The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 414 The True Succession of the Blood God

"Master, the treasure house is under the control of the ancestor. Even though I am a direct disciple, I cannot break into it without permission."

Lu Shidao's face was full of embarrassment, "I don't have the key and I don't have the token to open the magic circle. It's useless to go there."

He was afraid that Gao Xian would be angry, so he hurriedly said: "I'm going to ask the Patriarch for instructions, and I'd like to ask the Master to wait a moment."

Lu Shidao did not dare to offend Gao Xian. Although the battle in the city just ended briefly, Gao Xian showed his peerless magical power.

Although the sect was protected by a magic circle, it could not do anything to Gao Xian. Even if the Patriarch is here, he will not dare to offend Gao Xian.

Moreover, the founder suddenly disappeared, and Gao Xian fought with the powerful demon sect in the city, which inevitably made people think a little bit.

"That's not necessary."

Gao Xian said: "Sect Master Lu was seduced by demon cultivators and fell into the devil's path. However, Sect Master Lu had his heart set on the right path and at the last moment he woke up and would rather die than surrender.

"In order to slay demons and correct the path, Sect Master Lu secretly invited me here. In the battle just now, Sect Master Lu and the demon cultivator died together."

Gao Xian looked solemn when he said this, "Sect Master Lu is strong and brave, he is really a role model for our generation."

Lu Bingyang had rebelled, but the Liuhe Sect had not completely turned over to the Yuelun Sect. At least most of the middle and high-level people didn't know about it.

The Liuhe Sect has such a large territory and has a large number of cultivators and resources. Naturally, it cannot be abandoned like this.

In order to take over Liuhe Sect and maintain the current stability, we cannot be too harsh.

It becomes very important to characterize Lu Bingyang.

Lu Bingyang must be held responsible, but he must not be stigmatized to prevent the Liuhe Sect from falling apart.

This is what Gao Xian said after careful consideration.

Lu Shidao was dumbfounded. He was very familiar with Lu Bingyang and knew that this patriarch was most afraid of death and selfish, and there was no way he would suddenly wake up and realize that he would rather die than surrender.

Let alone have the courage to fight to the death with the demon cultivator!

There is no doubt that Gao Xian killed Lu Bingyang.

Judging from Gao Xian's past glorious deeds, he is best at killing people!


Gao Xian gently patted Lu Shidao's shoulder, and then said: "There are still many thieves hiding in the sect. Now is not the time to be sad. Let's get down to business first."

He said righteously: "The treasure house of the sect has been accumulated by the sect for thousands of years. It is the lifeblood of the sect and cannot be lost."

Lu Shidao cursed in his heart: "You are so hypocritical! They say you are greedy, lustful and ruthless, but you really live up to your reputation!"

No matter how much he slandered, Lu Shidao did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, and kept saying so.

Gao Xian no matter what Lu Shidao thinks, Liuhe Sect is so big that it will be difficult for him to find the treasure house quickly without anyone to guide him.

As long as Lu Shidao cooperates, everything else is a trivial matter.

The other foundation-building monks just stayed aside, not daring to breathe.

They knew the power of Jin Dan, and they even knew how terrifying Gao Xian was. This god of death was right in front of them. No matter what they thought in their hearts, no one dared to be presumptuous.

Several foundation-building monks and Lu Shidao led the way, and a group of people rode the light and quickly arrived at the Liuhe Hall on the main peak.

The Liuhe Sect's treasure house is located below the Liuhe Hall. The memorial tablets of the ancestors are enshrined in the hall, which is guarded day and night by two foundation-building monks and has many patrolling guards. It is also the center of the sect's magic circle.

The treasure house is placed here, and no one can even think of sneaking in silently.

The two foundation-building monks stopped Lu Shidao rudely, but Gao Xian did not reason with them. Each of them fired a black ice arrow and made them fall asleep completely.

Gao Xian cast the spell without any warning. The two foundation-building monks resisted with all their strength, but they still couldn't block the shining cold light.

The several foundation-building monks who saw this scene were all frightened, and they were even more in awe of Gao Xian.

Opening the passage into the underground treasure house, Gao Xian asked Lu Shidao to guard the entrance while he entered the passage directly.

Lu Shidao, who was guarding the entrance of the passage, had a complex expression on his face.

The sect's treasury is naturally tightly protected, and a God-killing array is set up along this passage.

When activated, the channel will seal itself, and cooperate with the magic circle to exterminate all life in the channel.

According to what the Patriarch said, anyone with a cultivation level below Nascent Soul level will definitely die if trapped inside.

Most of the sect's senior officials know how powerful this magic circle is, and no one dares to break into the passage.

Only outsiders like Gao Xian, who knew nothing about it, entered the passage directly without any scruples.

Lu Shidao thought over and over again but still did not take action. He was really afraid of Gao Xian. If the magic circle could not kill Gao Xian, he would be dead.

Secondly, killing Gao Xian will not do him any good! This is also the most critical issue.

It was Gao Xian who killed the Patriarch, but he could not be the leader of the sect even if he killed Gao Xian. Instead, he would anger the Qingyun Sect and he would definitely die.

