The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 427 The Divine Light of Separation and Reunion

Regardless of the danger, the three people went deep into the Nine Nether Abyss and fought their way in, just for the sake of the Pure Yang Jade Flower.

Pure Yang Jade Flower can be integrated into the soul and transformed into Pure Yang Baoguang, laying the foundation for the achievement of Chunyang Taoist Master.

Even if Chunyang Dao Lord is out of reach, he can still become the Shinto Lord by retreating to the next best thing.

The Taoist Transformation Master can live for six thousand years at worst, and it is not impossible to live to nine thousand years if he is lucky.

Although Jiuzhou regards Chunyang Taoist as the most respected one, Huashen Taoist is a strong man and can be said to be the best in the world.

Gao Xian, Yun Qingxuan, and Yue Shenxiu are all top geniuses with deep foundations. It is not difficult for them to achieve Nascent Soul.

No one dares to say that they can achieve this level of becoming a god.

The Nascent Soul is actually the Yin God, and the Transformation God is the Yin God that has been tempered by wind tribulations and condensed into the Yuan Shen, which can exist independently from the physical body.

You must know that the soul of a living being is extremely fragile. Without the protection of the physical body, the endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth is enough to assimilate the soul.

Not to mention the catastrophes of thunder, wind and fire, even the truly powerful ones who become gods rarely give up their physical body.

After eating Pure Yang Jade Flower, your soul will be filled with pure Yang energy. The soul is stronger and more stable than the ordinary Nascent Soul Lord, and can better withstand wind, fire, thunder and other catastrophes.

With pure Yang Baoguang, the soul will almost never go crazy, and it can advance rapidly in cultivation without worrying about unstable foundation.

You can even practice some forbidden secret techniques without worrying about damaging the foundation of your soul.

The benefits of a pure Yang jade flower are countless. This is a temptation that even the Taoist Transformation Master cannot resist.

Precisely because the Pure Yang Jade Flower is so precious, the situation at hand has become embarrassing and dangerous.

Yue Shenxiu was the initiator and leader of this trip, but her ability to get here was absolutely inseparable from the help of Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan.

Both Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan have shown important value and are indispensable. This is true even for Yun Qingxuan.

The Juntian Wheel is so wonderful that its clear light can form a realm of its own, blocking out all the evil spirits of the Nine Netherworld.

With Juntianlun guarding them, the three of them could rest and adjust calmly.

Yue Shenxiu also recognized Yun Qingxuan very much and felt that she had made great contributions during this trip and was worthy of a Pure Yang Jade Flower.

Now there is only one Pure Yang Jade Flower, and according to the prior agreement of several people, she is the one to choose first.

The three of them worked together, and she enjoyed the success alone. Not to mention feeling guilty, she felt a little embarrassed after all.

However, this flower is related to the eternal life of the road, and she will never give in.

Yue Shenxiu had this realization, but she was afraid that Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan would snatch it away.

The agreement between the two parties is just a word, even if it is a vow, how binding can it be.

What benevolence, credibility, and character can be compared with pure Yang Jade Qinghua?

Yue Shenxiu didn't dare to think about it. She couldn't tell what would happen if she were Gao Xian.

Yue Shenxiu knew how powerful Gao Xian was, and he was really as powerful as thunder, and he was invincible.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan join forces, she has no chance of winning, and the best outcome is to run away in panic.

The three of them are all extremely smart people, and everyone understands each other's thoughts.

Therefore, the atmosphere became silent and tense.

It was Gao Xian who broke the silence. He said to Yun Qingxuan: "Brother, we are not very lucky."

Yun Qingxuan nodded silently. This matter was indeed beyond her expectations and very different from her feelings about the future.

Destiny is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is normal for her to feel wrong.

Gao Xianzhuan smiled and said to Yue Shenxiu: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist."

Yue Shenxiu shook his head slightly and sighed. It would be inappropriate to say anything.

Since Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan don't want to fall out, it is undoubtedly the best outcome for her.

At this moment, she also admired Gao Xian's character. He could actually resist the temptation of Pure Yang Jade Flower!

Yue Shenxiu's body was shining with spiritual light, and she was about to get the Pure Yang Jade Flower. At this time, Gao Xian suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute."

Yue Shenxiu's eyes narrowed, and the Tianzhu Jizhen Divine Treasure hidden deep in her sea of ​​consciousness emerged.

