All the spectators at the scene watched the scene in the ring in disbelief!

How so?

Didn't you say that Anthony was great?

How did you fall twice in one minute?

However, the South Koreans did not want Chen Yang to win, so the scene erupted in earth-shattering boos.

At this point,

The domestic audience was also confused.

"Your sister, who said that this Indonesian monkey is very powerful?"

"I'll go, two dogs in a row, this Nima is also screaming?"

"With this strength, it's also called very hanging, and there is no ability to resist at all, hang a chicken!"

"Return Nima Anthony Marcus's son, his uncle's, is it an illegitimate child, right?"

"Chen Yang didn't use much force at all, this guy fell down twice, it's not a level at all!"

"Hell, how could Anthony be so dishmany, didn't this guy eat?"

"What hasn't eaten, a fart is a fart, much worse than Nakata Ying and Cui Hongwan!"

"Impossible! Anthony's strength is much stronger than that Nakata Ying, he had a fight with Amonkesi, the top master of Taiguo, and in half a minute, he killed Amonxi!"

"Damn, you mean the Muay Thai champion Amonksey eight years ago, how is it possible?"

"How is it impossible, I watched that boxing match with my own eyes half a year ago, and I spent a lot of money to see it. "

"Amunksey is old, he's no longer in peak condition, of course he can't beat this guy!"

"But no matter what, it can't be weaker than Nakata Ying!"

"That's true, but this guy has been eaten twice in a row, how can this be explained?"

"This ......"


In fact

It's not that Anthony is weak, on the contrary, it's because he's too fast!

The speed is too fast, and it is not easy to contain the power!

If it's too rigid, it's easy to break!

Tai Chi against Nakata Ying and Cui Hongwan, maybe the effect is very low!


Dealing with a super-fast opponent like Anthony is surprisingly effective!

Tai Chi uses static braking to introduce the trend of failure!

The faster the opponent's attack, as long as Chen Yang can judge his attack direction, then the effect will be better!

This is the way of playing!

At this point,

Anthony panicked and fell to the ground twice in a row, and his offensive rhythm was completely messed up!

He had to calm himself down, and his vigilance against Chen Yang suddenly increased!

"Huaxia Chen Yang, I don't know if you can do magic, but you must lose today!"

Anthony said in a deep voice to Chen Yang, his spirit began to concentrate, and a fierce murderous aura came out.

In the boxing ring, it quickly became hot, and the smell of gunpowder was full!


Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then understood, and almost laughed.

This guy actually thinks that the Tai Chi force just now is magic?

It's just that

At this time, Anthony slowly took half a step back, his body bowed, his center of gravity forward, and his waist twisted and rotated.

He looks like a ferocious panther!


Anthony kicked the ground with his right foot, jumped up in the air, and launched the most violent sprint, approaching Chen Yang in an instant!

Then he kicked forward, and the other leg kicked at Chen Yang's knee at the same time!

This leg is incredibly fast,

His feet rotate left and right, as fast as lightning, dazzling, and it is impossible to judge which leg his main attack is!

Demon King Four Kills!

First kill, broken knee!

Fast, vicious, fierce, the target of both feet is aimed at Chen Yang's knees, unpredictable!

His body is extremely agile and fast, once he casts the Demon King Four Kills, his body becomes faster, and his center of gravity is constantly changing, which is unguardable!

His legs were like two iron rods, sweeping across the piece!

Four kills and one out, shocking!

This is the killer move of Anthony Marcus, the former overlord of the global martial arts!

Although Anthony Al Khan is far from his father, once he casts this move, the power becomes extremely terrifying!

Chen Yang was taken aback,


He felt a mortal danger, but he didn't panic, but unfolded the Seven Stars Piercing Flower Step and kept retreating.

It took five or six meters to retreat in a row to avoid Anthony's broken knee!

At this point,

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Chen Yang's back!

"Nima's, what the hell is this, why is it so terrifying, the speed suddenly skyrockets!"

Seeing Anthony suddenly burst out with such a powerful move, the entire South Korean stadium erupted in shouts and cheers.

"Okay! Anthony, kill the Huaxia boy!"

"yes, that's it, kick his knee off!"

"Come on, Anthony, keep ......!"

"Great, Anthony's legs are too fast, this time he will definitely be able to kill the Huaxia people!"

"Anthony, don't stop, yes, great......


For a while, the ring became very intense and dazzling!

Anthony's outburst of leg speed is terrifying!

Demon King Four Kills,

Each move is a powerful nirvana formed after the baptism of life and death fist battles and thousands of tempering times!

The moves are simple, but the speed is so fast that there is almost no solution!

Anthony saw Chen Yang avoid his move to "break his knee", and there was a trace of shock in his eyes!


He didn't stop attacking, but continued to kick, like a black panther culling its prey, sweeping at Chen Yang's waist with one kick!

At this point,

Anthony's eyes erupted with fierce murderous intent, and his leg speed became faster and faster, surpassing the limits of human beings!

domestic audience,

Everyone stared at the TV screen, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and their hearts were hanging!

"Nima, how did the Indonesian monkey's leg method suddenly become so fast?"

"It's so fast, I can't even see the shadow of my legs!"

"Chen Yang must resist it......!"

"Damn, Lao Tzu now believes that the strength of this hanging hair is very strong, it's terrible!"

", Chen Yang has been retreating, there is no way, he was suppressed by the Indonesian monkeys, it is difficult to fight!"

"Dog's day, those South Korean sticks have been booing Chen Yang and his mother!"

"Look, everyone, Chen Yang has begun to fight back......!"

"Haha...... Damn, it's another dog gnawing, fuck, this guy's nosebleeds are out!"

"Hey, really! Indonesian monkey, why did you fall again?"

"This idiot, I've fallen three times in a row......!"


At this point,

I saw that in the ring, Anthony was lying on the ground, with a nosebleed!

Chen Yang unfolded the thirteen styles of Tai Chi, energetic!

Use the palm of your hand to push a belt quickly, and dial a thousand pounds in four or two, and deflect Anthony's extremely fast sprint!

Maybe this time, Anthony's speed is at the limit, and he can't keep his balance himself!


He fell to the ground so hard that his nose rubbed against the floor, and his nosebleeds came out.

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