The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 345 Innate Gengjin Divine Light

A huge cave with tall trees like pillars supporting the sky.

The six-armed iron ape has long been accustomed to the existence of giant trees after living for thousands of years. It wasn't until this moment that he discovered a problem, that is, their entire clan relied too much on this big tree.

Tens of thousands of iron apes live here, and they can't escape even if they want to in a hurry.

The six-armed iron ape knew very well that the opponent would soon catch up.

The giant tree is so vigorous that its root system extends for hundreds of miles. Such a huge and strong vitality cannot be hidden from the other party's spiritual sense.

The other party's goal is that secret world. Regardless of whether he runs or not, the other party will definitely enter the secret world.

The six-armed iron ape weighed for a long time and decided to stay. He doesn't have much time left, where can he run.

Among the whole clan, he is the only one who can communicate with each other. Only he can restrain all monkeys.

If they really pissed off the other party, they would probably be exterminated.

The only solution for now is to try to negotiate peace with the other party.

The six-armed iron ape was thinking about a countermeasure when he saw a platinum stream of light falling from the sky in front of him.

The light dissipated, revealing Gao Xian wearing black and white heavenly clothes.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. The old monkey, the Six-Armed Iron Ape, was motionless. The anger on his black-haired face had disappeared. His cautious look was actually a bit well-behaved. Was he about to surrender?

He didn't have a good impression of this old monkey, who was so violent and vicious when he hammered Fan Qingxia to death.

If you can't beat him now, just act nice! Considering that the old monkey is a thousand years old, this cleverness seems very funny, even a little scary.

Gao Xian looked at the old monkey coldly and said nothing.

The six-armed iron ape bared his teeth and smiled. Based on his little experience with humans, laughter can express friendliness.

The old monkey didn't know that his toothy smile looked a bit like a dog trying to bite people to Gao Xian.

"Sir, I admit defeat. As long as you can spare my whole family, I am willing to offer you treasures."

The six-armed iron ape said, holding a few green peaches in his hands, with a flattering expression on Mao's face, "These are spiritual fruits born from this tree. One of the spiritual fruits should have reached the fourth level..."

The old monkey had a total of four green peaches in his hand, three of which were as big as a fist, and one was as small as a red date.

Gao Xian knew this thing, the Green Gold Fruit. Last time he killed a four-armed demon monkey in the cave, he got a third-level Green Gold Fruit.

But in terms of quality, the three-fist-large lapis lazuli fruit in Old Monkey's hand is of better quality.

The lapis lazuli fruit is transparent and crystal clear, with a skin as warm and smooth as jade, and as hard as gold and iron.

The smallest green gold fruit is like a date, and its power of condensing gold and wood is extremely pure and solid.

Judging from the grade, it is at least the fourth grade.

Gao Xian's heart moved. These green gold fruits are very precious, especially the fourth-level green gold fruit. He has a vague feeling that it seems to be his spiritual transformation.

The six-armed iron ape really has some wealth.

Gao Xian glanced at the giant tree that reaches the sky. They should all be cut from this tree.

The roots of the giant tree go deep into the ground to extract the power of the earth's veins, condensing endless vitality.

In terms of grade, this giant tree has even reached the fifth level. Fortunately, no spiritual wisdom was born.

If the giant tree really wants to give birth to wisdom, then who dares to be so presumptuous!

The old monkey has lived on the giant tree for thousands of years, so it is not surprising that he has achieved these results.

Gao Xian was silent, which made the Six-Armed Iron Ape even more uneasy. He couldn't help but said: "Sir, the secret place is in the tree hole in the center of the big tree. I can take you there."


Gao Xian said coldly: "I can find it, so I won't bother you."

He put away the four lapis lazuli fruits with a flick of his sleeves, "I've collected the things, thank you."

Six-armed Iron Monkey Mao forced a smile on his face, but heard Gao Xian say again: "However, you still have to die."

The old monkey's smile suddenly froze, and he suddenly became furious, and the black hair on his face exploded.

"You accept my gift and you want to kill me. Are you being unreasonable?"

