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Ming Jing stood in front of Itachi and suddenly asked, "Itachi, we have known each other for so many years, have we ever joined forces?"

"Never." Itachi thought for a while, shook his head and said.

"Then, do you think this guy is worthy of the two of us?" Ming Jing pointed to the spot and said, "The guy who is as famous as the original Naruto, the reputation is enough. Known as the **** of Uchiha, the strength is enough."

"That said, he is indeed worthy of our joint efforts." Itachi stood up, smiled and nodded.

"You two?" Madara sneered and said, "Is he young, or is the lesson just given to you not enough to wake you up?"

"I think it's very interesting." Ming Jing looked at Madara and said with a smile. "You don't seem to tell us that you know most of the ninjutsu and blood inheritance limits in this world, and you are not only familiar with it, you also know What are the shortcomings of these ninjutsu."

"That's it," Itachi said suddenly, "it's no wonder that our attacks were either absorbed or destroyed."

"So, we just have to fight like Tsunade-sama, using ninjutsu that Madara doesn't know." Ming Jing nodded and added.

"A good idea, you can try it." Madara narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Standing behind Ming Jing, Itachi suddenly spit out "Fire Dunge·Fire Dragon Fireball!"

Ming Spiegel also completed Jieyin in an instant "Wind Escape·Big Storm!"

Combining the two, the wind helps the fire! In the blink of an eye, it became an erupting volcano, pushing towards Madara. With the help of this technique, Itachi threw out hundreds of kunai in an instant. Madara was still lazy to avoid such a terrible combination of ninjutsu, and he directly turned on Suzuo Nohu to resist. But in the next second, Ming Jing's figure appeared behind Madara, and he held the kunai thrown by Itachi with one hand, and turned it over with Lei Dun and cut it with a knife. Only heard "Bah!", the thunder and lightning broke out, cutting out Madara's Suzano.

Madara drew out the energetic sword and slashed it horizontally, and the few remaining mountain packs around were cut flat. Facing this kind of slash, Ming Jing resolutely chose to avoid it, and Itachi appeared behind him holding Yata Kyou. "Boom!" With a loud noise, Madara slashed on Yata Mirror. The sound waves caused by the collision between the two directly shattered the surrounding stone stumps.

"Humph!" Ban Leng snorted, releasing an energy arm, condensing Taidao and slashing over without hesitation.

"Wind Escape·Downward Tornado!" Ming Jing completed the knot printing with one hand, and a tornado fell from the sky, slamming it on the Chakra Taito, like a giant stepping on the ground with one foot.

"Fire Escape·Dragon Spit Technique!" Itachi took a breath, his chest bulged, and he spit out abruptly. A tongue of fire sprang out like a missile, sending Suzuo Nenghu out.

"Come out for me!" Ming Jing ran over, holding his fist against Madara in the air, as if he had grasped something, and then he yanked back forcefully, unexpectedly pulling Madara out of Susano.

Just when Madara was about to fight back, a water dragon entwined with thunder and lightning sprang out from the side, and rushed Madara away. Ming Jing was taken aback, this scene seemed a bit familiar! He turned his head and looked, and found that the fourth generation Raikage was pressing one hand on Terumi Mei's shoulder, and Terumi Mei was maintaining Jieyin. Noting Ming Jing's gaze, the Five Dynasties Shui Ying immediately shouted "Ninfa·Thunder Water Dragon Ball!"

Madara was caught off guard, and he flew out upside down, falling into a pile of sand with a "bang!" Gaara controlled the sand to wrap the squad layer by layer, and Jilai stood not far away, holding his hands together to maintain the seal "Toad Pro Sing·Sacred Music Confinement Room!" I saw four big toads wearing armor and holding long weapons. Falling from the sky, each stretched out a paw and pressed it forward, and a huge translucent cube closed the entire pile of sand inside.

Madara couldn't move under the pressure of the sand, and then he felt the world quiet, he could not hear the slightest sound, and for a while he couldn't even confirm whether he was lying or standing.

"Illusion?" Madara was a little surprised, how did he feel that when he woke up, the ninjas all over the world were using illusion? Is the mantle of Kurama Country Dream spread so well? But this ability can't help him Uchiha Madara!

"We trapped him, old man, hurry up!" Seeing that Madara was trapped, Jilaiya immediately shouted.

"I see, don't rush!" Oh Yemu replied irritably. He finished Jieyin with both hands and pressed it to the ground, only to see hundreds of seal spells appearing on the sand. Onoki gritted his teeth and kept typing in Chakra. As long as these spells were connected in series, the seal was completed.

But at this moment, the sand pile was like a heart, with a "boom!" beating.

"Quickly retreat!" Ming Jing was startled and immediately flew to the sky. Itachi opened the Yata Mirror and placed it in front, protecting Tsunade behind him. In the next second, two rays of blue light pierced the sand pile, then turned clockwise, and cut everything around with a sound of "Huh!", including Itachi's Yata Mirror!

"What?!" Itachi's expression changed. He had never thought that Yata Kagami would be cut off.

"What a daze!" Tsunade came out from behind Itachi, smashed the covered mountain with a punch, and then she said, "There is no perfect ninjutsu in the world, but you said this yourself. Any defensiveness. Ninjutsu has been broken one day, so what is surprising."

"I understand, sorry." Itachi nodded, adjusted his state and prepared to continue fighting.

Madara turned on Susano and came out, facing the five shadows and the three people scattered around him, he directly threw three small black balls, he glanced at the people indifferently and said, "Since you like seals so much, Then I will just seal you up!"

"What's that?" Terumi Ming asked with some confusion. As soon as the voice fell, I felt the stones under my feet trembling.

"It's the star of the earth!" Itachi said solemnly.

"It was this technique that ruined the village of Konoha! But when Tendo Payne released one, Madara could release three at once?!" Tsunade looked at the three black **** floating in the sky with an ugly expression. Said.

"Damn, what should I do?" The fourth generation of Raikage's legs seemed to be nailed, and in front of the huge suction, he stood firmly on the spot. The five generations of Shui Ying beside him had already controlled the current whip and tied it to the tree stump to stabilize his figure. After all, Terumi Ming's body was much lighter.

"Using the strongest long-range attack ninjutsu, smash the black ball!" Ming Jing shouted while Keiyin. This method is exactly how Itachi and Naruto defeated Nagato's earth-burst star in the original book~www.wuxiaspot .com~So trembling, it's not easy to aim! Terumi Ming tried it, and exclaimed very uncomfortably.

"No need to aim!" Itachi explained, "The black ball has its own adsorption function. As long as it is not thrown behind the back, it will be sucked and hit."

"That's it, I'm ready!" Terumi Ming nodded and said.

Itachi's eyes widened, Suzuo Nenghu opened, and one arm flicked towards the sky, "Yasaka Gouyu!"

Terumi Mei took a breath, pursing her lips, and vomited "Ryudun Ogasawara!"

Onoki pushed forward with both hands "Dust Escape·The Technique of Peeling the Original Realm!"

Jila also raised his head and vomited "Senfa, Fire Dun, Goemon!"

"Sand Spear!" Gaara lifted up with one hand, and a giant spear made of compressed gravel floated up and shot it into the air.

"Feng Dun·Dimensional Slash!" Ming Jing stretched out his arms, and a wind blade with weird waves flew out.

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