This magical urn is the most precious treasure of the Wanfeng Sect, and it is also the fundamental divine urn of the Tianzhu Jizhen Sutra. With this divine urn, it can oversee the transformation of 360 spiritual urns.

With these three hundred and sixty spiritual vessels, the combinations are endless.

Yue Shenxiu's cultivation level is too shallow after all. With this divine instrument in hand, he can barely exert its power to one or two hundredths.

Gao Xian suddenly stopped him. Although he didn't show any murderous intent, it made her instinctively alert.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be nervous."

Gao Xian naturally saw Yue Shenxiu's caution, and he said seriously: "I think there is something wrong with this flower."

"Huh?" Yue Shenxiu looked confused. She was also a first-grade golden elixir and didn't see anything wrong. Where did Gao Xian see the problem?

"There is no problem in the Pure Yang Pure Spirit Flower growing in the most filthy place."

Gao Xian said with a thoughtful expression, "The Yin dragon we killed earlier was too easy. The fourth-order Yin dragon has nothing left."

Yue Shenxiu was a little impatient: "Fellow Taoist, tell me what you have to say."

"I feel like everything in front of me is an illusion."

Gao Xian said as he held the hilt of his sword and released the fierce and unparalleled sword intent. Yue Shenxiu immediately activated the Tianzhu Jizhen Divine Talisman, and a transparent light curtain formed by the spiritual light of the talisman stood in front of her like a shield.

The Nine-curved Dragon Shield lays a Nine-curved light shield around the body, completely covering the true body.

All attacks will be refracted by the Nine Curved Light Shield and cannot directly touch her.

Yue Shenxiu immediately realized that something was wrong. Gao Xian urged her to use his sword to force her to retreat to protect herself. This was actually to force her to fire the Red Sun Bullet.

A bit of red gold light cut through the darkness and fell on the golden nine-petal flower. The red gold flames steamed and spewed out, blasting the golden nine-petal flower to pieces.

Yue Shenxiu was furious, Gao Xian was so vicious that if he couldn't get it, he would destroy it!

But she immediately realized something was wrong. The shadow where the red gold flames erupted shook and swayed, like a heavy wave of water rippling.


Yue Shenxiu immediately realized that everything was an illusion, and he even hid the pure and flawless first-grade golden elixir from her.

The red sun bullet has the power to destroy demons, and it is so fierce and fierce that it immediately exposes the illusion with one blow.

Yun Qingxuan also showed surprise. Although she did not have the magical power of a first-grade golden elixir, she could illuminate all things with her talent. She did not see anything wrong with the golden flower.

As the invisible water rippled, she vaguely saw a huge transparent insect inside.

This bug looks somewhat like a cockroach or a crab. Its eight long legs are divided into several sections. Its body shell is in the shape of a hard carapace, and the shell is covered with long hairs.

Each hair is hundreds of feet long, floating in the air like a curtain or a barrier, covering most of the void, and making those who look at it feel cold in their hearts.

What on earth is such a weird giant insect?

Yue Shenxiu shouted in a low voice: "Thousand Illusion Mirages are one of the 360 ​​kinds of natural evil spirits. They are best at transforming and confusing all living beings.

"As long as we keep our minds intact, it will do no harm..."

The huge transparent bug suddenly sprayed out a puff of white gas, and the billowing white gas covered a radius of hundreds of miles.

Although Gao Xian escaped instantly, he was still covered in white energy.

He knew something was wrong, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The changes of the Thousand Illusion Mirages are strange, and the range of its magic power is too large. Even if True Lord Nascent Soul is here, he may not be able to escape.

Such a huge bug makes me sick just looking at it.

Gao Xian had just been blessed by Sister Lan and had a clear sword heart with a first-grade sword elixir, so he faintly realized something was wrong.

The purity and flawlessness of a first-grade golden elixir is only relative. It is difficult to see through powerful evil spirits such as Thousand Illusions and Demonic Mirages.

Of course, this was because when they saw the Pure Yang Jade Flower, they were so excited that they couldn't notice any subtle differences in it.

Gao Xian separated the white air and flew outward. He flew like this for a while but still couldn't escape the range of the white air.

Even his flower appreciating mirror cannot see through the gauze-like white air, and his spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate it.

"It's been flying for so long, two thousand miles..."

Gao Xian felt something was wrong, he must be trapped in a mirage. Otherwise, he would have been thousands of miles away.

Only this Thousand Illusion Mirage could cover such a wide range unless it was of the fifth level.