The six-armed iron ape said sternly: "I heard that your human race values ​​​​being gentle when dealing with people, stressing about letting people live, stressing about benevolence and righteousness, and stressing about magnanimity..."

Gao Xian Leng said quietly: "Our human race still values ​​​​killing people for life. You were merciless when you killed Fan Qingxia. Isn't it reasonable for others to kill you?"

While Gao Xian was speaking, the six-armed iron ape suddenly turned into blue light and burrowed into the ground.

He had already prepared the method of earth escape, and since he couldn't reach an agreement, he had no choice but to run away.

Gao Xian stretched out his finger, and a little golden light fell on the ground. The ground within a few dozen feet suddenly became as hard as gold and iron.

Golden Finger, Gao Xian's newly learned third-level spell.

Naturally, such spells cannot be cast instantly. Gao Xian had already formed a seal on his sleeve to cast the spell, and Sister Lan was holding the seal deep between his brows.

Just waiting for the six-armed iron ape to move, the golden finger that had been prepared for a long time was immediately sent out.

Most of the six-armed iron ape's body escaped into the ground, and the ground was turned into gold and iron by the golden finger, which immediately broke the six-armed iron ape's escape.

The ground was as hard as steel, and the old monkey was trapped in it.

Realizing that something was wrong, the six-armed iron ape was about to use his strength to break free, but his whole body was imprisoned by the golden magic power. For a moment, his body turned into a block of iron and it was difficult to exert force.

The four-foot green blade flicked, and the six-armed iron ape's head flew up.

The old monkey, who has lived for thousands of years, is still alive and strong. His red eyes flashed with spiritual light, and his flying head spun and fell back towards his body.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand to grab it, and the flying monkey head exploded into a ball of plasma.

No matter how strong the old monkey's vitality was, it was completely cut off at this moment.

The headless body exposed on the ground also trembled violently and shed large amounts of blood. The body was limp and breathless.

However, Gao Xian had a green-gold crystal core in his hand, which was the crystallization of the old monkey's destiny.

Demonic beasts are different from humans. Demonic beasts use crystal nuclei to run their magic power and control their spiritual consciousness.

This crystal core has gathered the power of the old monkey for thousands of years and is very precious. Just think about how to use it.

Gao Xian accepted the crystal and ignored the old monkey's body.

To say that this level of flesh and blood is still very valuable. It's just that the old monkey has wisdom after all, and Gao Xian is not so cruel.

The key is that he has a high level of cultivation now, so he doesn't need to do anything so extreme.

The Blood God Banner was in the hands of Taixuan God's clone. He couldn't control the Blood God Banner from such a distance.

Gao Xian was about to go to the secret realm to have a look, but there was a large group of four-armed iron apes flying down from the trees.

These tall and strong iron apes all have murderous looks on their faces and hold weapons such as wooden sticks and iron guns in their hands.

There are some weapons and magic auras.

Gao Xian frowned slightly and had no reason to argue with these monkeys. He drew his sword casually.

The green sword blade drew a semi-circular arc in the air, and the sharp sword light stretched along this arc to a hundred feet away, like a huge green fan of light unfolding out of thin air.

More than a hundred four-armed iron apes within this range were all chopped into two pieces by the sharp sword light.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

There are several four-armed iron apes that have reached the third level, but they are very rough in mana operation.

Facing the third-level top-notch Qinglian Sword, their strong bodies were no different than tofu. Not to mention Gao Xian's superb swordsmanship, he could kill all the monkeys with just one sword stroke, leaving them no chance to struggle and resist.

The scene was a bit bloody, Gao Xian drifted through it indifferently, and took four more golden elixir level demon monkey crystals.

There were tens of thousands of iron apes in the big tree, but this group of monkeys were frightened. Seeing Gao Xian flying up, the monkeys fled in all directions.

Gao Xian ignored the monkeys. As long as they didn't cause trouble for him, there was no need to kill. After all, we are kind-hearted cultivators.

The tree hole in the center of the big tree is easy to find. The entrance to the secret realm deep in the tree hole is like a silver mirror.

