
A special martial art in Huaxia Guoshu!

Take advantage of the weaknesses of the body's joints, acupuncture points, and vital parts, and use anti-joint techniques to concentrate on attacking the opponent's weaknesses.

Internationally, the most famous anti-joint technique is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

The principle of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is actually very similar to the grappling hand in Huaxia Guoshu.

All use the principle of leverage, using anti-joints, so that the opponent can not resist.

In fact

In ancient times, anti-joint skills were regarded as secondary fighting skills and could not be put on the table.

Because, in the era of cold weapons, most of them used swords, and anti-joint skills required close quarters, so there was no place for them.

Compared with fist and foot kung fu, grappling is only suitable for bare hands, not for street fighting.

However, in the ring, no one dares to underestimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, this technique is not ordinary!

Once dragged to the ground, even if you are a tiger, you will be completely subdued.

Armb, guillotine, triangular lock...... Wait a minute!

These anti-joint lock techniques can suffocate people and lose their resistance!

So when Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rose to prominence at the end of the last century, it dominated almost the entire ring.

Any top master, as long as he is entangled in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, will only be slaughtered!

It's just that as everyone's understanding of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu deepened, there was soon a way to crack it.

It's actually quite simple!

That's – learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

Any technique, as long as it is thoroughly learned, there is no advantage!

You'll be anti-joint, and so will I!

At this time, the competition to the end, it depends on who is faster, stronger, and more able to grasp the opportunity!

Huaxia's grapplers are actually not weaker than Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Even, the grappler is more aggressive and powerful!

After all, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about skill, and it's not that easy to drag your opponent to the canvas!

The grappling hand in the middle ** operation is combined with fist and foot kung fu, using anti-joint techniques to subdue the opponent, and the movement hurts the muscles and bones!

Once you exert force, it is easy to break your opponent's arm or leg!

There are one hundred and eight grappling techniques in the grapplers, which is more comprehensive than Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

It's a pity that the grapplers who have really been handed down have lacked that ruthlessness!

However, even if there is a lack of power inheritance, relying only on the exquisite skills of the grappling hand has become a compulsory item for soldiers.


The grappler's reputation in China is extremely loud, but in the world, there is no achievement,

After all, there is no force inheritance, and the power is much smaller!

After Chen Yang finished reading the introduction of the grappler, he was very excited!

Great stuff!

It's a really good thing, and if you want to fight the world, you have to be a grappler!

It's just that

Chen Yang no longer has any skill points, and he can't improve the realm of grappling!

Clicking on the grappling skill book, Chen Yang studied it carefully.

"Damn, when Lao Tzu has a skill point, he must point this technique to the top, what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I must let you see, what is the real anti-joint technique!"


Chen Yang continued to start the lottery!

Because he had already drawn a martial art, he was in a slightly relaxed mood.


Congratulations, the host has won a million cash draws!



Congratulations, the host has drawn a potion of healing!

Note: The Healing Potion is a one-time medicine with no side effects after taking it, and can increase the healing speed by 100 times!

The host can use reputation points to exchange for unlimited redemption in the mall, exchanging a bottle of 100,000 reputation points.

In addition, healing potions can be used by other people, is it possible to open the exchange?


Healing potion?

Can you heal 100 times faster?

In other words, if a serious injury requires a year of recuperation, after taking a healing potion, it can be healed in three days?

It's just that this thing doesn't seem to be particularly useful to me!

You must know that Chen Yang has taken genetic potion, even if he doesn't take healing potion, he can recover quickly after being injured.

In other words, he doesn't need it at all!

"Hey, I almost forgot, don't you use it, can't you give it to other people?"

"Nima, I have an apprentice, in case the apprentice is injured, this thing will be of great use!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

Glancing at the more than three million prestige points he still had left, Chen Yang did not hesitate to exchange for 10 bottles!

Be prepared!

There were still more than two million prestige points left, and Chen Yang did not continue to smoke any more.


Suddenly, he felt that his luck today didn't seem to be particularly good!


The next day, Chen Yang left the capital with Tang Jun.

Punch a thousand times, and the body will appear on its own!

He is now desperate to try his top Tan legs,

Although I have comprehended the essence of force, it is not enough!

Only through hard practice can we appreciate the mystery of Tan Leg and give full play to the true power of Tan Leg.


He took Tang Jun to southern Sichuan, and there was still more than a month left before the Samsung Cup martial arts tournament held by South Koreans!

During this time, he does not plan to return to the South China Raptors Boxing Gym, but strives to improve his legs and boxing skills!

"Boss, what are we going to do in southern Sichuan? It's the Samsung Cup Martial Arts Conference in a month, how can you be in the mood to travel at this time?"

Tang Jun said incomprehensibly.

"Who said I went on a trip? Let's go to practice boxing, haven't you always wanted to like leg techniques? I'll teach you two tricks this time!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Legs, don't you know how to do it? I remember last time you said you never learned how to do it!"

Tang Jun was surprised, after he worshipped Chen Yang as his teacher, he said that he wanted to practice his legs, but Chen Yang said that he himself wouldn't!

"That was before, and now I will!"

Chen Yang smiled.

"What? will it now?" Tang Jun was stunned.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Chen Yang took Tang Jun and boarded the plane to southern Sichuan together.

If you want to thoroughly integrate the power of Tan Leg, you can only train yourself in a specific environment.

At Chen Yang's level, if you just train in the gym, your entry is too slow!

Waterfall leg training!

Use the impact of the waterfall to make yourself fully exert the strength of your Tan leg in the process of maintaining your body balance!

This is the most effective way to consolidate the realm of Tan Legs!

Chishui Waterfall in Guidong, South Sichuan!

One of the top ten waterfalls in China, the water flow is rapid, and there is just a stone platform at the bottom, which is suitable for practicing your leg strength!

The environment here is very good, and there are many tourists taking pictures in the distance of the waterfall.

It's just that

Very few people come at the bottom of the waterfall, it is blocked by a fence and tourists are not allowed to enter, it is too dangerous inside!

However, there are few tourists around, which is convenient for Chen Yang and Tang Jun.

Coming to the bottom of the waterfall, Chen Yang took a deep breath and slowly walked to the bottom of the waterfall......

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