Tai Ning looked at the smiling Gao Xian and had to admit that this man had a particularly good-looking smile. On the other hand, she felt very tired.

She has never met such a difficult guy since she was a child.

Now that everything was laid out and explained, she was waiting for the other party to reply, but the other party had a mysterious smile on her face, which made her particularly uncomfortable.

She really wished she could take out Gao Xian's heart and see what was going on inside!

Fortunately, more than two hundred years of practice have given her a deep enough city. He can still look calm on his face.

Gao Xian suddenly stood up and said: "This matter is of great importance, and I have to think about it. Let's meet on the Tianwu Stage tomorrow and give you an answer then."

Without waiting for Tai Ning to speak, Gao Xian bowed his hands and left calmly.

Tai Ning watched Gao Xian leave, hesitating for a moment before raising his hand to give him a gift.

Fan Qingyuan came back after a while. She saw that Tai Ning looked calm and showed no signs of anger or anger, so she knew something was not going well. If the negotiation is really successful, Tai Ning will definitely be happier.

Fan Qingyuan asked tentatively: "Uncle, is everything going well?"

"This guy is deep and a bit troublesome."

Tai Ning thought for a moment and said, "Please keep the Great Five Elements Exterminating Divine Sword for me. It may still be useful."

"It's natural."

Fan Qingyuan said: "Few people can afford this kind of artifact. Those who can afford it won't buy it."

She knew that Tai Ning was a difficult person, so she didn't dare to show off her cleverness in such a trivial matter. She made her words clear to avoid the other party thinking that she wanted a favor.

"Thank you Qingyuan, you helped me a lot this time."

Tai Ning was in a bad mood, but he didn't say anything to Fan Qingyuan and thanked him politely. After chatting for a few more times, they left Wanbao Tower.

After returning to his cave, Tai Ning thought about it for a long time and finally decided not to go to his ancestor Zhenying. If the Patriarch really wanted to help her, he would have helped her get the Tianyinjian of the True King of Ten Directions a long time ago, so why go to such trouble.

It would be of little use to ask anyone else about this matter. If Taiyuan had the ability to defeat Gao Xian, he would risk his life to win without her having to explain.

As for Taicheng, this person is so stubborn that there is no way he can let her down on the Tianwu Platform. It's useless to talk to him.

If Gao Xian doesn't agree, then we can only see if he has the ability to take first place!

Taining took out a jade ruler to measure the sky. The changes in yin and yang in this ruler naturally restrain the changes in the five elements. I heard that Gao Xian is also good at swordsmanship, and her one-yuan two-phase robe is enough to restrain the changes in swordsmanship.

In fact, she had an advantage in all aspects, but no matter how she calculated, her chances of winning were extremely low, which forced her to go to Gao Xian to negotiate terms.

Gao Xian avoided answering, which made her even more anxious... How about contacting Qing Le?

Tai Ningzhuan also felt that it was inappropriate that she and Qing Le had no friendship. On the contrary, the two of them were somewhat incompatible. Although they are all polite on the surface, they all know that the other person is not from the same group as themselves, and they are quite repulsive to each other in their hearts.

Qing Ledu slept with Gao Xian, and with her virtue, she would only fall in love with Gao Xian. However, Gao Xian must ask Qing Le.

She felt that Gao Xian was a smart man and would not act out of emotion on such a big matter. After weighing the pros and cons, he should still cooperate with her. Otherwise, everyone can only break up...

In Lanfangzhai, Gao Xianzheng and Qingle asked for advice.

"What's the situation with the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing"?

Qing Le was a little helpless: "If I knew, I would have told you, how could I hide it?"

She said: "I went to the Patriarch Zhenye for advice. He is close to my Patriarch and has always been kind to me."

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Gao Xian is no longer polite now. Of course he has to use his connections. Double cultivation with women is not only for cultivation, but also an important means to expand your network.

Qing Le’s connections, aren’t they his connections!

Gao Xian warned again: "Ask me clearly about the True King Tianyin Jian of the Ten Directions."

Qing Le rolled her eyes at Gao Xian, this man was really rude when he ordered her around. This matter is indeed very important, she really needs to ask clearly.

