Underground Black Fist, Class A!

At this level of underground black boxing, the strength of the boxer is really displayed, which is extremely terrifying!


The duration of the game is not very long, and the winner is usually decided within a few minutes.

The key is that the mortality rate of A-level underground black fists is very high!


Masters who can enter the A-level underground black fist usually have killer skills, with the ability to kill with one hit!

In terms of fighting skills, the fighters of A-level underground black boxing have very great lethality and distinctive characteristics!

Legs, knees, elbows, boxing, counter-joints, etc.,

These fighting moves, which have huge attack power, are very common in A-rank underground black fists.

The most commonly used are long-range attacks such as leg and knee topping, but close combat is relatively rare.


At the same time, it also means that your defense is reduced, and it is easy to lose both!

That's why, when it comes to the top masters, fighters don't use hand-to-hand combat.

The heavy kick method has become a killer feature in the A-level underground boxing world, and once it is close, it is usually a heavy attack move such as elbow and knee top.


The fighters of the A-level underground black boxing all have super heavy hitting ability, and once they seize the opportunity, they usually kill with one blow, and in a very short time, they are divided into winners and losers!

And the price of victory and defeat is life and death!

This is also the reason why the mortality rate of A-level underground black boxing is very high,

Usually, the mortality rate of A-level underground black boxing is around 60%, and the probability of serious disability is also very high!

The fighters who participate in the A-class underground black boxing are very fast in attack, and they are dancing on the tip of the knife!

As long as there is any mistake, the consequences are very serious!

There is no A-level underground black boxing in China, and even in Southeast Asia, where black boxing is prevalent, there are few A-level underground black boxing.

This type of underground black fist is usually found in Europe or the Americas!

Fighters who want to participate in A-level underground black boxing, in addition to being very famous in B-level black boxing, there is also an invitation from the middleman!

Of course

Everyone who can receive the invitation is an extremely powerful top master!

S-class underground black fist!

This is the highest temple of underground black boxing in the world, also known as the arena of life and death!

The strength of the S-level underground black fist surpasses the limits of human beings, and it has a super heavy kick technique.

Their attacking moves, speed, and strength are perfectly combined, and their technique and punches are not weak!


The fighters of the S-class underground black fist have already downplayed their offensive moves, and they can burst out with a lethal attack from any angle and any part, killing with one blow!


S-class underground black fist with a 100% mortality rate!

Failure means death!

Even if you are not killed on the spot in the ring, you can't escape the fate of death after the boxing match!

Because, you can't throw in the towel here!

The result of the game is that the opponent loses its combat effectiveness, and only the dead will have no combat effectiveness!

Those who are severely disabled will lose the qualification to continue boxing and will also be disposed of by the organizers.

Arena of life and death!

The winner lives, the loser dies, and the death never ends!

This...... It's the real underground black fist!

Generally speaking, at the level of A-level underground black boxing, there are very few cases of fake boxing!


No one can afford the price of fake boxing, and I believe that no fighter will use his life to fight fake boxing!


"Chen Yang, after our investigation, that Park Heung-tae in South Korea is the top master of the A-level underground boxing scene in the United States!"

"Senior Brother Jiang fought fiercely with him for more than five minutes, and was finally killed by him on the spot!"

Li Shengtao next to him said in a deep voice.

"Moreover, I got the news that this time in the Nishima Honda Cup, Park Heung-tae will represent South Korea!"

After speaking, Li Shengtao took out a list from his body.

The boxers who participated in the Hijima Honda Cup martial arts tournament, Huaxia has four people:

Chen Yang, Yun Chao, Liu Shihu, Gu Ming!

Originally, Liu Shihu and Gu Ming were injured in the Samsung Cup and had no chance to participate in the Hijima Honda Cup.


After Chen Yang gave them a healing potion, the bodies of the two had already recovered, and their strength had reached a higher level.


The list of participants, as in the Samsung Cup, has not changed anything!

Chen Yang is now the leader of the Chinese martial arts, and the other three are all his disciples.

Hijima Honda Cup,

Compared to South Korea's Samsung Cup, the influence is much greater.

Because Hijima is a global fighting power, it will invite top masters from Europe and the United States to participate in the battle.

It also has twice as many finals as the Samsung Cup, with a total of 64 finalists.

Li Shengtao took the list and said:

"Chen Yang, this Hishima Honda Cup has unprecedented influence, and the pressure on our Huaxia is very great!"

"Because you won the Samsung Cup, you need to be under more pressure!"

"The rules are similar to the last Samsung Cup! But because there are top players from Europe and the United States and other countries participating, our goal is to enter the quarterfinals!"

Chen Yang smiled indifferently and said:

"You're so unconfident in me, my goal is to be a champion!"

Li Shengtao smiled dumbly and said:

"It's different, if you want to win the championship this time, it's very difficult!"

"Also, after this Honda Cup, it will be the Asian Martial Arts Conference, this time it is a rehearsal, and our goal is the Asian Martial Arts Conference!"

"So, don't get seriously injured during the game!"

Speaking of this, Li Shengtao was a little puzzled and said:

"By the way, Chen Yang, I'm very strange, I remember that more than a month ago, Tiger and Gu Ming were seriously injured!"

"Why did the two of them heal so quickly?"

Chen Yang smiled and said:

"Maybe their physique is different from ordinary people, during this time, they have recovered well, otherwise I would not have let them participate in the Honda Cup!"

Chen Yang didn't intend to let people know about the healing potion.

When he asked Liu Shihu and Gu Ming to take the healing potion, they put it in the decoction and let them take it!

"Forget it, they recovered so quickly, maybe it's your secret, I won't ask!"

Li Shengtao shook his head and smiled, and did not continue to ask.

"In this year's Hishima Honda Cup, in addition to the top Asian masters will attend, there will be several masters in the top European boxing competitions!"

"Two of the five kings of fighting on Hijima have been confirmed to participate in this Honda Cup!"

"They are Kazuyuki Fujita and Tsuyoshi Takasaka!"

"South Korea is Park Heung-tae, and Muay Thai champion Siddichai will participate!"

"The two top players in Europe and the Netherlands, Fick and Kubio!

"On the side of the United States, there is only one fighter in the competition, whose name is Ruddock, and he is a North American karate champion!"


Li Shengtao continued to introduce the masters of the Hijima Honda Cup......

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