Cui Hongwan took a deep breath,

At this point,

He also knew in his heart that the referee had helped him just now, otherwise he would not have the strength to fight back by Chen Yang's stormy attack.

The game is back!


Cui Hongwan roared angrily and took the lead in attacking.

It's just that he suddenly felt a mortal danger, Chen Yang didn't retreat, but kicked him hard in the lower abdomen with a fierce kick!

Cui Hongwan's face changed drastically, and his heart was like a galloping horse!

"Bastard, this kid's leg technique is so fast, and his fist technique is so strong, how can his strength be so strong?"

At this point,

Chen Yang calmed himself down, kept his feet, kicked and kicked, like a fierce horse galloping, and an iron horse looking for a bridge!

Leg work!

If you want to block Cui Hongwan's attack, you can only use your leg skills to block.

Although the power of the fist is very strong, the distance between the fist and the leg method is short, and it cannot stop the opponent's attack.

This guy's arms are too long, and if you use your fists, it will be difficult to work unless you use the punch style you just had.

It's just that although the rushing style of play is good, the referee of the dog day is obviously biased, and it is difficult to gain an advantage.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang kicked and kicked, fierce and abnormal!

Leg blocking is not the goal!

What he wants now is not as simple as knocking down Cui Hongwan, but to cripple him!

The duration of the critical hit is two seconds!

In the past, Chen Yang generally only needed to cast a critical punch to knock his opponent down.


Now facing Cui Hongwan, if you want to cripple him, one punch is not enough, you must add leg skills!

Two seconds is enough time to unleash a leg and a punch!

Double Critical Hit!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang looked at Cui Hongwan's gaze with a sneer.

Maybe Cui Hongwan knew that the referee would help him, so he had no fear and rushed over to Chen Yang again.


Chen Yang did not back down, he had to end the battle in the shortest possible time.

At this time, it was Cui Hongwan who had the advantage on the scene, and the referee should not have time to stop it.


Kick out hard with one leg forward!

Nine ways to capture the dragon and grab the jade belt!

Tan Leg Ninth Road - Whip Leg!

The whip leg is the thigh that drives the calf, and kicks the opponent diagonally upwards like a whip, touching the target with the surface of the foot!

If Chen Yang's previous kicks were very powerful, then this whip leg is like an autumn wind sweeping away leaves, sweeping thousands of troops!

The entire ring seemed to let out a crisp roar, and the air was kicked by this kick!

Cui Hongwan suddenly changed color, and a powerful crisis came.

At this point,

He felt a strong wind blowing in his face, and before his legs could reach it, the air exploded, and he couldn't open his eyes.

"What a fast leg!"

Cui Hongwan was shocked and wanted to retreat.


This whip leg is not a simple leg move.

This is Chen Yang's powerful Tan Leg Kung Fu with a secret technique critical attack, which contains an unrivaled strength.

At this moment,

It seems that the surroundings are all fused together by this whip leg.

Body and mind are one!

The invincible momentum of Tan legs is vividly displayed at this moment!

For a while, Cui Hongwan had an illusion, as if all the shouts around him were fused together by this leg, like a big mountain, pressing him unable to move.


This thing cannot be expressed in words, only comprehended!

Chen Yang's move, Tan Leg, with the blessing of the secret technique crit, reached the peak of his momentum!

It's not just a burst of speed and power, it's a fatal blow at the pinnacle of momentum!

Kill God when you meet God, kill Buddha when you meet Buddha!

"No way! How can there be such a fierce leg ...... in the world?"

Cui Hongwan was shocked, and in an instant, an idea arose in his mind, this move could not be matched!

At this point,

He wanted to step back, but no sooner had this idea been transmitted to his brain, and Chen Yang's whip leg had already kicked on the right side of his body!


"Oh no, I have a broken arm......!"

Cui Hongwan was taken aback, only to feel that his arm was kicked by Chen Yang, and there was a heart-piercing pain in his arm!

It's just that

This is not over yet, I saw Chen Yang's body approaching in an instant, and then punched his back and punched him!


Drill punch crit!


Chen Yang took three steps back, and at the moment when the referee opened his mouth to stop him, he opened up the distance and stopped attacking!

The referee opened his mouth, and before he could stop it, he saw Chen Yang retreating and seemed to cooperate with him, which made him very satisfied!

It's just that

When he turned his head and saw Cui Hongwan standing there, motionless, he suddenly felt a little strange!

The referee stepped forward and wanted to ask him to continue!

At the same time, he also wanted to say to Cui Hongwan that with him on stage, let him rest assured that he could attack.

As long as Huaxia Kid has the upper hand, he will immediately stop it and disrupt Huaxia Kid's offensive rhythm.

Chen Yang didn't have any expression on his face!

Double Critical Hit, this is the first time he has performed it!

The strength penetrates the chest and abdomen, the fist is like a knife, and the whip leg is like a rainbow!

Cui Hongwan's arm was completely useless, and the more serious injury was in his lower back spine.

The drill punch under the critical hit, the penetrating power can be imagined!

At this point,

Cui Hongwan stood like this, motionless, like a stake,

And his eyes, staring at Chen Yang, couldn't say a word for a long time!

As soon as the referee approached Cui Hongwan's side, he wondered why Cui Hongwan was suddenly stupid and motionless!

It's been less than three minutes, and it's not over yet!

Is Cui Hongwan really stupid?

The referee wanted to see what was going on.

Just as he was about to ask, he popped,

Cui Hongwan fell straight to the ground, and with a bang, the entire ring shook.

More than 200 kilograms of body fell, like an earthquake, which was terrifying!

Depend on!

The referee was taken aback and hurried to let the medical staff come to the stage.

At this time, the referee's face turned white!

You must know that before the game, he accepted a lot of bribes, and at the same time, he swore that he would not let Huaxia Chen Yang launch a deadly attack.

But now, Cui Hongwan can't withstand Chen Yang's instantaneous blow!

It is conceivable that after the game, the referee will definitely have no good fruit to eat!

However, by this time the game was over, and there was nothing he could do!

Turning his head to look at Chen Yang, the referee exhaled a long breath and reluctantly announced the result of the game!

With so many media on the scene, he didn't dare to mess around!

Two minutes and fifty-five seconds,

Chen Yang KO Cui Hongwan and enter the semifinals of the Samsung Cup!

At this time, there was silence all around, and all the audience members opened their mouths wide and could not make any sound.

"Bastard, is this the end?"

"Master Cui Hongwan, he was actually defeated, and in less than three minutes, he was knocked to the ground by the Huaxia people......!"

"Oh my God, how can this be? How could the powerful Master Cui Hongwan fail?"

"No...... Master Cui Hongwan will not be defeated......!"

"This is impossible? Master Cui Hongwan's ability to resist attacks is very famous all over the world, how could he be knocked down by the Huaxia people?"

"Cheating, it must be a Chinese person cheating, otherwise with his size, it is impossible to knock down Master Cui Hongwan......"

At this time, many South Korean viewers shed tears......

They couldn't believe that the hero of South Korea, Master Choi Hongwan, was actually knocked down in the ring......

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