
How can a reporter admit that he is happy and excited at this time?

I saw that he quickly restrained his smile, shook his head and said:

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I'm a reporter, I just want to know about the recent situation of the injured boxers in Huaxia!"

Chen Yang said coldly:

"I have nothing to say about the injury in the ring, but I want to remind you that don't rejoice too soon!"

"Cui Hongwan and Li Chengzan, I hope they don't run into me, otherwise I will let them suffer the same result!"

The South Korean reporter was stunned, he never thought that Chen Yang would dare to declare war on Choi Hongwan and Lee Seungzan in front of media interviews.

depend on

Does the Huaxia boy want to find death?

Tynyima can't help herself!

At this time, the South Korean journalist felt the urge to laugh, and he held back a smile and continued to ask:

"Do you want revenge? You know, you are now declaring war on Choi Hongwan and Lee Seung-zan, is that what you mean?"

"Revenge? I didn't say that, you just think so!"

"The Huaxia boxer was seriously injured by Cui Hongwan, don't you want to take revenge?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said indifferently:

"This is a martial arts competition, not a private brawl, Cui Hongwan defeated Gu Ming in the ring openly, he didn't violate the rules, I don't have anything to say!"

"Gu Ming's strength is not good, he was seriously injured, he can only be said to be unlucky! No one can predict this situation!"

"If every time someone is injured and thinks about revenge, then there is no need for the martial arts conference to be held!"

The South Korean reporter frowned, not understanding why Chen Yang suddenly changed his tone.

Could it be that the Chinese kid is cowardly?

"That'...... Do you think Cui Hongwan is at fault for seriously injuring the Huaxia boxer?"

Chen Yang said indifferently:

"I'm a boxer, and in the ring, the goal is to defeat the opponent and make the opponent lose resistance!"

"Since you have entered the martial arts arena and chosen to become a professional boxer, you are prepared to be injured, do you say?"

"As long as the rules allow, recklessly injuring the opponent, that's the purpose of a professional fighter!"

"Choi Hongwan is not wrong, it should be us who is wrong, because our strength is not enough, and we were seriously injured by you South Koreans, we can only say that we are not self-sufficient!"

After speaking, Chen Yang paused, looked at the South Korean reporter in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"I only hope that in the follow-up game, Cui Hongwan can meet me, I am ready for serious injury or death, I just don't know if Cui Hongwan is ready?"

"This ......"

The South Korean reporter frowned, looking at Chen Yang with a little surprise.

Your sister, it seems to be high-sounding, saying that within the allowable range of boxing rules, you can hurt your opponent!

Isn't the result just a desire for revenge?

The reporter wanted to continue the interview, but at this time, Chen Yang had already turned around and left the hospital.

After coming out of the hospital,

When the Huaxia delegation returned to the hotel, everyone was in a bad mood!


The next morning, Li Shengtao held the newspaper in his hand and angrily summoned everyone!

"Damn, these South Koreans, I'm afraid that the world won't be chaotic, and a few handfuls of scribbling!"

"Look, Chen Yang, your interview yesterday has been published in the newspaper, and the TV station is also broadcasting!"

"Ma, what did Huaxia want to take revenge, Huaxia boxer swore that Cui Hongwan would be prepared for serious injury and death!"

"Damn, that's just......

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, took the newspaper in Li Shengtao's hand and took a look, only to see that it was a photo of Chen Yang being interviewed!

Next to it is a photo of the South Korean giant Choi Hongwan,

Obviously, the photo was photoshopped, and Chen Yang raised his middle finger at Cui Hongwan with a provocative expression.

The title is "Huaxia Fighter Prepares Cui Hongwan to Be Seriously Injured or Killed!"

The content is not written blindly, many words are said by Chen Yang, but after processing, the meaning has changed!

It can be seen from the report that Chen Yang is an extremely arrogant and somewhat self-defeating clown.

When Chen Yang saw it, he laughed angrily.

Damn, the reporters really have no discipline, and after their processing, everything immediately changes!

Throwing the newspaper aside, Chen Yang smiled indifferently:

"Whatever they write, anyway, in tomorrow's game, the draw may not be able to draw Cui Hongwan!"

"Even if he is drawn, he can only be considered unlucky!"

Li Shengtao smiled bitterly and said:

"Well, as long as it doesn't affect your state, remember, don't be interviewed by reporters lightly next time!"

Chen Yang didn't make a sound, just laughed.

Affect your own state?

What kind of international jokes, just this little, can affect yourself?

Chen Yang's disapproving look made Li Shengtao a little speechless, but now he couldn't blame Chen Yang.

During the interview, he was present, and Chen Yang did not talk nonsense.

"Okay, tomorrow is the top 16 competition, you and Yun Chao, have a good rest today!"

After a day of rest in the hotel,

At nine o'clock in the morning of the next day, Chen Yang, Li Shengtao and others went to the South Korea Gymnasium together.

Coming to the door of the gymnasium, Chen Yang originally wanted to enter the gymnasium to prepare in advance.

But it was blocked by many reporters.

"Hello Chen Yang, can you give me an interview?"

"Hello, is everything that was said in the newspaper yesterday true?"

"You said that you want Cui Hongwan to be prepared for serious injury, is it true?"

"I heard you're only eighteen years old this year, is that true?"

"Do you want revenge in today's game?

"Chen Yang, say a few words, now many fans are more concerned, saying that you can hold on for a few minutes under Cui Hongwan?"

"After investigation, you have the title of "Soul of National Art" in Huaxia, can you tell us what Huaxia's national art is?"

"Chen Yang, do you have a girlfriend?"


Chen Yang was blocked by reporters at the door of the gymnasium and couldn't say a word for a long time.

At this point,

Only then did he understand the horror of the reporter! How could he answer this situation?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Your sister, this has something to do with whether Lao Tzu has a girlfriend?

Fortunately, Li Shengtao blocked the reporter in time and dragged Chen Yang out of the circle of reporters!

"Grass, Nima's ......!"

After coming out of the circle of reporters, Chen Yang scolded angrily in his heart.


As fast as he could, he rushed into the gymnasium, avoiding the annoying reporters.

The results of the second round of the draw are coming out soon!

Chen Yang VS Nakata Ying,

Yun Chao VS Li Chengzan,

Anthony vs Hijima master Akechi Kurai


When the draw results were seen, the audience was in an uproar......

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