Gao Xian tried it, and his magic power, magic weapon, or body would pass directly through the silver mirror.

The entrance to this space obviously requires a special key to open.

He took out the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag. He had practiced it a little in the past few days, and he could barely use this spiritual weapon.

The White Lotus Golden God Flag fell on the silver mirror and quickly merged with the mirror.

The silver mirror slowly expanded, revealing a deep passage.

Gao Xian naturally did not dare to take risks. No one knew what was in such a sealed secret realm, and even the True Lord Nascent Soul would not venture into it with his true body. It would be too dangerous.

For example, if the space in the secret realm is instantly annihilated, not to mention the True Monarch Nascent Soul, even the Taoist Transformation God will die on the spot.

Gao Xianju appeared as a clone of Taiyuan God and entered this deep passage.

To his surprise, there was only a stone platform inside, with a three-inch-high white jade gourd placed on it.

It can't be said to be white jade, but its appearance is crystal clear and warm as jade, but it feels heavy and weighty after you get it.

This gourd was even more indescribably hard. Gao Xian tried it a little, but with the power of his giant vajra, he couldn't deform the gourd at all even after using five points of force.

If it had been a jade gourd, he would have crushed it to pieces.

Gao Xian thought for a moment before unscrewing the lid of the gourd. Even if there was danger, it would not affect the main body in this closed cave.

As soon as the gourd was opened, needle-like platinum divine rays emerged. The Taiyuan Shen phase clone had no time to resist, and thousands of holes were pierced into the face and most of the body by the platinum divine rays.

In an instant, the Taiyuan Shen phase clone was on the verge of collapse. Gao Xian hurriedly controlled his clone to tighten the gourd lid and put it back on.

The platinum divine light flowing out like water was blocked.

The remaining platinum divine light did not dissipate, but flew randomly in the air, and in the blink of an eye the Taiyuan Shen phase was completely destroyed.

At this point, Taiyuan's divine clone could no longer maintain its physical form and disintegrated into streaks of spiritual light.

The white jade gourd also fell to the ground.

Gao Xian outside the secret realm couldn't help but frown. These platinum divine lights seemed to be condensed into pure and incomparable Gengjin energy, so they were extremely sharp.

Its sharpness is even far better than the Green Lotus Sword, which is very terrifying.

The flowing platinum light flew to the entrance and naturally flew outward along the passage.

Gao Xian was startled and was about to put away the White Lotus Golden God Flag, but suddenly he sensed that the auras of the white gold divine light and the White Lotus Golden God Flag were vaguely consistent.

Sure enough, all the platinum divine lights were thrown into the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag, as if they were attracted by some invisible force.

A trace of platinum light shone on the White Lotus Golden God Flag, and then quickly disappeared.

So, the white gold divine light in this gourd is reserved for the White Lotus Golden God Flag?

Gao Xian is not sure, but fortunately he can verify it slowly.

No matter how sharp the Gengjin Qi in the white jade gourd is, no one can control it. With this experience, you won’t be hurt again in the future.

Gao Xian urged the Tai Chi Divine Appearance clone to collect the gourd, and then collected the White Lotus and Golden Divine Flag.

This prompted Da Luo to activate the divine clone method and replace it with the Taixuan divine clone in the sect.

The clone of Taixuan God came to the tree, took out the Blood God Banner and waved it, and the Blood God Son emerged and threw flesh and blood all over the ground...

Millions of miles away, Gao Xian was grasping the fourth-level lapis lazuli fruit in a quiet room. He felt that this thing could be used as a spiritual object for the avatar of Taiyuan Shen, so that the avatar would manifest permanently.

As for whether it can work, you have to give it a try.

If Taiyuan Shenxiang can condense a permanent clone, he can continue to practice swordsmanship.

Judging from his experience, swordsmanship is far superior to those of the same level. He also has the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword in his hand. If he condenses it into a sword elixir, he may be able to control this sword.

At that time, it shouldn't be difficult to sweep the golden elixir across a county...

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