it later."

"I love my senior brother so much, how could I regret it?"


Gao Xian took Yan Feiyin back to the camp tent. There were many rooms in it, and Yun Qiushui wouldn't be able to disturb them even if he came back.

Before the double cultivation, Gao Xian carefully gave Yan Feiyin a piece of paper and pen.

Yan Feiyin was a little confused. She really didn't understand what kind of gameplay this was!

"You write an application for voluntary dual majors and I will sign and approve it."


Yan Feiyin thought Gao Xian was joking, but found that he looked serious. She had no choice but to write an application for dual cultivation, signed it, and stamped it, leaving her unique spiritual mark.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with this. After signing, he put away the application and smiled at Yan Feiyin, "Fellow Taoist, let me help you practice."

"Please have mercy, senior brother..." Yan Feiyin's cheeks were bright red, and her eyes were full of spring water.

She was also extremely excited and happy in her heart. With the magical power blessed by Tianhu, for the first time, she could charm the other person permanently. This strange man would be her indispensable subordinate from now on...

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