When Qing Le left, Gao Xian thought about it in his mind and still felt uneasy.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light is of great importance. If Tai Ning did not lie to him, then he would still have to obtain the Positive and Negative Great Five Elements Hunyuan Jing. This is related to his great cause of enlightenment and there is no room for sloppiness.

Gao Xian immediately left Xuanming City quietly, and he activated the Great Universe Movement Talisman to come to the Immortality Sect.

The Immortality Sect has made great efforts to deal with the Tianhua Sect and has done many bad things for thousands of years. Because of this, Lu Xuanji must know the Tianhua Sect and the Great Five Elements Sect very well. It would be appropriate to ask her about this matter.

If that doesn't work, we can only go to Yue Wanfeng. This matter was so important that he had to ask clearly.

With the token given by Lu Xuanji, he can activate the teleportation array of the Immortality Sect. With the token, he came to the Hall of Immortality unimpeded.

Lu Xuanji received the summons from Gao Xian and was already waiting for him in the main hall.

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Lu Xuanji was not in a good mood. Gao Xian really didn't treat her as an outsider and came whenever he wanted!

Lu Xuanji was casually wearing an apricot Taoist robe, his long hair was as loose as clouds and was not tied into a bun, and his bare feet were without shoes or socks.

Lu Xuanji in this state is like a woman at home, mature, sexy but also a bit lazy, full of charm.

Gao Xian knew that this was just the condensed body of the soul, but he still couldn't help but take a second look. For the Taoist Transformation God, condensing the soul into the body can also transform the void into reality. However, the body is completely shaped by mana and has no foundation, but it is very different from the real body.

He didn't dare to look further. He was not qualified to tease Lu Xuanji now. He apologized and said politely: "I have met Mr. Dao. I really have something urgent to ask of you, and I ask for your forgiveness..."

"What?" Lu Xuanji asked casually as she didn't think Gao Xian could do anything important.

"Someone must first practice the Great Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra before they can practice the Great Five Elements Divine Light. Lord Dao, do you know if this is true or not?"

"That's right."

Lu Xuanji looked at Gao Xian with a strange expression, "You don't know how to reverse the Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra?"

"I've never heard of this secret technique, how could it be possible!" Gao Xian was also a little unhappy. Lu Xuanji didn't explain such a big thing clearly.

"No, if you don't know how to reverse the Great Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra, how can you condense it into Nascent Soul?"

Lu Xuanji shook his head: "I can clearly sense the positive and negative movement of the five elements in you..."

"What I practice is the Great Five Elements Kung Fu and the Five Elements Combined Qi Method." Gao Xian explained.

"It should be two secret techniques separated from the positive and negative Great Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra..."

After all, Lu Xuanji was the Taoist Lord of Transformation. She immediately figured out the connection. She said to Gao Xian: "The secret law inheritance of the Great Five Elements Sect is scattered. It is normal for this situation to occur."

"You don't need to panic. With your current attainments in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, as long as you can attain Taoism and Transformation into God, you will definitely be able to practice the Great Five Elements Divine Light."

Gao Xian asked some more questions about the Great Five Elements Sect, including some situations of Xuanming Sect. Although Lu Xuanji was a little impatient, he still suppressed his temper and explained to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was also discerning and took the initiative to leave before Lu Xuanji's patience ran out.

Returning to Xuanming City through the teleportation array, Gao Xian paid another ten pieces of high-grade spiritual stone teleportation fee. He has so much money that he doesn't care about this kind of consumption at all, and it's not even enough for him to record it in his ledger.

Back at Lanfangzhai, Qingle had not returned yet, so Gao Xian sat down on a chair on the corridor. The sun was setting, and sitting in the yard he could see the red clouds all over the sky.

The quiet orchids beside the wall are a bit more gorgeous under the bright red light.

Gao Xian looked at the blooming orchids and gradually relaxed.

Somehow I remembered what Lao Wang said, when you look at this flower, the color of the flower becomes clear for a moment.

Just now he was too busy with calculations to enjoy the scenery. Now he will let go and see the beauty of the sunset, the beauty of orchids, and the beauty of heaven and earth.