As for the collusion between the Patriarch and the Yuelun Sect, that is the Patriarch's business. How could he have the qualifications to seduce the Yuelun Sect with a small foundation?

The risk of killing Gao Xian is so high, but there is no benefit. It is just a sigh of relief. He will not do such a stupid thing.

On the contrary, he still has a little friendship with Gao Xian.

From now on, Liuhe Sect will definitely be controlled by Jindan from Qingyun Sect. With this relationship, he can gain a very good status!

From this point of view, he instead hopes that Gao Xian will go smoothly and be safe.

As for the sect's treasure house, it would not be his turn without Gao Xian. He would have no loss if Gao Xian took it away.

After thinking about this, Lu Shidao suddenly felt much more relaxed. As for the revenge for the murder of the Patriarch, he had no choice but to let it go since he didn't have the ability to take revenge...

The expressions of several other foundation-building monks changed, but no one dared to speak nonsense.

At this time, everyone is thinking about how to save their lives. No one would risk calculating a powerful golden elixir.

Gao Xian had already arrived in front of the treasure house gate. He actually saw that there was a magic circle in the passage, but it did not threaten him.

The Taiji Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes can almost ignore any third-level magic circle.

Including the treasure house door in front, Gao Xian urged the invisible heavenly clothes to easily penetrate the heavy protection and enter the treasure house.

The Liuhe Sect has a great cause and is much richer than the Qisha Sect. The sect's treasure house is obviously larger in scale and contains many spiritual objects and magic weapons.

The high-grade spiritual stones are sealed in boxes. There are ten boxes in total, each box contains 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Gao Xian's eyes suddenly lit up. The Liuhe Sect and the Donghuang Demonic Cultivators colluded to make Liuhe City extremely prosperous. They would indeed make money!

There is nothing much to say about other spiritual objects and magical weapons. For such a small sect, one or two third-level spiritual weapons are already very powerful.

Gao Xian swept it with the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword and put everything into the sword.

The Qiankun that comes with the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword has a large capacity, is safe, and can be used to hold anything. It is really a must-have treasure for robbing families.

After dealing with these, Gao Xiancai slashed open the treasure house door with one sword and destroyed the protective circle.

The invisible heavenly clothing penetrates the protection of numerous magic circles and leaves no trace. But the fact that the treasure house was undamaged is a mark in itself.

This kind of direct destruction can prevent others from pushing back on his entry method.

When Gao Xian returned to the Patriarch's Hall, Lu Shidao greeted him with a low eyebrow. He didn't say anything, but showed a respectful and cooperative attitude.

Gao Xian understood that Lu Shidao had figured it out and wanted to hug his thigh tightly.

There is no one available now. Lu Shidao is a little clever and he is an acquaintance, so he can give it a try first.

It's never too late to replace someone if things don't go smoothly.

"Go and summon all the senior officials of the sect, and I will explain the matter clearly to everyone."

If Gao Xian wanted to preserve the Liuhe Sect, he would naturally try to maintain the current order and framework.

It doesn't matter if Lu Bingyang dies. As long as the sect's foundation-building monks are there, it's enough to keep the sect running.

The other foundation-building monks were naturally led by Lu Shidao. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Gao Xian didn't intend to kill them all.

But changing the boss might be a good thing for them!

Lu Shidao was quite capable, and with the cooperation of several foundation-building monks, he quickly sent out a message and summoned many of the sect's foundation-building monks to the Patriarch Hall.

Of course, he actually borrowed Lu Bingyang's name.

Everyone knew that he was highly valued by Lu Bingyang and would occasionally help Lu Bingyang with errands, and no one suspected that there was something wrong with this.

Even if some people are suspicious, they can't help but want to see what happens.

More than thirty foundation-building monks gathered in the Liuhe Hall and saw Gao Xian sitting upright on the main seat.

Most people have never seen Gao Xian, but they can all sense the overwhelming power of the golden elixir in Gao Xian.

Gao Xian just sat quietly and completely suppressed the auras of all the foundation-building monks in the hall.

Lu Shidao introduced Gao Xian's identity to everyone.

Many foundation-building monks were shocked when they heard that this person was the master of magic and sword.

Why did this person go to Liuhe Sect? Is the war in Liuhe City related to this person?

Gao Xian didn't care what everyone thought, he told Lu Shidao the same story again.

Upon hearing that Lu Bingyang was beheaded by the demon cultivator, many foundation-building cultivators could no longer bear it, and there was an uproar.

Gao Xian didn't say anything. His star-like eyes swept across the crowd coldly, and his powerful spiritual consciousness overwhelmed the entire audience.

The spiritual consciousness of many foundation-building monks was completely suppressed, and they could not even operate their magic power.

This absolute crushing also quickly cooled down the anger and restlessness of the foundation-building monks.

It was clearly August, but it was as cold as late winter in the hall, and everyone seemed to be frozen.

After a moment, Gao Xiancai said calmly: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Everything in the sect is operating as usual."

"Which one of you has an opinion?"

There was silence in the hall, not even a sound of breathing.

"very good."

Gao Xian rolled his sleeves and said, "Let's go."