If this were to be the case, the Thousand Illusions Mirage could directly invade their souls and control their consciousness with their divine consciousness, so there would be no need for such trouble.

After Gao Xian flew for a while, he saw the mist billowing in front of him, and a woman as beautiful as a fairy emerged from the air.

The woman's face immediately lit up with joy when she saw Gao Xian. Just before she opened her mouth to speak, a bit of red gold divine light had already penetrated into her chest.

The red gold flames exploded, blowing the woman's vagina into wisps of white smoke.

Gao Xian secretly scolded Qian Huan Demon Mirage for being a fool. If he brought up a beautiful woman in a place like this, even a fool would know something was wrong.

However, this is also his chance.

If Qian Illusion Demon Mirage is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, it is extremely wise. Then how can he break the illusion?

Gao Xian flew for a while and met a tall man again. Gao Xian threw a red sun bomb without saying anything.

The power of the red sun bullet can restrain evil spirits and filth, and it also has a certain restraint effect on illusions.

Thousands of phantoms are constantly changing into various images, including dragons, snakes, beasts, fairies and demons, and all kinds of strange things.

No matter what Gao Xian encountered, he would just hit it with red sun bullets.

After spending more than ten days in this way, Gao Xian had two first-grade golden elixirs, which could barely absorb the spiritual energy in this filthy place. He also had various elixirs to replenish his vitality, so he could hold on.

But if he continues to be entangled like this, he can't escape from the illusion at all. Unless you use clone positioning to move away.

However, Yun Qingxuan was still in the illusion, so he couldn't just leave him alone and run away.

And Yue Shenxiu is finally a friend. He would also help if he could.

Moreover, he was still thinking about Chunyang Jade Qinghua. You can't just run away!

Gao Xian made up his mind, but he calmed down.

After another two days of wandering, suddenly the clouds in front of me turned, and Yue Shenxiu appeared in a golden light.

The golden light on Yueshenxiu's body is outlined by millions of runes, like a huge golden cloak, which looks quite majestic.

Gao Xian was not polite and gave him a red sun bullet when he met him.

Yue Shenxiu flicked his fingers, and a magic talisman flew out like a sword, and turned into a dense water net in mid-air, wrapping the Chiyang Bullet heavily.

The burst of red gold flames disappeared together with the dense water network.

Seeing such a mysterious spell, Gao Xian was sure that the other party was not an illusion.

He said in surprise: "I have found my Taoist friend. Does my Taoist friend have any way to break the illusion?

Since Yue Shenxiu knows the Thousand Fantasy Mirage, he should also know how to decipher the illusion it creates, or know the flaws and flaws of this thing.

"The Thousand Illusions Demon Mirage has been here for who knows how long. It has swallowed the Nine Netherworld Demonic Energy day and night, and has become one with the Nine Netherworld Abyss. Only by destroying its Yin God can we escape from the illusion."

Yue Shenxiu was silent for a while and said: "If I can activate the yin and yang separation and union divine light talisman in the Tianzhu Jizhen Divine Barrel, I can separate the forms and spirits of the thousands of illusory demons and mirages and break this illusion."

Gao Xian saw that Yue Shenxiu was in a bit of a dilemma, and he said sternly: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry too much. Just tell me what you need me to do."

Yue Shenxiu showed a rare hesitation: "This talisman is extremely difficult and complicated, and my consciousness and magic power are not enough to activate it. I have to borrow the power of fellow Taoists."

"Oh, how can I borrow it?" Gao Xian asked.

"You need to use the method of harmonizing the yin and yang of the soul."

Yue Shenxiu said with a look of determination in his bright eyes. Only by breaking the illusion can he get the Pure Yang Jade Flower.

She has paid a huge cost for this and must not give up halfway. As for the rest, they are all small details, so you don’t need to pay too much attention to them.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. The harmony of yin and yang in the soul is the method of divine friendship. This is an extremely brilliant dual cultivation method.

Ordinary dual cultivation involves physical unity and harmony, and then reaches the level of spiritual and soul integration. But few people can reach this state.

Directly using the soul to harmonize the yin and yang, this is a hundred times more intimate than physical intercourse. No wonder Yue Shenxiu was in such trouble.

Gao Xian said with emotion: "I am perfect in body and soul, and my essence and blood are strong. Fellow Taoist, just use it..."

Yue Shenxiu looked weird, Gao Xian was truly worthy of being Master Fengyue, what he said was beautiful! !

(First update, please vote for me)

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