There is no need for him to be anxious, the initiative is now in his hands. In this battle, he was already invincible. Now it’s just a matter of seeing how we can get more…

When Qing Le came back, it was already dark, and she found Gao Xian making tea on the verandah, looking relaxed and leisurely. Qingle was a little anxious at first, but when she saw Gao Xian's appearance, she naturally relaxed.

"Drink tea..."

Gao Xian poured a cup of tea for Qing Le and gently moved it in front of Qing Le with two fingers. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Qing Le looked at Gao Xian curiously: "Why do you feel like you have changed?"

"I suddenly realized it."

Gao Xian naturally held Qing Lesu's hand, "I always want to control everything, but in fact, there is no need to do so. The world is so vast, and there will always be times when I can't reach it."

The words were a little depressing, but Gao Xian acted calmly and calmly, with a free and easy atmosphere that was uninhibited by all things.

Qing Le nodded. Although cultivators must strive to be the first, they should not just strive to be the first. They should also be broad-minded, thoughtful, talented and wise.

Gao Xian, who is not so utilitarian, truly has a heaven-like magnanimity and charm that convinces people. This is also the most important reason why she likes Gao Xian.

The two of them just held hands quietly in the night, feeling each other, feeling a calm but long-lasting joy, which was closer than the lingering intimacy in the bedroom.

Gao Xian thought this feeling was good, but he was a little afraid of indulging in it. He took the initiative to break the silence and said, "Is there any result?"

The beautiful calm was broken as soon as he opened his mouth. Qing Le glared at Gao Xian with some dissatisfaction. The brief moment of peaceful communication just now was the best feeling in her life.

She used to like Gao Xian, but she liked his handsomeness and humor, and also admired his strong cultivation and his clear-cut character.

This is just like it. Until they held hands silently just now, she felt the unreasonable fit between the two, the resonance of two people staying together and understanding each other, and life seemed to have become complete because of it.

This dreamlike beauty was destroyed by Gao Xian's words. She had to return to reality to consider the pros and cons and various issues.

Qingle sighed softly. She also knew that she could not indulge in that kind of beauty, because it would lose her upward spirit. Even lose the courage to face reality...

"The positive and negative Great Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra is originally the true secret method of the Great Five Elements Sect. The Great Five Elements Kung Fu that is currently circulated is the foundation part of the Hunyuan Sutra..."

Gao Xian nodded slightly. Qing Le's statement was slightly different from Lu Xuanji's, but the essence was the same.

Including the Great Five Elements Kung Fu taught by Xuan Hua, it should also be part of the Hunyuan Sutra. Just because the inheritance is scattered, the names have changed.

With his master-level Great Five Elements Kung Fu, coupled with Sister Lan's Five Elements Heqi Technique, he can already operate the positive and negative magic changes of the five elements.

In this way, he does not need the "Hunyuan Jing of the Five Elements".

Therefore, there is no need to care about Tai Ning's threat.

Gao Xian asked again: "Is there any other way to get the treasure on the ninth floor of Bai Yujing?"

"According to the sect's rules, you can go to the ninth floor of Bai Yujing to exchange for treasures after completing the earth-level good deeds. However, these tasks are extremely difficult, and even the Taoist Transformation God may not be able to complete them..."

Qing Le actually knew this very well. After all, she was a direct descendant of the Xuan Ming Sect and had done many good deeds for the sect.

The good deeds and tasks of the Xuanming Sect are divided into three levels: heaven, earth, and human beings. The human level is further divided into ten levels: A, B, C, and D.

Generally speaking, the tasks on the earth level are prepared for the Taoist Lord of Transformation. For the Taoist Hua Shen Daojun, these tasks are also very difficult.

Of course, Nascent Soul Lord can try to complete it, but the risk is huge. Few people take this risk.

Qing Le was very thorough in his work and even took a copy of the mission book for the heaven and earth levels of the Shanggong Hall.

Gao Xian looked through it, and sure enough, both the heaven and earth level tasks were very difficult. Among them, there was also the search for the seventh-level God Xiao Qingyun Immortal Clothes, which was listed as a heaven-level mission, and the rewards given were extremely generous, which made him jealous.