As if they were pardoned, everyone hurriedly left the Liuhe Hall.

After everyone left, Lu Shidao said with some worry: "Master, there are many people here who are colluding with the Yuelun Sect, and some are colluding with the Demon Sect. I'm afraid something will happen?"

"It doesn't matter."

Gao Xian smiled, "As long as I'm here, no one can change the world."

He has a first-grade golden elixir and a sword elixir. Although he cannot see through people's hearts, he can judge their thoughts through the spiritual consciousness and magical reactions of many foundation-building monks.

The level of everyone was so different from him that they had no idea that their thoughts would be clearly reflected.

His current spiritual awareness radius is 24,000 steps, which is 72 miles. Sitting on the main peak, it is enough to cover most of Liuhe Sect.

As long as he is within a range of seventy-two miles, he can lock the opponent with a movement of his consciousness and cast spells to easily kill the opponent.

This kind of power is not much worse than that of Nascent Soul Lord. Suppressing a small Liuhe Sect means nothing.

Gao Xian actually had no interest in taking care of this, but he had to deal with the aftermath after he killed Lu Bingyang.

After all, Liuhe Sect has millions of cultivators. If chaos breaks out, I don’t know how many people will die.

Qingyun Sect also needs a stable Liuhe Sect, not a mess of ruins.

He has already sent out a message, and it won't be long before someone from the Qingyun Sect comes. During this period, he first made a guest appearance as the sect leader.

Sitting in the Liuhe Hall was boring, so Gao Xian counted all the harvests.

The two fourth-level spiritual weapons, Blood River Whip and Taiyin Cold Underworld Wheel, are the most valuable. Among them, the Blood River Whip is even stronger.

The Blood River Whip is about ten feet long and looks like a red leather whip, but it has a bit of metallic luster. It feels unusually heavy in the hand.

When Gao Xian was playing with the Blood River Whip, he found the mark of Hua Ziying's consciousness on the handle, and then discovered that there was a storage space inside.

When using the blood shadow transformation method, the body will turn into a phantom, and ordinary magic weapons cannot be carried at all. The Blood River Whip is really convenient as a storage bag.

Opening the Hua Ziying spiritual brand, Gao Xian found that the storage space of the Blood River Whip was very large, about sixty square meters.

Here he found a Blood God relic that was as red as jade!

Gao Xian had obtained a Blood God relic before and was very familiar with it.

He held it in his hand and used his spiritual sense to sense it, and discovered that this Blood God relic actually recorded the entire "Blood Nerve".

Including the blood shadow transformation method, the blood-transforming magic sword, the blood-burning technique and other secret techniques.

He also had "Blood Nerve" in his hand, but it was incomplete. He also looked down on this evil method a little bit and felt that the level was not high.

The Taixuan Shenxiang and Blood Nerve Cultivation can only be practiced at the tenth level of Foundation Establishment and then stopped practicing.

After reading the full version of "Blood Nerve", Gao Xian's view changed.

Blood Nerve is said to be passed down from the ancient demon ancestor Xuehe, and its method can allow cultivators to ascend to heaven and become supreme demons, with status equal to immortals.

The blood nerve in front of me is actually incomplete, and can only reach the level of spiritual transformation.

That's it, it's also a peerless secret method. If it were put up for auction, it could be sold for tens of billions or hundreds of billions...

The value of a secret method that can prove the Tao and transform into a god, even if it is a magic sect secret method, is so high that it is inestimable.

Gao Xian didn't dare to sell it, the money was too hot. If he angers the powerful person who transforms into gods from the Demon Sect, his life will not be saved!

Besides, so much money is of little use to him.

Gao Xian was a little hesitant. The Taixuan Divine Appearance had already condensed into a real avatar, but he lacked the appropriate secret method of cultivation.

Although the Da Luo God Transformation Clone Technique itself is divided into three, its foundation is the Da Luo Brahma Qi, and the corresponding clones are different secret techniques but there is no secret technique.

The Taiyuan Divine Aspect was condensed into a first-grade sword elixir, which greatly benefited him. If the Taixuan Divine Aspect is also condensed into a golden elixir, it should allow him to reach a higher level.

Having a demon cultivator clone makes it easier to do things.

If Donghuang invades, even Mingzhou may not be able to defend it. With a demon cultivator status, you might be able to live in the Eastern Wasteland...

It's just that "Blood Nerve" is really evil. For example, to transform into a blood shadow, you have to peel off your own human skin, carve runes on it, and then use secret methods to refine it.

After being refined, this skin becomes the body of the cultivator. Therefore, one can ignore all laws.

This method can only be regarded as vicious. The blood nerve rectification method will pollute the soul of the cultivator, thereby distorting the human mind and will.

If you want to cultivate your blood nerves to the ultimate level, your soul must remain perfect and pure.

Gao Xian fell into deep thought and used his avatar to practice blood nerves. In fact, the avatar was just a carrier, and he had to bear all the negative power at the soul level.

However, if you can get the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, you may be able to purify the Taixuan Divine Aspect. In that case, there will be no obstacles to cultivating the blood nerves...

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