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"Unexpectedly still alive" Kakashi looked at the soil, unable to calm down, his tone softened unconsciously.

"Who is he?" Naruto couldn't help but ask at this moment. After all, Kakashi's state was the first time he saw it in so many years.

"His name is Uchiha Daito. The Konoha Ninja who was with us is from the Uchiha clan." Kai let go of Kakashi and said solemnly, "I thought he died in the last war. but"

Kakashi was completely ignorant of Kai and Naruto now. He stared at Daito and asked, "Since I am not dead, why is it until now?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm alive or not." Looking at Kakashi indifferently with the soil, "but also, if you insist on saying the reason, it is because you can't save Lin. So, let's do it!"

When Kakashi heard Dai Tu's words, he immediately remembered the memory he didn't want to look back, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably. Kai, who was next to Kakashi, looked surprised. He knew Kakashi and didn't believe that Kakashi would be the kind of person who left his companions.

"Don't worry, there's more." Taito seemed to be happy to see Kakashi's desperate look. He continued, "Don't show that expression, Kakashi."

"Don't scold me?" Kakashi couldn't help asking.

"Such a boring reality, what's the use of scolding?" Dai Tu waved his hand, looked up at the sky and said, "I am not interested in this world that is about to disappear."

Kai looked at Kakashi worriedly, not knowing how to comfort his friend for a while. After all, he only had a little knowledge of what happened back then. But Naruto did not have these concerns. He directly shouted, "Mr. Kakashi, I don’t know what happened with him, but now is not the time to be depressed! I will ask the details again. The first task now is to stop His actions."

"Kakashi," Kay said, clenching his fists. "Naruto was right. Now the whole world depends on us."

"I have nothing to say to you, in the fetters of reality, go to hell!" With soil on both hands to seal, and at the same time launching the divine power twisting space "Fire escape·Blasting wind flurry!" A flame followed the twisted space and instantly burned to the sound. In front of people, Kakashi and Kay.

"So fast! The range is still so big?!" Kirabi was startled, struggling to get in front of the fourth generation Raikage and Jiraiya.

Kakashi and Kay didn't expect the ninjutsu with soil to be launched so quickly, and the two were too late to guard. At the critical moment, Naruto released the Nine-Tailed Chakra, and nine golden tails emerged, blocking Kakashi and Kay, and dispelling the earthy fire escape.

"Nine-tailed tail!" With the earth watching the nine tails that Naruto burst out, she was a little surprised. At this moment, a figure fell from the sky, "Boom!" The dust dispersed, and Uchiha Madara came out.

There were some more figures beside Naruto at some time, it was Ming Jing, Itachi, Terumi Mei, Tsunade, Ohnogi, and Gaara.

"Are everyone okay?" Naruto asked concerned about the six people who appeared.

"Not very good." Ming Jing tore off her broken clothes, revealing her strong upper body. Although the injury on the shoulder has been treated, it still left a terrible scar. On the other hand, Oh Yemu, who was floating beside Ming Jing, was even more miserable. Not only was one eye swollen, he couldn't open it. The right leg was also severed, and a section of the calf and the sole of the foot were not found.

Itachi's condition is also not very good, his eyes are used too much, now he can only close his eyes and squat on the ground to rest. Terumi Ming’s stockings and hair were burned in half, but her mental state was the best. Gaara is pale, and Chakra consumes the most. He has resisted many of Madara's ninjutsu. Tsunade is in charge of the treatment, and the cost is also not small, otherwise Itachi and Onoki will not be able to persist.

"We are here!" Jilai also opened his eyes and greeted Ming Jing and his group.

"Stop talking, let's take a break, let's fight for a while!" Ming Jing sat down cross-legged and began to recover.

"Lei Ying, can you still hold on?" Ji Lai also asked when looking back at the fourth generation of Lei Ying.

Fourth Generation Raikage opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Of course!"

Turning his head and looking at Madara, he said indifferently, "It is indeed a style to resist the reincarnation technique of the dirty soil."

"Don't talk about it, how come the ink is now?" Madara asked in a cold tone with her arms around her chest.

Brought the dirt and glanced at the extra people on the opposite side, and said angrily, "Isn't it solved?"

"They? A group of incompetent guys are dragging their feet." Madara glanced at the rested Ming Jing and others, and said disdainfully.

"Don't say that! After all, we have been fighting for so long." Jilaiya said helplessly.

Madara ignored Jiraiya directly. He looked at Naruto and suddenly asked, "This is also a shadow clone, where is the deity? Bring dirt."

"This is yes, give it back." Taito did not answer, he took the Uchiha group down and threw it to Madara. Naruto suddenly pulled out the studs that had been pierced on Kirabi's body with nine tails, and threw them at the dirt and spots.

Madara held the Tuan Fan in one hand, and Chakra burst out like a wall blocking him and Daitu. The next moment, nine pillars of nails smashed over and crashed down the wall, splashing a lot of dust. Madara was about to fight back when he heard a roar from the Golem on the side. Madara frowned slightly and asked, "With soil, did you start the plan without waiting for Yao and Kyuubi?"

Bringing the soil was silent, and Madara glanced at him and asked, "I am impatient, bring the soil. Is it because of this that made me resurrect in this state? Forget it, that’s it, I seem to have my own ideas. But I was doing it before. What? What happened to Nagato? It was the right time to resurrect me with the reincarnation technique. This was the original arrangement."

When Naruto heard this, he thought of the dead brother, and suddenly asked with a serious look, "Did we originally plan to use Nagato?" Jiraiya on the side looked serious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What did Nagato say? He was also his disciple, and returned to the right path in the last stage of his life.

"That guy rebelled. He used the reincarnation technique to resurrect the people in the village." Tai Tu finally explained this time.

"All of them are like this." Madara grumbled coldly. He looked at Naruto and Kirabi and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, it's too late now. I will catch Yao and Kyuubi."

"A dead person, don't be arrogant here!" Naruto suddenly rushed up, holding the tail beast jade with one hand and pressing it towards Madara.

Madara raised the Uchiha group fan to block him, and the group fan directly absorbed Naruto's tail beast jade. Then, under Naruto's suspicious eyes, Madara shook his fans "Uchiha bounce!" The terrifying power bounced back directly, and after blasting Naruto's clone, Yuwei continued to roll towards Mingjing.

Ming Jing opened his eyes suddenly, he raised his hand and stretched out his palm, and a translucent wind wall appeared in front of him, blocking the aftermath that bounced back.

"With the soil, I have a question that I wanted to ask a long time ago." Ming Jing looked at the soil, and asked in confusion, "Why don't you use the reincarnation technique to revive Lin?"

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