He couldn't help but think that Lianyun Sect's good deeds and missions also included Shenxiao Qingyun Immortal Clothes, which was quite ridiculous to say. Just by relying on the Lianyun Sect, if they really want to get the Shenxiao Qingyun Immortal Clothes, the small sect will be completely wiped out immediately.

This kind of peerless artifact is not something that the Jindan Sect can care about.

Having said that, if he could get the real Shenxiao Qingyun Immortal Clothes, he would be able to exchange them for the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. Of course, the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel should not be in the hands of the Xuanming Sect.

Gao Xian looked through it and already knew it in his mind. He put away the task book and said to Qing Le: "Hard work, hard work."

After saying that, he stood up and dragged Qing Le towards the room. Qing Le's cheeks were slightly red and she said with some resistance: "What are you doing?"

"To comfort you..."

"Need not!"

"I'll help you improve your cultivation. Your opponent, Wan Qingxia, has great swordsmanship. By the way, I'll teach you how to fight against sword cultivators..."

This reason was so good that Qing Le couldn't resist at all, so he was dragged into the room by Gao Xian.

The next day, Qing Le walked out of the room full of energy, followed by Gao Xian who was wearing a golden lotus crown and white clothes. He was also full of energy and did not look like he had been busy all night.

Gao Xian called Qingqing, and the three of them ate some various spiritual fruits on the balcony table. These were all collected by Gao Xian, and each fruit was at least fourth grade and of extremely high quality.

To be honest, even the ordinary Yuanying Zhenjun can't afford it.

Several kinds of fruits are combined to complete the colorful fruit plate, and paired with a pot of tea, it can not only replenish energy but also adjust the body and mind.

It's not that Nascent Soul Lord doesn't eat, it's just that they eat high-level spiritual rice and high-level monster meat. When you reach the level of Nascent Soul, everything you eat must undergo secondary complex processing.

This requires a large number of low-level cultivators, as well as specialized talents who master relevant skills. Low-level practitioners serve high-level practitioners, and high-level practitioners protect low-level practitioners.

Gao Xian directly plundered a large amount of resources so that he could easily enjoy these high-level resources.

The three of them chatted for a while, adjusted themselves, and then went to Tianwu Terrace together after seeing that the time was almost up.

Tianwu Terrace is located on Yuntai Mountain. In fact, Chunyang Daojun cut the mountain in half and forcibly created a huge platform. The Taixu Zhoutian Illusory Sky Formation was also blessed on this huge platform, making the mountain strong enough to withstand the battles of high-level cultivators.

The Xuanming Sect has a cave where true disciples are tested, but it will not be open to so many outsiders, the Nascent Soul Lord.

Qing Le has been to Tianwu Terrace several times and is quite familiar with it. It was close to noon when the three of them arrived, and many Nascent Soul Lords had already arrived around Tianwu Platform.

Only eight Nascent Souls actually participated in the battle, and most of the others came to watch the fun. There are also those who cheer for relatives and friends.

Gao Xian took a look and saw that there were tens of thousands of people who came to watch the battle this time, and most of them were golden elixirs. There are also a small number of Nascent Soul Lords.

So many high-level cultivators gathered together, but they seemed sparse and had no sense of presence.

The main reason is that the Tianwu Tower is too big, with tens of thousands of people surrounding it, making it inconspicuous.

Gao Xian turned his eyes and saw Tai Ning standing side by side with Tai Yuan. She still looked the same, wearing a silver hibiscus crown, lake blue Taoist robe, and holding a crystal jade ruler in her left hand. Standing quietly in the air, there is gentleness and tranquility between the brows.

Tai Ning sensed Gao Xian's gaze and bowed her head from a distance. Gao Xian returned the favor politely.

Tai Ning was a little unsure about what Gao Xian meant. She used her spiritual consciousness to transmit her voice and asked, "Fellow Taoist, do you have any explanation?"

Gao Xian smiled gracefully: "Fellow Taoist, I have a suggestion."


"Fellow Taoist, please give me the positive and negative Great Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra and the Great Five Elements Exterminating Divine Sword. I can leave the True King of the Ten Directions Tianyinjian alone..."

Tai Ning's eyes narrowed, "What does Gao Xian mean?" Is this threatening her? (End of chapter)

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