The Great Master of Illusion in Naruto World

Chapter 766: : Angry women are the most terrible!

"Huh?" The expression of the pocket hiding in the dark was taken aback. At that moment, he could not sense Madara's soul.

"Even if the cells of the first generation of Hokage are added, can they not recover in a short time after the attack?" Dou lowered his head and said to himself. Through the eyes of the second generation Dokage, I saw the power of ninjutsu released by the trio of Kurama, Itachi, and Jiraiya. To be honest, he felt like he was going to die at that moment.

"It turns out that you still played such a hand!" Kunma Xiangmeng floated in the air, looking condescendingly at the pharmacist's pocket and said: "It is indeed an amazing innovation to use interpillar cells to make Madara a body."

"This can be found by you!" The pharmacist raised his head, looking helplessly at Kurama Xiangmeng and said.

"Fortunately, it didn't take much time to dig you." Kunma Xiangmeng smiled, and his expression was very relaxed.

The pharmacist squinted his eyes and asked in a more serious tone: "So, are you still going to stop me?"

"Yes! Who made you blaspheme the undead!" Kunma Xiangmeng nodded, a bag of justice.

"I should have said it before! Conspirators like me are not used to being stared at. Moreover, I am not so easy to fail." Four pythons emerged from the back of the pocket, spitting out letters with their heads up toward the dream of Kurama. .

"Looking at the movements of those snakes, you seem to be able to perceive me!" The pommel box door tilted his head for a moment, and then suddenly said: "You are planning to use the snake's perception of body temperature and smell to sense my existence! Really! incredible."

"Unexpectedly, you know a lot, but at this level, you can't beat me!" Dou lowered his head and said with both hands Jieyin: "This is my home court, and nature is my comrade-in-arms."

"Huh? These snakes can still get bigger!" Kunma Xiangmeng said in surprise.

With a smile, under his control, four giant pythons rushed towards the Kunma Xiangmeng in the air, and when they approached, they opened their mouths as if they were about to swallow the rural dream.

"That's not enough!" A large number of wind blades appeared on the whole body of Kurama Xiangmeng. After the python rushed up, these wind blades swept down, directly scraping the skin and meat of the four pythons, and Yao Shidou took this opportunity to hide it again. .

Kunma Xiangmeng frowned slightly, and said uncomfortably: "When are you going to hide and hide like a mouse?! If you can't beat it, why don't you just come out and die? You die happily, and I'll save trouble!"

"Isn't that the ninja world?" Hiding in the dark, a voice came from all directions: "Whether it is Uchiha Madara or you."

"It seems that you don't want to die properly!" Kun Ma Xiangmeng narrowed his eyes, and his tone became cold.

"After the death of the first generation of Naruto Senjuma, you are the most suitable person to be the second generation of Naruto!" Said leisurely, "Even the first minister of the Anbu established by Senjuma is you. People."

"Little devil, do you know how terrifying it is to provoke a powerful woman?" Kurama Xiangmeng was silent for a moment, while Jieyin asked.

"Huh?" Pharmacist trembled all over, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"Fairy mode, open!" Kunma Xiangmeng's aura changed, and the pear flower mark appeared on his forehead. The next moment, she turned to look at the location of the medicine master's pocket, smiled and said, "I found you!"

The pharmacist was taken aback, and before he could react, he was delayed by hundreds of wind blades. But Kunma Xiangmeng frowned slightly when he looked at a pile of minced pharmacist pockets, and said a little disgustingly: "You fellow, the disgusting energy radiating from your body should go to Earth Dragon Cave!"

"This is natural energy," the six giant pythons drilled out of the ground, leaning on the stone pillars and looking at Kurama Xiangmeng, "I learned it from the White Snake Immortal with all my energy. Now I am transformed into a perfect immortal. mode!"

"Ha, are you incomprehensible about the fairy model?" Kurama Xiangmeng waved his hand, and thousands of wind blades swept over. But no matter how the six pythons evaded, they were all cut by these magical wind blades. After a while, five of the giant pythons fell to the ground and died, and the remaining one was also injured. This made Pharmacist's pockets dignified, obviously he had sensed the route of Feng Blade's attack, but he could not completely avoid it.

"Can't you just listen to me and finish what I said?" Hurrying out of the python's belly, Yao Shi's pocket appeared in front of Kurama Xiangmeng with a brand-new image. Four horns grew on his head and a snake was still dragged in his abdomen. body.

Kunma Xiangmeng got goose bumps all over his body when he saw the shape of the pharmacist's pocket. He couldn't help but shoot. At that moment, the pharmacist saw the vast wind blades filled the sky like stars: "What qualifications do you have to talk to me about the fairy mode? Go to hell! The wind escapes the sands of the Ganges!"

Pharmacist Tuo was like a snake, wandering fast on the ground, always avoiding it just right. Countless wind blades plowed the land over and over again, cutting this forest into a basin. Facing such a large number of wind blades, the pharmacist has already reached the point where it is inevitable. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he activated the hydration technique, directly turning his body into liquid, letting the wind blade hit him.

"The secret technique of the ghost lamp family?" Kurama Xiangmeng noticed, and she quickly completed the seal with her hands: "Fire escape is full of stars!" Embroidered mouth spat, tens of thousands of sparks attached to the wind blade.

"Damn it!" Yao Shidou naturally saw this scene, his expression changed, and he opened his mouth to spit out several huge cobwebs. These cobwebs overlapped each other and blocked the baptism of the wind and fire blade of the Kunma Xiangmeng for a short time.

"Huh, it's useless!" Kunma Xiangmeng snapped his fingers, and thousands of wind and fire blades were pieced together into a spear, and he stabbed the spider web below. The defense of the pharmacist's pocket is like a piece of paper, and it will be broken with a poke!

However, at that instant the ninjutsu of the pharmacist pocket was also completed: "The magic of the magic of the white spirit!"

I saw a group of dragon-shaped energy grabbing a bead and flying out, emitting dazzling white light and strong vibrations in mid-air. Kunma Xiangmeng immediately rose a lot, but it was still pierced by the white light, and he subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

"There are more snake hands in the hidden shadow!" The pharmacist raised his hand at the Kunma Xiangmeng in the air, dozens of venomous snakes flew over, trapped the Kunma Xiangmeng, opened their mouths, and constantly injected toxins.

"Finally caught you!" Yao Shi couldn't help but laugh when he saw that the dream of Kurama was restrained. He took out a piece of talisman paper, and as long as the talisman paper was pressed into the head of Kurama Xiangmeng, he could control this woman. Just like the Oshe Maru in Konoha's collapse plan, it controlled the first and second generations of Hokage through talisman paper.

"This is" Kunma Xiangmeng frowned slightly, and she felt that her body seemed a little unwilling.

"This is my improved snake venom, which can paralyze the nerves and make people unable to move in a short time. To deal with you, I have increased the dose!" The pharmacist pushed his eyes around and said with a smile.

"Is that so? That's really troublesome!" Kunma Xiangmeng said with a sigh.

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